

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    If you create your own exercise, you can assign it 5 calories and then it will barely influence the totals.
    Be wary of huge calorie deficits though. If you feel weak or extra hungry, you might have to go back and recalculate, and end up eating some of the exercise calories back.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    It's Friday ladies! We made it!

    What I miss about living in the Midwest: the sound of the Cicadas and lightning bugs. B)

    Applications: Looks like this topic is getting good coverage. Make sure to sign and date the application, often that's a reason they get tossed as well. As I recall, a well put-together application and cover letter and resume kicks it up a notch because it shows the employer the applicant cared and took the extra effort to do a good job.

    Where's Barbara AHMOD? I'm anxious to hear more about the bears and garbage can, and if the problem has been solved.

    Today is Tai chi in the park at 10. Or shall I say healthy snacks and good conversation in the park with some Tai Chi beforehand :) I'm bringing veggies and hummus, Barrie is bringing cheese, crackers and fresh blueberries and Shawn is bringing raspberries and other fruits. It's going to be warm and muggy but the trees will keep everything cool.

    I'm also putting together a meatloaf this morning to pop in the oven this afternoon. DH will get mashed potatoes (fresh-just dug!) and fresh corn on the cob.

    Tracey - glad to see you back with us! Wonderful photos. <3 Your daughter is a very photogenic supermodel. Like you. B) Will they be living close by?

    I need to hike out to the kitchen and get going.

    Here's hoping the flood waters recede for those of you near them, and that the hurricane peters out before any major damage to the NOLA area.

    SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Speling. The bain of my existentialism.

    Perfect! :D

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Connie KY- We all have something we draw the line on with kids lol. Mine was when my Daughter asked for a Smithsonian order catalogs to science ones said for Christmas she wanted a dissection kit with 1 fetal pig 🐖 y 1 star fish to dissect. #1 NOT in my fridge! #2 Not giving a 4yr old who poked people for blood to put in her microscopes anything sharp! She graduated in the top 10% of her Highschool so feel the chemistry beakers instead of the sharp eye poking scalpel was a good call even tho they were more exspensive.

    Spelling definitely doesn’t tell intelligence neither does how One talks.That’s a myth. I’m a published Cancer poet who goes by a Sir Name stays anonymous. I don’t even get a paycheck just keep the rights to my work so they have to ask for permission to republish even. No one can ever pinpoint my birth place by my accents lol 😂. Hubby made the mistake of wanting to take an intelligence test with me. Told him their more in the eye of the beholder not factual. Theirs different forms of intelligence that pertain to different areas of life. As a Company owner he’s business y street smarts can start up something where others can’t. I’m motherly,medically,to book smarts ,etc but knowing that only comes in handy in those situations like the fact I took business classes I can give him advice but I can’t start up a business on my own accord banks don’t take my squeaky twangy British/Native American sounding voice seriously lol. He goes in with $0 to his name comes out with house loans to business ones. Well took the test I scored higher so now when I say something twangy (country farm sayings) he says “And you scored higher than me....” shakes his head lol.
    Told him not to oh well his lesson learned I was too of my classes turned down skipping grades like my Daughter did. Bosses go from thinking I was less than but after awhile came for business advice to how can we save money here passed me tons of booklets full of ordering prices. Simple ask for samples to questions you get better products with cheapest prices.Buying the cheapest blindly leads to cheap mud tasting coffee for customers lol or buying laundry detergent without the stain lifter.

    Amber Tx

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Tracey - the photos are absolutely gorgeous, as are you and your daughter. Lovely memories.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Re: words beings being misused, I abhor the misuse of "literally." Makes my teeth hurt. Especially the phrase to note embarrassment, "I literally just died there on the spot." Well, no, you didn't, because I can see you standing there talking to me. It's apparently become acceptable as hyperbole, and it makes me flinch. Literally.

    There's also a legal commercial that annoys me along those same lines, when the narrator says, "If you or a loved one has died after using such-and-such product, contact 1-800-SHYSTER." I end up yelling at the TV - "If I died, how am I supposed to contact you, you goober!"

    I also catch typos all the dang time in newscasts with tickers running along the bottom of the screen, and advertisements where there is text... it's a curse, having been a newspaper editor in another life.

    Happy Friday, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

    For me, it's adverbs that have me yelling at the radio or TV.

    When they say, "If your computer is running slow, contact us!" I'm sitting there muttering, "SLOWLY ... LY ... say LY ... whatever happened to the "LY"?"

    But I suspect I'm the only person in the world who does that. :neutral:

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did Margaret Richards All My Best DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Belly Butt and Thigh DVD.

    Connie – so glad to hear your mom is doing much better. Is it humid by you?

    Well, today is Bryan’s anniversary. You don’t have to send wishes. That was the last time I saw him in person and I’ve only seen him once more on Skype. His wedding was 6 years ago.

    Regarding spelling: Vince is the grammar Nazi. One gal in Newcomers used to work for the Charlotte Observer (newspaper) and she and Vince have lots of conversations about proper punctuation, etc.

    M - One thing that really really bothers me is when someone says “Mary and I” when it should be “Mary and me”

    Allie – Terry is right, spelling here isn’t real important. We all know what you mean and what a big heart you have. But someone that you’re applying for a job doesn’t know how big your heart is until they hire you and find out. We only want the absolute best for you always. Vince has told me that he threw out multiple applications because of poor grammar, not so much because the person didn’t know their stuff.

    A bit cloudy but I think it’ll get nicer as the day goes on. Have the soup kitchen today.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Lisa – you and Vince would get along. “If you had died”, I can certainly see him wondering how a dead person can call. If it was in a newspaper, I can see him writing a letter to the editor

    Snowflake – what did Katlyn have wrapped around her bouquet? When Denise was baptized, she wore this bib, when she got married she had the bib wrapped around her bouquet as her “something old”

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    that pic is at a silent auction we go to every year. it happened already. that is an old pic. it raises $$ for villages in bolivia to help teach them about farming, getting them clean water to drink. etc..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Yay! Went to the YM to teach water exercise and there were so few people that I didn't have to be on deck to teach and could get in the water with them. Can't do that when it is a large class. It was fun but probably won't happen often. County came by and mowed the shoulder of the road out front. Now I need to get out there and weed wack to cut back growth on the driveway.

    I will be glad to get rid of the extra dogs at my house next Tuesday. I need more sleep and 3 dogs and a cat are too many animals in the bedroom. The shitzu snores and I swear I came in the bedroom from the bath and he sounded just like my DH. It startled me for a second. The doodles are just young and rambunctious.

    Pip - You always seem like you are really enjoying your life.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    we try, :0)
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Ladies! Am hoping to find others in this group with similar goals. I am an immature 62 (lol), joined in January (when diagnosed with type 2 diabetes), have lost 30 pounds and got my A1C to an almost normal number (5.8). I am gradually going from a sedentary lifestyle to exercising regularly. I have to go slowly due to physical limitations. I am a grandma of 2 with another on the way in December.

    Snowflake: The pictures from the wedding are absolutely gorgeous! What wonderful memories those will be!

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you! <3

    Luci WNC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    What interesting discussions here today!

    Karen, I had to look up existentialism and still can't figure out what you were saying about your brain. I do the Washington Post daily crossword and am constantly having to look up the meaning of some of their clue words. I also do Pogo Scrabble online and am amazed at some of the words the players come up with.

    When I was in college 50 yrs ago, there were no computers to help with spelling. In my English 101 class, the professor told us that if there were any misspelled words in our papers that we would automatically get an "F." So, I sat on the floor with a dictionary and had to look up many, many words.

    Before I began teaching, I worked as a secretary for a large insurance company. I was so embarrassed when the president of the company brought a letter I had typed back to my boss because it had a commonly used word misspelled.

    Today, spell check is my friend! Love it!

    Carol in GA
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Several asked if it was humid where I live. Humid doesn’t describe it. Steam bath is more accurate. I don’t even straighten my hair in the summer.

    My daughter and the opossum skeleton. I have degrees in biology and clinical laboratory. I wasn’t creeped out by it, but this was roadkill, picked over very well by red-tailed hawks, and I didn’t have gloves. I have let my daughter by dissecting kits. I get catalogues all the time as a college instructor. As she had gotten older, she is less interested in science. I’m OK with that because everybody has to find their happy place. We are both still crazy for the arts and sing soprano together in church choir. She’s an awesome ballerina.

    Connie in KY
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited July 2019
    Tracey, I loved looking at the wedding photos. It was a wonderful day for your entire family and friends. Beautiful bride and handsome groom...plus a very pretty mother of the bride.

    New Chatters, Please tell us a bit about yourself. Love getting to meet new people. We are a very friendly group and learn so much from our various backgrounds.

    Amber, I do agree that there are different kids of intelligence and that is what makes living in this world work!

    Allie, proud of you for pursuing a new to you career.

    Carol in GA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Goal: More than June!!

    Monday, 1 July 2019 … 2.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 16 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 2 July 2019 … 4.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 8 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 3 July 2019 … 6.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 4 July 2019 … 6.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 5 July 2019 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 6 July 2019 … 0.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 7 July 2019 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 8 July 2019 … 3.1 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 9 July 2019 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.5 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 10 July 2019 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.8 km rowing + 5 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 11 July 2019 … 3.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 3.2 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Friday, 12 July 2019 … 2.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs

    2019 Monthly July
    Walking Distance (km): 32.1
    Walking Time (min): 401.5
    Cycling Distance (km): 0.0
    Cycling Time (min): 0.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 55.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 44.0
    Rowing Distance (km): 8.5
    Rowing Time (min): 55.0
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 0.0

    Total Distance (km): 40.6
    Total Distance (miles): 25.2
    Total Time (min): 500.5
    Total Time (hr): 8:20:30

    It's winter here in Tasmania, AU so there hasn't been much cycling. But we're enjoying watching the Tour de France and hope to get our indoor trainers going soon. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Tracey - So lovely to have you back. <3 I loved looking at the photos - beautiful! :D What a very special day that you worked so hard for.

    I'm loving all the spelling jokes. :laugh: Lisa - we flinch at the overuse of 'incredible', not so much in casual speech because I'm guilty myself, but as part of a documemtary script. We also hate 'outside of'. The BBC has got very lax. :#
    Machka - we are with you on the LY. :o
    I couldn't care less about the way people speak in casual conversation, but newscasts and pre-written pieces should get it right. I used to get the giggles at some of the teletext efforts in the old days! I'd put it on just for fun. Speech recognition was in its infancy.

    I've been for my 5k. Having Hairy Bikers for dinner with some nice Pinot Noir. Needed the calorie burn.

    Now to have my second go at paying the plumber. For some reason the bank wouldn't send me the transaction code yesterday.
    I like having the temperature read out in the room. Currently 23.5°C. :D

    I have just received my driving licence renewal form, now that I am nearing my 70th birthday. It won't cost me anything, but I do have to send back the completed form. I haven't driven since I moved to Hove.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    I haven't posted or had time to read since June 28th except for the couple of pictures I posted. It has been a whirlwind and I have missed you all so much!

    I was thinking about you today. Lovely photos! :)

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Re: words beings being misused, I abhor the misuse of "literally." Makes my teeth hurt. Especially the phrase to note embarrassment, "I literally just died there on the spot." Well, no, you didn't, because I can see you standing there talking to me. It's apparently become acceptable as hyperbole, and it makes me flinch. Literally.

    There's also a legal commercial that annoys me along those same lines, when the narrator says, "If you or a loved one has died after using such-and-such product, contact 1-800-SHYSTER." I end up yelling at the TV - "If I died, how am I supposed to contact you, you goober!"

    I also catch typos all the dang time in newscasts with tickers running along the bottom of the screen, and advertisements where there is text... it's a curse, having been a newspaper editor in another life.

    Happy Friday, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

    For me, it's adverbs that have me yelling at the radio or TV.

    When they say, "If your computer is running slow, contact us!" I'm sitting there muttering, "SLOWLY ... LY ... say LY ... whatever happened to the "LY"?"

    But I suspect I'm the only person in the world who does that. :neutral:

    Machka in Oz

    You are not the only person in the world. There is at least one in this hemisphere as well. (Raising my hand.)

    Willamette Valley, Oregon, northern hemisphere