You guys really like to over complicate things.



  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Actually, the metabolism slows down after a person quits smoking.

    Can't you just adust your calories due to metabolic changes. I have had to adust mine up and down several times when my maintenance calories changed for whatever reason. It would make sense to me that if you pay attention to you body and intake then catching it early and making the proper adustments (less cals or more exercise) then there would be little to no weight gain because you would still be eating at a deficit from your new maintenance goal.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    u jelly?



    Not sure what it has to do with young folks and their arrogance, but I love jelly.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You're right, and in 20 years, if you remember this post you will think you were an idiot.
    yeah.. no I will not.

    All young people say this when they are young, then twenty years later they are laughing at themselves. :smokin:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Smoking - You will not gain weight if you quit smoking unless you binge eat after quitting, that's all there is to it.

    Actually, the metabolism slows down after a person quits smoking.

    Can't you just adust your calories due to metabolic changes. I have had to adust mine up and down several times when my maintenance calories changed for whatever reason. It would make sense to me that if you pay attention to you body and intake then catching it early and making the proper adustments (less cals or more exercise) then there would be little to no weight gain because you would still be eating at a deficit from your new maintenance goal.

    When you've been thin your entire life and never had to worry about calories (speaking from experience -- I wasn't a smoker, but I was one of those people who could eat anything and a lot of it and not exercise and was TINY), it isn't easy.

    You also have to remember that smoking suppresses appetite, so along with the decreased metabolic rate, you're going to be hungrier than you were and it's more difficult to feel satisfied so you eat more.

    I have a friend who, at 5'4" and after three babies (with each of which she turned into a whale and then lost the weight quickly after) was 104 pounds in her mid-30s. She quit smoking and in a very short time gained 20 pounds. Now, she went from wearing sizes 0 and 2 to size 4 and was still a healthy weight and looked perfectly fine to everyone else, but to HER she was huge.

    She was and has never been a big eater, but has also never been a very healthy eater. The only change was the smoking. And, also, she started exercising regularly, which she hadn't done before she quit. She still gained.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I quote the OP:
    "What else is funny is that you're agreeing with a statement that literally doesn't disprove anything I've said yet. Only thing it does is shows both you and him think somehow your body is "different" because you're older.

    When in reality that's not how the body works
    , I mean sure your metabolism is much slower than mine. but you still have a maintenance for calories, and eating both below or above that you will see changes in your body of fat gains or fat loss."

    The human body is different when it's older.
    Because of hormone shifts and imbalances during menopause, a woman stores fat much more readily, especially in her abdominal area.
    It also causes her to lose muscle mass and bone density.
    It takes a post menopausal woman much longer to lose weight eating at a deficit.
    Her deficit needs to be greater than a pre-menopausal woman.
    It also requires a greater effort for her to maintain muscle mass, especially than a younger man because (a) men have more muscle mass than women and (b) younger men have more testosterone than both older men and women.

    If anyone is projecting an age bias, as has been suggested, it would be Mother Nature.

    This is my big reminder to get my body down where it needs to be before I hit menopause. Hormones are bad enough being middle aged. :grumble:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Damn it. I came back to say something but it's been covered. Thanks DavPul, now I've got nothing.

    Oh wait! Too bad excuses and mental gymnastics don't contribute to weight loss.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Picking up on my previous post, it seems to me there are only 2 reasons to post on the forums (3 if you want to count trolling. I choose not to):

    1.You are looking for some answers/help from others.

    2. You are looking to provide answers/help to others.

    Given this, my question to the OP is, why are you posting in the weight loss and weight gain forums at all if you already know all the answers, and you are annoyed with the (wrong in your opinion) questions and answers posted by others?

    I think your answer to this question is in the 3rd option, which you chose not to include.

    Anyone else notice the same 3-4 20 something yr old guys with large muscles and no heads, who have ganged up to troll the threads in the past couple of weeks?
    They must have gotten really bored with the BB forums and came here to have a little fun.
    Maybe if we don't feed them, they will go away.

    Good Advice = Troll?
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    o.o....*farts* opps calories leaking out :laugh: :laugh:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    *yawn, stretch*

    I see this thread hasn't changed much over night.

    Eat less, exercise more. That worked for me, it worked for my wife, and it has worked for many of our friends, men, women, young, old, healthy, cancer survivors, those with hormonal issues, etc.

    What doesn't work? Making excuses. Sure, it's difficult. If it was easy then we wouldn't have an obesity "epidemic."

    Obviously no one can take your advice seriously. Everyone knows that 20 years olds know nothing. You're agreeing with a 20 year old. Cogito ergo sum, you're clearly 20 years old and know nothing.

    [insert clever quote about how sitting on my *kitten* for 50 years means I automatically know more than someone younger than me]
    [Use ad hominem to mask my ad hominem]
    [Godwin's Law]
    [cat gif]
    [cry my way through a donut and Frappuccino]
    [cat gif]

    {Lest my sarcasm is so subtle that I be mistaken for stupid, I agree wholeheartedly with the op, and with BeachIron}

    Indeed. The good news is that we always get PMs from people that care and want to change their lives from these threads. Those that have no motivation to change though are always present and making excuses, insulting the OP (whomever that OP happens to be at the time), misusing the word "troll," and completely missing the basic framework.

    If people want to change, then they change. If they don't, they don't, but they shouldn't expect sympathy from people who have put in the effort. We all know what the excuses look like because we've been there.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    4 pages with no new kitties? Or did I miss some? :sad:

    And it does look like today people have decided to prove OP right by overcomplicating things … besides the breast tissue/backfat posts, there's an Herbalife post with one person (probably a distributor) trying to argue the "truths" of Cellular Nutrition :noway: :laugh:

    With those in mind, I do have to agree with the general content of the original post (though the delivery could still use a bit of finesse, but oh well, I'm clearly not great at conveying my ideas either, just look at some of my earlier posts.). Easy? no; But perhaps not as complicated as we want to make it...
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    4 pages with no new kitties? Or did I miss some? :sad:

    And it does look like today people have decided to prove OP right by overcomplicating things … besides the breast tissue/backfat posts, there's an Herbalife post with one person (probably a distributor) trying to argue the "truths" of Cellular Nutrition :noway: :laugh:

    With those in mind, I do have to agree with the general content of the original post (though the delivery could still use a bit of finesse, but oh well, I'm clearly not great at conveying my ideas either, just look at some of my earlier posts.). Easy? no; But perhaps not as complicated as we want to make it...

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If it's that simple, why have I only lost 10 pounds since February when I'm eating 500-800 calories less than my burn everyday?

    Seriously, I'd really like to know why I'm not losing the weight. This is very frustrating.

    Maybe its time to do exercise as well and look at the quality of foods you eat.
    None of that canned foods stuff.

    Canned foods prevents weight loss? Wow! How did I lose all this weight then? :huh:
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    If it's that simple, why have I only lost 10 pounds since February when I'm eating 500-800 calories less than my burn everyday?

    Seriously, I'd really like to know why I'm not losing the weight. This is very frustrating.

    Maybe its time to do exercise as well and look at the quality of foods you eat.
    None of that canned foods stuff.

    Canned foods prevents weight loss? Wow! How did I lose all this weight then? :huh:

    Perhaps that was an abstract way of saying canned foods are high in sodium and sodium can cause an increase in water retention, which will appear as though you are not losing weight when you actually are.

    Then, when the "woosh" of weight loss comes because you begin to expel all that water, the person in question will probably attribute that 5lb overnight loss to x, y, or z, and continue to do x, y, or z like it's their holy grail of weight loss when really that is wholly unlikely.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    If it's that simple, why have I only lost 10 pounds since February when I'm eating 500-800 calories less than my burn everyday?

    Seriously, I'd really like to know why I'm not losing the weight. This is very frustrating.

    Maybe its time to do exercise as well and look at the quality of foods you eat.
    None of that canned foods stuff.

    Canned foods prevents weight loss? Wow! How did I lose all this weight then? :huh:

    Not to mention that this doesn't answer the question in the frame of the OP, since the OP said it's not so important that you eat super healthy all the time, as that you eat less than you burn. (Not supporting one view over the other here, just pointing out that the answer about canned food and exercising is part of what this threat was about in terms of overcomplicating things)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Yes, *much* nicer than this one. :wink:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Picking up on my previous post, it seems to me there are only 2 reasons to post on the forums (3 if you want to count trolling. I choose not to):

    1.You are looking for some answers/help from others.

    2. You are looking to provide answers/help to others.

    Given this, my question to the OP is, why are you posting in the weight loss and weight gain forums at all if you already know all the answers, and you are annoyed with the (wrong in your opinion) questions and answers posted by others?

    I think your answer to this question is in the 3rd option, which you chose not to include.

    Anyone else notice the same 3-4 20 something yr old guys with large muscles and no heads, who have ganged up to troll the threads in the past couple of weeks?
    They must have gotten really bored with the BB forums and came here to have a little fun.
    Maybe if we don't feed them, they will go away.

    Good Advice = Troll?

    Good advice given in a manner that is bound to sir up the community = troll
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If it's that simple, why have I only lost 10 pounds since February when I'm eating 500-800 calories less than my burn everyday?

    Seriously, I'd really like to know why I'm not losing the weight. This is very frustrating.

    Maybe its time to do exercise as well and look at the quality of foods you eat.
    None of that canned foods stuff.

    Canned foods prevents weight loss? Wow! How did I lose all this weight then? :huh:

    Perhaps that was an abstract way of saying canned foods are high in sodium and sodium can cause an increase in water retention, which will appear as though you are not losing weight when you actually are.

    Then, when the "woosh" of weight loss comes because you begin to expel all that water, the person in question will probably attribute that 5lb overnight loss to x, y, or z, and continue to do x, y, or z like it's their holy grail of weight loss when really that is wholly unlikely.

    I hope that's all he meant. But the comment came across as kinda silly. When I run out of freezer veggies, it's time to hit the canned goods in the pantry. If not for canned goods, I wouldn't be able to eat as many veggies.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member


  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Picking up on my previous post, it seems to me there are only 2 reasons to post on the forums (3 if you want to count trolling. I choose not to):

    1.You are looking for some answers/help from others.

    2. You are looking to provide answers/help to others.

    Given this, my question to the OP is, why are you posting in the weight loss and weight gain forums at all if you already know all the answers, and you are annoyed with the (wrong in your opinion) questions and answers posted by others?

    I think your answer to this question is in the 3rd option, which you chose not to include.

    Anyone else notice the same 3-4 20 something yr old guys with large muscles and no heads, who have ganged up to troll the threads in the past couple of weeks?
    They must have gotten really bored with the BB forums and came here to have a little fun.
    Maybe if we don't feed them, they will go away.

    I noticed this too. Fortunately, the 'ignore button' is just as effective. Use it with impunity. You'll weed out all the unhelpful stuff, easy peasy! :drinker: