
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Rori- (((BIG HUGS))) <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • VictoriaLWill
    VictoriaLWill Posts: 12 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Denise Austin’s hot body yoga DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the 10MS Fitness Ball Workout and then take the extremepump class.

    Welcome everyone new

    Victoria – why not let the stress control your eating? Only have veges like celery or cherry tomatoes or baby carrots already cut up in the refrig where you can see them and eat those when you are stressed. Pretty soon you won’t need/want them. I’m definitely an evening eater, I’d eat everything and anything in the evening. So what I do is try to have some fruit or veges right out on the counter so when I’m tempted at night I give in to the temptation, only I have those veges and fruit that I’ve laid out and even prelogged. Even hard boiled eggs

    Rita – sure hope they get those meds worked out!

    Lenora – thanks for popping in!

    Michele in NC

    Yes! I think that will work. I did food prep on Sunday and it has been soooo much easier to eat healthy! Like this!
  • VictoriaLWill
    VictoriaLWill Posts: 12 Member

    Victoria Welcome! A few ideas on stress eating...drink a full glass of water whenever you want to eat (helps fill you up), my nutritionist suggested setting down the fork or spoon between bites...before she mentioned it I hadn't noticed that I "shoveled" my food without resting between bites, keep your hands busy (my creative list above are all things you could do that require your hands)

    Another great idea! I'll have water out and some veggies....make it my first go to. Thanks Ladies!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    "Bereavement is a universal and integral part of our experience of love."
    C. S. Lewis

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.36min, 129mhr, 11.2amph, 1.60mi= 68c
    apple watch- 65c
    0 RUNNER- 40min, 9.45min mi, 113ahr, 131mhr, lvl7-10, 10h, 104c, 40l, 4.11mi= 307c
    apple watch- 250c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.45min, 131mhr, 15.5amph, 1.48mi= 57c
    apple watch- 46c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.42min, 146mhr, 11.6amph, 3.03mi= 168c
    apple watch- 115c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.50min, 145mhr, 10.13min mi, .57mi= 74c
    apple watch- 60c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.41min, 10.13min mi, 147mhr, .45mi= 57c
    apple watch- 50c
    bike ride dome 2 hm, windy and rain- 21.39min, 7.3amph, 154mhr 2.64mi= 217c
    apple watch-120c

    total cal 948
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Share the figs with me. I want some :)

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited October 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease), I just recently came across the information that there is a link between high homocysteine levels and dementia. You can read more about it in this article:


    This is particularly interesting (and worrying) to me because in conjunction with my genetic disorder MTHFR, I have a naturally high homocysteine level. Since that was discovered (during 2 weeks in hospital with DVT in 2009), I have been on the Vit Bs and Folic Acid and my homocysteine level has come down a bit.

    I knew that MTHFR + a high homocysteine level put me at risk for cardiovascular issues, but didn't know it also put me at risk for dementia!

    But the reason I came across that information is because I was looking up information on the relationship between brain injury and dementia. The jury is out on that and I image that is because it is very hard to tell.

    Is the reason why my husband has shown me around the garden 3 days in a row, each time as though it was my first time seeing it, because of his brain injury ... or is he starting to develop dementia? I'm not even sure the neurologists could tell.

    But meanwhile we do what we can ...

    And the WHO's (World Health Organisation) guidelines on preventing dementia ...

    These include:
    • Physical activity
    • Stop smoking
    • Eat a health diet (they suggest a Mediterranean-type diet)
    • Stop drinking alcohol

    They also suggest that keeping the brain active, maintaining a "normal" weight, and managing cholesterol and blood pressure, but these seem to be slightly less important than those first four things.

    Machka in Oz

    Interestingly ... out of curiosity I took a look at the list of PhD research projects that are available for applicants and there are a number of studies involving dementia.

    I'm guessing that is because of The Island Project ... if you've looked into dementia, perhaps you've heard of it.

    The ISLAND (Island Study Linking Ageing and Neurodegenerative Disease) Project

    Register your interest in the largest dementia prevention study in the world.
    The Wicking Dementia Centre is a global research leader on the risk factors for dementia.
    The Island Study Linking Ageing and Neurodegenerative Disease (ISLAND) Project will involve a range of studies that relate to understanding who is at most risk of dementia and how we can self-manage risk behaviours to build resilience to dementia.

    Machka in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Missed the bus yesterday so ended up walking into town for my chocolate making experience with the Ladies Who group. Maybe it was a good thing :) but I didn't eat too much chocolate - honest o:) We made chocolate truffles, but the ganash was a bit too dark for me, I prefer a milky chocolate. It was fun, but very messy! Think I will stick to buying my chocs from Thorntons though :D

    I'm going to have to "tighten my belt" for a few months now, no more looking on Amazon until the kitchen is finished.

    One trip I have already booked for is in early December (with the Ladies Who) It is a trip on the Northern Lights Express train - it starts at Pickering Station - it's all decorated with thousands of lights, then we take a steam train ride through the forest all lit up with lights and surprises - I'm really looking forward to it, I love trains. Just hope the weather isn't too bad, we have a coach booked to take us to Pickering.

    The sun is shining today so nice to see it after all the rain we've had the last few weeks. Better get on, I'm in the middle of painting the dining room, I've moved some stuff out as we'll be using it as a temporary kitchen, it's been on my "to do" list for a while and thought now was a good time.

    Take care
    Love to all <3
    Viv UK

  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies 💐💐!Just trying to get caught up here and stopping in to say hey y’all.Days are filled with clean this,rush here,go there,run,run,run.I did have a couple hours to myself yesterday but still ended up doing everybody else’s stuff.Made a homemade pumpkin pie yesterday,the family loved it.I will be baking acorn squash tonight in my new oven.Yes,a new oven.Mine has been acting up for a couple years and I hadn’t told hubby til he tried to use the front burner and it caught fire.Anyway,hubby and son were in Lowe’s yesterday to purchase a stove for a job and ran across a 1750.00 stove for 286.(!!!)Hubby could not pass it up.I don’t usually mention money amount but That was a Deal!It was a special order and returned without ever being taken out the box.
    Barbie-you’re not a mean dog mom,you’re doing what’s necessary for Sasha.
    Allie-hugs And Prayers to you and your family.
    Prayers,hugs,love ❤️,and much gratitude for y’all!
    Debby In Va
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Kelly-Congratulations in the new arrival,Miguel!!!!!!!🎈🎈🎈🎈
    Debby In Va
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    edited October 2019
    On our way to Grand Central NYC.. wish us
    country bumpkins luck.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Barbara - What great news about the dancing! I seem to remember there was something on a Michael Moseley programme about it. It's the combination of exercise and having to remember stuff that is so good. DH always complains about not being able to remember routines, so I've sent him the link to encourage him. :D

    Viv - Your train trip sounds like great fun! I love dark chocolate truffles, dusted in cocoa. The darker the better. I have made them in the past, but for DH's birthday I've bought him two boxes of "choccy scoffy" truffles. Just how we like them! Yum!

    DH had fun opening his presents this morning, in more ways than one. :o I always buy some small things to open on the day. He also got a peaked cap in Harris tweed from his elder daughter. He now has 5 different hats!
    We are off in a minute to the pizza restaurant (his choice). We will buy a bottle of champagne on the way home to have with the skate this evening. Hoping to walk both ways, but the rain is still threatening. Also want to change back our Danish Kroner. That should pay for the meal. :D
    I've iced the birthday cake and we are looking forward to seeing the grandchildren at tea time.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kimfisher62
    kimfisher62 Posts: 7 Member
    Heather UK thanks. I knew it was important to do strength training as you get older to help with mobility but I was not aware how much it affected your weight loss, I always thought it was cardio! I do some strengthening exercises each morning for my back and hips as I have a disintegrating disc and my physio told me to do core exercises. I was doing yoga regular but got out of the stride of it being so busy over summer, must get back to it. Im not sure what are strength exercises, I checked it out on google but other than weights im a bit unsure, any pointers please?

    I really love Autumn and have started checking out decorations on pinterest. There are some lovely mantle displays mostly seem to be from the USA. If anyone here decorates for fall or thanksgiving please put some pics up to give me some inspiration. Its not really a done thing here in the UK, but I love all the colours of the autumn foliage and gourds and would love to bring this indoors.

    Viv UK I love the steam train from Pickering to Whitby. We holiday every so often in the area so I can go on it! Will have to check website for the light train it sounds amazing. Very jealous!

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Greetings to all of you fine women.
    I have been keeping up with all of you, but as many of you know life has a way of getting in the way to respond to everyone individually. I also have been restricting my online time over the past 4 to 5 months in order to stop sitting so much and get active. My first step was removing Facebook from my phone. Yes, it's true. I found I would say, oh, let me check posts for 5 minutes and before I knew it I was scrolling for 30 minutes or more. And, everything is so rosy on FB. With MFP at least I am doing something positive for myself. And, I am thankful I found this group where everyone is so supportive and real.

    Current Stats
    55 days logged in to MFP and working the plan
    Total Weight Loss 18.6 pounds; 21.4 more to go
    Total Inches Lost 11.5 (neck, arms, chest, waist, hips, and thighs)

    Exercise Update
    Hitting walking and strength training goals
    Planks - I am up to 3, 30-second planks without too much strain. Will be moving to 3, 45-second planks next week.

    I was reading about weight loss and age. Yes, it's a little harder as we age for many of the reasons posted (muscle loss, sickness, medications, etc.). But, it is doable. I am thankful I am pretty healthy for my age, 55, and have not had to take any medications yet. I also do not have many physical issues, TG. My knees are my biggest issue so I have to be careful with lunges and other "knee-heavy" exercise. The walking has definitely helped with the pain.

    Former WWs - I am losing weight at about the same rate as I did when I was a WW (ages 35 and 42). I have incorporated what I learned through that program while using MFP. I do not eat my exercise calories because my goal right now is to lose weight. I have been sticking with 1200 calories per day. And, yes, that means a little sacrifice right now. I am seriously looking forward to "maintenance" when I can have a cocktail or two during the week and maybe a nice desert once in a while. My plan is probably much easier for me to stick to since I live alone. This does make it much easier to keep all food triggers out of the house. My rule is if I really want it I can go out and get a single serving or make it. Most times I do not want it that badly.

    I have got to run for now. I am sending hugs and positive thoughts to those in need.
    SuziQ - Florida