

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,399 Member
    Did a segment of Melt It off DVD. The plan for tomorrow is it do a 30MF Plateau Buster DVD

    Luci – are YOU causing all this rain?????

    My bathing suit came! Never realized just how stretched out my old one was. I think I’ll probably just take it and leave it at the condo. I already have one bathing suit down there.

    Michele in NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Beth- so true Daughter sat with me in service or in nursery me y family taking turns watching are huge brood. We even sat together behind sound proof glass room with speakers when they set each other off into siren cry modes lol 😂 (4-9 babies all of us together at one time multiple cousins back then was nice didn’t need mommy friends had cousins).

    Think of what I write tires you out think what I’m not writing ✍️ lol 😂.

    Chili day but unsure how to register the calories with the site glitching guesstimate time
    Amber Tx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth those veggies don’t look at all like misfits-they look yummy.

    Margaret . I like your creative blueberry pie, never thought of adding applesauce-I’m gonna try it

    Rori sounds like helpful information about your foot and you are on the right track. I’m holding a good thought for your DB’s interview <3

    Will stay in tonight and exercise—Won’t have any little goblins or witches knocking on our door—too rainy.

    See you all on the November thread.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    BOO! You know what day it is! But if you'd rather celebrate National Knock Knock Joke Day, I won't judge...

    Michele - The snail is so cute! Imagine what a smile that would give someone walking past your porch or garden!

    Margaret - I do something kind of similar to your blueberry pie, but with apples. The fruit and spices satisfy the urge for pie pretty well, and they are sweet enough that no added sugar is needed.

    Philip went the the gym with me to work out today. It's only been two weeks but so far he's sticking with it so I've got hope that he'll decide to hang in there as my workout buddy once his trial membership expires.

    We don't get trick-or-treaters here and it's unbelievably gorgeous here today, so after dinner I'll be walking over to one of the local taprooms to listen to a band and hang out with Philip while he does chair massage. And I'll have enough calories left over to have a beer, too!

    That's it for me - see you in November!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,363 Member
    Well it is 30 something degrees here and with wind chill in mid 20s-spitting some snow. Usually have 100 or so trick or treaters come by-just a handful so far. It is supposed to last until 8, but choir practice starts at 7:30 and since "business" is slow (like 12 kids so far), I will pack it in. Luckily I can take candy to work and we will use it for candy bags for foster kids Christmas. I will probably keep a couple of smaller favorites for treats for myself but have been good and not opened the bags until tonight.

    Stay warm all (if you are anywhere where it is cold!)

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to the water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Travel Fit DVD

    Drkatie – I’ve heard that Where the Crawdads Sing is a good book. I want to read it.

    One thing Vince wondered about, could Loki be having a “mini seizure”? We’ve reduced his zonisamide from 35 to 25 since 25 is cheaper. He does seem more needy and he usually got that way after a seizure. Or is it something else?

    Would you believe the bridge came out AGAIN last night. This time I was just eating soft cheese, and I was trying to eat it on the right side of my mouth. Since there aren’t any sharp edges, I’m thinking that for three weeks I’m just not going to bother having it put back. For less than 24 hours? It’s not worth it. It would be one thing if it were permanent, but it’s not. Allie – is there any reason why I would absolutely need to have it put back in?

    Pip – A list of apartments? Are you planning a move?

    Tried AGAIN to make fudge for Vince. Followed the recipe exactly. Didn’t come out (again) so just made him a chocolate cake. I’ll probably ice it tomorrow.

    After exercise stopped at the Salvation Army (didn’t buy anything) then went to WalMart. Needed to get Loki’s medicine.

    I used to put all my foods into one category, but I think I’m going to break it up into breakfast, lunch, and dinner so you can all see how weird my breakfasts are sometimes. I was trying to prelog, but every time I went to log “dinner” I just got this really weird list. It would let me prelog breakfasts, just not dinner. Weird!

    I haven’t found the crepini and cauliflower, either. There is another store I may try, Publix. They usually have different things that other stores don’t carry, like farmer’s cheese. I need to stop there after ceramics, anyway.

    Oh…get this. Last night someone from the nominating committee from Newcomers called to ask Vince if he’d be treasurer again. He just told them that not right now but maybe in the future. Yea, right!

    Heather – so sorry to hear about your dh’s aunt. Happy anniversary

    Ceramics tonight.

    Michele in NC

    When we retire , yea
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    Saw 6 apartments, got 2 of my certified marriage certificates. Need for an enhanced drivers license that I will b needing, got 2 more to go. Apartment hunting is tiresome. t least they were in the same area
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    Well its blowing a gale outside.. not gonna worry about job tonight gonna try and get some sleep..
    Pip you guys moving?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    edited November 2019
    Allie so sorry it did not go well with your boss. From everything you have told us it sounds like he is trying to get you to quit. I have been in a job like that know how hard it is for you to go into work and having a difficult boss. When it happened to me I made up my mind I was going to do the best job I could under the circumstances and leave with my head held high. I set the date when it was time to leave. I think having that control helped make the difficult situation better. I did have another job before I did this.

    That he is trying to hire another part timer lucks replace the l with an s. I wasn't sure they would let me use the word I want. Please start putting away any extra cash you can so it gives you more security to put your energy into finding that new job that is out there for you.

    You took a hit today. I know you have the strength and perseverance to bounce back from this and apply that energy to finding that job that is right for you. When one door closes another opens.

    Much love,
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Carol- Was so different back then you could walk in check or ask what they did you knew the nursery worker by name probably ate out with the whole church as a group once a month. The Pastor was careful who they hired wasn’t a job for anyone it was a member of the church who people respected y trusted.The mega churches here are no windows to peer in can’t check on them security guards stationed outside. So different now of days. I was left in a nursery as a kid it was safe back then. If I could see inside ask questions get answers ,no eye scanners,y leave early even I’d do it even know who’s there I wouldn’t worry so much. I’m sure you knew the nursery workers back then’s parents even. Mega churches here you don’t even know who the pastors family is. The small towns are better but then they don’t have a nursery or mom day outs. When I was a kid you walked alone for miles to get groceries for mom now the police come if neighbors say your teen is in the backyard alone

    Halloween done ✅ hubby backs sore me too. Went to almost 10 houses then home for cartoons some chocolates 🍫.

    Amber Tx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    edited November 2019
    :) Since it already tomorrow for several of you, I have posted the link to the new thread for November. Unfortunately, I am having some trouble including the link. You can find it under "Motivation and Support" on the "Community" page.

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Suddenly cold as heck here!! I even saw a few snow flakes here in Louisville. I think we have only had 12 or so trick or treaters.

    Now what to do with all the candy!!

    Connie in KY
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Halloween 🎃 everyone giving candy had to have enough steps to fill a football stadium 🏟! My calf’s are burning 🥵
    Amber Tx