November 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    ok plan made.
    extended an ultra plan with a slower ramp up. a few people have been pm'd. everyone else, feel free to continue to nag. i give permission.
    tbf, my husband nagged but not with permission :wink:

    plan as of now

    That 50 at the end is a big mileage increase over the prior week... it generally is high risk to make such a sharp increase so quickly.

    interesting because i didn't touch that part of the plan. hmm

    Am I reading this right... you never run more than 10 miles, then jump to a 50 mile run?

    No, that last column is labeled "Saturday" - I think y'all are reading it as the weekly total line. There's a bunch of 20+ runs in the first column, "Sunday". It looks like the plan maxes out week 24 with a 31 mile run/65 mile week, then gradually tapers until race week with the 50 mile run in a 69 mile week.

    i think you might be right
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    ok plan made.
    extended an ultra plan with a slower ramp up. a few people have been pm'd. everyone else, feel free to continue to nag. i give permission.
    tbf, my husband nagged but not with permission :wink:

    plan as of now

    That 50 at the end is a big mileage increase over the prior week... it generally is high risk to make such a sharp increase so quickly.

    interesting because i didn't touch that part of the plan. hmm

    Am I reading this right... you never run more than 10 miles, then jump to a 50 mile run?

    i would say no you are not reading it right

    I see where there are some 20-something milers on Sundays, but still not quite getting close to 50.
    And then a really long taper before the race. Are you sure that is reasonable?

    I've never run an ultra so I really probably keep my mouth shut, but from poking around the internet a bit it looks like it's pretty normal for a 50 mile plan to include 2-3 weeks of taper (and the first of those weeks includes a race, so that's its own thing) and max out the long run around 30 miles. It looks like 31 is the exact number that Runner's World uses.

    i did the same but also have never run an ultra

    I have run multiple ultras so I am an expert on this scale :smiley::smiley::smiley: *rolls eyes*

    2-week taper is not unreasonable, 3 is on the border of overkill, and de-training but for a first ultra it is probably completely fine. I personally would never advise more than 3 as de-training becomes a real thing then.

    A max long run of around 30 miles is not unusual either. Most amateur training plans keep max distance as about one solid race below the race distance. So 50 mile, step down to 50k. Aka 30 miles. Marathons step down to 20 miles (little more than 30k), half plans cap at 10 miles.

    The idea is that 30 miles on tired-non-tapered legs will simulate the last 30 miles of a well-rested/tapered 50-mile race. The more miles you put in the training, the more likely you are to get hurt. So plans are built around minimizing training distance, while still being enough.

    Some people do not follow that way of thinking, I know many that would say you should run full distance if not farther in training. I also know of others that max training at even small max miles. So you can take your pick of camps to believe in.

    For me it would come down to time. Finding time to run 30 miles in training is way hard, finding time to run 50 is beyond me. So I would probably do the same.
    Gotta say I don't fully agree with you on that point. Obviously this is just my opinion, but taper is a reduction in mileage, not effort, so a three-week taper for me would be something like:

    Taper week 1: 80% (of max weekly mileage)
    Taper week 2: 60%
    Taper week 3: 40%

    At least for marathon training, that worked out just fine for me...the key being that pace and effort have to be consistent with the rest of the training (rather than reducing effort, which I've seen some people do during their tapers).

    Of course, while I've run ultra distances, I've never raced one, so proverbial pinch of salt and all that...maybe three weeks is overkill. <shrug>

    I am not hardcore die on the hill for it, if a bit longer works for you, then do it. :) Personally I tapper AT MOST one week for marathons and ultras race distance and often NOT AT ALL for shorter races. But that is me, and as I always say, do not use me as a model! :)

    Though I have a coach now, so she might tell me otherwise as I make this BQ run. :smiley:
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    edited November 2019
    garygse wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    ok plan made.
    extended an ultra plan with a slower ramp up. a few people have been pm'd. everyone else, feel free to continue to nag. i give permission.
    tbf, my husband nagged but not with permission :wink:

    plan as of now

    That 50 at the end is a big mileage increase over the prior week... it generally is high risk to make such a sharp increase so quickly.

    interesting because i didn't touch that part of the plan. hmm

    Am I reading this right... you never run more than 10 miles, then jump to a 50 mile run?

    No, that last column is labeled "Saturday" - I think y'all are reading it as the weekly total line. There's a bunch of 20+ runs in the first column, "Sunday". It looks like the plan maxes out week 24 with a 31 mile run/65 mile week, then gradually tapers until race week with the 50 mile run in a 69 mile week.

    i think you might be right
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    ok plan made.
    extended an ultra plan with a slower ramp up. a few people have been pm'd. everyone else, feel free to continue to nag. i give permission.
    tbf, my husband nagged but not with permission :wink:

    plan as of now

    That 50 at the end is a big mileage increase over the prior week... it generally is high risk to make such a sharp increase so quickly.

    interesting because i didn't touch that part of the plan. hmm

    Am I reading this right... you never run more than 10 miles, then jump to a 50 mile run?

    i would say no you are not reading it right

    I see where there are some 20-something milers on Sundays, but still not quite getting close to 50.
    And then a really long taper before the race. Are you sure that is reasonable?

    I've never run an ultra so I really probably keep my mouth shut, but from poking around the internet a bit it looks like it's pretty normal for a 50 mile plan to include 2-3 weeks of taper (and the first of those weeks includes a race, so that's its own thing) and max out the long run around 30 miles. It looks like 31 is the exact number that Runner's World uses.

    i did the same but also have never run an ultra

    I have run multiple ultras so I am an expert on this scale :smiley::smiley::smiley: *rolls eyes*

    2-week taper is not unreasonable, 3 is on the border of overkill, and de-training but for a first ultra it is probably completely fine. I personally would never advise more than 3 as de-training becomes a real thing then.

    A max long run of around 30 miles is not unusual either. Most amateur training plans keep max distance as about one solid race below the race distance. So 50 mile, step down to 50k. Aka 30 miles. Marathons step down to 20 miles (little more than 30k), half plans cap at 10 miles.

    The idea is that 30 miles on tired-non-tapered legs will simulate the last 30 miles of a well-rested/tapered 50-mile race. The more miles you put in the training, the more likely you are to get hurt. So plans are built around minimizing training distance, while still being enough.

    Some people do not follow that way of thinking, I know many that would say you should run full distance if not farther in training. I also know of others that max training at even small max miles. So you can take your pick of camps to believe in.

    For me it would come down to time. Finding time to run 30 miles in training is way hard, finding time to run 50 is beyond me. So I would probably do the same.
    Gotta say I don't fully agree with you on that point. Obviously this is just my opinion, but taper is a reduction in mileage, not effort, so a three-week taper for me would be something like:

    Taper week 1: 80% (of max weekly mileage)
    Taper week 2: 60%
    Taper week 3: 40%

    At least for marathon training, that worked out just fine for me...the key being that pace and effort have to be consistent with the rest of the training (rather than reducing effort, which I've seen some people do during their tapers).

    Of course, while I've run ultra distances, I've never raced one, so proverbial pinch of salt and all that...maybe three weeks is overkill. <shrug>

    I am not hardcore die on the hill for it, if a bit longer works for you, then do it. :) Personally I tapper AT MOST one week for marathons and ultras race distance and often NOT AT ALL for shorter races. But that is me, and as I always say, do not use me as a model! :)

    Though I have a coach now, so she might tell me otherwise as I make this BQ run. :smiley:
    If you're going for a BQ, consider reading Advanced Marathoning (if you haven't already). It's inspirational, full of great advice, and it certainly helped my understanding of how to train better.

    Best of luck!

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo!

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    11/01/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 0.0
    11/02/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 0.0
    11/03/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 3.1
    11/04/19 :::: 3.3 :::: 6.5
    11/05/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 6.5
    11/06/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 6.5
    11/07/19 :::: 2.5 :::: 9.0
    11/08/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 12.0
    11/09/19 :::: 4.5 :::: 16.5
    11/10/19 :::: 13.3 :::: 29.8
    11/11/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 32.8
    11/12/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 35.8
    11/13/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 38.9
    11/14/19 :::: 1.7 :::: 40.6
    11/15/19 :::: 2.5 :::: 43.1
    11/16/19 :::: 8.4 :::: 51.5
    11/17/19 :::: 3.3 :::: 54.8
    11/18/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 57.9
    11/19/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 60.9

    Keeping up with the treadmill streak after work today. Plus 10 pull-ups out on the main floor of the gym. Lots of muscle-y guys out there at that time of day so I had to try to make it look effortless :) Seriously though I do think this plan of doing a little every day is making a big difference.

    Ten! I’m so impressed. I hope you’re proud of yourself!
  • JulieS3103
    JulieS3103 Posts: 86 Member
    @mbaker566 I am happy to be your local accountability buddy if you'd like :)
    I joined Trail Sisters Waukesha (free) so I could find people to run with on the trails and so far it has been great. I'm happy to meet up for runs if you ever want to.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @polskagirl01 You saw some very interesting things on your run/during your day. I have been running on the treadmill lately, just because of time constraints and darkness, so nothing interesting on my "route."

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited November 2019
    JulieS3103 wrote: »
    @mbaker566 I am happy to be your local accountability buddy if you'd like :)
    I joined Trail Sisters Waukesha (free) so I could find people to run with on the trails and so far it has been great. I'm happy to meet up for runs if you ever want to.

    i'm not much for big groups but if you don't mind a slow running friend we could sort out a few trail runs :) Maybe i'll actually do the northface challenge this year. i'm aiming for tbunk in May and DC Fall50 in October

    I do teach aerial yoga in Waukesha. I'm from Waukesha. now in West allis

    for those playing along, weekday runs will likely be night runs. i'm currently not a morning person. :)
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    edited November 2019
    11-1 7k slow
    11-2 7k slow
    11-3 8k for @MobyCarp
    11-4 7k easy
    11-5 yoga
    11-6 7k slow
    11-7 7k easy/yoga
    11-8 rest
    11-9 7k easy
    11-10 7k slow/yoga
    11-11 7k easy/resistance bands
    11-12 rest/yoga
    11-13 7k slow/resistance bands
    11-14 7k slow/yoga
    11-15 rest/resistance bands
    11-16 7k easy/yoga
    11-17 7k easy
    11-18 7k moderate + resistance bands
    11-19 running rest + yoga
    11-20 7k moderate + resistance bands

    November Total: 106k
    November Goal: 135k

    January Total: 131k
    February Total: 159.5k
    March Total: 183k
    April Total: 126k
    May Total: 128k
    June Total: 161.5k
    July Total: 151k
    August Total: 133k
    September Total: 135k
    October Total: 115k

    2019 Total through October: 1,423k / 882.26m

    Monthly average: 142.3k

    Next year when you pop in here claiming your December 2019 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?
    Run at least 4 5k races. Completed 8-31
    Get under 30:00 and a PR for 5k. Nope...
    Average at least 135k per month, which would put me over 1,000 miles for the year.

    Run the Year Team: Five for Nineteen - Completed 9-28

    Cloudy, low 40s F, and a light breeze to help dispel the Air Quality Alert we're under.

    @mbaker566 You're off to a good start. Keep it up!!!

    2020 goals:

    Continue a 5k regimen.
    Train better.

    4-13 Shine the Light 5K - 31:12 chip time; First Place male 65 and older
    6-30 Strides for Starfish 5K - 31:34 chip time; 31/77 overall; second male 65 and older (no official category)
    7-27 Solon Home Days 5K - 31:11 chip time; 95/141 overall; 4/6 age group (male)
    8-31 Race for Freedom 5k - 31:39 chip time; 32:00 Garmin time; Third Place male 60 and older
    9-14 Gift of Life 5k - off the schedule; insufficient recovery time
    10-13 Haunted Hustle 5k - 31:22 chip time; 47/74 overall; First Place male 60 and older
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    @mbaker566 I feel ya with the "nagging"! Since moving back up here (I'm in Lake Geneva), and with everything shifting , I've kinda struggled to get back on any kind of regular plan. Being up here in the cold, there are no constant races to goal for, but I did find a 5K in Burlington in January to work towards. Not your glorious Ultra, but it IS someting, provided I can keep my headaches down. As long as the nagging isn't boot camp style and more of an encouragement, I'll join! And I do have a YMCA membership, has been a life saver on a few occasions, know there are several gyms that are cheap & a "pay as you go" type of thing.

    @JulieS3103 That "Trail Sister" group sounds interesting. I have never run in a group other than @ a race, as I'm usually waaaaayyyy slower than most people, but to meet others and start doing trails interests me. How did you find that group?

    @PastorVincent I've had Raynouds for years. Difference being, this is my 1st year up in a cold weather environment. I've already had issues with the gloves I brought up with me. I have access to dreadmills (at the Y), yet I sooooo much prefer to run outside. So I am sure full on winter running will be..a challenge to say the least.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited November 2019
    @dreamer12151 if you have a chance, Kenosha running company is a nice place. they host runs in the kenosha area. i'll be doing the hateya on the 7th.
    they have group runs during the week too