

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,100 Member
    True confession- I have eaten way too many cookies. I lost my diet groove and can't seem to find it again. Every morning I swear I am going to be good, and every evening I have eaten way too many calories. This has to stop.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,123 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- umami translates more as a savory taste; but I can see how your tastebuds would translate it as metallic, because all of the savory foods (meats, broths) can have a metallic taste to them due to the amino acids in it. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    One of the other foods they list is vegemite, and I cannot do vegemite at all. The first time I tried it, about half a second after it landed on my tongue, I was in the bathroom scraping it out of my mouth and washing my mouth out.

    On tomato, which is one fruit they list in that category, I've never been a fan of ketchup, tomato sauces on food, tomato soup or tomato juice ... unless it is very well salted and seasoned to take down the "lovely" (not) flavour of tin cans.

    I remember being horrified during one of my first meals with the person who became my current husband when he took a couple perfectly good tomatoes (with only a slight metallic taste, easily rectified by salt), popped them into a pot of boiling water for a moment, then took them out, peeled them, and put one on each of our plates. He'd essentially turned a slightly metallic tomato into an inedible ball of tin foil. And then he ate his!! Being polite, I ate mine too, but had to just about empty the salt shaker onto it to get it down. When we got to know each other better, I told him ... no more boiled tomatoes!!

    However, this also explains how people can follow a meat-heavy keto diet and eat things like steak and other meats. Their taste buds must not translate steak into a hunk of chewy steel. :astonished:

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,123 Member
    Regarding the Christmas Movie Workout ...

    In a way, it's something like what I used to do on my indoor bicycle (before Zwift) and occasionally what I still do on the treadmill.

    I called it "Commercial Intervals". I'd cycle or walk normally during the show, and when the commercial came on, I'd pedal as hard as I could (or run, if I was on the treadmill) until the end of the commercials, then I'd resume pedalling normally or walking. And repeat till the end of the show. :)

    I also do "Commercial Housework" where I sit at my computer and work on whatever computer-related project I've got going, then when the commercial comes on, I get up and hang some laundry, tidy a room, clean the bathroom sink, or whatever. If I run out of housework, I might do things like crunches and different stretches with my bands. I don't do that every single commercial, but probably every other one for a couple hours each evening.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,123 Member
    True confession- I have eaten way too many cookies. I lost my diet groove and can't seem to find it again. Every morning I swear I am going to be good, and every evening I have eaten way too many calories. This has to stop.

    Can you prelog your day to include a couple cookies ... and then don't buy any more when you've finished them?
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Terri Sorry to hear of the loss of your friends. We are at that age...we just never know. Prayers for their families and of course, for you!

    Rita Sorry you are having an attack today! Hope it improves quickly!

    Hallmark Workout I've been binging on Hallmark...I should have been working out. Love the list and the additions!

    Pip Hoping Yogi is doing okay. Loving the pictures as usual!

    Heather Interesting "house"! I've never lived by any celebrities, but in my music days I got to play with some really big names. It was a great experience. Interesting how some were wonderful and others were sort of jerks, but I guess that's how all people are - why would I expect anything different?

    Cannabis Many days I would give just about anything to live in a legal state. I would love to have the help for pain. I almost bought some in Michigan to recover from the drive there and to take before the drive home. NC will probably be one of the last states to come around...sigh!

    Amber HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry my post came after you had the answer to your infection! I sometimes post pages behind because I have trouble keeping up. Since today was Sunday, I finally caught up on my reading. I agree with whoever had mentioned it being odd for you to be asked to wear your face mask. Your germs would be all over the house no matter how efficient you were at cleaning!

    Michele Safe trip!

    Tracey Very good article...we really need to do something on that, and DH is like the others...no desire to even talk about what will happen. I would be totally in the dark if something were to happen to him as he handles all the financial matters, etc, since I was injured.

    Matchka I can't remember what I was going to comment on, but I am constantly amazed at all the information you have in your brain!!

    MY OHIO STATE FRIENDS Well, this is our week...I met a young man who's parents were divided MI/OSU fans at the restaurant where we watched the MI/IN game. He said November was always an interesting month at his house. I told my daughter (35) and she said, "Who would marry someone from Ohio State?" I think I'm a bad parent. My children were all born and raised near Tampa, FL. I expect my team to lose, so there's not a lot of pressure for me (otherwise, I have to worry about my heart health). :wink:

    <3 Luci in WNC (low here tonight is 31F ...aggh!)
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Luci- yeah getting tired of the mask thinking no mask tonight.

    Starving so squash with pepper y margarine 🧈 y Pam olive oil 0cal spray.Can wat lots this way.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I still have them but just at night for the most part, going from one side to the other. Also lying on my back will spur a dizzy episode. I will call the doctor on Monday and get this handled, I promise.

    To me, that does sound a bit like BPPV ... only because my husband has very similar symptoms. What about standing outside and looking up?

    But it is something to be checked and a professional who has been trained in the treatments for moving the crystals in the ears to the right place may be able to help. :)

    M in Oz

    Yep, my exercises haven't helped. Husband is no help, I need professional interaction.👍. No I don't get immediately dizzy, but am really achy in my head and neck area.
  • vermontrebecca6929
    I grew up & went to college in NJ and spent 20 years in Vermont, sandwiched with brief stints in Westchester County just north of NYC.

    I had a rough week both with clean eats & not exercising much. The less I exercised, the more tired felt. 3 hour naps replaced 21/2 hour workouts. I need a job offer!!!

    But today I pulled it back together in both nutrition & exercise & went to Jessye Norman tribute at the Met Opera. It was so moving.
  • vermontrebecca6929
    Machka9 wrote: »
    True confession- I have eaten way too many cookies. I lost my diet groove and can't seem to find it again. Every morning I swear I am going to be good, and every evening I have eaten way too many calories. This has to stop.

    Can you prelog your day to include a couple cookies ... and then don't buy any more when you've finished them?

    Wow, pre logging! I do that for dinner on. my “best” mindful eating days so I can meet macros & nutrients goals for dinner. Should try pre-logging other things too...Great idea
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,123 Member
    Matchka I can't remember what I was going to comment on, but I am constantly amazed at all the information you have in your brain!!

    <3 Luci in WNC (low here tonight is 31F ...aggh!)

    Thank you. :)

    I have been going to school almost constantly for the past 47 years. :) And then in the last 20 months, I've been madly researching just about everything I can about brain injury and everything associated with it. Fortunately google helps. :)

    M in Oz
  • vermontrebecca6929
    True confession- I have eaten way too many cookies. I lost my diet groove and can't seem to find it again. Every morning I swear I am going to be good, and every evening I have eaten way too many calories. This has to stop.

    Annie—I feel you: I ate two pints of Talenti double dark chocolate gelato & 2 bags single origin dark chocolate chips over the course of the last week. Only shame b/c my parents see it in the freezer & a low bank balance prevented me from restocking...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    up to page 62
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,123 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    True confession- I have eaten way too many cookies. I lost my diet groove and can't seem to find it again. Every morning I swear I am going to be good, and every evening I have eaten way too many calories. This has to stop.

    Can you prelog your day to include a couple cookies ... and then don't buy any more when you've finished them?

    Wow, pre logging! I do that for dinner on. my “best” mindful eating days so I can meet macros & nutrients goals for dinner. Should try pre-logging other things too...Great idea

    Speaking of which, I've just pre-logged my lunches for the next 2 weeks.

    They may change a bit because there are some Christmas things coming up, but that's OK I can change them if I need to.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Machka - I don't have the same problems as you with food as my sense of smell is very good, but my least favourite food is commercial tomato sauce, or any tomato sauce which has a bit of sugar in the mix. I can't eat tomato sauce in a cheap pasta restaurant, or on pizza, because it tastes so metallic. I can't eat canned baked beans because of the sauce. Biggest yuk ever!
    In fact, I don't like anything where salt/vinegar and sugar are mixed, as in chutney or even most Thai food. Nearly all commercial sauces taste horrible to me because of the added sugar.
    I am a voracious eater of nearly everything, but I have had this dislike since childhood.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,513 Member
    Watching the Christmas Baking competition programs on TV has sparked some long absent Christmas Spirit in me. New puppy makes having a big tree impossible, but found a “just right” tiny tree, about 3 ft tall and cylindrical, that will fit on a small table in the corner of the dining room. Joe sawed off the end, put it in a bucket of water, and even suggested the location without grinch/grumbling. Woo HOO!

    Happy birthday, Amber! Your daughter is lovely.
    Lanette I've heard of storing carrots in a bucket of sawdust in a cool but frost protected place, but don't know if it would work...;)
    pip gentle hugs to Yogi. Hope vet has a quick fix. Does Yogi chew rocks?
    Terri ((hugs)) sometimes it seems the reaper is extra busy during the holidays. :cry:
    Annie, too many cookies here too, and too many glasses of wine. Planing to moderate every day without a festivity to avoid gaining any more this year. We can do this.
    Machka, Vegemite! I'd as soon eat mould. Mama tried to fool me into eating stewed tomatoes by blindfolding me and pinching my nose closed. They came right back up onto her new wall-to-wall carpet. Blech. I too occasionally do housework during commercials, but it never seems to run out …
    Rori, I have sweet memories Shari Lewis and lamb chop, hope yours are too. Sending calming, hopeful, positive vibes for tomorrow's appointment.
    Heather, really wish I shared your dislike of the flavor of sugar.

    Gratitudes Day
    #10 taste: today its fresh ice water. After too much wine it really tastes good. ;)
    #9 place: our property, all 15 vertical acres of it, woods, ferns, creeks, mud, brush, critters, peeks at the ocean and the way it smells when I get out of the car. “Home!”
    #8 book: To Build a Land by Sally Watson. Read this children's novel when I was 9. It was about a group of Jewish orphans transported to Israel after WWII. Identifying with one of the characters sparked a life long interest in archeology, Hebrew and ultimatly spurred me to visit the holy land in 1980.
    #7 memory: at holidays Papa told stories about his younger days, during Prohibition and the Depression (but never about WWII). I could repeat them almost word for word but enjoyed them every time. That's one thing I miss about not having family left for holiday get togethers.
    # 6 nature: the forest's scent and the ocean's clamour
    # 5 sound: Joe snoring
    # 4 food: Fage Greek Yoghurt
    # 3 color: blue skies after a gray rainy foggy couple of days.
    # 2 tech: my Win 7 laptop. Dread migrating to something newer/supported.
    # 1 smell: clean, bleached whites while transferring from washer to dryer.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=5460 vits=21.5 log=24 CI<CO=20, CI<250<CO=9 Tumble=14 mfp=23 AF=16
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,329 Member
    edited November 2019
    Good morning. Still breathing, so it's a grand day! Spent last night in front of the TV watching Strictly Come Dancing, His Dark Materials, War of the Worlds. Walked in between progs to get my steps up then did did some more walking before bedtime. Slept very well. Lots to do today.

    🎄🤶 Gratitude for Christmas 🎅🏻🎄
    #1, 15 Nov: Scents: loved the smell of the roses I put into my Floral arrangement
    #2, 16 Nov:Technology: Glad that I had my car and didn’t have to stand in the cold waiting for a bus
    #3, 17 Nov: Colour: the colour of the beautiful sunset as I walked home in the late afternoon
    #4, 18 Nov: Food: Fresh produce form my own garden ..... or ....... Chocolate! 🍫 My ultimate comfort food

    #5, 19 Nov: Sound: I'm grateful for the sound of DH moving about downstairs. It's very comforting.
    #6, 20 Nov: In Nature: I love the view of the night sky from my bedroom window on clear nights.
    #7, 21 Nov: Memory: This triggered a veritable avalanche of memories of my life, the happy moments crowding out the less pleasant ones. So... the memory I am most grateful for is my own selective memory, which chooses to focus on the positives, and reframe the negatives as learning experiences.
    #8, 22 Nov: Book: "Unlimited Power" by Tony Robbins. This book was a revelation to me and showed me that I was in charge of my life. It was pretty scary at first to accept responsibility for all my actions and decisions. It was no longer possible for me to blame others or make excuses. But it was such a positive turning point in my life. I revisit it often.
    #9, 23 Nov - Place: the place I am most grateful for is the quiet place in my head where I go when I meditate.
    #10, 24 Nov - Taste: Today grandson had made an experimental mulled wine drizzle cake. I was grateful that it tasted so good, (not all of his experiments turn out so well 😂) Fortunately, I always hold calories for my Sunday visit, so was able to fully enjoy his delightful concoction (NB: lemon drizzle cake is one of my favourites)
    #11, 25 Nov - Holiday: I love my annual week's family holiday on the West coast of Ireland with our DED and the grands. This year was our 24th year of these holidays. We started them with my DMiL when our granddaughter was just 8 months old. I am grateful that all 3 grands still want to come on these holidays with us.

    It's interesting to read how some of you log food, (or not, as the case may be. 😂 I find the MFP food log is a very useful tool for me. I have many of my own recipes entered, which makes logging very easy.
    Mostly I prelog a week ahead. I eat similar things each day, and copy from one week to the next. I make changes when the actual day arrives, but it means it only takes a minute or two each morning to plan my eating for the day. Typical basic menus:
    Breakfast: overnight oats, fruit, yoghurt, fruit tea
    Mid morning: coffee, biscuit or fruit
    Lunch: salad and/or soup, 1slice of wholemeal bread, hummus, chicken or fish, goats cheese, coffee
    Mid afternoon: coffee, banana, probiotic drink (Sundays: home baked treat)
    Sunday: Roast chicken/beef/pork, 4/5 helpings veg, soy dessert
    Monday: cold roast, 4/5 helpings of veg
    Tuesday: stir fry/stew/casserole using the remainder of the meat
    Wednesday: cooked ham/chicken, salad, boiled potatoes
    Thursday: varies as daughter comes for dinner and I cook her favourites.
    Friday: salmon, large grilled tomato, potatoes/oven chips, veg
    Saturday: venison/duck/steak, grilled tomato, potatoes, baked beans/stir fry veg
    After dinner: This is my Achilles heel! It varies depending on how many calories I have left. Chocolate usually figures in there somewhere.

    🎄🤶 Gratitude for Christmas 🎅🏻🎄
    #1, 15 Nov: Scents: loved the smell of the roses I put into my Floral arrangement
    #2, 16 Nov:Technology: Glad that I had my car and didn’t have to stand in the cold waiting for a bus
    #3, 17 Nov: Colour: the colour of the beautiful sunset as I walked home in the late afternoon
    #4, 18 Nov: Food: Fresh produce form my own garden ..... or ....... Chocolate! 🍫 My ultimate comfort food

    #5, 19 Nov: Sound: I'm grateful for the sound of DH moving about downstairs. It's very comforting.
    #6, 20 Nov: In Nature: I love the view of the night sky from my bedroom window on clear nights.
    #7, 21 Nov: Memory: This triggered a veritable avalanche of memories of my life, the happy moments crowding out the less pleasant ones. So... the memory I am most grateful for is my own selective memory, which chooses to focus on the positives, and reframe the negatives as learning experiences.
    #8, 22 Nov: Book: "Unlimited Power" by Tony Robbins. This book was a revelation to me and showed me that I was in charge of my life. It was pretty scary at first to accept responsibility for all my actions and decisions. It was no longer possible for me to blame others or make excuses. But it was such a positive turning point in my life. I revisit it often.
    #9, 23 Nov - Place: the place I am most grateful for is the quiet place in my head where I go when I meditate.
    #10, 24 Nov - Taste: Today grandson had made an experimental mulled wine drizzle cake. I was grateful that it tasted so good, (not all of his experiments turn out so well 😂) Fortunately, I always hold calories for my Sunday visit, so was able to fully enjoy his delightful concoction (NB: lemon drizzle cake is one of my favourites)
    #11, 25 Nov - Holiday: I love my annual week's family holiday on the West coast of Ireland with our DED and the grands. This year was our 24th year of these holidays. We started them with my DMiL when our granddaughter was just 8 months old. I am grateful that all 3 grands still want to come on these holidays with us

    I have accounts to do today, and prep for this afternoon's Monday Painters Group.

    (((Hugs))) if you need them. 💕💖💕

    Life is for living! Gotta go live it!

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,123 Member
    Good morning.
    It's interesting to read how some of you log food, (or not, as the case may be. 😂 I find the MFP food log is a very useful tool for me. I have many of my own recipes entered, which makes logging very easy.
    Mostly I prelog a week ahead. I eat similar things each day, and copy from one week to the next. I make changes when the actual day arrives, but it means it only takes a minute or two each morning to plan my eating for the day. Typical basic menus:
    Breakfast: overnight oats, fruit, yoghurt, fruit tea
    Mid morning: coffee, biscuit or fruit
    Lunch: salad and/or soup, 1slice of wholemeal bread, hummus, chicken or fish, goats cheese, coffee
    Mid afternoon: coffee, banana, probiotic drink (Sundays: home baked treat)
    Sunday: Roast chicken/beef/pork, 4/5 helpings veg, soy dessert
    Monday: cold roast, 4/5 helpings of veg
    Tuesday: stir fry/stew/casserole using the remainder of the meat
    Wednesday: cooked ham/chicken, salad, boiled potatoes
    Thursday: varies as daughter comes for dinner and I cook her favourites.
    Friday: salmon, large grilled tomato, potatoes/oven chips, veg
    Saturday: venison/duck/steak, grilled tomato, potatoes, baked beans/stir fry veg
    After dinner: This is my Achilles heel! It varies depending on how many calories I have left. Chocolate usually figures in there somewhere.

    I'm quite similar. I have essentially the same lunches and snacks 5 days a week. Dinners are similar each day with lots of veggies, but there are differences. My husband makes the dinners so what we have in addition to veggies is his choice.

    11:30 am - small crackers & cheese
    2 pm - chicken, rice & steamed veg lunch
    3:30 pm - small low fat, low cal yogurt
    4:30 pm - either another small crackers & cheese or fruit
    6:30 pm - dinner usually consisting of a pile of veggies and a small amount of something else
    8:00 pm - dessert

    And, like you, if I stay up late I'll usually have something else at 11 pm because I'm hungry. If I haven't exercised, I'll often go over my calories. If I have exercised, I'm usually OK. I need to exercise.

    Beverages: lots of water and some black coffee until about 4:30 pm. Then water, diet coke and no-caf tea for the rest of the day.

    Weekends are different and will depend upon what we are doing. If all goes well, I'll exercise enough to cover it. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning, kelly inspired me to join the November weightloss challenge thread-you just post your weight once a week. For some reason this helped me stay on maintenance! First 2 weeks I dropped weight and now I’m not moving in either direction. Guess it helped me focus and walk away from impulse eating. “Walk on by” is the song I sing in my head when sweets are everywhere at work. we don’t keep them them in our cupboards at home—but DH’s weakness for pastry —he keeps individual pastry wrapped in portions in the freezer.

    Going to have a short work week with plenty of excited and distracted children and grown ups ready for a long holiday weekend.