

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,513 Member
    Tethered to pc for public records online training-all done. Trained but did not walk nor comb Tumble nor post firehall papers, did abstain from alcohol and cookies.
    Tuesday will comb Tumble, post firehall papers. If blustery will keep wine down to two glasses, if not windy will abstain and go to line dance practice instead. ;)

    Electrician was here for hours, swapping out chandelier (hooray no more flickering), ran separate circuit for the hot tub, added safety cover for nearby pump switch and blanked out non gfi socket too close to hot tub. Recommended we NOT use portable clamp light near hot tub but swap out adjustable flood light for porch light. Afraid the bill will be more than twice what I'd guesstimated, gonna have to tap some reserves to keep nose above water this year.

    Amber what a great story. You're right, infants hear, understand and even act more that adults imagine.
    Vickie we're expecting a big storm with historically (hurricane?) speed winds tomorrow. Expect to be without power and even cell phone. Looks like Tumble might finally get combed! Please choose safety when deciding whether or not to travel.
    Welcome Jessica in Seattle, Ellie, melking1969!
    Kenna I've always been fascinated by weaving. Would you share a pic of your loom?
    Rebecca sending thoughts and prayers for good resolution at Wednesday's appointment.
    Pip which peanutbutter filled bones? :noway: Poor Yogi!
    @LisaInAR where are you? Are you ok?

    Pc/laptop preferences: Have to prepare for end of Windows 7 in January. Dreading it. Mostly use laptop for email, research, writing, spreadsheets, mfp. OK with OpenOffice, prefer MSOffice pre-Office 365 (due cloud mistrust issues). MUST have keyboard.

    Any suggestions?

    Gratitudes Day
    #11 holiday: Christmas. The music, the lights, the scent of the Christmas tree, the story, the memories, the taste of egg nog, tom and jerry's, and oh yes... baking, smelling and eating the COOKIES!!!
    #10 taste: today its fresh ice water. After too much wine it really tastes good. ;)
    #9 place: our property, all 15 vertical acres of it, woods, ferns, creeks, mud, brush, critters, peeks at the ocean and the way it smells when I get out of the car. “Home!”
    #8 book: To Build a Land by Sally Watson. Read this children's novel when I was 9. It was about a group of Jewish orphans transported to Israel after WWII. Identifying with one of the characters sparked a life long interest in archeology, Hebrew and ultimatly spurred me to visit the holy land in 1980.
    #7 memory: at holidays Papa told stories about his younger days, during Prohibition and the Depression (but never about WWII). I could repeat them almost word for word but enjoyed them every time. That's one thing I miss about not having family left for holiday get togethers.
    # 6 nature: the forest's scent and the ocean's clamour
    # 5 sound: Joe snoring
    # 4 food: Fage Greek Yoghurt
    # 3 color: blue skies after a gray rainy foggy couple of days.
    # 2 tech: my Win 7 laptop. Dread migrating to something newer/supported.
    # 1 smell: clean, bleached whites while transferring from washer to dryer.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=2939 blame it on the online training vits=22.5 log=25 CI<CO=21, CI<250<CO=9 Tumble=15 mfp=24 AF=17
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Texture - My husband's skin. Clean sheets.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Still catching up, the electrician finally connected the washing machine, but there's still some work to do. I'll have to get in touch again to find out when he's going to finish it, he was supposed to finish everything on Friday, but there was a slight problem (isn't there always !!) and he said he'd have to come back to attach the oven hood and connect the dryer. There's also one socket to connect in the kitchen, one in the dining room that stopped working when he put the new fuse box in. He also need to take down an old kitchen fan that hasn't been used in years. Totally fed up with it and wish I hadn't bothered to be honest.

    My sister in law is having her biopsy this morning, so praying for good news. I hope she'll start on a treatment plan soon. I worry that the cancer is spreading the longer she is kept waiting.

    Love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am up in the middle of the night and furious with Apple. They shut off my phone! They say my phone is disabled—by them, and I can try again in 21 minutes. They wanted my to put in my password. I don't use one for my phone and don't plan to use one for my phone. Has this happened to any of you?

    Katla the furious

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The phone is back in service, for now. Thank goodness. I requested a chat with someone from apple and a name was given to me but no one actually responded. I'm not real happy with Apple service at the moment but I am happy that my phone is working again.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    We went through these 30 Days of Gratitude in November last year. I won't suggest that we do it again this year, but it is still something to keep in mind as we go into the holiday season. :)

    Machka in Oz

    All right ... it's mid November and this will take us through to mid December ... just in time for Christmas!! :)

    Day 1 - November 15 - Smell: My sense of smell is limited and my husband no longer has a sense of smell (or taste) since his accident. However, I can catch a faint scent from the roses and freesias he has grown, which are all coming into bloom.

    I'm thankful that he has been able to garden and that we have so many lovely flowers and veggies growing and blooming. :)

    Day 2 - November 16 - Technology: My laptop, my phone, email, facebook ... the fact that technology exists! :) It's what I do ... it's what I learn ... it's how I communicate with family and friends.

    Day 3 - November 17 - Colour: Well ... I'm thankful for the bright colours on my table. Especially since this spring has been quite gloomy. They make me smile. :)

    Day 4 - November 18 - Food: I'm thankful for my weekday lunches ... chicken, rice and veg. :)

    Day 5 - November 19 - Sound: How applicable! I just got my laptop connected to my stereo!! I am appreciating the nice soothing music in the evenings. :)

    Day 6 - November 20 - Nature: All of it! I am very thankful that there is nature ... animals and plants, water, rocks, mountains, hills, all of it. I'm glad I live in a place where I can see and experience nature. I couldn't live in the middle of a large city. My ideal would be in a small town or right on the edge of a larger one so I could be surrounded by countryside in seconds.

    Day 7 - November 21 - Memory: I'm thankful for memory. I'm thankful that my husband has some of his memory - he's pretty good at past memories and procedural memories. I'm glad he didn't lose that. I'm also thankful that, with a bit of effort, I've been able to improve my memory a bit. I've discovered that if I focus and work at it, I can remember people's names at least some of the time! I've had to be my husband's memory.

    Day 8 - November 22 - Book: Most grateful ... the Bible. It's been a comfort to me, especially in recent times.

    Also grateful for books in general.

    The last 18 months I've switched to reading "children's" books. I've also found them comforting.

    Day 9 - November 23 - Place: I'm thankful for my bed!! Although I'm not there nearly as much as I'd like to be, my bed has become one of my favourite places to be. There I can lose myself in books or sleep. :heart:

    That said, I need to get a new pillow. Might have to see about doing that tomorrow if possible.

    Day 10 - November 24 - Taste! Well, there are only 4 of them: salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and I've written them in order of preference. :)

    I am thankful I have all 4 but I wish my husband did again.

    Day 11 - November 25 - Holiday: How appropriate ... one month before Christmas. :) Christmas is my favourite public holiday. I'm love the music, the decorations, the food, the Christmas Carol evenings, the lights, and the celebration of Jesus birth. I'm thankful that we have a Christmas holiday.

    As for holidays in general, I enjoy any opportunity to a) take time off work, and b) travel. I'm very thankful I live and work in Australia where I get quite a decent amount of holiday time. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Day 12 - November 26 - Texture: Smooth. Since the measles (?) in 2016, I need to wear very smooth clothes. I've been thankful to find such things at a good price.

    And the soft texture of the fur of kitties. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Day 12 - November 26

    I am most grateful for smooth textures both physical and in the arts. The feel of a rose petal against my cheek is one of my favorites.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    "Oh what a beautiful morning!" There wasn't a bright golden haze on the meadow; or a meadow, for that matter. BUT it is, a practically balmy, high 40s outside; and the stars are bright and plentiful in a clear sky. Walking today was an absolute delight! I had Orion to keep me company and passed quite a few other walkers and runners in the dark. All of us wearing our various kinds of lights, reflective gear, etc. Most grunting as they pass someone, while I was practically singing my good morning to them. lol
    Good morning all! Welcome newbies! Please feel free to visit often and jump in and comment on whatever moves you. Remember to sign your posts with what you would like us to call you. Also remember to book mark this page by clicking on the empty star on the same line as the title. At the end of the month, our fearless leader Barbie will post the link that will lead us into December. (Unbelievable that December is only a few days away!)
    I have met my walking challenge of 100 miles for this month! Whoot! So...anything I walk between tomorrow and the end of the month is bonus miles! If I continue to get my yoga and strength training in for the next couple of days, I will meet my goal of 24 hours of exercise in a month! Both of these are huge for me due to having to fit two hours of exercise into my already busy work day. Hopefully the scale will see the change. I know my clothes are fitting nicer!
    Amber- I am a firm believer that babies (like animals) can sense "good people". IF you can find that pic of you, you should post it.
    Yogi- So glad you are feeling better, young man! (in my best doggy voice:) "Who's a good boy?! Who's a good boy?! You are! Yes, you are!" (lots of virtual pats and ear scratches given ) <3
    Karen VA- A cranberry relish with peppers and lime and cilantro?! Sounds heavenly!
    Heather MILLIONAIRE'S SHORTBREAD?! How could I have never had this? Yummm!

    Gratitude #12- Texture: While I do like smooth at the end of the day (such as when I slide into nice clean sheets), during the day I love a nubbly texture under my hand. I have sensory books and toys for the kids and I absolutely love the nubbly/bumpy textured ones. I can feel the energy flowing into me when I run my hands over them. Good stuff!

    Love and hugs to you all! That is about all that I've got, today. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    KJ - Isn't it great to see other people outside getting their exercise in. Nice not to feel alone, but in good company. And no one looking at you as if you are weird.
    I found out the other day that Brighton and Hove is one of the top three slimmest places in the UK. Not really a surprise!

    Swing dancing tonight. I've made some delicious black bean soup to have before we leave the house. One of my favourite things.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Love reading your positive posts ladies! I'm hanging in there, tough teaching day but it will soon be the holiday, I definitely need the break!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Place- my big house in Virginia, where I spent 18 months. I loved the sunroom with the huge fireplace and views of the woods and the golf course. I was lucky to be there.

    Taste has to be chocolate.

    Holiday is a tough one. I like US Veterans day. It's not about food. As a military veteran I feel good about myself, but I don't have to do anything specific.

    Texture: the feel of my dog's fur. Water on my skin. Yarn of all kinds.

    Another morning, another resolution! I have been doing pretty well with exercise lately. My hip is getting stronger. Just need to limit these pesky calories!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Well I am over and walked Homer and Chester and will go pick Kitty up to take her up to the grandsons.. he has autism and she will be staying with him for a bit. Then off to work I'm supposed to have tues ,weds off but have been there more lately . Will.take what o can get...
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,405 Member
    Barbara AHMOD - if we didn't already have the larger Fire Tablet (which we love!! It's not all "infected" with Google this, Google that) and 2 laptops and 2 PC's with Windows 7, I'd spring for a new Dell Laptop. They are having good sales right now.

    I can open Word and Excel on the Fire tablet, and actually do work on it. Have a cheap bluetooth keyboard that works fine with it. Haven't taken time to see if I can connect to the WiFi printer, but will investigate.

    We have Open Office on one of the older PC's and it's fine. Don't need anything fancy since I'm not doing budgets for work anymore.

    So my plan is to take one of the PC's totally offline come January if I can, and use it for my home budgeting spreadsheets, and other financial information I don't want the world to know.

    And stay on Windows 7, come what may. Back up faithfully. DH reminded me that in the past, we stayed on various versions of Windows long after Microsoft stopped supporting them. Of course, there are craftier hackers now.

    Since you are doing a lot of work for the Fire Department, any chance they can help subsidize a new laptop purchase/upgrade?

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    "Oh what a beautiful morning!" There wasn't a bright golden haze on the meadow; or a meadow, for that matter. BUT it is, a practically balmy, high 40s outside; and the stars are bright and plentiful in a clear sky. Walking today was an absolute delight! I had Orion to keep me company and passed quite a few other walkers and runners in the dark. All of us wearing our various kinds of lights, reflective gear, etc. Most grunting as they pass someone, while I was practically singing my good morning to them. lol
    Good morning all! Welcome newbies! Please feel free to visit often and jump in and comment on whatever moves you. Remember to sign your posts with what you would like us to call you. Also remember to book mark this page by clicking on the empty star on the same line as the title. At the end of the month, our fearless leader Barbie will post the link that will lead us into December. (Unbelievable that December is only a few days away!)
    I have met my walking challenge of 100 miles for this month! Whoot! So...anything I walk between tomorrow and the end of the month is bonus miles! If I continue to get my yoga and strength training in for the next couple of days, I will meet my goal of 24 hours of exercise in a month! Both of these are huge for me due to having to fit two hours of exercise into my already busy work day. Hopefully the scale will see the change. I know my clothes are fitting nicer!
    Amber- I am a firm believer that babies (like animals) can sense "good people". IF you can find that pic of you, you should post it.
    Yogi- So glad you are feeling better, young man! (in my best doggy voice:) "Who's a good boy?! Who's a good boy?! You are! Yes, you are!" (lots of virtual pats and ear scratches given ) <3
    Karen VA- A cranberry relish with peppers and lime and cilantro?! Sounds heavenly!
    Heather MILLIONAIRE'S SHORTBREAD?! How could I have never had this? Yummm!

    Gratitude #12- Texture: While I do like smooth at the end of the day (such as when I slide into nice clean sheets), during the day I love a nubbly texture under my hand. I have sensory books and toys for the kids and I absolutely love the nubbly/bumpy textured ones. I can feel the energy flowing into me when I run my hands over them. Good stuff!

    Love and hugs to you all! That is about all that I've got, today. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    lmao!! that was sooo cute!!!!!!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    these kinds

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Tired but running outside with JR playing 🥅 soccer ⚽️. Freash air . Not sure if my antibiotics are done or not. Hard to look with a 2yr old wanting the new bottle so bad having to put it up super high. JR new thing today is asking “Are you Crazy 😜?” Yes yes I am my conversational skills have reverted to baby talk y baby activities...can make you feel crazy lol.

    Got a Luby coupon but won’t be able to use it at all. Daughter if she can come (Navy hasn’t made announcements yet just a word on the calendar subject to changes) will be past December 27th. So celebrating Christmas late if she comes. Got a nice vibrating heated wrap used it before bed lost track of time oops 😬. Got vacuum bags for JRs closet...maybe ai can finally have room in there. Got a few sz Large shirts 👚 cousin wanted to know if they fit but until their washed y possibly shrink who knows. Plus they always smell like pot (she in one of those legal in this state but not federally places) so figure everywhere smells like that. Knocks you down bad !!! I’ll give it to Daughter if it shrinks. No time to return them plus embarrassing with that odor!

    Amber Tx

    Cw : 152.8
    SW: 195