

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: I’ve put my garden to bed, too. I have a fringe of garden beside my walkway and pots of herbs on a shelf outside our deck fence. The herbs have been winter hardy through whatever weather comes our way. I have three blueberry bushes and grow green beans in the summer. I also have some planters with chives and parsley in them. It is a small garden but I get pleasure from it. Our fuchsia plants are tucked uner bigger plants next to the house. Some years they survive, other years they are replaced. :star:

    Fiddle: When I was teaching our school PSO brought treats in regularly. Starbucks was one of the treats that was brought in as a morale booster. Each cup must have had hundreds of calories. I gained weight every year I taught. So did most of my fellow teachers. :embarassed:

    Okie: Fabulous purse! :smiley:

    Karen in VA: Your grandchildren are beyond cute all the way to glorious!.:smiley:

    Barbara: I’m happy to hear that you have communication back. I hope power is restored ASAP. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: DH just read the weather news for your area. I hope your’e all stocked up and cozy. :heart:

    The dog goes to the groomer today and that is my very next chore. Be safe and happy, my friends.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CookieJones: Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Headed to Mexico tomorrow for the holiday. I am not a big fan of Thanksgiving. Turkey just isn't that tasty to me and the traditional sides are so calorie-dense and my palate has changed to where I don't enjoy those anymore.

    So, we are headed to where they don't celebrate it to hang out with some expat friends there. I just finished the bacon wrapped dates we're taking with us. They are getting chicken takeout (I'm sure with a Mexican twist) and having a cheese and veggie platter. I'll take a dessert too...which will also be calorie dense, but no one will go overboard on it. Not sure what others will bring, but it's not about the food this time, for which I'm thankful.

    I'm sure the border crossing will be insanely busy on the way back. That's why we walk it.

    Heavy rain expected here this afternoon, though you'd never suspect it from the looks of it outside now. Everyone enjoy the holiday and stay safe.

    Tina in CA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Nothing like the threat of power outage for motivation. Vacuumed, did 3 loads of laundry before the power went out. Cell service stayed up just long enough to report the outage, then went down (for 13+ hrs). Joe fired up the generator periodically to keep the fridge and one lamp going. Pups scared of the generator so pretty subdued throughout the long night. Joe was up and down several times with the generator so pups got to go out side for their business. Around 10 remembered the heating mat under the pepper plants in the garage. Brought the plants in, but it may have been too late.

    Power back on just after daylight. Joe went into town to get more gas for the generator as this was just the first storm of the season. He said there were tree branches and blown down debris everywhere, and evidence of chainsawed downed trees on Highway 101. Weather change playing heck with my left knee so chose not to go to BB&B. Will take advantage of the power to do more laundry, take a shower, watch some TV while combing Tumble ;}

    Katla concerned about your iphone issues. Agree with Rebecca, sounds scamish to me. Can you change the password? Do you use it for any banking or shopping? If not, can you turn the password protection off? Long ago my butcher taught me how to cook “prime rib” for 2: buy one rib of a prime rib roast, freeze it, then roast it at a high temperature. Freezing keeps the center from overcooking. ;)
    Karen in VA, brown paper for weed control, like paper bags? Oh Phoenix. Oh Olivia. OH!
    Kenna what do you give your pups as an alternative to sterilized bones? Finally persuaded Joe that rawhide is bad, they tear strips off and swallow. If it were just up to me, she'd only get Kongs and dollies, but Joe feels he has to provide some real beef bones...
    Okie that travel purse is SO you! :) Please share a pic of you with it and the boots ;)
    Machka dread going to Windows 10 as the first time I saw it, I didn't like it. Looked like touch screen phone to me, and I suck at touch screens. Was able to resist learning how to use it as I was scheduled to retire before it was implemented in our office. You encourage me to give it another try. Loved the “Evolution of Windows” pics, Skipping Vista, Win 8, (and Bob back in the day) better part of wisdom.
    Barbie :heart: the pic of Sasha and the mirror. Shadow barks at her reflections in mirrors or windows ;}
    Heather, hope your DH will get himself to the Dr. before issues get worse. As for not “getting” the dancing sequences, for me the ones I have to work harder to get, I retain longer and enjoy more.
    Marianne ((hugs)) Are there any holiday memories that can cheer you without reminding too much of painful losses?
    Amber not familiar with most of those restaurants, but when I'm really focused I lean toward salads, raw veggies, lean muscle meats and beans. Chili is usually pretty good protein for reasonable calories, until you pile on the cheese. Good luck!
    Ellie please don't worry about “keeping up”, just skim and post whatever whenever.
    Welcome cookiejones2018 !
    Tina in CA Walking across to Mexico? Safe travels!
    Lanette, hadn't considered an Amazon Fire for internet, something Joe might like... if he could play Spider Solitaire on it ;) Have always thought M$oft took planned obsolescence to its greediest ultimate. Hmm M$oft and pc manufacturers, now there's a conspiracy theory to which I can subscribe. ;) “...After all, I'm nearly 70” me too, big 70 in March. Reminds me to be grateful for being able to walk dogs, go to BB&B, line dance. Time to get off my duff and do so.

    Gratitudes Day
    #13 abilities: touch typing ;)
    #12 texture: Tumble's double coat, long straight strong guard hairs undercoated with soft downy fur. Shadow's silky puppy ears.
    #11 holiday: Christmas. The music, the lights, the scent of the Christmas tree, the story, the memories, the taste of egg nog, tom and jerry's, and oh yes... baking, smelling and eating the COOKIES!!!
    #10 taste: today its fresh ice water. After too much wine it really tastes good. ;)
    #9 place: our property, all 15 vertical acres of it, woods, ferns, creeks, mud, brush, critters, peeks at the ocean and the way it smells when I get out of the car. “Home!”
    #8 book: To Build a Land by Sally Watson. Read this children's novel when I was 9. It was about a group of Jewish orphans transported to Israel after WWII. Identifying with one of the characters sparked a life long interest in archeology, Hebrew and ultimatly spurred me to visit the holy land in 1980.
    #7 memory: at holidays Papa told stories about his younger days, during Prohibition and the Depression (but never about WWII). I could repeat them almost word for word but enjoyed them every time. That's one thing I miss about not having family left for holiday get togethers.
    # 6 nature: the forest's scent and the ocean's clamour
    # 5 sound: Joe snoring
    # 4 food: Fage Greek Yoghurt
    # 3 color: blue skies after a gray rainy foggy couple of days.
    # 2 tech: my Win 7 laptop. Dread migrating to something newer/supported.
    # 1 smell: clean, bleached whites while transferring from washer to dryer.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for November: get up and do it EVERY day!
    Steps=3591 vits=23 log=26 CI<CO=22, CI<250<CO=9 Tumble=15 mfp=25 AF=17
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Thanks Barbara! Good advice all have salads y think Fudruckers May or may not have elk meat some do some don’t.

    Apart of a life style change is learning how to live every day in public y home even dreaded family events (usually with bad options) so we have a life time of success
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    edited November 2019
    Barbara - It's pretty safe to walk across the border. Don't believe all the scary stories you read/hear. People here do it all the time. Mexico, in particular the Guadalupe Valley in Baja, has excellent wineries and they are ramping up tourism in a big way there. There are some excellent craft breweries and the food just over the border is AMAZING!

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Some day, I will host a holiday dinner for all the misfit toys we know here. It won't be traditional. I will probably ask that everyone bring something non-traditional and not allow anything traditional, just for fun.

    I did make traditional thanksgiving dinner once for friends visiting from Europe who requested it. The only thing they remember is that I was cooking all day long...which is why I don't do it now.

    Tina in CA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rachel drove 6 hours home and about 3 miles from our house the car made a loud bang and stopped moving! Poor thing, but lucky she is so close to home. DH is off to rescue her now (he’s missing his nap :() but how fortunate that this didn’t happen further away! The civic is old 2007 and has over 200,000 miles—we were crossing our fingers to get another 50k out of this excellent car :s

    Well let’s hope that’s the only unexpected thing to happen this holiday weekend. I feel for so many that are facing really horrible weather and power outages :s:/

    Counting blessings and steps this holiday.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Oooh love the scarfs colors!!
    Amber Tx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen in VA ~ Love Phoenix and Olivia!

    I am in the process of making cornbread and biscuits to make my Southern Cornbread Stuffing on Thurs. I use about the same recipe that Paula Deen prints on the Food Network. Will also make gravy and we always add chopped hard boiled eggs to it.

    Carol in GA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving my ladies!💖
    Went to my vertigo doc appointment, happy to state 3 lbs less than last appointment, and blood pressure was 111/74!
    I got a referral to see and ENT, so that will take a week to process, but need to go out in town for it. I did get my muscle relaxer night time meds, for when I couldn't shut my brain off this past summer. Those might help me relax and not have me move back and forth throughout the night and swirl from the vertigo.👍
    Hopefully at the ENTs appointment they can do the maneuver and voila! Cured!💖
  • FiddleKenna
    FiddleKenna Posts: 13 Member
    Amber It is honestly just black.... the white you see at the bottom is actually toilet paper ... after tying onto the loom the warp fiber is very uneven and separated.... I weave in 8-10 strips of toilet paper to get the warp fibers straight and ready to take the weft evenly. this scarf is made out of alpaca which is super soft and the warmest fiber available. My husband and I were at Dana Farber cancer center a couple weeks ago and I think I dropped his scarf while he was in meeting with the doc.... so I am making this one for him. Once this one is done I have 6 more to make before Christmas .... but my ruse is that this one is for a friend so I am weaving it up first
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Lol oh my it is tp! How blind I am! I still like the colors even without the white I’m the dark colors in the winter coats for a reason looks cleaner y newer longer.

    Amber Tx

    If you got white yarn 🧶 you got an idea for the next one.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    It's a cold rainy night and I'm tucked in,will making Deviled eggs in the morning. And then taking my stuff to.Toms tomorrow as I will be hanging there for a few days with the boys..
    Hoping they have a safe trip back and forth...
    And get back safely..
    Wishing all my wondeful friends the warmest Thanksgiving this year,I know for some people it is hard family dynamics and all. And I'm thankful for all the wonderful memories of all the loved ones that have gone before us.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Pie In The Face Day!

    "Watch out, because today is Pie in the Face Day! ... Pieing, as throwing pie in someone's face is called, has been used for comedic effect in films and other skits, as a political display against politicians or other high profile people—to ridicule or humiliate them, to raise money for charity, and for celebratory reasons in sports. ... The 'pie in the face' gag has its roots in slapstick comedy. It was first seen at the end of the 1909 silent film Mr. Flip. Simple pie in the face routines in film eventually turned into extensive pie fights. For example, Laurel and Hardy's The Battle of the Century was filmed using 3,000 pies. The largest pie fight in film history was in The Great Race in 1965, where 4,000 pies were used."

    Lanette - I'm hanging on to Windows 7 too, but mostly because I like it better than Windows 10. Think I'll eventually be forced to switch but I will be kicking and screaming right up to the last minute.

    Ellie - You don't have to keep up - just jump in when you can! I envy people whose husbands cook. Mine does not, and it would be lovely to have him take care of a meal now and then. Unfortunately his idea of taking care of dinner is going out for burgers.

    Cookie - Welcome! Love the hair!

    Barbara - That is my objection to Windows 10 and many modern interfaces too. I don't want my desktop computer to work like a phone, I've got a phone for that. For me the optimal layout and functionality is completely different between the two.

    FiddleKenna - I just want to touch that scarf! Looks like it will be beautiful when it's done.

    We're getting ready for the easiest Thanksgiving ever, since Philip's parents offered to do the cooking. I'm taking a pie (bought from a local bakery), a brussels sprouts dish, and a bottle of cider from an Austin company.

    Our weather has gotten cold again and it looks like it'll be dreary tomorrow, but nothing like what some of you must be bracing for. Hope you all stay warm and safe, and that those who celebrate Thanksgiving have a lovely holiday.

    -Yvonne in TX