

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - we are hanging onto Windows 7 due to not wanting to spend $$ right now, plus we do 95% of web activity on the Fire tablets anyhow. Laptop is easier to type on of course with full size keyboard. But we have a fix with the bluetooth keyboard as I mentioned.

    Sorry if I was giving the impression we were dreading a change, because we aren't at all. If I was still working or taking classes like you are, it would be a different story. They were just starting to introduce Windows 10 at my workplace when I retired.

    My DH taught computers at the local college and retired there as a network administrator. So I trust his judgement on waiting to make the switch when our laptop's mother board goes kaput. 😏


    As far as I know Windows 10 is still free ... unless your computers are that old they can't handle it. We've got one that will have to remain with Windows 7 because it is just too old for Windows 10. It's 11 years old now.

    M in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2019
    Lot of walking last night, on top of the dancing, so hit well over 1,000 calories for the day. Treated myself to a nice slice of bread and whole earth peanut butter. :D
    I haven't weighed myself in weeks, so must do that soon. Sometimes I feel fat and sometimes I feel trimmer. I suspect I've stayed the same.

    French Circle tonight. We don't like the new venue, so it's not the fun it used to be. Let's hope the speaker is good. It's about the 'bordelais'. The area around Bordeaux. Wine and history - it was ruled by the English kings for quite a while.

    DH was a bit despondent over his dancing last night. He can't manage the sequences. Neither can the other men, but that doesn't help him. He is also not sleeping well with prostate problems and a sore back. Of course, he will not go to the doctor. :# He is a bit grumpy.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Barbara - I think it was you who asked for a pic of my new travel purse. It came today so I have added a pic in the spoiler as requested. It is small enough to fit inside my carry on for boarding and large enough to hold everything I need when I am away (if I'm not driving, if I have to put a key fob in it, something else gets taken out to make room for those gigantic things).

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Love it. I have a pair of flats that would perfectly match it.
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Well good morning. Had a rough two days. Not sure what to expect today or tomorrow. Can be so sad. Holidays don't have the same meaning now as 35-40yrs. ago. I did not even come close calorie wise(under ate) and there I was looking at the dinner and realized how much of the food was carbs. Menu will be different for the Christmas event. Time to go back to sleep.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    We went through these 30 Days of Gratitude in November last year. I won't suggest that we do it again this year, but it is still something to keep in mind as we go into the holiday season. :)

    Machka in Oz

    All right ... it's mid November and this will take us through to mid December ... just in time for Christmas!! :)

    Day 1 - November 15 - Smell: My sense of smell is limited and my husband no longer has a sense of smell (or taste) since his accident. However, I can catch a faint scent from the roses and freesias he has grown, which are all coming into bloom.

    I'm thankful that he has been able to garden and that we have so many lovely flowers and veggies growing and blooming. :)

    Day 2 - November 16 - Technology: My laptop, my phone, email, facebook ... the fact that technology exists! :) It's what I do ... it's what I learn ... it's how I communicate with family and friends.

    Day 3 - November 17 - Colour: Well ... I'm thankful for the bright colours on my table. Especially since this spring has been quite gloomy. They make me smile. :)

    Day 4 - November 18 - Food: I'm thankful for my weekday lunches ... chicken, rice and veg. :)

    Day 5 - November 19 - Sound: How applicable! I just got my laptop connected to my stereo!! I am appreciating the nice soothing music in the evenings. :)

    Day 6 - November 20 - Nature: All of it! I am very thankful that there is nature ... animals and plants, water, rocks, mountains, hills, all of it. I'm glad I live in a place where I can see and experience nature. I couldn't live in the middle of a large city. My ideal would be in a small town or right on the edge of a larger one so I could be surrounded by countryside in seconds.

    Day 7 - November 21 - Memory: I'm thankful for memory. I'm thankful that my husband has some of his memory - he's pretty good at past memories and procedural memories. I'm glad he didn't lose that. I'm also thankful that, with a bit of effort, I've been able to improve my memory a bit. I've discovered that if I focus and work at it, I can remember people's names at least some of the time! I've had to be my husband's memory.

    Day 8 - November 22 - Book: Most grateful ... the Bible. It's been a comfort to me, especially in recent times.

    Also grateful for books in general.

    The last 18 months I've switched to reading "children's" books. I've also found them comforting.

    Day 9 - November 23 - Place: I'm thankful for my bed!! Although I'm not there nearly as much as I'd like to be, my bed has become one of my favourite places to be. There I can lose myself in books or sleep. :heart:

    That said, I need to get a new pillow. Might have to see about doing that tomorrow if possible.

    Day 10 - November 24 - Taste! Well, there are only 4 of them: salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and I've written them in order of preference. :)

    I am thankful I have all 4 but I wish my husband did again.

    Day 11 - November 25 - Holiday: How appropriate ... one month before Christmas. :) Christmas is my favourite public holiday. I'm love the music, the decorations, the food, the Christmas Carol evenings, the lights, and the celebration of Jesus birth. I'm thankful that we have a Christmas holiday.

    As for holidays in general, I enjoy any opportunity to a) take time off work, and b) travel. I'm very thankful I live and work in Australia where I get quite a decent amount of holiday time. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Day 12 - November 26 - Texture: Smooth. Since the measles (?) in 2016, I need to wear very smooth clothes. I've been thankful to find such things at a good price.

    And the soft texture of the fur of kitties. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Day 13 - November 27 - Abilities: I am very thankful for my organisational skills. I don't know how I would have survived with the past 20 months without them!!

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2019
    Karen - Loving those two beautiful children! <3 Amazing to think how Olivia started out.

    Okie - I love your travel purse, gorgeous design, but that would hardly be an evening bag for me! I've stopped travelling on the airways that insist you can't take an extra handbag (purse) for that very reason. Grrrrrr! My handbag (purse) is a medium sized backpack and I still can't get everything I want in it! How on earth do you manage? :p

    Much love to all and welcome to the new people.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Abilities - I have so many, where do I start! :laugh: The ones I am most grateful for are dancing and foreign languages, though I don't think I am especially talented at either. My main ability is dedication and perseverance. You can get better at anything if you keep at it.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Barbara - I think it was you who asked for a pic of my new travel purse. It came today so I have added a pic in the spoiler as requested. It is small enough to fit inside my carry on for boarding and large enough to hold everything I need when I am away (if I'm not driving, if I have to put a key fob in it, something else gets taken out to make room for those gigantic things).

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Love it. I have a pair of flats that would perfectly match it.

    SuziQ - Me too, and a pair of boots :smile:

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Karen - Loving those two beautiful children! <3 Amazing to think how Olivia started out.

    Okie - I love your travel purse, gorgeous design, but that would hardly be an evening bag for me! I've stopped travelling on the airways that insist you can't take an extra handbag (purse) for that very reason. Grrrrrr! My handbag (purse) is a medium sized backpack and I still can't get everything I want in it! How on earth do you manage? :p

    Much love to all and welcome to the new people.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather - I pare down a lot for travel. I take my ID, medical insurance card and a couple of credit cards in a small holder. I tuck some cash in the built in coin purse. Then I add a small notepad, a lipgloss, a small vial for drugs (must have benadryl for allergic reactions) and a pair of collapsable reading glasses. My phone tucks in the small slot at the front and I am set. It would count as a carryon for the flight, which is why I must tuck it inside my bag that holds my computer, snacks and all my various charging cords.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
  • FiddleKenna
    FiddleKenna Posts: 13 Member
    Barbiecat They are adorable. Standard Poodles are GREAT dogs.... I love them. I wish they would move them back to the sporting group, they are so much more than frou frou dogs. Your Bessie has kind of a dachshund face doesn't she.... gotta love dogs.... We don't walk much here, we have a pretty large fenced yard so most often they can just go out and explore ... I have a friend in MT who walks her dogs early like you do no matter the weather ... I just cringe....
  • vermontrebecca6929
    Lot of walking last night, on top of the dancing, so hit well over 1,000 calories for the day. Treated myself to a nice slice of bread and whole earth peanut butter. :D
    I haven't weighed myself in weeks, so must do that soon. Sometimes I feel fat and sometimes I feel trimmer. I suspect I've stayed the same.

    French Circle tonight. We don't like the new venue, so it's not the fun it used to be. Let's hope the speaker is good. It's about the 'bordelais'. The area around Bordeaux. Wine and history - it was ruled by the English kings for quite a while.

    DH was a bit despondent over his dancing last night. He can't manage the sequences. Neither can the other men, but that doesn't help him. He is also not sleeping well with prostate problems and a sore back. Of course, he will not go to the doctor. :# He is a bit grumpy.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Dancing! Jane, thank you for reminding me to turn on the music! When I was married my husband & I danced in the kitchen all the time. I especially loved the Putamayo soundtracks I used to buy at S**rbucks. After the divorce my youngest son & I danced hip-hop. Now it embarasses him of course, because he is a teenager!

    I walked quite a bit around Manhattan yesterday and added to my Instagram project: freeartexhibitsnyc.
    Also wore my new Vans hightops designed in suiport of Breast Cancer Awareness. Very comfy & fun!

    Picked up my middle son who came for Thanksgiving Break and have a nice pic of him with mosaic mural at the subway tunnel connecting Time Square to the Port Authority.

    Binged on pizza last night but lately I’ve been treating my relapses as learning experiences—next time let my son order by the slice, not a whole pie!

    Ty to everyone for continued support & affirmation I get from reading posts & occasionally posting as well. For those getting ready for Thanksgiving, dance while you’re in the kitchen! My family is going to a restaurant buffet dinner, so I’ll be employing my usual strategy of hitting the salad bar first for a ginormous pile of greens & raw veggies.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited November 2019
    Tomorrow Thanksgiving at my Aunt y Tio’s. Thinking ham then a little of certain items with it. I have no clue what to bring.

    Christmas 🎄 will be late like Thanksgiving still researching what to eat out foods should be...Hubby gets BBQ from a BBQ joint (going to use my G Hughes BBQ sauce instead of the restaurant one ☝️ 10calories that way) . Beans y meats with rye bread for JR his favorite.

    Amber Tx

    Needing a plan for
    2.Golden Corral
    3. Fudruckers
    4. Starbucks
    5. Chuckie cheese
    6. McDonald’s
    7. Chick-fil-A

    Allergic to balsmic vinegar,wines,y alcohol like a peanut allergy
    Any ideas 💡 of what to eat there toss them in I need all suggestions.
  • eweadock
    eweadock Posts: 31 Member
    Woah, this thread does move fast! Pretty sure I can't keep up...

    Rode my bike to work and back Monday, and found an open studio for life drawing on Tuesday evenings - first life drawing event for me in many years!

    Weather is supposed to get pretty dicey later today, so am glad to have Wed - Fri off this week.

    Am prepared for Thanksgiving, since my beloved husband does all of the cooking. As usual, I plan to stick to meat and veggies, with a very small portion of dessert. Again, my problem food is wine, so after a glass (ok, maybe two), I'll switch to sparkling water.

    After recent good progress, despite recent physical activity and diligence with food, my weight was up a pound today. Remembering that there are many factors to weighing... and that my own weight varies a lot, I tell myself to just keep at it, and "don't let the ups get you down," because everything I'm striving to do will eventually yield the results I seek.

    Wishing those who celebrate it a lovely Thanksgiving, and to all a wonderful week.
