

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Janet- Longhorns are a more gentler breed do well with buffalo...a little too well town I lived in the noticed a new calf At it’s Moms breast not knowing she had been pregnant. The ugliest buffs-cow calf you’d ever see lol 😂. Buffalo head with big long horn hirns y colors with a mismatched body. He was not cute at all even as an adult a few years later. BEEFALO their called lol 😂. Town in Bandera Texas has a long horn in town they retired his father both love beer 🍺 y music 🎶. But that’s more incentive to leave your car windows up...1 person learned the hard way those horns are tough on roof carpet .It just stood there till the music stopped then left . They both have kids picture rides never hurt a one. Only person hurt was a father who tripped then blamed the bull...lol the bull was asleep lol 😂 city folk nonsense didn’t he hear it snoring sleeping off his booze 🥃!

    Amber Tx

    Heard the new wedding thing is a lot of young couples are opting for smaller get togethers .Not inviting anyone who causes trouble. If your a drinker at weddings your not invited to the after dancing with drinks. If you y your ex fight every time causing a scene...one is invited to this the other to something else...if your the type to invite yourself when you cause trouble your not invited at all. If your the type who complains they may choose not to invite or just a few events. If your a gift swiped your not invited to the gift parts or at all. If your the type to say a mean comment like you look fat in that dress white is not your color...don’t expect an invite at all. Their opting for more tranquility the article’s said. Too many tired of others nonsense I guess. Also mentioned some are only inviting closer relatives so a 3rd cousin who they grew up with have Thanksgiving with probably will not get an invite...but an Aunt will or just 1st cousins. Some are also choosing child free so if you got a kid no invite. Some are not inviting relatives who are predators to known abusers it read to create safer environments send a clear message that it’s not acceptable. Some it’s financial reasons maybe they can afford only 18 people here y 2 there y 26 over here.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Sorry Janetr for your family woes. <3

    The pigs cheeks were absolutely perfect. I cooked them in beer in the IP. SOOOOOO tender. Had curly kale and frozen broad beans with them.

    Trying to decide what to do about Christmas presents. I'm inclined to abandon the whole idea, apart from the grandchildren. I have no money and I'm turning into a bit of a minimalist. Dont need stuff. Haven't broached the subject yet with my kids or family, but DH and I are on the same page. Just Santa presents this year for the two of us. DH is buying for his kids. Maybe we could do a 'no more than £5 ' thing with my kids/brother. Or charity donations. I gave money to my elder son for his birthday this weekend, but I am finding I'm resentful as he never even sends me a card. Not even for my 70th. I don't think he 'deserves' a Christmas present. ;)
    I will be seeing him next week, so can broach the subject.

    Haven't seen the grandchildren for a couple of weeks and we are pining. They will get their presents. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • eweadock
    eweadock Posts: 31 Member
    @barbiecat, @auntiebk and the rest of this forum, thanks for the welcoming and supportive comments!

    We had so much snow in Albuquerque for Thanksgiving that I had a good workout clearing the driveway and sidewalks. The mounds of snow are now melting, and a monstrous rainstorm is bearing down on us... makes me grateful to live on an established hill, as our sandy soil is typically bone-dry and saturates quickly, creating quite the runoff.

    Having had so many years of obligation to finding work, caring for my mom and finishing schoolwork, having leisure time still feels like a novelty. What shall I do today?? I think I'll take out the sewing machine and work through some remnants, turning them into grocery sacks as Christmas gift wrappings. Finally, New Mexico is catching up with the rest of the civilized world in prohibiting plastic grocery sacks. If I can create a useful item and avoid the waste of paper wrap at the same time, it will be my small contribution.

    Too much rain to ride the bike today... too many crazed drivers out there seeking big spending deals on black Friday... Seems like a good day for staying in, making green chile tortilla soup from turkey leftovers and sewong a few things.

    Ellie in Albuquerque
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,117 Member
    Yay for Yogi!

    I've been struggling with trimming Teddy. Got his belly and armpits done, but it looks pretty choppy. Will try his nails tomorrow. He is a wiggle butt.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stat for the day:
    Eliptical- 30min, 123ahr, 144mhr, 10incline 10resistance 1st 15min, last 15 min, was 14-14, 2.77mi= 236c
    apple watch- 200c

    didn't realize gym opened late so didn't have much workout time
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited November 2019
    Here’s today’s Youths ideas of weddings. My Day any family in the town was invited you invited relatives you didn’t like abroad even (good chance they hate you too won’t show up until after the wedding month). My last wedding we didn’t get a wedding the court house judge was supposed to answer our ceremony questions including how many guests is allowed to attend.We answered his questions was asking ours heard...... oopsie ummm I just married you your done no need for a wedding 👰. Judge 👨‍⚖️ took another bite of his sandwich 🥪 chomp chomp congrats burp. So engaged y married with the flu same day. Lol 😂 y hubby was drunk from getting liquid courage to pop the question lol 😂. So when asked a non -formal do you want to be his wife...I hickishly answered “Hell Yah!” Hubby answered “Well that’s why we’re here Isn’t it!” Lol we didn’t realize he was asking the Yes I Do question in a relaxed way. So back home ummmm 😳 I’m married ...he lives far away so I work 2weeks? Ummm it’s the wedding night can’t go to work in the morning. Daughter mad she wasn’t there for it Teen stomping mad! Dad y Mom in shock what are you going to do? Your not packed this is suck short notice.... finally Mom said your place is with your husband go come back to sort it all out happy honey moon. So Daughter y me packed a tiny suitcase went spent weeks sorting everything from school to work to packing .She had to go to school so long drive daily until she was done. Letting her say friend goodbyes on short notice then mad teen. Was going to have an after dinner we thought to smooth stuff over ,but ummm his family y mine were mad or confused. Then found out same thing happened to My Grandma lol 😂.We need to stop copying each other she even had my Uncle late in life her uterus exploded (hysterectomy back then think that’s better than how they handled mine!) Definitely was a lot of hurt feelings from his Mom to Sister since they hadn’t met me yet ....oopsie! Did it all backwards Engaged,Married,then paperwork with court house y state to get married,then ring sizing,etc

    Hubby idea 💡:
    2. Engaged research wedding 👰 be ok a court house date (since I had the flu wasn’t working perfect timing he thought....ummm diahreah y vomiting flu thanks for that moment as I swigged idomodium Hughes every toilet on the way) have me sized for my rings.Since my job wanted all my paychecks back was acting like they weren’t going to work out perfect timing he decided.
    3. Get wedding y engagement rings from jeweler
    5. Meet his family y mine with intimate dinners to outings after 2week bye at job
    6. Get teen used to the idea gradually once she is finished with school wedding y moving
    7. Pack us up start moving items
    8. Wedding 💒
    9. Big huge fancy dinner out with everyone
    10. Worry about teen y us (lol Doctor was eating a sandwich 🥪 in the delivery room as JR our surprise came into our world)

    Lol we skipped everything was 1,2, oh nooooo lol so no ring explaining we’re married got engaged same day. Caused issues wasn’t smooth sailing ⛵️ for hubby y me caused issues at first we had to work through. Fought with my job issues to mad teen etc including mad snippy family that puts a strain on a new marriage.


    Amber Tx
  • knitski2002
    knitski2002 Posts: 64 Member
    edited November 2019
    I thoroughly enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at my son and daughter in law's yesterday. I will be cutting back and being more careful the rest of the week into next. It was so worth it though. My old high school played in the state football championship today. I watched it on tv. They got blown out so it's just as well that I didn't make the trip.
    Shirley from Northern NY
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Barbara: It's this recipe with a cup of cooked turkey thrown in: https://www.mydarlingvegan.com/instant-pot-maple-bourbon-sweet-potato-chili/ Enjoy!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Evening ladies.. lovely day today.Left Tom's house around 9 brought Alfie home and got him settled then out with my friend Doris.had a bunch of fun and spent a bit of money.. gonna relax for the rest of the weekend..
    Tom and Elena arrived home as I had stopped to walk the boys.. so they are tucked in for the night ,Elena has to work tomorrow...they got lost on the way home and I'm sure Tom was flipping his lid..but he can chill for the weekend..
    It feels so good to be home..
    I sure hope Lisa is ok... not like her at least to check in.. I have given instructions to my daughter that if something is wrong to alert you all..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara: I have not seen Miracle. :star:

    Karen in VA: I bought three blueberry plants from a well-known Portland garden center several years ago. Each year they are more and more productive. They are not all the same cultivar- one is early the other two are midseason. :smiley:

    Pip: Great news for Yogi! I’m glad the antibiotics helped. :flowerforyou:

    I went to yoga today and had a wonderful time. I missed some classes while I travelled and also when we had guests. It was great to see everyone and get some exercise.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Well I looked up where our Lisa lives.. worried about her .maybe should i send a card and make sure she is ok... there are phone numbers also
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,416 Member
    MIA and way behind. Will get caught up over the weekend.

    🎄🤶 Gratitude for Christmas 🎅🏻🎄
    #1, 15 Nov: Scents: loved the smell of the roses I put into my Floral arrangement
    #2, 16 Nov:Technology: Glad that I had my car and didn’t have to stand in the cold waiting for a bus
    #3, 17 Nov: Colour: the colour of the beautiful sunset as I walked home in the late afternoon
    #4, 18 Nov: Food: Fresh produce form my own garden ..... or ....... Chocolate! 🍫 My ultimate comfort food.
    #5, 19 Nov: Sound: I'm grateful for the sound of DH moving about downstairs. It's very comforting.
    #6, 20 Nov: In Nature: I love the view of the night sky from my bedroom window on clear nights.
    #7, 21 Nov: Memory: This triggered a veritable avalanche of memories of my life, the happy moments crowding out the less pleasant ones. So... the memory I am most grateful for is my own selective memory, which chooses to focus on the positives, and reframe the negatives as learning experiences.
    #8, 22 Nov: Book: "Unlimited Power" by Tony Robbins. This book was a revelation to me and showed me that I was in charge of my life. It was pretty scary at first to accept responsibility for all my actions and decisions. It was no longer possible for me to blame others or make excuses. But it was such a positive turning point in my life. I revisit it often.
    #9, 23 Nov - Place: the place I am most grateful for is the quiet place in my head where I go when I meditate.
    #10, 24 Nov - Taste: Today grandson had made an experimental mulled wine drizzle cake. I was grateful that it tasted so good, (not all of his experiments turn out so well 😂) Fortunately, I always hold calories for my Sunday visit, so was able to fully enjoy his delightful concoction (NB: lemon drizzle cake is one of my favourites)
    #11, 25 Nov - Holiday: I love my annual week's family holiday on the West coast of Ireland with our DED and the grands. This year was our 24th year of these holidays. We started them with my DMiL when our granddaughter was just 8 months old. I am grateful that all 3 grands still want to come on these holidays with us.
    #12, 25 Nov, Texture: I love the feel of fresh soft fluffy towels after my shower.
    #13, 26 Nov, Abilities: I treasure my ability to be adaptable, and look for the positive in situations.
    #14, 27 Nov, Sight: I appreciate the sight of my husband bringing my tea in bed each morning. It means I can take my time waking up.
    #15, 28 Nov, Season: All the season's have their good points' but the spring is my favourite because it heralds the end of winter and the lengthening of daylight hours.
    #16, 29 Nov: I'm grateful that bones are strong. I have been very fortunate in that I have never had a broken bone. Long may that continue
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) Small but fun line dance class today. Cold enough to wear my red extra warm coat. Turkey and stuffing leftovers for lunch. Exercise bike, knitting, and watching figure skating after lunch. Another long dog walk. Who could ask for anything more. :)

    :)Heather, we don't exchange gifts with anyone including grandchildren (we send each of them a small money gift on their birthdays).

    <3 Barbie in chilly NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Barbie- Money card for Daughter here too.Figure that way she gets what she wants or needs instead.
    JR different closet organizer,clothes, toys 🧸, learning books,etc

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited November 2019
    Trying to decide what to do about Christmas presents. I'm inclined to abandon the whole idea, apart from the grandchildren. I have no money and I'm turning into a bit of a minimalist. Dont need stuff. Haven't broached the subject yet with my kids or family, but DH and I are on the same page. Just Santa presents this year for the two of us. DH is buying for his kids. Maybe we could do a 'no more than £5 ' thing with my kids/brother. Or charity donations.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    When I was with my ex-husband, Christmas was massive and stressful. Presents for everyone and they had to be just right.

    When we separated, Christmas became so much simpler.

    Now I order 2 gift cards a few days before Christmas. One for my parents and one for my brother and his kids.

    For my sister-in-law here, we'll might take her out for dinner and there might be a small trinket ... or maybe a gift card to an art supply shop - she's quite artistic.

    For us ... we're going out for that Christmas buffet I mentioned earlier and we might go somewhere like maybe a wildlife park or some other activity or event.

    We tend to do things rather than spend money on gifts. I've got more than enough stuff!!

    EDIT: Once, from this side of the world, I was able to get and pay for a set of gift certificates for my brother's kids (on the other side of the world) to go to a class of their choice at an art studio. The studio offered 2-hour classes for kids on painting, pottery, etc. etc. They could go together into one or choose individual ones. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Well I looked up where our Lisa lives.. worried about her .maybe should i send a card and make sure she is ok... there are phone numbers also

    Allie - has she been on Facebook? Not sure if she has an account. Yes, miss her!