March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    It was so beautiful today! We did 5k on roads, working on speed and maintaining effort up and down hills, then took a long walk through a part of the forest we hadn’t been through before. At one point we walked straight into the middle of a family of deer. I said, “I see three...” husband said, “no, there’s four,” and at that moment the largest deer made a barking noise, and deer exploded out of the underbrush all around us. Turns out there were not three, not four, but FOURTEEN deer! Deer are so well camouflaged in the woods!

    We may have to stop going out to eat after running, since everywhere we go people are coughing. And Memphians have no couth and would never think to cover a cough. I wish it was legal to just slap people who go out sick in public, just walk right up and slap them in the face (preferably with something long enough to stay out of range). Probably that’s not very nice. But I can dream.

    I was at a track meet last week where this grown woman was hacking up a lung all night in the bleachers with people everywhere and did not cover her mouth. So disgusting that she'd just sit there without any sense in the world or regard for anyone else's health. I understand your frustration, as she needed a wake up slap to the face.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    6.4 hard miles tonight, longest run since the Marathon and it was not fun, not pleasant, not enjoyable. I feel heavy and blah. This morning I got a 2.5 mile walk in with little man. Even though I felt like crap, I got lots of good cardio im today and will sleep well tonight. I got to get it together and back on track.

    Perfectly normal post-marathon... but still annoying. Your mind wants to go do big things, and your body says, "Nah, let's struggle through this shorter run today." It does get better!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    It was so beautiful today! We did 5k on roads, working on speed and maintaining effort up and down hills, then took a long walk through a part of the forest we hadn’t been through before. At one point we walked straight into the middle of a family of deer. I said, “I see three...” husband said, “no, there’s four,” and at that moment the largest deer made a barking noise, and deer exploded out of the underbrush all around us. Turns out there were not three, not four, but FOURTEEN deer! Deer are so well camouflaged in the woods!

    We may have to stop going out to eat after running, since everywhere we go people are coughing. And Memphians have no couth and would never think to cover a cough. I wish it was legal to just slap people who go out sick in public, just walk right up and slap them in the face (preferably with something long enough to stay out of range). Probably that’s not very nice. But I can dream.

    This reminds me of once I was hiking with a group in KS. I wanted to stop and take a photo of some deer and nobody had seen them except me. We all went right past them and I was the only one to even notice. I pointed them out to the others (4 or 5, I forget how many) and 1 guy still didn't see them. I literally pointed right at them and he still couldn't see them. Finally, I told him to stand still and watch while I flanked them to get them to move. Only then did he see the deer.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks @LoveyChar I agree. This is the best time of year to run in TX....hate missing out. <3
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I have heard of the open MRI. That is a great concept. The other weird part is the really loud noises, which the crappy ear plugs did not muffle. I think napping is such a great way to recharge. I have hard time doing it even when I need one though. Hope you have a great run tomorrow.! <3

    @rheddmobile Lol! I totally support long distance slapping as needed. The worst is when someone coughs near you on a plane for the whole darn flight....and you just picture those "droplets" showering down on you. I am supposed to fly to NYC in 3 weeks to see my boy but playing wait and see. :#

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    This year's finishers award for the Sandlot Marathon has been revealed!
    Finishers receive a miniature baseball bat!

    That is pretty awesome! Kinda sad I’ll be wandering around Moab instead.

    you'll be sad till you get there. i love that area.
    i had the best burger at Eddie McStiff's
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @LoveyChar and @Avidkeo
    Agree and agree! I agree with Lovey that we shouldn't live in fear, just prepare so that we can play our part in reducing the spread until we have a valid vaccine. And agree with Avid that vaccines save so many lives. I too got the flu shot a few years ago and got the flu and it felt like I had lost a very long boxing match....ached from head to to toe and it hurt to just lie down. For a week. I have since always gotten the flu shot, no side effects.

    On that note, maybe just a coincidence, but I got a few shots in December ( flu and MMR update) together. A day later I develop a blistery painful rash on my right ribcage. (sorry if its TMI) I go to the doctor - diagnoses shingles! I was convinced it was the shot reaction as they always list rashes as side effects. But it was so distinctly shingles, being on one side of your body. It was truly awful! Painful rash but the neuropathy that wrapped from my front to my back was really bad. It was really hard to sleep for a month and wearing shirts hurt. They presrcribed gabapentan and an anti-viral. Needless to say I will be getting the painful 2 part shingles shot soon. Wanted to wait a few months to get past all that. Maybe I will have extra protection from Corona? Nahhhh....💉
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    So as Tuesday wore on I kept having this nagging cough. Couldn’t read and sing to my kids at bedtime ☹️ Woke up on Wednesday and was greeted with aches, chills, fever... ugh, the flu.

    So I’ve been knocked out the last couple days, lots of sleeping. My husband’s trying to keep the kids away from me as much as possible, my 6 year old gets it, but it’s really hard trying to explain to a 3 year old he can’t get close to his mama.

    Starting to feel better today, going to try for at least a walk. My dog’s been feeling neglected. The run this weekend was supposed to be a practice race 10k so I’ll be skipping that. Maybe an easy 3 miles.

    So one of my goal’s for this half was to get through the training without losing time to injury or illness. Oh well! Getting sick in the middle of a pandemic really puts things in perspective.

    At least, if you have body aches, it’s probably not the Coronavirus. Supposedly the lack of body aches is one of the main differences in symptoms between a mild case of Coronavirus and regular flu. Hope you feel better soon!