
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    ]I updated my page. The direct link to recipes is in the spoiler. Still under construction so check back often!

    RV Rita
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did Les Mills Training Cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Tracy Long’s Longevity Series Leaning Out DVD.

    We’re foster failures and so is Jess. But we can still foster. But, honestly, I wouldn’t because I know Vince and me, and we’d wind up being foster failures again.

    I couldn’t believe it. When I went to Aldi yesterday there was this guy with a mask, only he was holding the mask up with his hand. Now how is that going to provide any protection at all? Wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of the people who wear masks when they go food shopping, take them off when they get home and then put them on again when they go out.

    Beth – did you make your own icing?

    Should be somewhat warm today but it’s supposed to get cooler tomorrow until Friday. I tried to mention to Vince that we need to wash the deck and wash the windows. Those are just things I can’t do, but I may be able to wash at least some of the windows. Why does he procrastinate such? I try not to nag him, but I’m afraid it comes across as acceptance, that these things can be put off.

    Good news! Looks like we got the pump to the pool working. We had to go to Lows Hardware for salt only they didn’t have any so we had to go to WM. But we got it! So by Friday the jpool should be nice and clear

    SuziQ – I’m glad to see you have a good supervisor who makes sure you do things the right way….lol

    Michele NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lanette What is that FB page that has the wonderful music? I want to follow.


    IRIS!!! <3<3<3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,582 Member
    edited March 2020
    Lanette What is that FB page that has the wonderful music? I want to follow.


    IRIS!!! <3<3<3

    Karen - I didn't bookmark these yesterday, drat! :( Here's Parton/Ronstadt/Harris singing "After the Gold Rush" on Letterman via Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=o2XcBL6kWn8

    I listened to Neil Young sing this song hundreds of times. These gals do a better job I think <3 He always sounded half bombed but the lyrics were intriguing, lol.

    EDIT - so I just go onto Facebook and find "Watch" on my laptop - or the symbol of a screen at the top of my tablet - open and see what they have for you.... (sorry I don't think I was very clear before).

    Celtic Thunder = follow out Celtic Thunder Official
    Ed Sheeran = follow Sheerios (several version of his song "Perfect."
    Didn't catch a source for kd lang, I saw her Hallelujah come up several times in different feeds. Yesterday must have been Hallelujah day! B)

    I'll pay better attention from here on out. Once FB video figures out what I like they tend to start pushing songs they think I'll like. I do scroll through a lot though.

    I'm still new to this and trying to figure out how to search better.

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    stats for the day:


    slow bike ride home 2 sumner station, wind and rain- 1hr 7min, 30sec, 141mhr, 11.8amph, 13.22mi= 492c
    apple watch- 475c
    walk sta 2 wrk hard rain and wind- 9.45min, 95mhr, .52mi= 14c
    apple watch- 45c
    walk wrk 2 sta, windy- 8min, 10.09min mi, 109mhr, 535mi= 28c
    apple watch- 48c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm , windy!- 20.57min, 7.4amph, 145mhr, 2.58mi= 181c
    apple watch- 143c

    total 766cal
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    We had a beautiful day here after a drizzly cold weekend. Son is respectful of not smoking in front of me. He still is smoking quite a bit, but I didn't say anything. We two delightful walks and after I left after lunch and beore I came back for dinner he walked all the way around the lake that is about a 3 mile walk. DH went to spend time with our other son today. His job is on furlough too.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2020
    The memes are hilarious.

    There is a YouTube livestream today (Tuesday) at 4pm that may be interesting to some, entitled "Managing Relationships in a Time of Social Distancing" by Dr. Robert Waldinger:
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    This link to Rita's nifty website worked better for me: