

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Lots of love to you all, my friends. I am near bedtime and about to start reading a real book. It's set in Oslo, just after the second world war. Change of scene. :D
    Saga sent an email asking for patience with the refund/rebooking situation. Hope to hear this week. :#:/ Apparently their two ships are now moored at Tilbury and they have offered them as hospital ships. Strange to think of my old cabin as a hospital bed! I don't think it will happen as the government have taken over the private hospitals and gained 8,000 beds.
    I've been reading the report from Imperial College, where my ex was a lecturer, which is what our government response is based on. Don't know how to link it to here. My son put it on Facebook.

    Night night xxxxxxxx Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Sharon, are you affiliated with a church. Someone there may be able to assist. Also meals on wheels maybe able to help. If I lived near you I would make up a care bag. Big hug to you, you've been through so much lately.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    That’s it someone put Pence in a hazmat suit if he still insisting on working! 2xs now he trying for a 3rd times the charm or what!

    Amber Tx
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Kim in NorCal- I’m in SoCal. Our mayor put us on shelter in place last weekend, so we are already used to it. It’s not so much different from my normal life. I’m just annoyed at all the greedy people.

    A second person just posted on Nextdoor, her need for TP. No one seems to be coming forward to help. I’ll be asking soon.

    Tina in CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    stats for the day;

    outside walking w/yogi- 1hr 46min, .21sec, 105mhr, 4.74mi= 160c
    Apple Watch- 493c
    Zwift bike trainer- 45.12min, 17.3amph, 160mhr, 147ahr, 13.04mi= 482c
    Apple Watch- 497c

    total cal 978
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member

    Well I solved Dads Church problem. My Aunt does the office y music,Dad preaching fill in, my Uncles a Deacon. They liked my idea called Pastor he liked it called their congregation. Sit in cars window down 10min sermon y a prayer 🙏 no getting out of the car then go home. Might work for some of you still call your pastors suggest it.
    Even if some can’t hear they may enjoy getting out. No engines on ,no exiting the vehicles at all (only pastor out of vehicle),y no money collected or going in the church even for bathrooms 🚽 so no potty that’s why it’s short. After it’s done approx 15minutes everyone drives home.

    Amber Tx

    It’s the Jesus preached with no heater or AC or microphone 🎤 or speakers 🔊 so why can’t we!

    Why not just go online?

    That's what the churches here have done. We've got a no more than 100 people inside rule.

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Thank you so much for The Washington Post link. People aren't distinguishing between "needs" vs "wants". It especially worries me when I read that someone has made multiple trips to multiple stores in search of things they don't actually need. The virus lives on hard surfaces such as plastic, glass, & metal for up to 72 hours. We must all consider ourselves to be asymptomatic carriers at all times. We may not be sick ourselves, but we may be responsible for making others critically ill.

    I am posting the video of Dr. Landon's C-19 remarks:
