Coronavirus prep



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    Social distancing is not meant to keep everyone from getting the virus, just to slow down transmission so that the health care system can keep up. This doesn't require everyone to stay locked in their homes, just avoid crowds, give others a 6 ft distance, and practice correct hygienic practices. Quarantine would only be necessary for those who are sick to avoid creating a cluster, or possibly for those in the vulnerable demographic to protect themselves. This would be appropriate in places where their are few or a manageable number of cases requiring intensive care.

    Yes this is the level in Australia at present.

    Mass gatherings like sports, clubs etc are all cancelled and people are told to socially distance - no handshakes, keep 1.7 m apart, don't go on holidays, and less affected states ( like South Australia where I live) are closing their state borders.
    International borders already closed and all incomers since last week or so have to self isolate for 14 days.
    But cafes, restarants still open as long as tables spread apart. Same with most shops. Schools still open.
    Nursing homes in lockdown.
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    The people who panic buy are pathetic. Their cleaning out the stores for the regular customers who shop once every week. People dont need to panic buy for 20 weeks....they gotta leave some for the rest of us normal shoppers
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    kq1981 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    kq1981 wrote: »
    Well it’s not so much prep but I was really angry today. As we’ve been told, no gatherings over 100 people. My friend went to a wedding with about 90 guests. So that’s not incudling the workers. I said I wldnt put yrself or the kids at danger, the answer I got was, word for word “I don’t care, doesn’t worry me, people are being stupid and overreacting” It’s attidudes like this that puts our world at risk, selfish and ignorant grrrrrrrrrr so mad. I love her and feel guilty I feel so angry but I just imagine all the people in the world with attitudes just like that who are depending on everyone else to do the right thing to lessen THEIR danger. Hmph

    @kq1981 - send her this link:

    A wedding is how community transmission started here. Things were semi under control when new cases were almost all imported and dealt with immediately.

    All it takes is one infected person in a large group situation :\

    That wedding is exactly wear my mind went to when I msgd her. And NOW I heard that the NSW government let those 4 ships dock and 2700 people disembarked after 4 positive tests onboard after the fed government said no 😔 those poor people and I feel terrible for Sydney residents (of corse along with other states and countries) our world needs a big hug and some people need a big smack.

    Are you saying that people should be forced to remain in close quarters on the ship until the disease runs its course through all of them, in an environment with shared ventilation? Policies like that will only encourage people to hide any signs of illness, if they think admitting it will force them into overcrowded conditions in which they will definitely be infected, if they aren't already.

    I'm not a cruise-taker, but I don't think going on a cruise somehow makes you less deserving of the option to self-quarantine at home, the ability to obtain adequate medical care (to the extent that remains available), and the same compassion other victims receive.

    Remember how fast this thing is moving. Society at large were probably not taking this all that seriously when those people got on those ships, and official government messaging probably wasn't discouraging people from living their lives as they always have.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Question for everyone on the topic of planning as we get through this:

    Let's say someone you know, either a family member or friend, dies during this time (either for Covid-19 or otherwise). In the interest of avoiding crowds, do you still go to the funeral / memorial service? If you are involved in planning the funeral, do you ask for only close family members to come?

    Also, would it make someone a terrible person to skip going to the funeral even if it is a relative (grandparent, let's say)? *Asking for a friend.

    Well, Catholic funerals in Boston have been put on hold

    My family has staggered funerals in the past for logistical reasons, for example one in California at the time and one on the East Coast at a more convenient time. There was another one that had a proper funeral at the time and a memorial at a more convenient time.

    If I were in charge of a funeral, I would definitely postpone it.

    In the Washington archdiocese, "public" masses are cancelled. Funeral and wedding masses can be held, but should be limited to immediate family.

    I wouldn't travel for a funeral right now, although it does seem awful that everyone is going to have to be isolated in their grief.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    I went for a walk, including past my church (which is open for private prayer during specific hours, but not at the particular time I went by) and through part of my local shopping district (lots of little local shops). I kind of just wanted to see if the shops had any signs about whether they'd be open once the "stay at home" order goes into effect or anything about delivery.

    My local grocery (meat market) is going to be open with limits on how many can come in and is asking that non-elderly/vulnerable don't come during the first two hours of each day. The pet food store is doing curbside pickup (although this is a walking district more than a driving one). Some stores had already shut down.

    Neighborhood sidewalks were largely empty, although some people were out walking dogs or just walking. I passed a few buses that had just a tiny number of people in them. A few people were out running and a couple of people were biking, and I saw a father outside playing with his small child.

    I was out driving today partially just to get out of the house, but also to find the location of the blood drive I'm going to next week (yay! I found one that was making whole blood donation appointments!) and to drop off a few nonperishables at a food bank in the same vicinity, and I saw a bus with the electronic sign on the front displaying "BUS FULL / WAIT FOR NEXT BUS." By normal standards, it was practically empty, but I guess the driver didn't think anymore people could get on and maintain six feet of separation.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    One other reason why liquor sales are considered "essential": the taxes provide a lot of the income to both state and federal governments in the US.

    Good point.

    At least here liquor sales are often at grocery stores anyway, or can be done through delivery services (including Instacart).

    I think people weren't sure whether they would be considered "essential" here, though, as a lot of the crazy buying I saw in the grocery store yesterday was booze, and when I was at Best Buy on Thursday afternoon I noticed that the traffic at the Binny's was nuts.

    Some of the localities around here have temporarily lifted restrictions so that restaurants doing delivery or carry-out can also provide unopened containers of alcohol, even if they're not licensed for off-site sales.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Are people still flying??? I just saw a post on FB from a former daycare family that are in Aruba. :( They must've flown out of Logan and maybe one other airport, IDK. But....??

    Yes. One of my clients left for vacation on March 18. Her family flew to Fiji. Hope she can get back home!

    I have to say I don't understand why anyone would take their family on a plane with potentially infected fellow passengers, and risk not being able to return home?

    Private plane? Charter flight?