Coronavirus prep



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Excess weight carrying as a risk factor was identified early on. Boris lost a substantial amount while he was hospitalised. Hearing the story of someone today, who left hospital after best part of 2 months, he described himself as "a bag of bones". For him having some extra reserves might have worked in his favour, his had been a very close call. May be he lost only two stone similar to our PM.

    Regrettably as in all things, there will be outliers who are not in accepted risk groups and still do not make it.

    Earlier in this evening UK news, was saying our disadvantaged areas were disproportionately represented in the high numbers, those areas also had deeper cuts in health and other services, I'm assuming this was in the early years of this Government, following the International Financial Crisis and were ongoing in 2019, by % of the previous year, 2018 not having made up any difference. The recovery was not happening readily, people have been said to be no better off than at the start of the crash.

    I hope everyone here stays well.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,487 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    Small rant on public health messages on Covid. We hear wear masks, distance, wash hands and those with comorbidities are more susceptible to complications from Covid.

    Where is the messaging to take positive steps to reduce comorbidities? Lose weight, positive steps for better nutrition, etc.

    My answer to that would be because simple messages hit home.

    If one tries to have a message about, for example, getting regular pap smears - one doesnt throw in getting regular FOBT's and regular general check ups and vaccinations, and surgery is open x time to do it and the turn around time for results is x and if result is positive or negative, x is next step and other relevant but TLDR and now nobody is getting any message at all.

    Simple poster: get a pap smear every 5 years.

    Simple poster, "lose weight, reduce your chance of complications from Covid".

    Yes if that is the main message you want to convey.

    However it seems a secondary message to me..

    If we want the message of masks, hand washing, social distancing hitting home, then dont muddy the waters with secondary messages.

    Posters work better when simple and direct.

    I totally agree❤️

    And if you want a secondary message to resonate with people, don’t single, one comorbidity out. List them all. There’s a lot of risk factors that can cause severe cases of covid leading to death. Even if there is a high number of deaths among overweight people who have died from covid. It’s not the only preexisting factor, or the only preventable one.

    Let’s not forget the survivors of covid who are suffering from neurological disorders, some from very mild cases of covid. Take into consideration long term affects from surviving covid may be appearing well into the future. No one knows for sure.

    The single best preventative measure, face covering, social distancing, and hand washing. Most everyone can, and should, be complying with this.

    Take the time to read this article about what caregivers in ICU units are going through. It’s heartbreaking.

    From the CDC:

    "Adults of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19:

    Chronic kidney disease
    COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
    Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
    Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant
    Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg/m2 or higher but < 40 kg/m2)
    Severe Obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2)
    Sickle cell disease
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus"

    Please review the list, the only factors one can directly control are obesity, smoking and pregnancy. Other than cancer and sickle cell anemia the other risk factors are all made more severe by obesity.

    Never have I said that face coverings, distancing, etc. should be ignored or messaging reduced. My point is losing weight, quitting smoking and improving the nutritional content of one's diet are realistically the only things an individual can do to make the impact of the disease less severe if one should contract it. This fact should be publicized.

    I'm well aware of the sufferings of our health care professionals ands pray for them daily. Wouldn't it be nice if there was messaging out there that working on obesity and quitting smoking would result in less serious cases and less load on the health care providers? Perhaps someone at the start of all this would have worked on weight loss and would be 50 pounds lighter they would be quarantining in home due to improved health rather than in an ICU bed if blunt messaging about the impact of obesity and smoking was out there early.

    Or are we just concerned with misplaced political correctness?

    Whose misplaced PC?

    My husband is an essential worker. Six year cancer survivor with a slowly growing cancer at the sight of original cancer that was surgically removed. Being monitored at this time every three months for growth. Untreatable at the moment.

    I’m well aware of the increased risks for people with existing conditions you so kindly pointed out to me.

    Show a little compassion for others that aren’t able to live up to exalted standards others think they should be capable of overcoming.

    Please wear face coverings and social distance. It’s not too much to ask.

    Sorry for your family's issues. Of course wear masks and social distance, but also take steps that you personally can to make the impact of Covid less severe if one gets it.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I’m surprised some of the pill pusher companies haven’t jumped on the bandwagon with “buy our pills and lose weight today to
    Fight complications of Covid” or something similar.
  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member
    I wonder why Type 1 diabetes isn't on that list? Is there some reason it wouldn't be a factor?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    lokihen wrote: »
    I wonder why Type 1 diabetes isn't on that list? Is there some reason it wouldn't be a factor?

    It should be, IMO, because of how this virus enters cells. It makes sense that T1D would be a bigger factor than T2D... but depends on control level to a certain extent also.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    I’m surprised some of the pill pusher companies haven’t jumped on the bandwagon with “buy our pills and lose weight today to
    Fight complications of Covid” or something similar.

    All of the following are simpler and apply to more people:

    "Buy our pills and avoid Covid"
    "Buy our pills and lose weight".

    KISS principle. If you're gonna lie anyway, still applies. /cynic

    I think both of the above are already being used, out in the wild, usually with some "support immune system" nonsense in there for the first, and "with recommended diet & exercise program" in there for the second, to fend off the FDA. (US)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    For the person who wondered why Type 1 diabetes is not on the list of predisposing conditions. Type 1 diabetics is an autoimmune condition. Something causes the immune system to mistakenly attack a persons pancreatic tissue, it similar way to thyroid antibodies attack the thyroid and in MS its the nerve coatings which are damaged by the immune system. The problem is a reaction to something which is a close match for the persons tissue, its called, molecule mimicry. It is not unheard of for a person with one autoimmune condition to acquire others.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,508 Member
    edited December 2020
    I'm surprised autoimmune conditions aren't on that list.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited December 2020
    Not that this is probably news to most here, but ICU capacity is running out in a lot of places. My county has 3 beds left according to the map, but that is 74% full since we only have 14 beds total.

    Intensive Care Beds Are Nearing Capacity Across the Country, New Data Shows

    Edit to add that I don't know how good these numbers are. Some places have been including NICU beds in the total because they are an ICU bed... but that doesn't help us adults.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    glp2323 wrote: »
    I'm 38 and severely obese (BMI >50). Covid was my wake-up call. I always thought I had time to lose weight and get healthy. Unfortunately, it took Covid for me to realize how precious time was, and that I may not make it through the year because of my weight.

    The past several months I've lost a lot of weight (avg. 3-4lbs a week lost) and have made dramatic changes to my diet. However, although it's possible to lose weight you can't do it overnight. My reality is I will likely remain "high-risk" for the duration of this pandemic, even though I will continue to do my best to lose weight. I wish now, I began this weight loss journey earlier. All I can do is look ahead, and continue to hope and pray my family and I continue to avoid catching this terrible virus.

    I wish there were more positive testimonials of overweight people who have recovered from COVID because the news can make you feel that if you catch it and are obese you die. It's a scary reality some of us have to live with despite knowing we have to change.

    I hope you all stay safe and healthy.

    Kudos to you for making changes!!! <3

    And I agree with you about the news being a bit more positive. But then maybe more people would feel it's nothing to be afraid of after all and go about their merry ways? IDK. I wish there was a way to put a positive spin on contracting it and doing better than you think you will, but I don't think this is a virus with any guarantees. :( Just wish it wasn't so scary and unknown Hopefully all that will change as we continue to learn, experience and find better treatments/vaccines.