April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Whew! What a day! It’s 11:12pm - easter baskets are put together and set out. I broke the news to my son about the Easter bunny the other day but he took it really well. Madison used to think I ACTUALLY TURNED INTO A RABBIT (And an elf, and a fairy- now that she’s a teen I am way less magical. But Patchen. Oh my heart. He cried. But he felt better after a heart to heart about what really makes magic in the world. Hope and love. And the fierce love of a mother. And being intentional about hanging onto every bit of joy and wonder we can. I told him that will never stop and that I will do my best to deliver on that. I hope he’s full of wonderment in the morning.

    My 10K went all right. Had to turn around and go back home once I was already on my way to the trail because there are certain bathroom breaks i will not take behind a tree. I’m just not there yet. Not when i live only a few minutes away and cops and people are everywhere.

    The first three miles, I was pretty sure I’d be walking the whole thing. I woke up less motivated than normal and was annoyed at the sound of video games at 7am IN MY BEDROOM NO LESS, as well as Madison’s wayyyyy too early waking.

    But i convinced myself - what the heck was I even there for, if not to try? My knee was hurting, my left leg felt like dead weight, and I just wanted a nap

    At some point, there was a shift - a breaking point where I just ran because i love to run. I wore my bib today and I got a lot of smiles. Not many people considering, but still more than last week were out. The smiles were encouraging and I felt so proud and tried to intentionally pray and hope for the world and all it’s people. God, help us.

    My time wasn’t bad - worst time was just over twelve minutes, best time was just under twelve. I made myself walk the downhills so as not to aggravate my IT band too much - i think it helped but I am still hurting. I kept thinking, man, would this be a cakewalk if i werent in pain??? My endurance is better but I have noticed physically some fitness I have lost (cellulite that was solid muscle a few weeks ago :(

    My daughter took a photo for me this morning and I felt like i have chunky arms..... i hate that negative self talk. My arms are fine.

    We colored eggs today and let me just say - to those of you with younger kids (younger than 11 and almost 14), enjoy it while you can. They eventually turn into teenagers that are too busy to spend more than five minutes with you .

    I hate how negative I sound. I guess I miss normalcy and the magic of when they were little bitty.

    But the run was great! I am weighing whether or not I should go ahead and run the marathon on the 25th. It’ll be a long freaking day and then there’s the IT Band to contend with. It may be a good idea to stick to shorter distances until I am all healed up.

    @quilteryoyo great job today! You are amazing and such an inspiration!

    @katharmonic i think i will pass on the oiselle Volee also - i am not an elite runner by any stretch and I prefer to run alone. I’m not sure what it could really offer me. Also i don’t want to pay $120 for a $40 gift card. They could just give me a gift card anyway, for what I’ve already spent with them lol ;)

    Anyway, happy easter to all! Remember- we have this hope! Sleep well!
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Bit of a giggle for you today... I'm in agony.
    Half naked pic in the spoiler, you have been warned.

    My sports bra has finally reached the end of its life. It was a cold morning this morning and when I started noticing the pain, just under my arms around the back, I assumed it was due to cold. This started at around the 9k mark. But as I kept going, it got worse, and I realised the dredded chaffe had come on!

    Advice? Tips? What do I do?

    Bra is getting BURNED!

    Ugh, I had the chafe after my marathon last month! It was so hot that I sweated waaaay more than normal. I just slathered it with Vaseline and went without a bra whenever I was at home for a couple of days. After about three days, it felt a lot better. I noticed last night that I still have lines on my torso from them...I hope they won’t be permanent.

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @eleanorhawkins Your relationship with Hal has me dying!!! 😂

    @ContraryMaryMary Wow, 45 minutes is baller! I have a jump rope somewhere. I may get it out and see if I can do maybe 10...

    It was so pretty yesterday, so I got out for 4 miles in the morning. We are supposed to have storms starting later and going through tonight, so I may try to get out before the rain begins for another 3-4.
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    Really TMI question having to do with chafing.
    I'm 21 weeks pregnant now and I have never had nipple chafing before. I've always been pretty small chested and regular sports bras were efficient enough. How does one stop this from happening? Its awful! They feel like they're on fire after running. Would a more supportive or tighter bra help?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    0411-9k, total-25.4k goal-100k

    Loop of the park late afternoon yesterday. It was 22°C when I started! Lots of people in shorts. Which is a byproduct of lots of people... Spent plenty of time dodging crowds. Walked a portion of it because I've given up running with a mask but people were looking at me funny, so I put on the mask and walked until I hit somewhere less populated.

    Most people here still have not caught on to the whole wear a mask thing. I made some for my family, and then found a place to buy them at $6 each (and for every one you buy, one is donated to a hospital). Last time I went out though it was around 3 in 10 wearing masks, and of those maybe 1/2 actually were doing a reasonable job of wearing them.

    This whole event is just so culturally alien to the American Way of life that despite most people caring, they are struggling to adapt.

    Ah well.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,328 Member
    Thanks for all the kudos on my run yesterday. I am surprised I'm not sore today. I really needed my now defunct heating pad last night. I wound up improvising with a microwaved, rice filled sock. It worked pretty good, just not big enough to cover all of the areas I needed to heat up. I thought about getting out my electric blanket to see if that would work.

    On the topic of bra chafe.
    I have a couple of really bad places today. Mine is on the underside of my breast. And, not to be the bearer of bad news, but I still have "scars" from the chafe I got back in July. I really need to find a bra that works for me. The newest one I got back in the summer always gives me chafe - it is really designed wrong and may be a little too tight, so not going to wear it anymore for running. The ones that don't chafe under my breast chafe on my shoulders. It's a good thing I'm not dating anyone. It's not pretty. :lol: Any bra recommendations would be welcomed.

    Love the cake @Faebert ! You're very talented!

    Great runs everyone.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    I messaged @Avidkeo directly with this, but as I see it's a recurring topic today I'll share this here too.... not chaffing exactly, but I suffer with severe psoriasis and bra areas have always been a problem, especially under straps, bands and wires. My dermatologist suggested sticking pantyliners (cut to size if necessary) inside my bras (with the soft side against the skin) to protect lesions from rubbing. Probably not much help during a run, but to reduce pain in general day-to-day life while sore spots heal it might help?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Really TMI question having to do with chafing.
    I'm 21 weeks pregnant now and I have never had nipple chafing before. I've always been pretty small chested and regular sports bras were efficient enough. How does one stop this from happening? Its awful! They feel like they're on fire after running. Would a more supportive or tighter bra help?

    Ouch. It might be time for a different size or style? They make nipple gaurds, marketed for men. @garygse (I think) mentioned round Band-Aids helped. Body glide might help. If it's not open, liquid band aid might be an option? Good luck. And congratulations!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,328 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »

    Next scheduled run YOU should sleep and make HER run!!!

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,814 Member
    I went out for a short 2.55 mile run this morning in my neighborhood. All was quiet. No other humans spotted. I only need a little over 3 miles to reach my weekly marathon goal and i have until Wednesday to get that done.
    Happy Easter to everyone!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    4/3 – 3
    4/4 – 3
    4/7 – 3
    4/9 – 2
    4/10 – 3
    4/11 – 3
    4/12 - 2

    19 of 40 miles

    Happy Easter all

    Today was my off day, but Skip was out doing 90 minutes and she came back at an hour and said she was bored would I run the last 30 minutes with her. So off we went, it started to pour, then thunder then lightening ha ha oh thanks honey. We headed back to the house and it at least stopped pouring and lightening so we finished the 30. She was behind me in the cul-de-sac and I always say watch the dirt and I didn’t and she went down hard when her feet slipped under from underneath her. She’s fine I’m sure her feeling were more hurt ha ha

    According to the weather map we have a really high chance of an EF2 – EF5 tornado, hey thanks because things aren’t crazy enough. Life in the South.

    @Faebert Thanks I like that we run together too. She’s so much faster than me but runs at least a few miles with me. She is the one who started me running when she was in 8th grade on a bet, she said I bet you can’t run a 5K and I accepted that bet, she’s a sophomore in high school and I’ve been running ever since. Awesome cake.
    @quilteryoyo love your pup
    @marisap2010 nothing wrong with vegging out
    @brittanystebbins95 congrats on the pregnancy! Body glide, band aids or a more supportive bra would be my recommendation.
    Ha ha on the squirrel proof feeder @PastorVincent
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo - well done!
    @eleanorhawkins - hilarious read re Hal. My confession is I actually had crushes on two of the strictest and toughest gym class instructors I ever had. On the plus side it did make me work harder than I ever have before and achieve more than I thought I could. But I also felt feminist guilt for responding to being shouted at 😉 😳
    @Avidkeo - re frozen cake, can you get those clear boiled sweets/mints out there? I made a frozen cake for my daughter and melted and dyed clear mints (Foxes glacier mints here in the UK) to make icy shards. With a bit of blue dye and icing sugar snow it could work? Pic below to show what I mean...
    @skippygirlsmom - love how you and your daughter can run together. My two are just a bit young to keep up and I was hoping to try and build it up but now I’m going out super early while it’s quiet to minimise risk and I don’t want to drag them with me. Looking forward to being at your stage.

    4 miles for me yesterday and 3.7miles today. Lovely weather but a big drop is forecast for tomorrow so going to make the most of it with a tiny disposable bbq today for me and my kids. Happy Easter to all those celebrating.

    April goal: 75 miles
    April total: 45.2 miles

    1/4: 3.6 miles
    2/4: 3.7 miles
    3/4: 3.5 miles
    4/4: 4.1 miles
    5/4: 3.5 miles
    6/4: 3.6 miles
    7/4: 3.5 miles
    8/4: 3.5 miles
    9/4: 3.5 miles
    10/4: 5 miles
    11/4: 4 miles
    12/4: 3.7 miles

    March: 76.4 m
    February: 17.8 m
    January: 0


    Ohhh ill try that! Thanks! I think im going to try a few new candy making techniques over the next week!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,328 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Thanks. Hope the tornadoes stay away. Glad you got to run with Skip this morning. Hope she's okay after the fall.

    @PastorVincent Hahaha. Squirrels are pretty resourceful.