April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Thanks for your well wishes @shanaber, @Avidkeo , @Tramboman, @quilteryoyo ,@scott6255 and @katharmonic. I appreciate this group so much. We got good news today! My aunt's test came back negative and she is not running fever so they moved her back to her rehab room.

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Thanks for your well wishes @shanaber, @Avidkeo , @Tramboman, @quilteryoyo ,@scott6255 and @katharmonic. I appreciate this group so much. We got good news today! My aunt's test came back negative and she is not running fever so they moved her back to her rehab room.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Thanks for your well wishes @shanaber, @Avidkeo , @Tramboman, @quilteryoyo ,@scott6255 and @katharmonic. I appreciate this group so much. We got good news today! My aunt's test came back negative and she is not running fever so they moved her back to her rehab room.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Today I had an actual realisation, I'm genuinely training for a marathon. Which sounds silly when I've downloaded an app and am following a plan, but today was the first day it hit me. Then I felt nervous and kinda thrilled. I never ever believed I would do this, and now I know I will. Because I have a plan, and I have the support of all you guys. And I know with training (and a bit of luck) I'll actually run it. So now I'm getting excited haha.

    You got this! :) I mean running a marathon is just like running a 5k, you just repeat it 8 or 9 times. ;)
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @kgirlhart great news!

    Everyone, I'm in some kind of lockdown haze atm. I literally haven't set foot outside our 90m2 flat for a month (this is day 29). I'm skimming over everyone's posts and liking and hugging but I don't seem to be taking everything in, so I apologise for not commenting on stuff. Virtual hugs (of the nice, safe, non-contagious kind) to everyone!

    @Avidkeo I had told Hal I wanted to do the 10k I was supposed to be running (highly unlikely now!) on the 10th of May in 65 minutes, and he was demanding training paces I just couldn't bear on the treadmill. So I scrapped that plan and instead told him I want to run a HM on the 30th of August in 2hr45 (considering it took me over 3 hours to do one on the dreadmill!) but I wanted to run 4 days a week and use the intermediate plan (mostly as an experiment as the intermediate plans on his website were all 5 days...)
    He 'said': "ok, we'll do base training until 12 weeks before your race." So that's what we're doing. I do have a feeling a lot of the basics of the app are very similar though. For example, tomorrow was supposed to be a 5k 'race' on the 10k plan and it is on this, too.

    Much needed rest day today. Legs don't hurt but they're definitely tired. Trouble is, I'm eating my emotions way too much atm. So I'll probably do a 'marching' workout with the family in a while (desperately trying to make sure mini-me does at least a little bit of something most days) followed by an upper body strength workout. And my evening yoga of course. I've always been very sceptical about yoga, but it's REALLY helping me not murder anyone atm.

    C-word related crap:
    My mother's last living aunt, aged 90, died on Wednesday. She lived in a residential home in the UK. They haven't told us if it ws the virus, but we're assuming so. Mum's cousin said they weren't allowed to even go visit her let alone be with her at the end, and there won't be a funeral because of the 'situation'.
    My daughter (14) suffers a lot with anxiety. She's coping fine with confinement, but my husband is going to have to start going out to work again on Monday and she's terrified he's going to 'bring the virus home'. I'm also starting to really worry about how she's going to cope when they decide we have to start going out again, especially when they re-open the schools.
    My husband is convinced that the 'pharyngitis' I had in early February was actually this stupid *kitten* virus, and that I picked it up at the funeral for his cousin's son mid-January (so many people there you couldn't move). I'm really praying it was, and that the flu-bug she had around the same time was too. I know, it's pretty self-centred but if it turns out we're immune it would make ALL the difference to getting her to set foot outside again once this calms down.
    They said on TV they're going to start going to random homes to run tests. I would love them to come here, but knowing our luck they won't. Also, as soon as this started the police warned everyone that there were *kitten* going round pretending to be from the authorities to do tests, but they were just trying to get into peoples' houses to do nasty things. So how are we supposed to know whether they're legit or not???

    We should have been arriving in Santiago de Compostela today to complete our 'pilgrimage' walk from Ferrol. Seriously, 2020 can go *kitten* itself.

    First biggest biggest hugs to you and your family. It really truly sux and so so much vs going along with it. We are only 2 weeks into our Lockdown and if I were stuck at home like you guys, I think I'd go even more bonkers. Hope its over soon!

    Second, I think you are amazing. Your perseverance is incredible. I am still in awe you ran a HM on your treadmill.

    I've been doing my marathon training for a couple of weeks now and all my runs have been base runs. Happy with that though, I'm not bothered with the rest, though I know they are good for me haha.

    One day at a time eh.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    edited April 2020
    @kgirlhart I’m glad your aunt is doing better!

    For everyone training right now, you’ve got this!

    I’m so-so with gift giving. My hubby buys whatever he wants, so he is impossible as far as planning in advance because he has in the past bought something I had already planned. I try to be thoughtful and creative with people’s interests when I can.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,091 Member
    @LoveyChar Love the double rainbow! It's interesting how it is darker in between them, like the top one is casting a shadow onto the bottom one, but it stops there.

    Great news @kgirlhart !

    @rheddmobile Your walk sounds wonderful! Glad you were able to do that and clear your head. Great run too. Hopefully your knee won't complain too much. I wish people would follow the rules. This thing would be over so much sooner if they would. I was out and about yesterday, out of necessity, and my estimate is that less than 5% of the people were wearing the recommended mask.

    @Faebert Great run!

    @eleanorhawkins I salute you for not stepping foot out of your home for 29 days. I don't think I could do it. I'm so glad that I live in a rural area where I have no fear of going outside.
    Sorry about your situation. I would assume if someone comes to your house to do testing that they would have some sort of identification. I would ask for that and then, if you still didn't feel comfortable, call the authorities that are sending them out and ask if they are legit or not. An alternative would be to step outside of your flat to have them do the testing so they aren't inside your home.

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Very sorry @eleanorhawkins! My heart goes out to you and your family!! That is an extremely tough situation. Hope you win the lottery and they come (the real authorities) knocking on your door.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Just plugging along. Enjoying the biking but missing the runs. Maybe by May....

    What's the old saying? "April showers bring May runs"....Sounds like a personal problem, don't ya think? :D

    @kgirlhart Great news on your Aunt.

    @LoveyChar Beautiful rainbows....I kept looking but didn't see any yesterday.

    @quilteryoyo That is also good news!

    @rheddmobile Racing riding lawn mowers? That's funny in a crazy sort of way....Doesn't sound that safe either but at least they have a mowed lawn I guess.....

    @eleanorhawkins Sorry about your great aunt and the stress that this virus is bringing to your family. I agtee about the testing....would be great to see who has had it that never got tested. Peace of mind for sure.

    April – Biking for now
    Race: Cap 10K ATX - April 5th - Cancelled

    4/1 - 14 miles
    4/2 - 18 miles
    4/3 - 17 miles
    4/4 – 18 miles
    4/5 – 13 miles
    4/6 – 14 miles
    4/7 – 13 miles/Stretch/Core
    4/8 – 12 miles bike/3.5 miles walk
    4/9 – Walked 4 miles
    4/10 – Yoga, 18 mile ride

    Total Bike Mileage: 137 miles
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Bit of a giggle for you today... I'm in agony.
    Half naked pic in the spoiler, you have been warned.

    My sports bra has finally reached the end of its life. It was a cold morning this morning and when I started noticing the pain, just under my arms around the back, I assumed it was due to cold. This started at around the 9k mark. But as I kept going, it got worse, and I realised the dredded chaffe had come on!

    I haven't had chaffe in YEARS! I've never used body glide on this area because it was never a problem before

    Got home, and omg it's so painful! I haven't even had a shower yet, nd I'm not looking forward to that! Just sitting here typing it's agony.

    Advice? Tips? What do I do?

    Bra is getting BURNED!

    Oh, I still finished the 11.5k, nothing was getting in the way of that lol.

    I do not know what works for others, but I shower and put the chaffing right into the water. It only hurts for a min or 2 then stops hurting completely. Works for me at least, no matter how sensitive the location. You can put vaseline on it until it heals to prevent further damage but that may stain your clothes. Beyond that, just need wait it out really.