April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    edited April 2020
    Yesterday's walk I had planned to recharge my spirit by talking a walking in "the woods", aka the state park down the road. However, due to people being...ya know, people, all the state parks here in Wisconsin are now closed. Completely. They were coming in in groups, crowding others, littering, etc. Even the little opening where the locals here could get in to walk the dogs, take a run on the paths, just spend time in nature has been barricaded off. Frustrating.

    Hello, fellow Wisconsinite! The DNR has a link up somewhere on their website of county parks that are still open. I will have to see if I can find it when I get home.
    Otherwise, its only 40 state park locations that are closed. Which seems like a lot, but really its only the ones closest to the Milwaukee/Madison area, which are our state's hot spots.
    If you're okay with paying at the pump and sanitizing before getting back into your car, etc, you're at no more of a risk if you travel to one and then properly socially distance once there. Especially if you pack a lunch. The one I went to last week, though, did have all bathrooms closed. Roche-a-cri, and it's still open. Just prior warning to be prepared to pee in the woods, lol.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    April goal: 80 km

    April 1st - 2.5 km
    April 3 - 5.5. km
    April 5 - 8.2 km
    April 7 - 7 km
    April 9 - 5 km
    April 11 - 10 km

    Total: 38.2 km

  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    I am totally with you there @dreamer12151 - hope you are all doing well, stay safe :smiley:
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary That is impressive - 45 minutes of skipping rope! I would do the same for pizza, just saying B)

    @eleanorhawkins I just spit my water across the table....ROTFLMAO!

    @brittanystebbins95 Aww....love that pic! Cute pink tongue!

    @skippygirlsmom Cute pic! Looks like a nice area!

    @Avidkeo A Frozen cake sounds great! Maybe when things are back to normal, make a fancy cake just because! As for tempering chocolate, that is work but so interesting, for the chemical nerdy girl that I am. I learned how to do it when I made truffles at a class back in the days before Covid 19. Haven't tried it since but I just may.!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,328 Member
    Looks like a great place to run @skippysmom .

    @Avidkeo Hope the plan works and you can get out of isolation soon. Sorry about the other deaths. Glad no new cases in your province.

    QUESTION: Does it still count as running if you can walk at a faster pace? Asking for a friend. :wink: Run report later, after a shower and dinner.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Looks like a great place to run @skippysmom .

    @Avidkeo Hope the plan works and you can get out of isolation soon. Sorry about the other deaths. Glad no new cases in your province.

    QUESTION: Does it still count as running if you can walk at a faster pace? Asking for a friend. :wink: Run report later, after a shower and dinner.

    As long as at some point you have no foot contact with the ground, it's running. At least that's what I believe lol, given walking is judged as "always having at least one foot on the ground"
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Whoa that’s some skipping there. I don’t think I could do even a couple minutes lol
    @eleanorhawkins Bahahahahaa. Love it.
    @skippysmom nice pic
    @Avidkeo frozen sounds good actually
    @scott6255 I was the same.. weather was nice and was feeling ok. Plan was 10, but decided to go ahead and do HM to see if I could redo my time from the last disaster try. Definitely much better today and did manage a PR! Got in at 2:19, so not too bad considering the first 4 miles were nothing but uphill with some very steep grades.
    I’m sorry your PF started acting up, hopefully gets better.

    Hi everyone!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Looks like a great place to run @skippysmom .

    @Avidkeo Hope the plan works and you can get out of isolation soon. Sorry about the other deaths. Glad no new cases in your province.

    QUESTION: Does it still count as running if you can walk at a faster pace? Asking for a friend. :wink: Run report later, after a shower and dinner.

    But of course!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,762 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Sunday here. Got up Earlish, went for a 4k walk, came to work. Chaffe is still red and sore, so have vasellined it, and hope that it's much better tomorrow. I'll happily skip though as I have a 19k run booked for Saturday.

    Covid update in the spoiler
    we had 2 more deaths yesterday. Ok 4 for the whole country isn't a lot, but I think as a nation we were hopeful to get out of their fairly unscathed given the early and extreme measures taken. Our daily numbers have dropped but not as much as I had hoped given we've been in Lockdown for 2 weeks. But these things take time. Still no new cases in my province now in over a week, so will be chatting with hubby about coming out of isolation. I'm working shift next week though so I suspect he will suggest continuing until after that. Will see.

    Anyone want to send me a cake decorating care package? It's Jessicas 6th birthday in 10 days and I can't get any cake decorating supplies at all in NZ! They are not essential so sellers cannot sell them, even on line!

    I think I'll be doing her a simple blue cake and calling it a frozen cake. Nothing fancy. She will still love it, even though she wants something fancy haha. Hmmm how hard can it be to pipe snowflakes? Give me something to do next week. I may even get perfect at tempering chocolate (eep). Now that's given me an idea!

    Try cakestuff.co.nz
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    When I went to the bathroom this morning, I got really dizzy. I thought I might have a touch of inner ear, which I rarely get. But, I just didn't feel the greatest all morning. It was such a nice day, 60°F,sunny, and no wind, that I decided to try to do my run outside. In case I needed to bale on the run, I chose to run laps on my driveway. I was trying to follow the 80/20 guidelines for an easy run. If I did the trial correctly the other day, that would have meant keeping my HR below 142 BPM. I tried. I really did. But my driveway is hilly, as I have said before. I managed to keep it mostly below 160 BPM, which felt really easy. I could tell a difference in perceived effort when it was approaching that mark. My pace was atrocious. I expected it to be slow, but it was 14:29/mile. I can walk faster than that! Seriously! I do think that I had both feet off of the ground at some point, so I'll count it as running.

    I ran the Hope Un-Cancelled 10K today and then tacked on an extra 1.8 miles to make 8 miles. I don't know if this is "good" news or not, but, because I was going so slow, I didn't do the run/walk as I usually do. Nope. I ran the entire thing!!! And it really did feel easy and like I could have gone further. Disclaimer: I did stop after every couple of miles or so to get a drink and eat 2 gummy bears and I allowed myself to walk up the steepest part of the one hill during the final 1.8 miles. So, total stop time was around 4 minutes and total walking maybe 1.5 minutes. Total elevation gain during the 8 miles was 2,459 feet!

    I can feel the difference in continual running vs run/walk in my legs already. I don't know if I did too much, too fast or not. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'm still trying to work out which "method" I will go with for my training and races. Anyway, with the warm up and cool down walks, I traversed a total of 9.0 miles today.

    t753mygtfbjc.jpgWhy does she look so fresh? She was sleeping while I was running. LOL
    Next scheduled run YOU should sleep and make HER run!!!

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,814 Member
    When I went to the bathroom this morning, I got really dizzy. I thought I might have a touch of inner ear, which I rarely get. But, I just didn't feel the greatest all morning. It was such a nice day, 60°F,sunny, and no wind, that I decided to try to do my run outside. In case I needed to bale on the run, I chose to run laps on my driveway. I was trying to follow the 80/20 guidelines for an easy run. If I did the trial correctly the other day, that would have meant keeping my HR below 142 BPM. I tried. I really did. But my driveway is hilly, as I have said before. I managed to keep it mostly below 160 BPM, which felt really easy. I could tell a difference in perceived effort when it was approaching that mark. My pace was atrocious. I expected it to be slow, but it was 14:29/mile. I can walk faster than that! Seriously! I do think that I had both feet off of the ground at some point, so I'll count it as running.

    I ran the Hope Un-Cancelled 10K today and then tacked on an extra 1.8 miles to make 8 miles. I don't know if this is "good" news or not, but, because I was going so slow, I didn't do the run/walk as I usually do. Nope. I ran the entire thing!!! And it really did feel easy and like I could have gone further. Disclaimer: I did stop after every couple of miles or so to get a drink and eat 2 gummy bears and I allowed myself to walk up the steepest part of the one hill during the final 1.8 miles. So, total stop time was around 4 minutes and total walking maybe 1.5 minutes. Total elevation gain during the 8 miles was 2,459 feet!

    I can feel the difference in continual running vs run/walk in my legs already. I don't know if I did too much, too fast or not. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'm still trying to work out which "method" I will go with for my training and races. Anyway, with the warm up and cool down walks, I traversed a total of 9.0 miles today.
    Congratulations on running when you felt bad and running the entire time! Woot!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Looks like a great place to run @skippysmom .

    @Avidkeo Hope the plan works and you can get out of isolation soon. Sorry about the other deaths. Glad no new cases in your province.

    QUESTION: Does it still count as running if you can walk at a faster pace? Asking for a friend. :wink: Run report later, after a shower and dinner.

    As long as at some point you have no foot contact with the ground, it's running. At least that's what I believe lol, given walking is judged as "always having at least one foot on the ground"

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @quilteryoyo great job!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 593 Member
    0411-9k, total-25.4k goal-100k

    Loop of the park late afternoon yesterday. It was 22°C when I started! Lots of people in shorts. Which is a byproduct of lots of people... Spent plenty of time dodging crowds. Walked a portion of it because I've given up running with a mask but people were looking at me funny, so I put on the mask and walked until I hit somewhere less populated.

    @quilteryoyo Great run!
    @eleanorhawkins Sorry but that just sounds wrong :|