

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    China shocking me now even. Surprised McDonald’s Corp hasn’t stepped in yet too!

    Hubby found Eggs!!! M having hard boiled eggs tomorrow so excited with a slice of toast y jelly!!! So excited

    Amber Tx

    Waiting on my Tree to produce Chinese Plums just hoping the weird weather doesn’t ruin them O want a few at least! The raccoons y squirrels keep grabbing some. Last owner of the home was a hoarder but a great gardener go figure.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Margaret ... so sorry to hear of your loss... hugs.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Thank you for your support.

    I talked to her on the phone on Monday. They were going to be doing tuck pointing on her condo unit that week. They did try to take precautions but with her lungs problems I am wondering if that might have been a contributing factor. She was watering plants on Tuesday near the windows when it happened to her.

    It just makes me stop and realize how important it is to appreciate everyday!

    :heart: Margaret

    So sorry Margaret!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    i know this question was going around some time ago, maybe a few times. but living in 500 sq ft and having a very modestly priced new gym 5 min walk i didn't really pay attention. but since gyms probably won't open till god knows when, i was looking at acquiring one piece of equipment. at the gym i use the elliptical most often (weight bearing, decent calorie burn and no impact (impact is s problem for me due to foot issues and also knee issues). but i don't think there are small ish quality elliptical machines. That seems to leave bicycles and rowers right? Both seem to have some decent quality reasonably priced (200-400 euros) solid, folding or compact models with many hundreds of good reviews. Any recommendation between rowers and cycles? Any (not very voluminous recommendations)? I know i can do air cycling etc, but i think i'm more likely to do a machine like i actually DID do at the gym around 2x a week on average. THANKS FOR ANY TIPS.

    thanks you guys

    The easiest thing would be to pick up a trainer like this one, for example, and put your bicycle on it. You could go more expensive with the TACX trainers if you wanted but that's probably not necessary to start with.



    You could just ride or put the TV on and go with commercial intervals (ride hard during the commercials) or sign up with Zwift.

    This method allows you to tuck the trainer away and ride your bicycle outside whenever you want.

    M in Oz

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca I love that you are so intuitive with your substitutions - it seems as if nearly all of your adapted recipes turn out really well. Those muffin/mini-loaves look wonderful. So does the broth. I use jars like that, too. They work great for broth and gazpacho, soups, etc.

    Margaret Was your sister-in-law your husbands only sibling? Were they close?

    Machka It is sad when collaboration results in mediocrity rather than excellence. It happens a lot, I think. Very frustrating for the high-achieving. Maddening, to use your description.


    So tired.
    Going to sleep now.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I am so sorry for your loss. :broken_heart:

    Snowflake: I love the chance to look for something to read. Today I returned the book I’d borrowed to the book swap box so someone else can enjoy it. :star:

    TerriRichards: Thank you for posting the mask making tutorial. :bigsmile: I also thank you for your kind words about the death in our family. The loss was my daughter-in-law’s mom. She’d been fighting cancer for several years. :cry: I’m sorry if my post was confusing. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Margaretturk Margaret, i'm so sorry for your loss.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @margaretturk i'm so sorry for your DH's sister.

    @JRsLateInLifeMom Amber, What are your 10 year plans? I think i like unrising brownies: more dense and gooey and chocolatey!

    @machka9 for group presentations if i teach classes of 20 or less or masters students i let students choose if the presentations/projects are individual or collective. in bachelor's classes of more than 20 i have to have collective cause there is a serious lack of time. i generally give the same grade to all the group but when there's great disparity (not rare) i give differentiated grades. when i give the option most students prefer individual projects: easier to organize and no risk of being dragged down by the nonworkers, plus just the interest in having their own project. I wonder if it's acceptable to ask your teacher if she or he will take into consideration your part in the project when deciding your overall grade. maybe who did what is opaque. in presentations it's USUALLY clear (though sometimes one student prepares work for others to read! or someone reads a part prepared by another!).
    I think you are the 1st person i've heard from that hopes COVID sticks around. Though i do have some friends who prefer not traveling/going to work. I don't have a bicycle! Ha, ha for the comics.

    @exermom Michele, thank you, it sounds like some adjusting going on with everyone there. it must not be easy.

    @Whidislander Rebecca, those look delicious.

    @Whidislander, @JRsLateInLifeMom, and others thanks for the netflix tips. i'll check some of them out. it looks like we have MANY of the same offers here but not all the same.

    @bwcetc Beth Thanks for explaining your son's major. It's nice that he's having a lesson online. What makes it hard to finish his studies? I don't know if the arts is necessarily much more risky than many other fields at present. Fields are so unpredictable. Can track writing be done at a distance?
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,875 Member
    <3 or have her
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    We've never made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before. This is why it's so difficult


    "For those pinning their hopes on a COVID-19 vaccine to return life to normal, an Australian expert in vaccine development has a reality check — it probably won't happen soon."

    "It's hard to produce a successful vaccine if the virus isn't activating a strong immune response.

    And if a vaccine elicits an immune response that misses the target cells, the result could potentially be worse than if no vaccine was given.

    "One of the problems with corona vaccines in the past has been that when the immune response does cross over to where the virus-infected cells are it actually increases the pathology rather than reducing it," Professor Frazer said.

    "So that immunisation with SARS corona vaccine caused, in animals, inflammation in the lungs which wouldn't otherwise have been there if the vaccine hadn't been given.""

    M in Oz
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    JanetO in eastern MO, yes! Do take time to see not only Seattle but the lovely Northwest! So many things to enjoy outside the cities if you are a nature-lover. We have everything from temperate rainforest (a real rarity!) to semi-desert in eastern WA and OR, and many different sorts of seacoast and beaches. There are the volcanoes - St. Helens, Rainier, Mt. Hood, Crater Lake, Mt. Shasta and Lassen! I’ve spent a goodly portion of the last 40 years exploring here when we weren’t traveling elsewhere, and haven’t come near seeing it all.

    Heather, Edie’s efforts accentuate her father’s handsome face beautifully.

    Amber! i too was infuriated by that news item. Children’s lives are being disrupted enough between changes in child care arrangements.

    By the way, Amber, check into filing for injured (NOT innocent) spouse relief. You may be eligible to claim your share of the refund, since his prior tax debt is not yours.

    Barbara AHMOD, your tale reminds me of the time I sat straight up in bed and shook my husband and told him, “The President didn’t invite us!” My tone was heartbroken, although I had no clue as to what President Johnson didn’t invite us to.

    Rebecca, you look stunning and ready for spring! Love that we’ve been so fortunate with weather, but I’m afraid we’ll pay for it later! 🔥

    Oh, Machka! Purrs and breaking waves! Two of my four favorite sounds! The other two are hard rain and wind sweeping through the evergreens! I must admit - a large Huntsman spider in my bedroom would totally obliterate any feelings of peace and serenity those sounds evoked.

    Rita, you’re in a really tough bind right now. Are there any other residents left there at all? Just chatting from 8-10’ away helps me. I’m wondering if there’s a way to hunt for Zoom groups by theme, like overeating, Keto, depression, etc? I don’t see a way to do it but someone else might know. I’m involved with 3 different AA meetings on Zoom, so I’d think there would be other groups with eating focuses. And that chard looks absolutely mouth-watering!

    SuziQ, what delicious-looking dish was that that you posted above your other post?

    Luci! I love the mischievous expression on her face in the picture with the onesie that says no one sleeps until she says so!

    Sophie, Rosie’s mom! I nearly aspirated my diet soda due to that meme! I wish it were shareable somehow!

    Margaret, Im sorry to hear of your family’s loss. So many of us seem to be losing family members or friends, and yet not that many are COVID-19 related. I think so much stress has a great deal to do with it.

    Peace to you all, and wellness, I hope. I gained back 1# of what I lost only to lose 1.2 today. I know the main key is in the protein, but I dislike feeling stuffed all the time. Any ideas on high calorie and protein foods that are low density?

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good ride this afternoon ... on a trainer, on my trainer bicycle, with Zwift! Plus a walk on my treadmill. :)


    Machka in Oz