

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Funny for us (Animal Planet announcer lol )
    Post Quarantine Man

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka - 20 years of exercising everyday! That’s dedication.

    I haven't exercised every day, I've just logged every day that I have exercised (most days) since April 29, 1990 ... 30 years. :)

    On April 29, 1990 I decided I would start cycling "seriously" (avidly, regularly), and I logged my ride that day ... and I've continued to log every single bicycle ride since.

    I have logged walking on and off through the years, but have been logging it regularly since February 2015.

    And a couple years ago I added rowing, climbing stairs etc. to my logging.

    Strava helps me log all that. :)

    Today was a fair day at work. I enjoy my job, the pay is ok, the benefits are incredible, and I like the pension matching, but I don’t feel very fulfilled. I was really enjoying not being the boss but now I don’t feel like I contribute a lot. Hopefully my attitude changes soon.

    I went for a walk tonight for the first time in a while. I need to get back to this being my daily habit.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I've had a lot of jobs but I've never found work very fulfilling. I figure if I can find some enjoyment in it and if the pay, benefits, pension, etc. are all right, then it's OK.

    I don't know what a fulfilling job would be ... and I'm not sure that I'd want a job to be fulfilling.

    The trouble with work is that it isn't "me" or "mine". The minute a project becomes "my baby" ... the minute I start to get attached to some aspect of work ... something changes. There's a change in directors and a new focus that makes my project less important and I'm told not to work on it anymore. OR My project is handed over to someone else because they think I can do something else more boring. OR Someone buys a new piece of software which makes my project obsolete. OR I'm put into a position with a bit more responsibility and I'm just getting into it and starting to feel good about it when they hire a Grad Student to do half the work and then the person whose position it was comes back, and I'm shoved out.

    After all, I am not my work. Work is just something I do to pay for the things I really enjoy and find fulfilling!

    And I find things like the following enjoying and fulfilling:

    - further education
    - cycling
    - travelling
    - working on my website
    - photography

    When I meet people and the question is asked, "So, what do you do?" My answers are usually those first two things ... "I am working toward my Master's degree" or "I am a cyclist" .... oh, you mean for work? Well um ...

    Machka in Oz

    I hate that one of the first questions we are asked here is "What do you do," meaning for a job. It's as if that defines us wholly and it most certainly does not define me.

    I also never found "work" fulfilling. I like what I do now, but it's because I work for myself, on my schedule, and can do it from anywhere there's an internet connection. I never have meetings and most weeks, I don't even talk to my colleagues. It's bliss in that regard. But, I could drop it like a bad habit to travel the world and not miss it.


    Me too!! And actually ... I have done that on a couple occasions! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Joyful June Calendar ...
    Machka9 wrote: »

    1. Look for what's good ... lots of things!!

    Cycling outside

    Things I've liked since being at home from the end of March ...

    Being home all day with my husband. I've got a better understanding of how his day goes.
    Spending time with Rhody, getting to know him and getting him settled into our home.
    Being able to go outside to walk, run or cycle in daylight, despite the fact that the daylight hours are getting shorter.
    Having the energy to exercise regularly.
    Seeing more people outside exercising. :)
    Being able to sleep at least half an hour more each night than I was.
    Being able to go for a nap in the afternoon occasionally.
    Not having to spend 9-10 hours a week commuting!!!
    Spending my days with a 180° view of the bay and trees and outside instead of a wall.
    Being in an environment that rarely gives me sore, itchy eyes, sore throat, cough, and the sneezes.
    Being able to clean this and that.
    Wearing casual, comfy clothes.
    Not having as much stuff vying for my time.
    More time to work on my two courses at uni.
    Working remotely at my own pace ... which might lead to continued remote work ... maybe ... hopefully!
    Being able to attend church online.
    Feeling much more relaxed and less stressed!

    Just to name a few. :)

    Machka in Oz

    2. Reframe a worry and try to find a positive ...

    A worry?

    Well, one of my many worries is that I won't pass my courses. So I'll use that as motivation to start studying for my final exam tonight!! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    Interesting broadcast ... it's about 8 minutes ...

    Have you been enjoying the hermit life of iso?

    "For many people, isolation has been an opportunity to live life a little differently, a rare chance to do more at home with the people closest to us."

    They also discuss habit forming toward the end, which is interesting too especially for those of us who are trying to form good habits. :)


    All over the world
    Life is unjust
    But I do believe
    There is still a dream
    To believe in
    There is still a hope
    After hope is gone
    We could be
    The father's hands
    And give peace a chance
    And show the world
    There is still a dream…

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    I need one of these! LOL
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Karen I think that’s a single serving pie !!!!

    Me too!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Bernadette Giorgi’s Just B Live Foam Roller DVD. I do have to say that this is an awesome workout. There is no way I can do some of the ab exercises, but it is very motivating. The plan for tomorrow is to do Kerry Katona’s Real Fitness DVD

    Am making more yogurt. Yes, it seems like I’m constantly making it. I just didn’t realize that I can make more at one time

    Think I’ll probably go to WalMart today. I like to go early in the morning because there are fewer people in the store. Think I’ll call the salon to see about getting my hair cut and hopefully the color removed. I’ve read online that there are things you can use (professional chemicals)

    Oh, Athena and then RJ. Can my day get any better? And KJ – 100! Wow!

    M – how does your hubby make his own mulch?

    You know, every day for the last few weeks I’d find holes dug in the dirt in front of the house. Judging from how big and deep they are, we are suspecting deer. Yet, after putting down the mulch, this morning there weren’t any at all. Wonder if the smell of the mulch deters them? Well, I’d better not get my hopes up, the holes will probably be back

    – they pick up our garbage every week and the recyclables every other week. I tell you, on the weeks they pick up only the garbage, very seldom do I put out the garbage, we just don’t have enough. But after two weeks, our recycling bin many times is overflowing.

    Debbie VA
    – our farmers markets have been open but for some reason I just haven’t gone. That reminds me that I need to call this guy about the corn. He always has awesome corn. I’ll probably have to get extra since Jess is here.

    I’m feeling sad right now. Last night Jess told us that she’s doing IF and that she was 170. I don’t think she’s 170. Just now I went into her room and saw an empty box from chicken McNuggets and when she came home from work last night she had 2 cans of spaghetti-o’s. I really wish I could help her. I know that until she decides that she really wants to lose weight, it won’t happen. Honestly, she's not active. I realize that she's studying a lot, but still, you can go for a walk.

    Luci – (((BIG HUG))))

    Well, made the appt to get my hair cut, not until June 28. But that’s OK. She said that she doesn’t like to put another chemical on a person’s head just to get rid of the color. I may have to just get it cut and wait for my hair to grow in.

    Got 15 more bags of mulch and put that down. Now we only have on the side of the house to do. Vince estimates that’ll take 5 bags. I didn’t think it would take that many. We’ll probably do that tomorrow. We won’t be out there for hours and hours, tho so I can go in the pool

    – many people wouldn’t even TRY to say my maiden name. And if they did, it was butchered. I can’t seem to add foods on the MFP app on my phone

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,546 Member
    Rebecca I thought a serving of pie was 1/4 of the pie.

    Uhherm... I didn't want to be too piggish.😄😂😁
    My photo is perspectively misleading. Its 1/8th of the total gooeyness.😁
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – how does your hubby make his own mulch?

    Michele NC

    He makes it from pruning cuttings. He prunes the trees and bushes around our yard, runs them through the mulcher and voila! He also adds cardboard, so all our toilet paper rolls and so on go through his small shredder and are added to the outside cuttings mulch.

    He also has a composting thing going. I think it is supposed to be a three-stage process but he's got 2 stages right now. And he collects rainwater for the garden.

    So we end up with very little green waste or recycleable stuff going out in the rubbish!

    This is just part of our yard, but we've got a lot of trees and bushes which he prunes and keeps neat and tidy.


    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »

    I need one of these! LOL

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    This is how strong a woman is even as a child.She biked for 1 week to get her father help as he swayed on the back of her bike.She didn’t stop give up she made it against all odds.

    Stay strong tomorrow is another day even the uphill battles have a glorious ending someday
    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    We’re realizing since it’s been over 2 months JRs imaginary friend is here to stay. Weird thing is it only talks by play phone.Weirder still it’s a imaginary fake version of my Daughter (his real life sister) in the Navy. Same name but a troublemaker version who just told JR according to him that she’s his Best Friend not mommy’s.

    Not sure how to handle it since it’s so odd. Guess it makes him feel closer to her while she’s stationed abroad. Guess she’s a permanent fixture but poor hubby gets confused between is he talking about His Sister or fake version of her. She praises him for being messy (fake not real One). See confusing

    Amber Tx