

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Lisa – I used to take a fiber suppliant, but don’t now. I try to eat high fiber foods instead

    Dlfk – your son is SOO cute

    Anne DE – you are doing the right thing by blocking that guy

    Heather – I just received a picture from my cousin. I had a picture of my who I thought might be my mother when she was in 5-6th grade (I think they combined grades back then) and she confirmed this for me. I’d like to get a frame for it because I think it’s just so cool to see how school was back then. So I know what you mean about going back in history.

    Sharon – I can certainly see why that piece is your favorite stained glass one

    Donna – welcome!

    Katla – good thoughts being sent to Schooner

    Debbie – one kind of tea that I am not crazy about is Sleepytime. Mainly because there isn’t a tag, just the bag which I find awkward. But they do have some good flavors

    Cara UK – welcome!

    Mahjongg tonight!

    Michele NC

    Thank you on your comment about my son- I think he is pretty cute- handsome young man now.
    Celestial Seasonings does not use tags on any of their tea-saves paper. Their factory is amazing- the tour is free and the tasting room where you can sample every one of their teas is also free. Wish it was closer- It is in Boulder, CO.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Ok I need to check for typos better. Hopefully y'all understood come meant coke, duh. Didn't try to be vulgar, just my darn tablet has a mind all its own.😂😂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    And after my carbfest, I promptly took a nap! My body freaked.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla Caladiums are listed as shade or partial shade plants, but the ones in my photo can take sun if they get enough water. I believe the darker/redder varieties are the ones that are the more sun tolerant; Kim or one of the gardeners might know if this is true. I noticed some lighter (pinkish white) ones got slightly sunburned from too much sun, so I moved them to a shadier locatation. The red colors do seem to be more brilliant if they get a fair amount of sun. They are zone 9-11 so can be treated as annuals or overwintered as tender bulbs (my plan). All of mine are in containers so it will be easier to prepare them for overwintering. All of the varieties I know about are red, pink, or white.

    It would be fun if there were some that were purple or blue. I would like to find plants with blue foliage.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Barbara, Lego city!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Its always ever changing! Many are Chinese Legos so they're unusual pieces like scrolls on the wall, tea sets, and find the white cat on the tiled roof!😁
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,340 Member
    Kylia-good to hear from you. I was a bit concerned given the way Covid-19 is hitting our part of the state. Glad you are working through things.

    Trucker-I would just start with one area or idea-like always keep a clear walkway across the room. Also, you said you are in twelve step groups-have you done an inventory on the issue?

    DLFK-maybe 1000 calories is a bit under what you should eat? When I run mine too low, it seems like it is harder for me to lose. 300 calories left over? I end up doing my evening snacking-popcorn or some such and then another something. Sometimes I try extra protein. Of course tonight I just ate two Reeses peanut butter lovers cups-telling myself I got protein so it balances out the sugar! But they are really good.

    Annie-I agree with the group, I would block him. You always have the option of being honest and tell him you don't lend money before you do.

    Karen-hope your friend is ok. That’s one thing that concerns me living alone is getting suddenly sick like that. I don’t have a landline but I have gotten into the habit of always having cell phone with me (usually in a pocket) when I go down to the basement or out in the yard. She sounds like she is pretty tough.

    Very hot and humid here today. Had a nice storm late this afternoon. Ended up with a couple of hours of steady rain, which is much needed.

    Decent work out at gym today. Also did my stretches this am. Have been negligent with them (things felt good!). Well, I can only do that so long and then the muscle/tendon issues in leg kick back end. Got a bit upset with myself. Put a lot of effort into physical therapy for it late last year then continued with the gym. Got a bit lazy during Covid with attending to the basics. Going to try to keep on track.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    LOL...This is why eating is so hard!


    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    One of my Nebraska ZOOM friends Shona is in a Denver hospital today. She has gallstone pancreatitis, which has to settle down before she can have surgery to remove her gallbladder. She lives alone on a farm. The pain was so sudden and intense late last night that she couldn't get to her landline, and apparently lost consciousness looking for her cell phone. When she regained consciousness, the pain was more bearable, so she drove herself into town to the hospital. I guess she didn't think to call 911. The doctors put her in an ambulance to Denver, 4 hours away, where she is now. Stable and well cared for.

    She is the glue that has held our little group together for the last 50 years…

    Karen in Virginia


    Karen - yikes! I remember you talking about Shona. Farm girls don't let a little thing like pain and passing out prevent driving themselves to the hospital, lol. Sending good wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

    She'll be anxious to get back to the farm chores :)

    Reminds me a little of my farmer dad who was told he needed heart bypass surgery. He told the surgeon, "Not until I get the corn planted!" and delayed it for a month. Surgery went fine.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Gold Beach, H2O to soup kitchen,
    Bonus: fellowship
    Get to do: BB&B, report accident, call Surgery consultant and ask for emailed instrcutions, how long it will take and can I be there, quick vac house, email SDAO re meeting change notice requirements, practice new dances (Turning Tables, Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); transplant bean, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments. Monday postpone Joe’s primary care followup to after eye sugery, firehall apologize to Aaron, make colelslaw.
    Jumpback July

    Belated happy 54th anniversary Terri! What an accomplishment!
    Faye I had to smile at your neighbor on the roof story. That would be my Joe.
    Michele, you just have to wonder what God was thinking when it was decided to create yellowjackets… and mosquitoes :devil: Rodney Yee…. Yum! When will Vince’s scan and ultrasound happen?
    Annie had to chuckle at your Florida bug story.
    Belated happy anniversary Pip and Kirby! Oopsie indeed ;)
    Lisa shame on the gas company for blowing off marking the lines. Double shame on them for sticking you with the bill. Hooray for the weird plumbers and the fence guy ponying up the costs.
    Kim which day in August? “…but the tequila should help” :lol: ROTFLMAO
    Rebecca WOW! You were the Jenny Craig poster child! One of my many objections to cleaning is that once you touch one thing, it leads to another, which leads to another and there goes the day. :love: the Renaissance pics, which clan?
    Sue in WA thankful to hear your good news!
    Heather :love: the pics, especially Bea and the marshmallow! Never tire of the grands, love your bruv and even though I can see the pain in your pic, you are beautiful!
    Lanette thanks for the “these women all weigh the same” pic and reminder to stop the comparisons. Zinc and Zicam have pretty much disappeared from our shelves, along with rubbing alcohol and ammonia.
    Carol fingers Xd the rx clears that ear up quickly!
    Amber thanks for checking in, prayers for your uncle.
    Tracey what you said about the connection made in this group. Truth! Barbie airstream? Score! Circular stairway, lights, radio and Hot tub with bubbles? Amazing score! “Adult” coloring books :devil:
    Rita :love: the penguin socks, how can you work with yarn when it is so hot?
    Rori glad to see your smiling face, to hear of your “people” support group and the hope for in home care and a little respite. Sending whooshes of comfort and peace to your DH, your DB, and especially to you my very dear.
    Barbie would you remind me what your yard work project is?
    Sharon near Seattle, does your granddaughter take remote assignments? Ditto what you said about how deeply I feel the connection with all the gals posting here. Double ditto terribly missing hugs.
    Machka love the dot calm “first day back” meme.
    Terri I REALLY enjoyed the “gas man cometh” song
    Very belated happy birthday Suebdew and thanks for checking in. Sorry the celebration brought the plague. Glad you’re doing everything you’re supposed to and are getting better every day. Give yourself lots of time.
    Beth I think I wish I still had Mama to order flowers for. Not what you were asking, but what I felt when you asked.
    Karen in VA “…not a complainer” Oh would that that were true! Not as bad as in my youth, but that whiny tone creeps in much too often.
    Pip I’m excited to see that pod, but worry about that lamp’s shade… ;)
    Sara in the UK “feel inside that I am still in my thirties” I just turned 70 (happy to have made it) but the internal me feels like I’ve been who I am since nineteen, sometimes since nine or even two. Weird, huh?
    Annie “the wild horses… ate my Cheetos…” made me laugh out loud. Who knew wild horses were the diet police?
    SuziQ and Ginny and anyone else painting/home improving, pics please?
    Princess Faetta, doesn’t it rhyme with CARE midge? There was a beautiful Port Orford Cedar here when we moved in. A perfectly symmetrical Christmas tree shape with enough space under the lower branches to sit and just be. We called it our Totoro tree. Alas, it succumbed last year to the dread Port Orford Cedar Root Rot. The sprout that survived initially, is looking doomed now. I’d really like to get some resistant seedlings someday but not plant them over the septic field ;} Do you have pics of your cedar instruments?
    Oh Kylia so glad to see you post! Not selfish at all to focus on meeting your needs and organizing your schedule. If you don’t take care of yourself first, you can’t care for all the others that you need to.
    Cheri I can sure see you in your Mom.
    Katla sorry to hear your DH is concerned his MS is worsening, but glad he finally shared with you. Now to help your daughters understand and realize that they will have to travel to you, not an easy task.
    Kay how kind of you to do that for your friend’s family. Must have been wrenching.

    Belated welcomes to:
    @sharoncoates1960, taking off almost 90 lbs, bravissima!
    @gmarrier Gail in Kitchener. One step at a time, you can do this!
    @Tesha231 Sheila in IL, never too late to jump right in!
    @tradercourt1 soon your wogs will morph into jolks.
    @wahmx3 Shelley PEI, oh yes we’ve all heard of PEI, thanks to Anne with an “e” ;) KJ in MI and Debbie in Napa are also daycare providers. You all are my heroines!
    @Suesh111 Bravissima for returning to ballet! The best exercise is the one you love.
    @rraichetops YES you are going to do this!
    @mcrait we have lots of Canadian Grandma’s here.
    @peg2016, @twiglet247, @1girlriot2016, @JewelLiz in Lake Mary FL.

    Camping, I distinctly remember enjoying sleeping on the ground and waking to see the milky way blazing across the dark. I was probably in my mid twenties. Camped several times, once had to retreat to my car as it snowed. Graduated to camper camping when Joe and I courted, it was heaven as he had a portapotty and knew of a primitive site in the national forest. The last time we took the camper van to a state park campground it was so noisy and crowded, that when we got home we decided our back yard is the best campground of all. Peaceful, private, quiet, steps away from an ocean view, toilet, hot showers and cold beer. Why would we go anywhere else?

    6+ pages to go ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    July: better than June.
    daily: steps>5491=2236 so far, time to get up and march! vits=22.5 log=25 CI<CO=20 CI<250<CO=17 Tumble & Shadow 5=16 mfp=14 clean 10 mins=15 outside=15 up hill=13
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=9 rx=4 dance=7
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=2 20for20=
    bonus: AF=9.75 play= sew=

    Barbara when we first attended, we just went to the faires, used the "friends of faire" area to relax, nap and eat. When we were stationed in Japan we joined the SCA and were part of "Port of Nihonyama", a group out of Kingdom of the Far West.👍
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Debbie – I didn’t even KNOW Sleepytime had a tour

    – Vince goes for his ultrasound Thursday and he sees the urologist Friday. Let me add that I don’t know what God was thinking when He invented wasps or hornets either.

    We’re going to get a handrail put in in front of the house and also along the steps down to the pool. It’s really more of a safety issue than anything else. One thing I absolutely wanted was that it be aluminum. We have a steel handle into the pool and one into the spa and they get SO hot. We do have a cover on them, but you can feel the heat thru the cover. With the cover at least you don’t burn your hand, tho. He’s supposed to be here Wednesday to install it.

    Was hot here today. I went in the pool twice, and it wasn’t even refreshing. Went to Hobby Lobby to get these things so that you can make your own frame. I’ll get glass at this place in Hickory. They’re very reasonable. Tomorrow I’ll probably go to Aldi. Not that I need much, but they had real good peaches last time I was there (glad I got two bags) and I want to see if they still have them.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Barbara :) My yard work project is a lot of maintenance. Jake is in charge of the raised beds of vegetables. We have lots of bulbs everywhere else so the hard work with them was when we planted them in the spring last year or the year before. For three years I had a load of very fine bark delivered and I spread it all over the yard on all four sides of the house. My project this year is to keep the weeds pulled and to dig and stir up all the layers of bark from the last few years. Because my back is fragile I work no more than an hour a day and I work only in the morning because it's too hot and sunny in the afternoon. It's a lot like clearing clutter---do a little each day and sooner or later it will be finished.

    :) My walking friend has been gone for a few days helping a friend pack up her house so the house can be sold. The friend has had many foot surgeries for diabetes related infections and now faces amputation. Today my friend found out that her friend will have the amputation surgery immediately so the house has to be completely packed up so it can be sold while she is in rehab after the surgery. My friend has a beautiful garden and emailed me today to ask if I could water the garden since she's been gone awhile, won't be back for awhile, and it was going to be beastly hot. So I spend time this morning watering my friend's garden in direct sunlight. It was the least I could do after all she's doing for her friend.

    Heather, :) I just started watching a TV show set near the water in Dorset which appears to be just a few hours away from where you live.

    Rebecca, :) :) the Lego projects are great.

    :) Around here, beastly hot means 79 degrees.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    edited July 2020
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Kylia-good to hear from you. I was a bit concerned given the way Covid-19 is hitting our part of the state. Glad you are working through things.

    Trucker-I would just start with one area or idea-like always keep a clear walkway across the room. Also, you said you are in twelve step groups-have you done an inventory on the issue?

    DLFK-maybe 1000 calories is a bit under what you should eat? When I run mine too low, it seems like it is harder for me to lose. 300 calories left over? I end up doing my evening snacking-popcorn or some such and then another something. Sometimes I try extra protein. Of course tonight I just ate two Reeses peanut butter lovers cups-telling myself I got protein so it balances out the sugar! But they are really good.

    Annie-I agree with the group, I would block him. You always have the option of being honest and tell him you don't lend money before you do.

    Karen-hope your friend is ok. That’s one thing that concerns me living alone is getting suddenly sick like that. I don’t have a landline but I have gotten into the habit of always having cell phone with me (usually in a pocket) when I go down to the basement or out in the yard. She sounds like she is pretty tough.

    Very hot and humid here today. Had a nice storm late this afternoon. Ended up with a couple of hours of steady rain, which is much needed.

    Decent work out at gym today. Also did my stretches this am. Have been negligent with them (things felt good!). Well, I can only do that so long and then the muscle/tendon issues in leg kick back end. Got a bit upset with myself. Put a lot of effort into physical therapy for it late last year then continued with the gym. Got a bit lazy during Covid with attending to the basics. Going to try to keep on track.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Ginny, I am short (only 5') and small boned(size 4 or 5 shoe) so think I should stick closer to 1000 or maybe at most 1200 but I am staying a little too low, working on it/finding a balance.
    I LOVE Reeces!!! won't eat them now- one would be just the start. My go to when I want one is an odd sounding combination but is SO good. Fat free Cool Whip (or store brand), PB2 powder, hot cocoa mix, a small amount of both powders, put it on a graham cracker, top with another, making a sandwich with it, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze. It is just like an ice cream sandwich. 160 cal for the whole thing(two full crackers). Tonight I ate it just out of the bowl-didn't have any graham crackers. I love cool whip anyways but add pb and choc. and it is so good.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Debbie – I didn’t even KNOW Sleepytime had a tour

    – Vince goes for his ultrasound Thursday and he sees the urologist Friday. Let me add that I don’t know what God was thinking when He invented wasps or hornets either.

    We’re going to get a handrail put in in front of the house and also along the steps down to the pool. It’s really more of a safety issue than anything else. One thing I absolutely wanted was that it be aluminum. We have a steel handle into the pool and one into the spa and they get SO hot. We do have a cover on them, but you can feel the heat thru the cover. With the cover at least you don’t burn your hand, tho. He’s supposed to be here Wednesday to install it.

    Was hot here today. I went in the pool twice, and it wasn’t even refreshing. Went to Hobby Lobby to get these things so that you can make your own frame. I’ll get glass at this place in Hickory. They’re very reasonable. Tomorrow I’ll probably go to Aldi. Not that I need much, but they had real good peaches last time I was there (glad I got two bags) and I want to see if they still have them.

    Michele NC

    The company is called Celestial Seasonings- Sleepytime is one of their more popular lines. If you are ever near Boulder, CO, make sure to check it out. So worth the time. I would have loved to stay longer but both times the guys were ok doing the tour but didn't want to hang out as long as I would have liked. Just glad they endulged me and let me go both trips.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Flea: Music does help the day go better. I listen in the car. I like classical music & old time rock & roll. 😍
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,860 Member