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  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Heather can you just put the books in boxes in the attic or whatever for now if you don't want to keep and don't want to pass them on?

    @Sharon as usual I'm picking up where I'm at. From others' answers I read that you have issue with clutter/cleaning or getting housework done. I am in the same boat. Have you tried Flylady? Sorry if someone else mentioned it. I tried it when I was in early 40s had 2 homes and couldn't keep up. It's this overly-wordy (in my mind) and very cheerleader cleaning approach. The basic idea is that one splits ones home into 5 zones (kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc) and focus on one each week. Decluttering 15 minutes with a timer each day.

    Timer sessions can be great. That greatly helps with the feeling there is so much to do. Just 15 minutes and stop. It's sometimes surprising what one can do in 15 minutes.

    If I can, I like to do 1h a day, one in each of 4 zones.
    I don't do it daily but I think I would keep up doing two 15-minute periods per day.

    Since I turned 50 or so, and even in a 2rm place, I find it harder to keep up.

    It's mostly psychological but sometimes just outright fatigue. I sneeze and get tired with dust too, masks are helpful for that.

    I had a great cleaning person at one point and hire them from time to time. I have said that I found it more beneficial for my well-being to pay 15 euros an hour for a cleaner than 90 euros an hour for a therapy appointment.
    Also there is the cleaning before the cleaner comes and also the feeling that I'm not alone to deal with the mess when the cleaner is there.

    The worst is papers. I have a lot of paper stuff going on (classes, court cases, rental apartments and other administratif stuff) and some of it important.
    It's longest to get through when needing to pick up. So I just put it off.

    I need to invest in some big bookshelves so I can at least just pile by group if I need to. I invested in 1 then a second big filing cabinet. (3 drawers). they take up a fair bit of space in the 2 room apartment, but my life involves a lot of papers and I need to deal with that. It seems overwhelming, so from time to time I've also hired secretarial help, mostly with filing.

    Many things are rather urgent and I feel stressed when I think or realise I won't be able to do all and so sometimes don't do any.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Katia wow about the cleaner refusing to wear a mask. Here it's obligatory if you are moving and working near someone. I think you can skip the mask if you are 1 meter away (at a desk for example) and not moving. all service people have to wear masks. now we have to wear them in all shops etc. even in restaurants. We can't eat w a mask but if going to the bathroom and arriving or paying, any moving, we have to wear one. Or else we risk a 135 euro fine.

    Do some of you spread calories over the week? that was definitely the practice in WW and I found it more practical cause some days its easier to eat light and celebration days or whatever one can balance out with the lighter days.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Annie sorry that is a bummer about the online guy asking for money. So sorry. I would definitely say good bye but it must be so disappointing.

    @Tina interesting that you slept better fasting. I think I do not, unfortunately.

    @Sharon I love the stained glass.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2020
    @Katla they have TV/online video (probably partly fake) reality Shows about people getting catfished.

    @Sharon my older sister has long been in disability and when she had cancer last 2 years ago she went into remittance after heavy treatment (lots of radiation and chemo) but was totally tired and was unable to shop and some other things. Since then she has a cleaning person coming 1 or 2x a week for 2h, paid for by healthcare. I think its a national healthcare thing, maybe medicare? She can fall over if she shops alone, things like that. I think she is very lonely too so it's good for her to have the regular visitor.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Debbie I have definitely heard that going too low can make it harder to lose. I can't say that I have that experience though. The idea is that is slows up your metabolism. I have definitely heard that varying calories day to day can help.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2020
    I WENT WAY OVER calories in end of day. I had 2 quite small bananas, a 25-30cl bottle of hard cider, ok a lot of carbs but not too much calories, but then 6 GF cookies that are about 100 calories each. Weight is up. I have not been well-disciplined on a very regular basis for ages. I feel worn out.
    I always or almost always seem to get at least what needs to be done done for my students and classes.

    But I'm on and off with cleaning
    I walk but not fast most of the time.
    I have not been sticking to keeping low cal of late
    I have not been sticking to writing schedule.

    When I did my master's thesis (a few months of very intense work a the end), I was
    -on WW online and sticking to it,
    -prepping for major a women's 6.6k run. I have always been a slow runner if a runner at all, and my goal was to be in the fastest 50%, I trained 3-4 times a week with intervals, increasing times, etc. and ended up In the top 30% and was very pleased.
    -was writing on a strict schedule
    -cleaning an hour a day
    -meditating an hour a day

    Running is no longer an option due to foot and knee issues. I can still walk and I want to keep it that way.
    As for the rest, I think I got so burnt out and disheartened in having to defend my position at work. Now I have become an activist, and we have some results. It seems the working world is much tougher than some years back.

    I have often been quite disciplined in my life but I'm finding it hard to be so much and I think it's partly age and physical fatigue, which is connected to mental fatigue.

    But feeling burnt out so need to get away.

    Want very much to go to the sea. Afraid it will be lonely. considered going back to Sardinia. I don't know if going to another country is a good plan. To go anywhere outside of the country, we have to check COVID Status before and possibly upon arrival.
    Now they have free tests that are fast that can tell you if you have been in contact w the virus in the past 3 weeks.
    It's hard to find the reliability of each test. Few are 100%
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Today: aim
    Go for walk and coffee
    clean 1h
    Write/thesis 4 hours
    5 min meditate
    Touching earth
    Deal with appartment rental
    Deal with computer issues
    Work on vacation plans
    If time deal with other apartment or financial or bill issues
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,577 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: called surgery consultant (snail mail, 15 mins/2hrs, no, will request earliest slots both days), vacuumed ALL rooms.
    Bonus: two loads of laundry folded and put away!!!
    Get to do: report accident, Shadow to groomer, Shadow and Tumble play date with boarder, line dance class, email SDAO re meeting change notice requirements, practice new dances (Turning Tables, Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); transplant bean, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments. Monday postpone Joe’s primary care followup to after eye sugery, firehall apologize to Aaron, make colelslaw.
    Jumpback July
    28: Catch yourself over reacting and take a deep breath: plenty of opportunities as Joe and I continue our loving discussion about boarding the dogs so I can drive him to/from his eye surgery.

    Sharon I love the tree in the dutch door and the other stained glass. I too struggle with clutter and tidying. One thing that sometimes helps is Barbie’s Gretchen Rubin’s “never discount the value of a 60 second task.” When I’ve feeling overwhelmed if I can narrow my vision, focus on one tiny thing and do it, I’ll feel better. Sometimes it’s just straighten the quilt covering the sofa, or file 3 pieces of paper, or put the dog toys in the basket (wish I’d teach Shadow to pick up after herself ;> ). Then I have a glass of water to celebrate!
    Debbie I’d look at my macros and choose something to balance them, full fat yoghurt with fruit and walnuts? Your family’s farm is impressive!
    Pip had a little pang at the kinda empty house pic, but then remembered you are off on your new adventure. Yay!
    Lanette thanks for the smart BMI calculator. Encouraging results and commonsense recommendations. “Why eating healthy is so hard” :lol: and :love: that green fridge.
    Machka I am with you about the phone and coordinating appointments. It really takes it out of me.
    Lisa “housekeeping style” :lol: Thanks for the AP standard about commas and periods inside the quotation marks. Sounds like other punctuation depends…?
    Rebecca thanks for the Renn Faire pics, brought back many pleasant memories, but by ‘88 I was married and done with both Renn Faires and SF conventions. :’{ Lego city, your son is a gifted artist in that medium. Felt like I was watching a “Journeys in Japan.”
    Faye Hermiston watermelons! My mouth is watering.
    Annie it is not rude to protect yourself from a scammer. Sorry for the disappointment.
    Karen in VA thanks for the Bargain Caladmiums recommendation they are beautiful! Waves of healing and comfort to your friend Shona. A reminder that if/when we’re living alone one of those “help I’ve fallen and can’t get up” necklaces is a must.
    Katla waves of comfort and healing to Schooner and your DH.
    Sue in WA Oh that baby barn swallow!
    Flea thanks for the music while cleaning reminder!
    Michele praying Vince’s test results point to a simple, easily fixed issue.
    Julie wish I could come to your apartment and help you with your papers. Filing is the one kind of organizing/decluttering I find satisfying. A US$230 fine for not wearing a mask? Ouch!
    Welcome @donnamaltz101, @caratrevett4431 Cara in the UK!

    Woke up bruised, stiff and feeling misaligned. Guess the collision was more of a shock than I realized. Skipped BB&B in favor of two hours in the hot tub. Helped enough that I felt able to vacuum, do laundry and call the surgery scheduler. Joe tells me I must report the accident to Oregon’s DOT, even if we don’t submit an insurance claim. Will do it tomorrow morning when I’m fresh.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    July: better than June.
    daily: steps>5491=Sun:3096 Mon:2210 vits=23.5 log=26 CI<CO=21 CI<250<CO=17 Tumble & Shadow 5=16 mfp=18 clean 10 mins=25 outside=18 up hill=16
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=9 rx=4 dance=7
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=2 20for20=
    bonus: AF=9.75 play= sew=
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,567 Member

    It would be fun if there were some that were purple or blue. I would like to find plants with blue foliage.


    Karen- Blue foliage = lithadora. Really goes crazy in May - June, drought tolerant. Is now spreading into our gravel driveway and small rocks lining the edge of the road. Bumblebees love it.



    SW WA State - up really early with windows open... love this quiet time to myself.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Sharon and Julie

    I feel you! Both the exhaustion and cleaning. My oldest daughter said I need to find my happy activity again. My life seems to revolve around work and husband. Self care is important. I have actually been reading at least magazines lately. I know what to do, just struggle with the implementation :/
    Cleaning- I love Cass with Clutterbug! She has great ideas for organizing, decluttering, and maintenance. I am a "ladybug". I need open containers behind closed doors. I suck at filing cabinets! I have (in the past) just thrown things in folders in the cabinet, then can't find what I need and get angry. My husband is a Bee. He micro organizes, but wants to see things. I have to combine those styles. We do have a file cabinet. It is a necessary evil for medical, insurances, and rental properties. I have baskets with labels in drawers and closets. Easy to drop and go. Once or twice a year, I can spend a few minutes and clear them out. Case highly suggests 15 min increments. It does make a difference! Remember it is a work in progress though. It has taken me awhile to make this work. The months of May and June were not well organized. I shoved a lot of stuffs in closets. I found bills and checks not taken care of-oops. I spent a Sunday clearing that all back up.

    I work better when busy and under pressure.

    Remember you are NOT ALONE! We all struggle at times. I am thankful we have this group to depend on for support.

    I did my first click list order. Not bad. I have severe anxiety with a mask on my face and with masks in general, so I wear a shield at work and stay home otherwise. Doctor appointments are the worst as I have to wear one but I spend the whole time pulling it out from my mouth. I was molested at 10yo and they covered my nose and mouth, I couldn't breath. I don't even cover my face with scarf in winter or blankets in bed. So masks are traumatic for me. Robberies are easier with masks. I know as I chased a guy out of our shop as he stoled two saws. Anyway, I am staying close to home these days, so that helps me stick with 15 min activities. Decluttering I can do. I need to work on dusting 😉

    Remember you aren't alone! Wish we were closer to help.

    Speaking of decluttering and cleaning.....I need to go switch laundry, empty dishwasher, and pay a couple of bills.

    Have a blessed day!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,978 Member
    Well i am up and had my tea and am dressed..fed Alfie and will take Homer to the vet at 9:20.. then back to my place to drop him off and then go over to triple A and hopefully get my license done.. then come back and pick my granddaughter up and she will come with me when i get my hair done..
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    It's so good to see you and so glad we are part of your selfcare. I need to do a reset on the sewing room Corey made for me, which immediately became the place to throw things you don't want to look at right now. I walk in there and my head explodes, and I just back out slowly. :wink: Sounds like a good project!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,742 Member
    edited July 2020
    Howdy folks. Starting at the end and working back today. 😂 DH is working on the electrics today (fine tuning our solar power system so that we don't get roasted by the hot water in the system). He loves to tinker. He is a qualified electrical engineer so no safety issues.

    @kymarai I had similar systems for my girls when they were young. At least the mess was not visible. They got more untidy as they got older, and would just dump the stuff onto the floor from the bed. I did regular spot checks in hopes of getting them to be tidier. In the end, I told them that they had 1 day to clean up their act, then I would throw everything I found on their floors out of the windows. When they came home from school next day, they had to pick their belongings off the lawns. I didn't have much trouble after that. The other rule was "if it isn't in the laundry basket it didn't get washed"

    I did https://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/ Declutter Challenge five or six years ago, and streamlined a lot of my belongings. Also Kondoed my clothes when I was losing all the weight. I like that I can see all my current seasons clothes at a glance. I freed up so much drawer space doing that. Now all I need to do is apply the principles to the chaos that is my Hobbies/computer room.

    These days, there's just the two of us, so I do a Fly Lady kind of thing where I pick up anything that I notice not in it's regular place and take it where it belongs. I get a lot of extra steps doing that 😂

    Bathroom is cleaned when I get ready each morning, downstairs shower room cleaned last thing at night. DH does the kitchen after breakfast, and vacuums downstairs once a week, I vacuum upstairs. He also loads washing machine and hangs out the clothes, I bring them in fold and put away.

    Lynette: 😍 Stunning blue plant!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,742 Member
    edited July 2020
    Annie DE:
    Dump him pronto, and block him if you can. Also report him.
    😍Lego city. Warms the cockles of my Lego nerd heart
    Good to know that Shona is being cared for. (((Hugs)))

    Working my way back 😂
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    One of my Nebraska ZOOM friends Shona is in a Denver hospital today. She has gallstone pancreatitis, which has to settle down before she can have surgery to remove her gallbladder. She lives alone on a farm. The pain was so sudden and intense late last night that she couldn't get to her landline, and apparently lost consciousness looking for her cell phone. When she regained consciousness, the pain was more bearable, so she drove herself into town to the hospital. I guess she didn't think to call 911. The doctors put her in an ambulance to Denver, 4 hours away, where she is now. Stable and well cared for.

    She is the glue that has held our little group together for the last 50 years…

    Karen in Virginia


    Hope she is doing better. There's nothing like that pain. I likened it to having a balloon in your abdomen that someone was blowing up and every inch on the balloon contained a razor blade sticking out. And they don't stop blowing up that balloon. Horrible. Many good thoughts headed her way.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    kymarai wrote: »

    So glad to see you're back. Hope all is well.