

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Google just announced all of its employees will be remote until June 2021. I have already thought my company would not be going back to the office until then. My conservative estimate was the beginning of next year. During our monthly all hands call it was stressed we all need to get used to technology and start scheduling live video calls.

    I am finding my work life has required me to be very adaptable. I started when electric, memory typewriters were the rage, moved on to the first desktop to carrying my life in a cell phone. How things really change over time.

    I really wish my office would do this too. But there's no reason to at this point so they've called everyone back into the office.

    The state is just about back to normal. 😕

    M in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Google just announced all of its employees will be remote until June 2021. I have already thought my company would not be going back to the office until then. My conservative estimate was the beginning of next year. During our monthly all hands call it was stressed we all need to get used to technology and start scheduling live video calls.

    I am finding my work life has required me to be very adaptable. I started when electric, memory typewriters were the rage, moved on to the first desktop to carrying my life in a cell phone. How things really change over time.

    I really wish my office would do this too. But there's no reason to at this point so they've called everyone back into the office.

    The state is just about back to normal. 😕

    M in Oz

    Machka - I know you love working remotely, but I had the flexibility and do work remote at least one day per week and sometimes more depending upon why I may have needed to be remote (such as home fixes or car in the shop). I wish things were not so bad in Florida - we are now the poster child as to what not to do. Remote work will be my normal, if we go until next summer. :smile:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Google just announced all of its employees will be remote until June 2021. I have already thought my company would not be going back to the office until then. My conservative estimate was the beginning of next year. During our monthly all hands call it was stressed we all need to get used to technology and start scheduling live video calls.

    I am finding my work life has required me to be very adaptable. I started when electric, memory typewriters were the rage, moved on to the first desktop to carrying my life in a cell phone. How things really change over time.

    I really wish my office would do this too. But there's no reason to at this point so they've called everyone back into the office.

    The state is just about back to normal. 😕

    M in Oz

    Machka - I know you love working remotely, but I had the flexibility and do work remote at least one day per week and sometimes more depending upon why I may have needed to be remote (such as home fixes or car in the shop). I wish things were not so bad in Florida - we are now the poster child as to what not to do. Remote work will be my normal, if we go until next summer. :smile:

    I would love to have that flexibility ... to be able to work from home even one day each week. But nope. Not allowed.

    I'm thankful I have a job but so incredibly tired of spending 9.5+ hours a day 5 days a week away from home.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    Could you negaotiate a phased return in light of your recent surgery?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a part of Dressed Up Drills DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 30 Minutes to Fitness Body Design DVD

    To all Reece lovers: Do you know that Reece’s is a peanut butter paste and not real peanut butter?

    Vince commented yesterday about flies in the house. Well, I just saw a lot around the cat’s food so I really cleaned the floor. He’s usually so intuned to these things that I’m surprised he didn’t notice it.

    Barbara – I, too, hope Vince’s issue is minor. I do hope it’s just a fiberadinoma and no treatment is needed. But we shall see when the results are in. If people would be fined for not wearing a mask, a lot more people would wear masks. Please continue to take care of yourself

    Went and picked up glass for one of the diamond dotz. Then went to Aldi’s. It’s so nice to go on senior days/hours, there was practically no one in the store. I was the only person checking out.

    Vince is upset right now so I’ll probably just go in the pool and let him be. First, our condo assoc. has a Facebook page and that got him upset because he doesn’t do facebook. Then there was a problem with a refill of his prescription. There was a problem at the doctor’s office. Now he’s complaining about “patient portals”. He found old receipts from the now-deceased cats which sadden him. Oh well…this too shall pass


    – one time I told Bryan that I was sick of looking at the mess in his room and if he didn’t clean it up I would and I’d throw things out. His answer? He closed the door! Then I didn’t have to look at it….lol

    Michele NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Thanks so much for all of your support. It's been tough admitting all the flattery was fake. To recap: He asked for my PayPal account, I said a polite no, he asked again, and I said a firm No, then he quit texting goodnight and good morning. So I blocked him from Hangouts, and I blocked him from my phone contacts, and I blocked him on the dating site. He still has my email. It's such a cheap interface I can't find where to block.
    Well that was a lesson. At least it only cost me my pride. Thanks again for your support. It's tough to stop believing.

    Annie in Delaware

    Try marking his messages as spam. Then it'll just automatically go there and perhaps eventually, the email provider will catch on that he's a fraud and block his account. You can block senders in some web email clients. Outlook does. I haven't figured out how to do it in Gmail, but I just mark them as spam and I don't see them anymore.

    I am very sorry this happened to you. I read about this a lot, due to my job, but I never actually "knew" anyone it happened to. I met my mister online over 20 years ago, when online dating was very new. I was super cautious then, but would be even more-so now. It's unfortunate that it's so hard to trust anyone anymore. :-(

    Tina in CA
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited July 2020
    I need you, math teachers, to check my math as I am now questioning it.

    Full cup drank 1/2 down - refill 1/2 up - drank 1/2 down = 1 cup

    1/2 fill - 1/2 dn - 1/2 fill - 1/2 dn = 2cups

    1/2 f - 1/2 dn - 1/2 full then all the way down = 3 1/2 cups

    However, sometimes I drink the last one down half and then mix in hot
    chocolate then refill with hot H2O and drink that down all the way. That
    should be 3 cups of coffee and 1 cup of poor girl's mocha.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,620 Member
    auntiebk- yeah, somethings are going to trash when u open up the pod. things will be jostled around while on the road.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: Sending good thoughts for your friend, Shona. :heart:

    Thanks for he Caladium information. Our house faces northeast. We have a sunrise/moonrise view across the river to Washington State. My flower beds are mostly shaded. Caladiums might fit in well. I’ll consider them in the future. I have herbs in pots that include parsley, sage, Rosemary, Thyme. Chocolate mint, German sage, & chives. The German Sage leaves helped repel our recent ant invasion. The little stinkers are all gone for now. We also used ant bait along with the herbs. This is a townhouse, and I’ve been surprisingly happy here. I’ve always thought I’d like to have acreage, but that doesn’t seem likely at this point. :ohwell: Lucky for me, I have a friend with acreage and a horse she lets me ride. :bigsmile:

    Rebecca: Lego City is amazing. :smiley:

    Barbara: You are right that it will be hard to go and visit our family in the Midwest and east. DH says he won’t fly but I can go. We've been talking about taking the RV but he isn't feeling well enough for that level of effort at this time. The last time I traveled on my own to see my daughter & family, I had to call the neighbors to check that he was okay. He had turned off all the phones & locked all the doors. I gave them the garage code and they came in that way. It was a scary day. There is a slight possibility we could take the RV, but I don’t think it will happen this year. :ohwell:

    Lisa: We have two spaces that I’ll dub as junk rooms. The entire garage is one, and our office is the other. The garage is much better organized than our shared office. :embarassed:

    (((Machka))) Think of your back to work challenge as similar to an astronaut returning from a long-term trip to outer space. Reentry is the hardest part. :heart:

    Our old dog has cancer. I’ll probably bring this up too often. It was a jolt when the vet said he couldn’t do surgery because of the health risk for an older dog. Schooner has been taking pain meds daily for many months, and that continues. I’ve followed the doctor’s directive and purchased a 1% hydrocortisone cream for the lesion on his backside. So far, he doesn’t seem to be in pain. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Annie So sorry that good people like you get taken advantage of by these cons. I was once conned out of a few thousand by a guy that moved in the area I was living to set up a fire district. This was way before the internet. I was single and he seemed a kind man. Long story short after I confronted him he tried assaulting me and my self-defense training came in and it ended up with me breaking one of his wrists and kneeing his manhood into an undesirable state and breaking his hose with the old palm of the hand slam. He called the sheriff to arrest me who promptly arrested him for embezzlement and assault. He later tried to sue me but the judge dismissed the case and lectured him on how next time he would spend 20 years behind bars. I think he served about a month in county jail.

    Anyway start a new email and be careful who you share it with. Always have an email for important things separate from your online social email. Recently the only problem I have had is old needy guys many that have money and are honest but don't understand NO, not interested. I avoid all sites that attract crooks. Really enjoying this all advanced years girl's thread. Stay strong and just write this up as an experience that could have ended much worse.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    Barbara [Rita the penguin socks, how can you work with yarn when it is so hot? small projects only so my lap is not covered like a blanket! I do this indoors in the evening. Days, I like to see if it’s not too hot to sit outside with my machine.

    I think 1000 is too low. Make sure you are getting all your nutrients and meet your macros. A splurge day may kickstart your loss this of you on a plateau. Your body has adjusted to the low calories, hence the plateau. Just my opinion.

    RV Rita on day 3 of logging everything and day 2 of 14/10 fast