Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 119



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,408 Member
    @Fitness327wk - congrats on accessibility your goal, so well done xx
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,408 Member
    @carol7878 so sorry to hear of your 2 losses, condolences and hugs to you xx
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,414 Member
    edited July 2020
    jemtred wrote: »
    Ready for round 119 {56th for me}

    07/11 59.55kg just glad to be feeling better and that school holidays have started... Not that we can go anywhere or do anything!

    Just curious if you were actually IN school? Where are you? We haven't been in school since March 12, and the way the numbers are rising again, I'm not sure we go back (except to get computers and books distributed) in August. :-(

    That's what sent me on such a nose-dive March through May--I am an educator, and I just hated online education and spent too much time sitting in front of my computer or baking bread and other high-calorie things. I'm so hoping we get to have kids in rooms again, but it also terrifies me at the same time.
  • playhardkf2017
    playhardkf2017 Posts: 875 Member
    29 yo female
    5’2” Small frame according to my wrist circumference
    SW 126.2 (April 14th, 2020)
    Highest lifetime weight: 138 lbs. August 2011
    Goal Weight: 110
    Previous rounds: 125.2 -> 122.8 -> 121.6 -> 121.2 -> 119.8-> 119.4 -> 117.8 ->116.6
    Goal weight for this round: Somewhere in the 116 or 115 range

    About me:
    I love learning about food and everything about it; from the way it acts in the body to learning to cook a new recipe. I went to school for nutrition (got my bachelor's) but I didn’t become an RD because it didn’t feel like the path for me. I guess I wanted to keep it as more of an interest instead of a career. I then went into public health to further my education and I currently help medically complex patients by connecting them with community resources to improve their health and life. I enjoy helping family and friends when they ask for advice related to food and nutrition. Plus, it helps me brush up on what I spent so much time learning!

    I’m here because when I’m not paying attention to what I eat, I start to gain and feel uncomfortable in my body. For me that results in frustration and a lot of other emotions. It has also increased my cholesterol in the past (It’s good now as far as I know thanks to diet and exercise). I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, and all that fun stuff. So, I want to prevent that for myself by getting a hold of my food habits now.

    I’m always open to conversation about food and nutrition, so feel to reach out to me!
    116.6 Happy Monday everyone! This morning we did a good soccer workout for some exercise. Today is our produce CSA day and I’m looking forward to all the fun fruits and vegetables we’ll be picking up!

    07/07 116.2 Hi! Not sure if the weight is right but I’ll go with it. I had the same number for like 5 days so I took one of the scale batteries out and put it back in which resulted in this number after it reading 116.6 minutes beforehand. Yesterday was fun picking up the CSA. This week we got summer squash, zucchini, kousa squash, peas, beets with greens, hakurei turnips with greens, kale, spigariello, green leaf lettuce, a cucumber, a small tomato, basil, scallions, strawberries and apples.
    We went for a nice walk this morning coming in at 5ish miles. Today my sister in law and I will go pick up our monthly meat CSA which will be another fun adventure of new food options in the house! Not sure what’s on the agenda for dinner tonight except that I want to have some watermelon and feta cheese salad. I love that salty sweet combo! Have a good day everyone!

    07/08 116.8 Yesterday was a really fun day/night. It was awesome to pick up the meat CSA and to fill the freezer with new cuts of meat that we haven’t had in while! Then, my husband and I had some wine and played poker. Dinner was a wash of eating jalapeno poppers and a watermelon/feta salad. He had the poppers with fries and I ate the salad and poppers. I guess that’s a half way decent food compromise. I didn’t stress about the excessive calories because it was about having fun last night. We also finally looked at our wedding pictures and watched some of the videos from it. Watching the video of our entire family (both sides) singing and dancing to Paradise by the Dashboard Lights by Meatloaf is one of the memories I will never forget from that day. It still brings so much joy just to watch the video of it.
    Today is a recovery day of sorts and I’m just trying to focus on eating light and not caving too much into the cravings for all the high calorie foods after a night of a few glasses of wine. 😊 I did manage to do a reduced soccer workout this morning with my father in law because even though I drank I didn’t feel icky this morning luckily.

    07/09 116.8 Oh how I love water weight retention lol. I’m going to have more because of my cycle and splurging on Chinese takeout food tonight because it has been 4 months. Busy day today with work which equals a not too chatty post. We did get a nice walk in this morning though! Have a good day!

    07/10 118.2 Yuck…I hate the after effects of Chinese takeout food….but it tasted so good as a treat! Now back to eating more normally for me today 😊. We did an awesome soccer workout this morning, so that helped me sweat some salt/water retention out. For meals I have yogurt, strawberries, and granola planned for my breakfast and I’m really looking forward to it! I’ll be eating a lot of the CSA veggies today because we haven’t gone through too many. So I’ll probably be grilling or roasting some CSA squash, beets, hakurei turnips, and an eggplant I picked from our raised bed to go with our dinner tonight. I want to put them on top of a kale salad that has a basil cilantro chimichurri dressing on it. I’ll probably throw some more fresh basil in it too because our plants need some pruning/picking so they don’t flower.

    07/11 118.0 Yesterday was a decent day for food. My breakfast was so good yesterday. I love the simplicity of fresh & in season fruit, yogurt, and granola. Although, to avoid having to place an online order for more yogurt I think next week my breakfast may consist of eggs and a healthy/high fiber muffin instead. Plus, it’ll be good to switch it up and eating the eggs will encourage me to use more of the CSA veggies in a new way. I’m thinking I might make a frittata with some CSA veggies. My dinner last night was a weird one because we found out some not so great news about my mother in law which made me not want to cook much for dinner. So, I finished up the last of my scallion pancakes (5 triangles worth), ate half of an apple muffin and had 6 dolmas that were in my pantry. But I really am excited to eat a lot of veggies today with my meals 😊. Not the worst dinner in the world but not the best. I still logged everything which was good though.
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,091 Member
    Tesha231 wrote: »
    @SheilaBoneham I must have your galette recipe-It looks amazing! I fully-support saving calories for special treats on the daily!

    @Tesha231 Here’s the recipe. I cut the sugar to about half, used more cinnamon, and added ginger. Used Pillsbury refrigerated crust, so really quick to assemble. I may try it with berries one of these days. https://parade.com/65435/lorilange/easy-peach-galette/#addthis

  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,091 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    @SheilaBonrham loving your garden, I know you've worked super hard to get it to that beautiful site and now you can enjoy all the fruits of your labour, well done , enjoy !!

    Thanks, @musicsax . I do enjoy it, though I’m still laboring — always a work in progress! That’s part of the pleasure of it!
  • Indigo3288
    Indigo3288 Posts: 139 Member
    5’4.5”, 32 years old, female
    Highest weight: 275 (12/25/2019)
    2020 Goal Weight: 250
    Ultimate goal weight: 150
    Round 114 SW: 269.8
    Rounds 114 - 118: -5lbs
    Round 119 SW: 265

    07/06: 264.6 ~ Family in town and I had a few drinks on the 4th, which is rare for me. I’ll be glad to just maintain in the 263-264 range because of the visitors, any loss at all will be a bonus!

    07/07: 265.4 ~ Beer. Oh well.

    07/08: 265.6

    07/09: 266 ~ Meh.

    07/19: 263.8 ~ Stress eating all week, stress ended yesterday and look what happens overnight! Sweating the rest of the stress off with my weights right now. Much better!

    07/11: 264.2
    07/13: DNW/camping
    07/14: DNW/camping
    07/15: DNW/camping
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,091 Member
    edited July 2020

    R118 Goals — Build back to walking 5-6 miles/day + garden work. More protein, less sat fat. Stop snacking, especially at night. Calories <1300, P 20-25, C 45-50, F25-30.

    UGW - 130
    HSW - 218.2 (Feb. 2015)

    Weight on 2/2015 - 218.2
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4 (+.2)
    R17 end weight 151 (-.4)
    R18 end weight 150.4 (-.6)
    R19 end weight 149.6 (-.8)
    R20 end weight 149.3 (-.3)
    R21 end weight 149 (-.3)
    R22 end weight 148 (-1)
    R23 end weight 148.4 (+.4)
    R24 end weight 149 (+.6)
    R25 end weight 148.4 (-.6)
    R26 end weight 149.2 (+.8)
    R27 end weight 149 (-.2)
    R28 end weight 146.8 (-2.2)
    R29 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R30 end weight 146.8 (+/-0); ave net calories 1411
    R31 end weight 146.8 (+/-0); ave net calories 1385
    R32 end weight unknown - traveling, no scale - ave net calories 1468
    R33 end weight 149.1 (+2.3); ave calories 1471 (after traveling/eating out for 3 weeks!)
    R34 end weight 149 (-.1); ave calories 1577
    R35 end weight 149.4 (+.4); ave calories 1592
    R36 end weight 149.6 (+.2); ave calories 1650
    R37 end weight 151 (+1.4); ave calories 1703 (154 over estimated TDEE, so no surprise I've gained)
    R38 end weight 149.8 (-1.2); averages-- calories 1420; carbs ~48%; protein ~21% ; fat ~31%
    R39 end weight 149.8 (+/-0); averages -- calories 1753.5; carbs ~47%; protein ~20%; fat ~33%
    R40 end weight 150 (+.2); averages coming later
    R41 end weight 150.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1792
    R42 end weight 149.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1432
    R43 end weight 150.6 (+.8): 10-day ave 1406
    R44 end weight 148.8 (-1.8); 10-day ave 1430
    R45 end weight 147.6 (-1.2); 10-day ave 1338
    R46 end weight 148.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1437
    R47 end weight 147.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1449
    R48 end weight 146.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1378
    R49 end weight 144.2 (-2.6); 10-day ave 1174
    R50 end weight 142.2 (-2); 10-day ave 1200
    R51 end weight 141 (-1.2); 10 day ave 1231
    R52 end weight 140.6 (-.4); 10-day ave 1192
    R53 end weight 137.2 (-3.4); 10-day ave 1134
    R54 end weight 136.6 (-.6); 10-day ave 1238
    R55 end weight 135.4 (-1.2); 10-day ave 1209
    R56 end weight 135 (-.4); 10-day ave 1263
    R57 end weight 134.4 (-.6); 10-day ave 1212
    R58 end weight 133.6 (-.8); 10-day ave 1372
    R59 end weight 130.8 (-2.8); 10-day ave 1125
    R60 end weight 132.2 (+1.4); 10-day ave 1384
    R61 end weight 132.6 (+.4); 10-day ave 1473
    R62 end weight 134.6 (+2); 10-day ave 1666
    R63 end weight 138.8 (+4.2); 10-day ave 2154
    R64 end weight 138.8 (+/-0); 10-day ave 1683
    R65 end weight 139 (+.2); 10-day ave 1654
    R66 end weight 139.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1751
    R67 end weight 142.4 (+2.6)
    R68 end weight 145.6 (+2.8)
    R69 end weight 146.4 (+.8)
    R70 end weight 149 (+2.6)
    R71 end weight 148.8 (-.2)
    R72 end weight 150.8 (+2)
    R73 end weight 152 (+1.2)
    R74 end weight 153 (+1)
    R75 end weight 156.2 (+3.2) !?!??!?!?!?!
    R76 end weight 157 (+.8)
    R77 end weight 159.8 (+2.4 :p )
    R78 end weight 159.4 (-.4)
    R79 end weight 161 (+.6)
    R80 end weight 159 (-2)
    R81 end weight 158.4 (-.6)
    R82 end weight 160.4 (+2)
    R83 end weight 160 (-.4)
    R84 7/31/19 end weight - 161 (+1)
    R85 8/10/19 end weight 161 (+/- 0)
    R86 8/20/19 end weight 163 (+2)
    R87 8/30/19 end weight 163 (+/-0)
    R88 9/9/19 end weight 163
    R89 9/19/19 end weight 165.2
    R90 9/29/19 end weight 164
    R91 10/9/19 end weight 165.8
    R92 10/19/19 end weight 166.4
    R93 10/29/19 end weight 168.8
    R94 11/8/19 end weight 170.4 :-(
    R95 11/18/19 end weight 169.8.
    R96 11/28/19 end weight 171.6
    R97 12/8/19 end weight 172.4
    R98 12/18/19 end weight 174
    R99 12/28/19 end weight 175.6
    R100 1/7/20 end weight 177.6
    R101 1/17/20 end weight 177.6
    R102 1/27/20 end weight 177.2
    R103 2/6/20 end weight 178.6
    R104 2/16/20 end weight 179
    R105 2/26/20 end weight 180.2
    R106 3/7/20 end weight 180
    R107 3/17/20 end weight 180
    R108 3/27/20 end weight 180.8
    R109 4/6/20 end weight 180
    R110 4/16/20 end weight 180.6
    R111 4/26/20 end weight 181.2
    R112 5/6/20 end weight 181.4
    R113 5/16/20 end weight 181.8
    R114 5/26/20 end weight 183 ugh.
    R115 6/5/20 end weight 182.6. 10-day calorie ave 1554
    R116 6/15/20 end weight 181.8. 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R117 6/25/20 end weight 181. 10-day calorie ave 1341
    R118 7/5/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1674 ☹️


    7/6 - 181.4
    Here we go again! And I’m determined to make at least a little progress this time. Jeesh! It’s really hot here with air quality advisory today, but I’m going for at least a short walk. Salmon-egg-guac salad for lunch, lentils & rice for dinner, and I had a low cal breakfast. Today’s my “breakout day”!

    7/7 - 181
    It’s a beautiful morning here, but already hot and we have a heat and ozone advisory for later, so I’m doing my gardening and walking early. I have some seeds to plant —starts for a new bed I’m planning. I love watching seedlings grow! My day’s menu is planned and lunch made (remains from yesterday). It was so yummy and easy, I thought I’d share In case anyone’s looking for a new summery salad. Recipe: 1 can salmon (I like Wild Planet wild caught pink), 2 hard boiled eggs, guacamole (I use one Wholly Guacamole mini pack), slaw mix (I use mixed broccoli, carrot, cabbage), chopped raw veggies & herbs to taste (bell pepper, celery, green onion or chives, basil, cilantro all work well). Tasty, filling, healthful.

    7/8 - 181
    Whew, yep, it’s July in Indiana, that’s for sure! Hot hot hot! Considering ice cream for all my meals. 😁 Okay, salads. 🥗🥦🥕🥒🥬🍓🥙

    7/9 - 180.8
    I’m sitting on my patio, smiling at my garden this morning. When we moved into this house, this entire perimeter of the backyard was a narrow band of river rock. I wish I could invite you all over for iced tea! The photo doesn’t do the colors justice in the hot sun, but still. I’ve seen four kinds of butterflies, lots of beautiful bees, lots of birds, including 6 goldfinches, and bunnies and chipmunks this morning.

    7/10 - 180.6
    Peaches! We got a big bunch of peaches, and they’re perfect! I made a galette with some yesterday — simple to make, delicious, and about half the calories of peach pie. Watched my calories the rest of the day and fit a piece in. Yum!

    7/11 - 181
    Not entirely unexpected since we had carry-out Thai yesterday. Not as salty as Chinese, but saltier than I usually eat. I stuck with veggie stir fry with chicken, though — no high-cal mussaman curry, which I love! Anyway, tomorrow will be better, I’m sure. Gorgeous day here — planning to catch up on weeding and deadheading before the heat returns next week. And I’m going to check on the 1500 ladybugs I released in my garden yesterday. Take that, aphids! Have a glorious weekend, all!

    7/12 -
    7/13 -
    7/14 -
    7/15 -