Weight Loss Challenge- Join us!



  • 25AtATime
    Ok I started this on Friday and have lost one pound. Would love to join this group to keep me motivated. Seems like the motivation has been my downfall in the past. I am tired of "not feeling good" and being too exhausted to do things with my kids!!!

    CW 224
    1st Goal 200
    2nd Goal 175
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I hope we're still doing this as well, I'm not sure if Christina is still having computer problems, but we should keep going until she gets back! Bad start to the week for me (it turns out to be harder to stay on track when my new husband is wanting to go out) so I definitely need the motivation! Hope everyone is well...
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I hope we're still doing this as well, I'm not sure if Christina is still having computer problems, but we should keep going until she gets back! Bad start to the week for me (it turns out to be harder to stay on track when my new husband is wanting to go out) so I definitely need the motivation! Hope everyone is well...
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I hope we're still doing this as well, I'm not sure if Christina is still having computer problems, but we should keep going until she gets back! Bad start to the week for me (it turns out to be harder to stay on track when my new husband is wanting to go out) so I definitely need the motivation! Hope everyone is well...
  • forgiven4life
    I hope we're still doing this as well, I'm not sure if Christina is still having computer problems, but we should keep going until she gets back! Bad start to the week for me (it turns out to be harder to stay on track when my new husband is wanting to go out) so I definitely need the motivation! Hope everyone is well...

    I'm still on board because I definately need the motivation!! Two more days until weigh in. I don't know if I will be back to where I was 2 weeks ago or not, but I will record a weigh in either way.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Ha, I just realized my computer posted that three times, I have no idea why!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Ok I started this on Friday and have lost one pound. Would love to join this group to keep me motivated. Seems like the motivation has been my downfall in the past. I am tired of "not feeling good" and being too exhausted to do things with my kids!!!

    CW 224
    1st Goal 200
    2nd Goal 175

    I was where you are just this past March - I weighed in at 226.5 and was tired all the time - I've lost over 30 lbs and feel fantastic most of the time! I set myself an original goal of 175 by Christmas, but since I'm close to that and want to lose more I reset my goals to 150 by next June! I know I can do it, and so can you! Just being active on this site has been a giant help to me! Good luck!!
  • adelisle
    Hi ladies!
    I've seen a lot of people hesitant to post wts when it's that TOM, now I know why. I've gained back 2.5 lbs. I'm hoping it's water, and I haven't sabotaged myself with my munching. Been trying to keep healthier snacks around. Best wishes to all of you.
    CW: 137lbs
    GW: 125lbs
  • peanut1967
    peanut1967 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all,

    I lost 2.4 lbs (1.1 kg) since last week! Yay! Congrats to all who lost weight and best wishes to all who are not that happy with their loss - just stay patient and keep up the good work. Last week it was me who didn't lose anything, now I'm glad that I just stuck to the plan :)
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    SW: 226.5
    LW: 197.5
    CW: 194

    I lost 3.5 lbs this week!!! I usually weigh in Mondays, and I was 195 on monday, so a lb down is freakin awesome for me!! Having a party for this weeks loss!!! I just ended TOM, and weighed myself around noon after my workout and the scale made me smile - I hope I can keep this rate going, although I'm happy with even a tiny loss! Keep up the hard work everyone!
  • khardy2
    Hey i would love to join my SW 261 CW 252 GW 159
  • goodwinsc
    I would like to join. I started my weight loss on Aug 14. I have lost 11 lbs so far! I'm very excited but I have so far to go yet. This group will help me keep going! Thanks for starting it! This is my first time to post, but it will not be my last!

  • adelisle
    Welcome newcomers and congrats to all who lost!!!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Well, weight is the same for me today, CW 135.6, SW 140. Best I really could have hoped for after last weekend. But I'm back on track and already feeling better and more like myself. Hopefully results will be better next week!
  • Cassandra1219
    I'm at 190.2 this week but I its also TOM!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Not sure if anyone is still keeping up with this, but here's my info!

    Not thrilled gained a pound back - but I can only blame myself - Labor day had a picnic, and then felt sluggish all week long - I really got in only 2 workouts, maybe 3 which is so sad. I usually have 5 at this point. Looks like I'll be working out this weekend since I used up my rest days already!

    SW: 226.5
    LW: 194
    CW: 195
  • Cassandra1219
    Sorry as of Friday I was 187.6