

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Patio b4
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited August 2020
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Last piece of patio came in, big diff

    I really like all the lights! :)

    And the little bicycle, of course. :smiley:

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Suzi - We have what we call a leadership team. It’s what most offices call the management. I am part of this team but am not considered a manager. As part of this team we are all on an emergency fan out list. We would only be called in the event that all residents needed to be evacuated due to a weather or mechanical emergency. I safeguard my number and anyone that has it knows if I am off I do not want to be contacted regarding work. From 2006 to 2018 I was on call and one of the things I was looking for in a job was not being available for work after hours.

    I’ve always been one to go above and beyond, this Boss doesn’t like that and has made that perfectly clear. She also when Covid first hit and was home herself for 8 weeks sent a memo to all of us staff that were coming in early and staying late that she will not accept any lieu time or overtime. She has allowed her three favourites to continue to use lieu time but has denied anyone else.

    Pip - what about a large shadow box for your medals? I just love your patio, and your whole place. You have a good eye for decorating.

    Barbara - I’m happy Joe is being seen and they are keeping a close eye on his eye. The Lord certainly does work in mysterious ways.
    My coworker wasn’t trying to get me in trouble, she would probably hang it herself but she is reception so has no private wall space. She has a strange sense of humour and no filter.

    I had a great day at work today, it was a nice change.

    I don’t have a lot to contribute tonight, everyone stay healthy and safe.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    I’ve separated his medals and mine. I ordered 2 medal hangers and will take pics when they come in. I am gonna put them in the spare bedroom where we have bike trainer.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    TERRI I’m like you a night owl. DH gets up between 7 and 8 brings me my first cup of tea while he goes to shop for newspaper today is big shop. Then he will bring me another cuppa. I stay in bed checking news and emails on iPad and of course check in with you all. I do chores upstairs and exercise for an hour. Seldom go downstairs before 12. This works for us as we both have our ‘me’ time. Need this especially now with C19 and our awful weather.

    Kate UK ❤️
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Pip – we have the exact same lights by our pool as you have on your patio. Great decorating! Question – when you ordered the POD, did it come on time?

    Michele NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited August 2020
    Faye - I had no idea that was who it was. I did research the incident after your post and the whole cult. So sorry you had that awful experience. <3 Strange to think I was listening to that tape in 1990 -1993 when he had just died, probably poisoned by one of his followers.
    I am absolutely no fan of gurus of any kind. Hearing the context doesn't make the tape sound so funny now, but at the time I really admired the delivery. I used to swear a lot when I was younger, but rarely do nowadays, apart from kitten orifice and the occasional 'merde ' in English.

    The wind has gone. I really thought the roof was coming off last night! I sleep with ear plugs, so was able to shut it out. Definitely the worst we have had down here. Well over 60 mph.

    I'm going to make a cauliflower cake today. :D I managed to find my old recipe in my VEG file, but then had to adjust the amounts. The recipe is for a huge ten inch one which serves about ten people! I'm going to make one half the size. Of course, a complicated calculation was then required! What size of tin? I asked DH to work it out, but before could do the sums, I found the answer in my wonderful cake book. It has charts for different sized cakes. Half of a ten inch cake is seven inches. I usually cook my Spinach and Feta cake in that size, so I'm happy. :D
    I will have a tomato salad with it and DH can have a chunk of brown sourdough.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx actually feeling excited about cooking her cauliflower cake.

    Machka - I hope your brother and family are OK. What a worry. <3
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited August 2020
    Morning, afternoon and evening all,

    Kim - I'm so glad you got in a good day with someone who loves you. I can hear the relief and joy in your voice! Humans need each other's touch to thrive.

    Machka - Hope your brother and family will be safe and dry.

    Heather - Hope your cauliflower cake turns out wonderful. Sounds like something my husband would bake to try to sneak a vegetable in on me. :)

    Tracey and Kylia - I think of you both often, and the way things are at work for the two of you. You will find a way through, you always do.

    Corey says he has no idea why the air conditioning started working again after he looked at it, which is a tad unnerving. Really glad it's working, though! He shrugged and said maybe he intimidated it, and it happens at work all the time.

    Have lost a couple of pounds shaking up my exercise routine, as the sciatica thing is just kicking me right in the posterior, so I've been skipping the yard work and just doing the elliptical. Had been stalled for the last two weeks, so it's nice to bump off of that. May have to go outside and get some water on the garden today, though. We're supposed to get the northwesternmost edge of Laura's remnants, but not until late tomorrow.

    Speaking of Hurricane Laura, thoughts go out to everyone in the area--Laura is now expected to be a Category 4 by the time she reaches landfall and may reach inland still at hurricane force all the way north to the area my brothers and their families live, in Nacogdoches, Texas. No, I'm not worried about them, for a lot of reasons.

    On hair washing - I was skipping one or two days a week before I started exercising every day, but now I have to shower daily and wash it every day because I sweat like a li'l piglet. Tried just rinsing my hair thoroughly and conditioning it, but ended up getting small blisters on my scalp. My hair's longer than it's been in a decade, as I'm still not willing to let a stranger breathe on me, mask or no, so it takes a long while to dry. It will probably get longer still.

    Hope everyone has a good day, and that all of us and all those we love end up safe, dry, and out of the fire zones...

    Lisa in AR
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Hairwashing and showering- I used to wash my hair every two to three days. Thanks to COVID-19 it is now daily. Like Machka- I have always showered daily because that (for me) is the best place to stretch aching muscles! KJ
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Heather For years I would see Osho quotes and I didn't know who he was. It was after I saw the Netflix that I found out and that Sheela was now a caregiver for the elderly. I almost poo'ed myself. Looking back it all seems so unreal.

    Pip Awesome transformation. It looks so inviting.

    Katla The drops won't make Joe's vision better. but make the eye drain instead of all that pressure building up causing excruciating pain and damaging the nerve. I had pain for a couple of years before they figured it out.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited August 2020
    Brother and family ...

    I've been looking at Windy, and it appears that Laura will pick up speed just before landfall, make landfall about 5 pm tomorrow, my time, then it will move right on top of the city where my brother and his family lives and sit there for 2 hours before continuing north.

    In that time they're supposed to have 70 mph winds gusting to 150 mph.
    It looks like they may get nearly 200 mm of rain in about 6 hours, with 100 mm of that in one hour.

    I am worried about my family and the rest of the people there.

    Hair ...

    I oiled my hair tonight. I often do that after I've dyed it.

    If you had told a teenager me that I would oil my hair, I would have stared at you in horror ... and then burst out laughing.

    MRI ...

    My husband had an MRI on his brain about 10 days or so ago. We saw his eye surgeon today who gave us the results. As far as his eyes go, they're not too bad and the eye surgeon will continue to follow up every 6 months or so. He does have some double vision but it is being controlled for the most part by prisms in his lenses.

    But the MRI also confirmed the severity of his brain injury. I knew it would because he has had several MRIs with the most recent one a year ago, but it is still a little bit of a jolt to see the words: encephalomalacia and gliosis.

    Dental ...

    I broke a tooth again ... or at least, it's not broken off, it's cracked. I will have to make a dental appointment in my spare time.

    Too much grinding my teeth at night.

    Machka in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @dellafayefox Faye, I'm so sorry you had to go through that with that intentional food poisoning. A shocking story. I was partly rewatching the Netflix series "wild wild country" on that yesterday evening after osho/rajneesh quote came up in the thread. I think I knew a 2 or 3 older people -not close friends/acquaintances, in the 80s or so, who were into or had at least experienced Osho teaching maybe in the 70s or 80s (like people who were 30-60ish when I was about 20ish). I think one or two had some of his books. I wasn't at all drawn to it, largely as open relationship seemed to be a big part of it, so I didn't really look into it. I didn't follow the news about that at all and only discovered the story through Netflix last year. I was practicing meditation from late 80s and practiced 5 rhythms dance for several years in the 2010s, but haven't been too drawn to what seem to me like over-the -op things 60s dynamics (primal screaming, rebirth, free-love). I think that experimental "everything goes" period of the 60s (and a bit before and after) probably (surely) helped open the door for some new approaches that afe now normal, and also there was excess and unskilled exploration or use. Things like meditation, yoga, mindfulness and meditation were also more introduced in the west around then and in the 80s and 90s were still considered somewhat out there and woowoo, but now they seem to be highly main stream. I find the documentary series so interesting as you have people who were locals who were first open then adverse, others who are now disillusioned previous first-hand devotees, others who remain convinced that he was good and contributed overall good to the world, and that it was some of his close devotees who were responsable for any problems.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Awwwww, PIP. I LOVE your finished patio. Charming and fun and uplifting!

    Karen in Virginia
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa I bet Corey would cut your hair. He’s handy.

    Karen in Virginia
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2020
    @auntiebk Barbara,
    I'm so sorry about Joe's high pressure. Great that he is reawakening and being so open and kind to you and in general. What a gift!
    I agree that getting stuff done is actually more distressing than playing online games. Weird that I or we don't always make the best choice that way.

    online games I sometimes play solitaire and sometimes online spades with other players. that's it in terms of online games. I used to use another site for spades but on this one (trickster) the down side is you can't much write to the other players but the upside is it's nearly impossible to criticise, insult people.unfortunately trolls and negative people are not rare online -players could be 12 year olds, etc. I tried scrabble a bit but was not fast or good enough and people were sometimes unpleasant. I don't have experience of scrabble, knowing the hundreds of 2-letter words, etc.

    I saw in paper that some cops mistakenly gave some women a ticket or something for being topless somewhere at a beach in france. Just to show how radically it's changed since the 80s when so many were topless at the beach. It's not illegal in france at the beach unless stipulated by local law, which was not the case. Mostly topless is accepted at the beach but not in the streets.

    I am horrible at crosswords. it seems to me you have to be pretty up on pop culture or a ton of things (sports, tv series from the 90s, etc etc etc) and I never am.

    I occasionally do the paper version if I buy a nytimes international when traveling (like less than 10 x per year). I am not that good at that, but I find the mathematics more logical and thus more doable than crosswords with hard or (for me) obscure subjects.

    @dellafayefox apparently a third nipple is not at all very rare.

    @Machka9 I'm sorry about the reconfirmation of the diagnosis for your husband even if you knew about it. Also sorry about the broken tooth.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member