

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Me and my hair ... :)


    Machka in Oz

    love the color and it looks so nice and thick. Mine has never been that thick.

    Napa Valley
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Rebecca--So sorry to hear of your loss and family not making it easy. It is so sad how much families now days just don't have the glue to hold together like when our grandparents were alive.

    I used to have really long thick hair and I loved it. But now I wear it prett short as it has become so thin and I have a balding spot that is driving me nuts. I have a bad habit of forgetting to wear a hat and get sunburned.

    Tracey--So sorry to hear how things are going for you at work. Is there someone who could talk to the board? I know I have a lot of days I want to just walk out, but I need my job and I enjoy what I do, just not the way my dept is treated most the time.

    Rori--I do hope the VA comes through soon. Have you talked with Meg lately? I am not sure what is going on as missed several months and haven't seen her post since I have been back.

    Faetta--Your story kept me on the edge of my seat. What a neat memory.

    Been a long week and I work tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member

    Ugh! Tim walked through the kitchen about an hour ago and I mentioned some new recommendations passed by our state leg. for childcare homes. Not going into details just now, but it kept me up for quite a while last night as I fumed, paced the floor, tossed and turned. Anywho, mentioning it to Tim did nothing to calm me down or help me come to terms with things; it riled him up though, and he is a PILL when he gets like that. I escaped to water my outdoor plants, came in and did some yoga (deep breathing is SO helpful). But, my kids have arrived and are clamoring for breakfast. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)[/quote]

    It was because of the new state rules for the daycare that I decided to finally say that is it- turned in my license after doing it for over 30yrs. I am now a Trustline provider- only one family at a time but no unannounced visits, no new rules,etc. I am thankful that I don't have to deal with all of that anymore. I still can get the tax write offs which is the only thing my husband is concerned about. I want to totally retire but he wants me to keep doing it. A bit of a pain- four days a week with just one kid. I want to stop totally so I can spend more time with my parents and not being stuck here.

    Napa Valley
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Friday evening ... nice and quiet.

    I have been out and about way too much for my liking this week and I'm exhausted.

    [*] Shopping ... or actually "window shopping" looking for ideas of what to get for my husband's birthday. And I did get a few things.

    Machka in Oz

    A gift idea for his special day-
    I did this for my former hubby for his 60th birthday a few months ago- It will not cost much if anything but will take a lot of thought/time.
    I made a little scrap book that each page had a word/phrase that made him special to me. You can embellish as much or as little as you want. 60 pages for 60 things that make him HIM.
    I used a pack of scrap booking paper and just tied the corner-
    He loved it, even his current wife thought it was nice.

    Napa Valley
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    ktmusher wrote: »
    @Katla49 thank you! The trick is be able to stick to them. This morning in my breakfast sandwich to stay in the calorie range I want to be in, I had to forego the vegenaise (vegan mayo) and just have a roma tomato!!
    It's really hard to stay in a weight loss calorie range without exercising everyday! Heck it's the weekend and I'm going to want to drink some wine!!

    for me, I forego the bread and use a chopped up tomato(now that we have them coming on in my garden so nice and fresh and so flavorful) a tablespoon of mayo and a piece of bacon, nice and crispy and crumbled up all mixed up together. BLT taste with out the calories of the bread. Sometimes I add a bunch of lettuce to make it go further, sometimes add chopped cucumbers now that they are going crazy in the garden. BLT or just tomato sandwiches are my all time favorite during the summer-

    Napa Valley Ca
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a step DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 10 Minute Tighten and Tone Pilates DVD

    – always love hearing from you. Boy, I didn’t realize all that you did. What a great career you had.

    – I guess going to the soup kitchen for me is really really rewarding. I get to be with people. See, I was always a people-person. Loved being in a group. Well…that isn’t happening. Even when I go to these stores, I’m alone. So, to me, they aren’t much of an outing. At the soup kitchen at least I am with a few people. Soup kitchen today (got my makeup and earrings in…lol)! This whole social distancing thing is REALLY difficult for me. I can live with the mask wearing. But keeping away from people? To me, that is HARD

    – I found that drinking water is much more work now that I’m home so much. I still get it in, but it seems to be more work

    You know Jess told us that Colby is moving out to Iowa with her. It wouldn’t surprise me if she gains even more weight. She says she want to lose, but she’s not ready. I know that he goes out to eat a lot, and I bet that will continue. He likes his beer so he’ll probably take Jess to craft places (if Iowa has any). It can be really hard to lose weight if your partner doesn’t. Well, there’s nothing I can do except feel sad for her. Well…on the positive side, I know finances have always been an issue for her. Now with Colby there he can pay ½ the rent, food, etc.

    German – welcome! You sound a lot like me, well…I don’t really knit but I wouldn’t mind learning, I like to crochet, do x-stitch, not much of a sewer, not crazy about plastic canvas but I’ve done it, do the Diamond Dotz, bake, latch hook. Great goals (especially not smoking), Keep logging. Sounds like you’re doing everything well. I’ve gotten some real good ideas on this thread. Not just diet related, although that too.

    Been very overcast the past few days. It has been warm during the day and then thunderstorms at night. You should have seen the one we had last night!

    – wow! What a room

    Stopped at CVS on my way to the soup kitchen only to find out that they don’t carry what I saw advertised. Then the soup kitchen. You know, they always give something quick on Fridays since they want to get out early. I can understand the worker’s feelings but sometimes I think it would be nice to give something special. Oh well….

    Barbie – I’m the same way, there is no way I will ever be able to eat whatever and whenever and not have it affect my weight. Well, that just means that I need to be careful

    Pip – busy AND finding time to exercise??? You rock girl

    To all Canadians: so Vancouver is called “Hollywood North”? hmmmm…..

    Margaret – that flyover sounds so very fitting!

    Michele NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Katla I enjoyed the experience and the waterfront especially shopping all the little shops and antique stores. I had lunch with my friend and her husband at some little cafe on the waterfront that had fresh ling cod that was fantastic. I really did enjoy watching all the boats and ships from the Edgewater balcony and that alone was worth every penny I spent. I also did the ferry ride over to several of the islands and spend several days with my friends.

    Tracey I haven't been to Edmonton since the mid 70's when I lived in Montana. I love Alberta. I was first in Calgary at age 10 on a trip to Alaska.

    Vicki Thank you! That makes my day that it held your interest.

    Northwest ladies current and former Did any of you ever go to the Portland Waterfront Blues festival back in the early '80s? I attended it a few times but actually played one year for one set following my friend Jimmy Lloyd Rea and the Switchmaster's awesome performance. He and Andy and the Angler's put me together with 3 other girl musicians they knew, all married with little kids, and named us Della and the Diaper Changers since I was the lead guitarist. It was a one-time thing and we did a blues version of "Hit the road, Jack." I often wonder what happened to those ladies. Both Jimmy and Andy are deceased.

    Dag nab it!!! I went braless all day yesterday and never realized I have enough boob sag that I now have a small boil under one boob due to sweat and laziness putting off showering until today. Dang thing hurts. Feeling bad for all you women of size that fights this kind of injustice daily.

    Faye Old Columbia Gorge girl
    still bra-free applying medication
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I am happy that the service for your son was so well done. The addition of planes flying overhead seems like a perfect send off. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Margaret - Sending the biggest hugs to you. That must have been a terribly difficult day for you.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,234 Member
    Machka: Lisa:
    Those Wellness articles were food for thought. I don’t buy into much of the hype re specific diets, it’s more about health and fitness for me. I have found that doing the healthy thing (ie: sensible portions of what ever I like) has resulted in steady sustainable weight loss. I make choices, in full knowledge of how they will affect me, thus, eliminating the guilt I used to feel if I was ‘bad’. Feeling fit and healthy is by far more enjoyable than the alternative, which is more than enough incentive for this here chickadee! 😂
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,234 Member
    I often go bra less, but the nether regions will remain covered for the most part.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Teri I love your uninhibited attitude. Sorry to hear about the shin scrape. It made me cringe to just read about it. Reminds me of all the falls associated with the old 1950's sidewalk roller skates that fit on your shoes.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited August 2020
    Finally managed to organise a phone call between DH and his lovely sister. I felt she ought to know about his faint. Nice to talk. Haven't seen her since December 31st.

    My brother's operation went fine, but it's agony to pee right now!

    Margaret - Thank you for sharing the funeral service with us. I'm so glad the arrangements went well. A fly past is always very moving. <3

    Rori - Just offering more hugs. I think of you often. <3

    Missing SuziQ? Along with the others mentioned. Hope everyone is OK.

    We survived day 1 of the heatwave, but tomorrow will be just as bad. More humid I think. I feel hotter at night somehow. I will go upstairs and put the fan on tonight. I have a food delivery tomorrow, so won't have to go out, except DH for the newspaper. Our house is cool downstairs.

    The Velux blind man got back to me and will come over for a look at it next Tuesday. I really do want to get rid of these strange internal curtains. The previous owners have put curtains everywhere, including windows that are opaque and not overlooked. At our last house we only had curtains in the bedrooms to keep out the light. Nothing downstairs at all. Same in my London apartment. I don't like them. I'm sure DH thinks I'm crazy, but it's my sofa the sun is shining on and I want a blind. A motorised blind. I don't think he knew such things existed! >:)

    Just ordered new fluorescent coloured jacks for the Boules set. The plain wooden one kept getting lost in the grass. I will give a few to my son if he finds his boules in the attic.

    AF day today. My DSIL agrees with me about how much more we enjoy our evenings and nights when we don't drink alcohol. I'm up to 4 AF days a week now. DH was AF today, first time in ages. He has cut back on his evening candies too. Trying to follow Faye's endolymph suggestions. He was so much better last night after only 1 unit and half the number of candies. Can't do us any harm anyway.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Rebecca))): I’m so sorry for the loss of your stepbrother, and for the loss of your stepfather a year ago. It is hard when things first happen, but it is equally as hard when you find out bad news after it has happened. :star:

    Pip: It sounds like you’re settling in and enjoying your new adventure. :bigsmile:

    (((Tracey in Edmonton))) I’m sorry that you have an unpleasant manager. Bullying doesn’t ever get anything good accomplished. :grumble:

    Kylia: I remember perms differently than you. Mine were a nightmare. I wound up looking altogether too much like Harpo Marx. That was an awful thing for a 6th grade girl to cope with. It happened again years later when a neighbor gave me another perm from H*ll. :embarassed: I haven’t ever had another and don’t plan to in the future.

    Margaret: I’m happy that you were pleased with your son’s service. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in Beauftiful NW Oregon