

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Heather That is amazing and wonderful!

    Barbara My thought on latex gloves is if everyone put on latex gloves when they entered the store and never touched their face and then disposed of them when they left, this would stop the spread in that store if also employees wore and changed them frequently. Surfaces would never be touched by dirty hands. It will never happen because of the expense. If everyone used the hand sanitizer that would also make a difference. According to my doc, the virus can live on your hands for a long time, but it is short-lived on latex gloves.


  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    lol I may have to switch my chat time with you ladies to the evenings! I spend all of my allotted time in the mornings, reading posts and catching up. I took pics of the posts that I want to respond to, so I will touch base with you all again tonight! Just going to leave a reminder of a few I need to chat with (for myself, mainly). Heather, Faye, BArbara, Barbie, Cathy in Arlington, Kim, Debbie, Rita, Pip...ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited August 2020
    Morning, afternoon, evening, all...

    If that last post of yours wasn't a description of why I find your actions a pattern worthy of following, I don't know what is. Your joy in your own fitness and your care for your husband's health and fitness are admirable.

    It sounds like you're recovering well from the surgery - has your sense of smell returned completely? Or is it still intermittent?

    Barbara AHMOD,
    I had to let my husband deal with his dad's death, and shortly after, his youngest brother, who had Down Syndrome. Corey had grieved in his own way after we visited his dad and his brother in Alaska nearly two years prior--he knew that neither was likely to make it to our next visit. Men seem to process things quite differently in terms of grief--no less deeply, just more quietly. While I may not understand it, I tried to respect his process. Not easy, when I wanted to poke at him and see if he was OK.

    Dishwasher and clothes washer are whooshing, and I started wondering why this is my happy place. There is peace here for me that, as the saying goes, "passeth understanding."

    And since I don't understand it, of course, I had to poke it, because that's what I do.

    I realized that for the first time in many years (if ever), I am wholly present. Not thinking about work and what needs to be done. Not worrying about what might happen at work. Here. I've got some more thinking to do about that, but won't bore you with it here.

    Finished Levi's afghan last night, will start work on Haley's next, then Tyler's. Three weeks for the first one (I think); we'll see how long the other two take!

    Shopping morning - trying to keep it just to Fridays these days, go early, get in, get out, get back home--which pushes my exercising later, but am learning to adjust to that, as well. I'm getting to be such a hermit that it really annoys me to have to put on real clothes and go out and look at other people, even if it is over a mask!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    edited August 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Terri – I soaked my mask in boiling water with fabric softener in the water

    Michele NC

    Couldn't you use borax ... like how we get the smell out of polyester exercise clothes?

    I wouldn't use fabric softener.

    M in Oz

    Using vinegar in the rinse cycle works well too. It takes out the excess soap too as a bonus. Vinegar also kills fungus too.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    It sounds like you're recovering well from the surgery - has your sense of smell returned completely? Or is it still intermittent?

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Ummm ... my nose is coming along but is still annoying.

    It was stitched up with dissolvable stitches and I presume the ones inside my body are dissolving, but in the process, pieces of thread stick out. I've already removed quite a bit and there is still more. I can see them and I can definitely feel them. It's like having hard pieces of snot painfully lodged in your nose. And the area around them is slightly swollen. Apparently it is a waiting game ... they should eventually go but it could be weeks.

    Plus my sinuses drain like Niagara Falls at random times, but especially about 2 minutes after I step outside in the chilly weather. So I've got a running faucet during those walks, and I get a lot of dark looks when I'm within sight of people and whip out the tissues. I absolutely cannot go anywhere without tissues! After about an hour outside in the chilly conditions, my nose has had enough ... it hurts.

    And I'm having some nerve issues which is a known complication. The tip of my nose is numb. My two front teeth feel really weird. And a spot on the roof of my mouth right directly behind my two front teeth feels like I burned it. Evidently these complications should resolve within a few months. Yes, months. This means I eat cool food all the time and drink cool coffee and tea. If I eat or drink anything hot, it makes that spot behind my teeth feel so much worse!

    And as for the sense of smell, it still comes in occasional waves, overwhelming blasts, but mostly there isn't much change.

    However, I can breathe better. :)

    I will see my surgeon in mid-September to make sure things are on track. But otherwise, I just have to be patient.

    And meanwhile, I rinse my sinuses, moisturise the interior of my nose, and use the steamer in the bedroom to try to make things more tolerable.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    As Lisa is i have wash down in the laundry room going and dishwasher going...trying to pack for the weekend for both me and Alfie..will try and get to the bank today but if not thats ok too..
    My SIL was on me last night to work next friday... i have to take Homer to groomers and finally renew my license at the DMV .when I was at the cottage last weekend i told her 3 times and she put it in her phone that i couldnt do friday or thr weekend.
    So last night really come on,you cant work,the other caregiver is going to California to visit her daughter..
    She knows i cant but taunts me any way.. Sherri wanted me to come for an hour this morning so she can get a tooth fixed before she leaves...again I cant i have plans....ya know she has to have back up..she said if she has to she will send my brother down...
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,422 Member
    edited August 2020
    It's Friday!

    Barbara - I always enjoy reading your "Get to Do's" and "Chose Wells". Inspiring and gives me a kick in the rear to get after some tasks around here that I've been putting off. Hope Tumble is over the crud. :# Been there.

    Took Rosie the Bratwurst Schnauzer to the vet yesterday. Good news and bad news and interesting news. Good news - no spending $$ on dental cleaning right now, some plaque but can wait. Per the vet, front teeth falling out in little dogs happens, the canines and molars should be OK for quite a while. Bad news is that when the groomer brushed her teeth a week ago, she must have used more than a doggie toothbrush because there are now scrape marks. :s More ragged surfaces for plaque to take hold. I know the groomer was just trying to help and save me some $$ by avoiding vet dental cleaning. So will move on from it, lesson learned, and endeavor to keep up with Rosie's teeth better here.

    Interesting news is that when we discussed Rosie's weight gain and went over what she was eating, I mentioned I had recently discovered the dog dental chews I'd been giving her twice a week (recommended daily, but they are spendy and I'm cheap) have nearly 50 calories per chew. Vet's eyes opened wide and said she'd been told they have no calories and went into the lobby and grabbed a bag from the shelf which gives NO information other than the special ingredient which keeps the dog's teeth clean. I told her my plan was to cut back on dog food on the days Rosie got her chew.

    She said she was going to check on the calories and when I came home, I called the manufacturer and sure enough, the info on the Chewy website was correct. The vets there have been stocking and recommending them for several years. :o I would imagine there was a lot of conversation about it among the other vets and staff in the vet clinic yesterday afternoon.

    - your testing is also giving me a kick in the pants. When I went to do my SWSY workout a couple days ago, I looked at my calendar and realized I hadn't lifted a weight in 2 months. :( And I realize how much my DH is declining when I think about what he was able to do a year ago.

    Had a long phone conversation with a good friend yesterday. Her DH is 64, planned to keep working until 66 to get full social security. He works in maintenance in a facility where there's been a virus breakout in the past week, so if plumbing breaks, he's been the go-to guy. He is now considering immediate retirement if he can't be assigned to jobs in other parts of the facility where he wouldn't be around infected folks. Which is kind of putting a crimp in their plans to have the car and truck paid off by the time he retires. It's bringing back memories of when I sped up my retirement plans and budget decisions that had to be made in our own household 4 years ago.

    Lisa - so happy you decided to retire and I'm impressed at how quickly you were able to move forward.

    Ladies, I confess. I haven't been logging and my eating has been horrible. Honesty pants getting painful. Likely worry over the dog's teeth and DH's concern about the firewood not being delivered. Both of those situations are now resolved. I now understand how/why my folks were overwhelmed by little things in their later years and need to hone my ability to flip situations.

    Speaking of dogs, time to get their breakfast ready and let them out for their morning constitutional. Porch light on, flashlight in hand. Already.

    Sending hugs and prayers for all of you whose families are affected by the smoke and fires. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020

    Della best known as Faye
    alive to see another day
    preparing her bunker
    for another hunker
    Of the sturgeon, she is jealous
    For they don't have to be zealous


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did a DVD for the rebounder today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Yoga for Weight Loss DVD (a new one for me)

    – sometimes I think that my name on MFP is what attracts the males. I just delete them. I used to ask where I know them from but no one ever answered me. Now I just hit “delete”

    M – never thought of using borax. We have some for the pool. Don’t use it much at all. Does borax leave a fresh smell? I’ve never used it.

    Barbara – sure hope Tumble is better. Lexi has been having loose stools and for some reason now she won’t go all the way into the litterbox when she poops. Not sure what that’s all about. I got so sick of cleaning the outside of the litterbox that I’ve started putting a piece of plastic wrap on the outside and just pull that off when it gets cruddy and put another piece on. Believe it or not, I didn’t feel the earthquake. Probably because I was downstairs exercising when it happened. But I do remember that at one point I really had a hard time balancing. Feel better fast

    Kim – (((HUG)))

    I’ve just gotten into the habit of using hand sanitizer whenever I go out, especially if I go to the store. I know washing hands is better, but I figure this is better than nothing

    Heather – I agree with Lisa. You ARE admirable.

    Faye – I don’t think the mask has a virus. Because I have to wear it for 4 or more hours/day, I’d just like it to smell nice. The other day I cleaned it in the Instant Pot! Jess gave me two that she got from work. I always wear it one way (well, I do with my other mask now that I think of it). How long do you microwave it for? I can easily do that when I get home from work

    Does anyone know why it’s called COVID-19? What does the 19 represent? It is because that’s the year it was introduced?

    The other day I saw my first “get your flu shot here” sign. Probably next month I’ll get it or maybe October. Last year I got it in November and was sorry I waited so long.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    Not wanting to be a "party pooper" but ...

    If you go to the bottom of the page you'll see this:


    Click on Community Guidelines.

    Have a skim over the Community Guidelines, but especially number 12.

    We welcome all sorts of topics, but we do try to heed Community Guideline number 12 so that this thread can stay in business and we can all continue to participate. :):)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    edited August 2020
    exermom wrote: »
    M – never thought of using borax. We have some for the pool. Don’t use it much at all. Does borax leave a fresh smell? I’ve never used it.

    As far as I'm concerned, it leaves no smell at all. :)
    But that could just be me.

    exermom wrote: »
    Does anyone know why it’s called COVID-19? What does the 19 represent? It is because that’s the year it was introduced?

    Michele NC

    Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it

    Official names have been announced for the virus responsible for COVID-19 (previously known as “2019 novel coronavirus”) and the disease it causes. The official names are:

    coronavirus disease

    severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

    And the article goes on to explain further.

    A little mythbusting ...


    14. Microwaves sanitise masks
    There is no evidence masks are sanitised by microwave radiation. It is also a bad idea. Firstly, microwave radiation can burn or disfigure certain parts of the mask. Secondly, if the mask contains metal, it can damage your microwave oven and set it alight.

    Simply putting your mask through your washing machine with detergent is sufficient to disinfect it.

    If I were required to wear a mask, and if cloth masks were available here, I would wash them with my laundry with my eucalyptus detergent and vinegar as a softener as I do my nighttime eye masks.

    Then I would attempt to hang dry them in the sun.

    If they took on an odor, I'd sprinkle a little bit of Borax into the wash machine with the load of laundry.

    Machka in Oz
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    M in Oz Thanks! I wasn't aware of the posting things that might apply only to your region as being offensive or uninteresting to someone as violating guidelines. I edited that post. Thanks for pointing that out.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    My apologies to all on this thread I may have either offended or bored. Neither was my intention.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    My apologies to all on this thread I may have either offended or bored. Neither was my intention.

    I don't think you've offended anyone ... it's just that we (and MFP in general) prefer to avoid talking about political or religious subjects here. :)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Anyone who wants to do the standing on one leg and the stand up /sit down test, this is the link to an article by Michael Moseley.


    Good luck!

    Heather in the windy UK. Xxxxxxxx