

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited September 2020
    Barbara I make this year's debut tomorrow. Today is no undies clear liquids day with an afternoon of chug a lugging glorified antifreeze. The soiree has begun!

    Yes, that eerie feeling that a wildfire causes reminds me of 911 and also St Helens erupting. The quiet is deafening. We never realize all the chatter birds make until they don't.

    DrKatie Atta girl, let's outsmart this program. Better to do it on purpose and admit it than be corrected and shamed. Thanks for the smile!

    Feeling strange that I share so many of the issues you ladies DH's suffer. Glaucoma, cataracts (removed), dentures, vertigo, hearing loss, nerve disorders, and potty mouth. I also suffer the same girl maladies you do, menopause (almost history), and sagging boobs. Don't any of you ladies have any of the aforementioned this-thread common DH issues? How about other women issues like vaginal sag? Why my muscles are weak in that area is a mystery because I have very strong flat abs. So can any of you confess to having the common DH issues mentioned frequently on this thread or rare female issues? Work with me girls! I am feeling like a freak.

    soon to have a sparkling clean digestive tract
    near the river where the mighty sturgeon still swim

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Pip - I absolutely adore your Airstream, but I tend to agree with Kirby. Paying all that for storage is a real drag. Plus you had to repair it recently. Something like that is quite a responsibility and I don't think you have actually used it much! I remember your cruise and your holiday in LA. :D You could both fly to Europe for the cost of a year's storage. :o However, I know if it were mine, I would be reluctant to part with it. :'(

    Hope to get out for a run in a minute.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    How about other women issues like vaginal sag? Why my muscles are weak in that area is a mystery because I have very strong flat abs. So can any of you confess to having the common DH issues mentioned frequently on this thread or rare female issues? Work with me girls! I am feeling like a freak.


    You can go to a continence and women's health physiotherapist for things like that. It's worth it!

    I've seen mine for bladder prolapse and incomplete emptying.

    The physiotherapists here are great. Last year, I was seeing one for my feet, one for my right hip, and one for my bladder. They all knew about each other (and knew each other) and exchanged info about me between them so I could get well-rounded and effective treatment.

    My husband has a severe traumatic brain injury ... I can't afford to have too much go wrong with me, nor do I have the time for it.

    I've had a list of issues in the past. But this year's deviated septum and turbinate reduction surgery, and tennis elbow caused by a possible broken elbow, damaged tendon, and overuse, is enough for now.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Sue in WA: It is wonderful to hear from you!!! Air quality here is not at all good, either. This morning wasn’t bad, but by late afternoon it was getting worse and worse. :grumble:

    Pip: Why is Kirby thinking of selling that beautiful trailer??? I hope you talk him out of it. Too much change, too fast isn’t good. Tell him you want to go through some seasons other than fire season and make your decision later when you both know you won’t make a mistake and be sorry for it. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I’m delighted that your air quality was better today than yesterday. :star: Our air quality started out good but got worse as the day went along. We stayed inside and did everything we could to keep smoke out of our lungs. Air quality INSIDE the house is okay. :star:

    Betsy: I’ll do a rain dance with you. Rain would do a grand job stopping fires and cleaning smoke out of the air. :heart:

    Rebecca: Cute kitty! :star:

    I am hoping for better air quality in the morning. Rain would be a huge improvement over smoke. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    The fire season has nothing to do with his thought. He wants something easier to tow. We r getting older, backing the airstreams a bit@#h. If we got rid of the storage fee we owe about 2k left on the airstream. So if we sold it now, we could get what we bought it for or more and save on storage fee so that would be $320 a month and we would end up with a new trailer so in his eyes it would b a win win
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    Pip - I absolutely adore your Airstream, but I tend to agree with Kirby. Paying all that for storage is a real drag. Plus you had to repair it recently. Something like that is quite a responsibility and I don't think you have actually used it much! I remember your cruise and your holiday in LA. :D You could both fly to Europe for the cost of a year's storage. :o However, I know if it were mine, I would be reluctant to part with it. :'(

    Hope to get out for a run in a minute.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    We only used it for the s ride trips but we were both working full time too. It’s all kirbys choice, he’s the one that always wanted one, not me. He says it’s like his Harley that he had, always wanted one, he got it and when he sold it, no regrets. He had a vespa, same thing when it was gone he was okay with it. My things were the house, I loved that house that was my dream house, but I had it and when it was time to sell, no regrets
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Went for my run. HOT! Better coming back, running into the breeze. My back was a bit achy, but I kept going.
    I'm cooking a Hairy Bikers Lamb Tagine tonight, with green beans. DH has stewed some apples and blackberries.

    I'm beginning to get a few nerves about the sanding. DH doesn't think it will take long tomorrow to clear the light stuff in the two rooms. I think he is underestimating the time it will take. We have a lot of ceramics and some nice books. Plus the usual chairs etc. My son is coming to help with intermediate sized stuff and the sanding guys will move the two large sofas and the big table, which weighs a TON. I think that will have to go out in the garden! I have a plastic cover we can put over it.
    Oh well. It will all happen eventually. It's like packing for a holiday - I always find it incredibly difficult.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited September 2020
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    We only used it for the s ride trips but we were both working full time too. It’s all kirbys choice, he’s the one that always wanted one, not me. He says it’s like his Harley that he had, always wanted one, he got it and when he sold it, no regrets. He had a vespa, same thing when it was gone he was okay with it. My things were the house, I loved that house that was my dream house, but I had it and when it was time to sell, no regrets

    Funny - Corey and I were talking about just that thing. Don't think we'd be nearly as happy as we are if we hadn't done what we chose the years previous. From living in a 5th wheel trailer, to living in a pull-behind, we weren't sad to see either one of them go when they went. Things are just... things. You have the experience, you keep that memory, and let the places/houses/Airstreams/Vespas go.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited September 2020
    Barbie Wow on your teeth! My problem was hereditary and despite super home care, 4 times a year cleaning, and gum surgery, they were just poisoning my body too much. My tooth roots wrapped around the bone and made it impossible to even get completely deep cleaned. Awesome that you have all your parts still intact.

    M in Oz Yes, I had an appointment to address that issue and also my high risk of cervical cancer. The virus shut them down and then the riots broke out and still continue, so that doctor hasn't reopened in a new location yet. No other doctor has his knowledge of genetic cancer to get medicare to pay, I have to see him first before any surgery because I don't have cancer in that area yet and other doctors have to show that cancer exists before they can remove the cervix and part of the vaginal tract. He is the only doctor in the Western USA that can and will do this surgery based on genetic testing. I think he is working in Dallas temporarily. Once this procedure is done tomorrow and if all is well then my PCP will get back to work on getting something set up. I am 8 months late getting all the cancer screening done for 2020.

    Beth if my hearing gets worse, I too must learn to read lips. I never thought of how the mask-wearing would affect such. I am totally deaf in one ear and 60% left in the other if it doesn't get blocked as it does frequently. Then down to 20%.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,816 Member
    Machka - I have had to show some of the younger people here how to use a fax machine. Apparently the healthcare system doesn't trust technology and they prefer faxes to email for confidentiality reasons.

    Beth - I think your technique with your husband is a good one. I'm glad the investigators are taking your concerns seriously about your son's group home. Sorry to read about your friend.

    Pip- I think you and Kirby are onto something about selling the Airstream.

    Just catching up a bit, nothing more to add.
    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terri: I love early morning Senior shopping hours. The stores are not crowded and the best quality produce and meats are available to buy. :bigsmile:

    Faye: I agree with you. Our first responders are wonderful. Our firefighters are trained paramedics and have saved DH’s life more than once when he’s had severe low blood sugar episodes. :heart:

    Sue in WA & Lanette: We have visible smoke this morning, too. I think it might be slightly less dense than yesterday evening but that could be wishful thinking on my part. :ohwell: I found an EPA link that says our air quality is moderate this morning. I see smoke in the air, but it is less dense than yesterday afternoon & evening. I won’t go outside for serious exercise until it is better than what I see right now. We’re using our air conditioner to filter air inside our house. It helps some, but I wouldn’t call it good. :grumble:

    M in OZ: My DH also has health problems that are not repairable. He has been an insulin dependent diabetic since before I met him. It runs in the family. So is our granddaughter and a nephew. DH also has MS and hip issues that have become problems in the last several years. All of those health problems are autoimmune disorders. :ohwell: I like the wellness wheel.

    Beth in Buffalo: It sounds as though your son’s group home was worse than NOT okay. I hope you have a good resolution. :star:

    Pip: DH is talking about selling our RV and buying one of the new, smaller ones. I’m not enthusiastic about that so far. Between his health issues, & Covid 19, I favor making no changes in RV’s & no long-distance travel before next year. He doesn’t have the energy for travel at this time. :noway: I love the Airstream & bike photo.

    Heather: Floor sanding is DUSTY. We’ve had our hardwood floors done in the past, but not recently. The results were worth the trouble. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Smoke seems to be getting a bit thicker than when I first woke up. Staying inside seems like a smart decision. We won’t be going out for a nice ramble in the neighborhood until we have better air quality but I plan to ride my tryke in the garage on it’s trainer.

    I went to the meeting yesterday evening and had the opportunity to chat with a friend afterward. It has been months since I’ve seen S and I was pleased to have time to chat after the meeting. The meeting we both attended was a Zoom meeting. Neither of us is willing to expose our personal computers to Zoom. The City Planner set us up with computers at city hall. I’ve witnessed “uninvited guests” in Zoom meetings and have been warned that these are people from China who are trying to find personal financial information. I’m not willing to expose my computer to that risk. What is private needs to stay private. :star:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Correct, I don’t drink while I’m riding or on a stationary bike, I don’t see that kirby doesn’t either

    Why not?

    I aim to drink one 750 ml bottle every 1 to 1.5 hours when I'm cycling.

    Y? Cuz... never have. Make no mistake, I know what I SHOULD do, I just don’t. Don’t get thirsty. I drink afterwards, even on the MS 2 day rides

    If I don't, my feet cramp ... even on shorter rides like a couple hours ... and that is really painful. I end up having to take my shoes off and walk up and down the road in my sock feet to ease the cramps ... and drink, drink, drink.

    My feet cramp even if I'm slightly dehydrated when I'm not on a bicycle too. I've been in situations where I've been in classes or meetings all day, and I haven't had much to drink, then I've tried to walk somewhere, and my feet cramp.

    M in Oz

    I get feet cramps too, but also isn't due to water intake. I have an "issue" called Morton's Neuroma in my feet which causes them to cramp up most often when I'm wearing certain shoes and/or walking a lot. However, sometimes they just cramp randomly.

    Michele - You're not alone in getting frustrated at the mister's lack of action. Basically, if he doesn't consider it fun, he doesn't do it and I have to or it never gets done. Most of the time, I don't bother even mentioning it and I just do it.

    Welcome new people!

    Tina in CA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Pip - I absolutely adore your Airstream, but I tend to agree with Kirby. Paying all that for storage is a real drag. Plus you had to repair it recently. Something like that is quite a responsibility and I don't think you have actually used it much! I remember your cruise and your holiday in LA. :D You could both fly to Europe for the cost of a year's storage. :o However, I know if it were mine, I would be reluctant to part with it. :'(

    Hope to get out for a run in a minute.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    We only used it for the s ride trips but we were both working full time too. It’s all kirbys choice, he’s the one that always wanted one, not me. He says it’s like his Harley that he had, always wanted one, he got it and when he sold it, no regrets. He had a vespa, same thing when it was gone he was okay with it. My things were the house, I loved that house that was my dream house, but I had it and when it was time to sell, no regrets


    Ah, Pip! Thanks for giving me a nostalgic rush. My mother, the best Mom I could have ever wanted, had the same philosophy you do about every “thing” (house, pair of shoes, furniture, etc.)

    I have told this story before…Mom had this gorgeous ebony lacquered oriental dining room furniture. She had wanted that furniture for years, and when she finally got it, it was as perfect and beautiful as she imagined it would be. She got to enjoy entertaining in that room for a couple of years and then my dad died, and she decided to move to a house that did not have a dining room. I was so upset for her about that furniture being sold. It just seemed like another horrible blow on top of all the other horrible blows associated with my dad’s death. But she said, “Oh, honey, I’ve had that furniture. I loved it, and I used it, and now it would just be a burden instead of a source of joy. I have no regrets about letting that furniture go. I’ve had it.” <3

    Karen in Virginia


  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Barbara I make this year's debut tomorrow. Today is no undies clear liquids day with an afternoon of chug a lugging glorified antifreeze. The soiree has begun!

    Yes, that eerie feeling that a wildfire causes reminds me of 911 and also St Helens erupting. The quiet is deafening. We never realize all the chatter birds make until they don't.

    DrKatie Atta girl, let's outsmart this program. Better to do it on purpose and admit it than be corrected and shamed. Thanks for the smile!

    Feeling strange that I share so many of the issues you ladies DH's suffer. Glaucoma, cataracts (removed), dentures, vertigo, hearing loss, nerve disorders, and potty mouth. I also suffer the same girl maladies you do, menopause (almost history), and sagging boobs. Don't any of you ladies have any of the aforementioned this-thread common DH issues? How about other women issues like vaginal sag? Why my muscles are weak in that area is a mystery because I have very strong flat abs. So can any of you confess to having the common DH issues mentioned frequently on this thread or rare female issues? Work with me girls! I am feeling like a freak.

    soon to have a sparkling clean digestive tract
    near the river where the mighty sturgeon still swim

    No flat abs for me but a whole plethora of lady issues, most we have discussed here at some time or another. I had a hysterectomy and prolapse bladder fix at same time at 35 to start my heath downfall. Still had menopause symptoms in my 50’s, developed a mess more issues along the way to 64. DH issues included. YOU (WE) ARE NOT ALONE HERE!!

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Yesterday at 10 AM it was 90 degrees: Today it is 44 at 10 AM! Weird cold front came through. :o

    I’ve been taking care of my ‘ranger daughter’s cat who got bit by a snake. She went back to NY for a 2 week trip visiting blood relative. Really gross leg I have to use a shower spray on 3 times a day. My entertainment for these two weeks. In return I get to use a “real” washer/dryer and shower. Doing all blankets and winter clothes prepared. Nice to have room to move but still enjoy having something much smaller to clean.
    RV Rita
    Gross pics in spoiler