

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    I have ordered a gift for my Grandson. he is an avid reader like his Mom so I always ask for list. The list of books I was provided had a series by Percy Jackson, when I looked on Amazon I was able to get him a boxed set that includes the 4 that were on the list and 1 that he already has. Since the price was only 26.40 I ordered it for him. I also ordered a LEGO set that you can make chain reactions with. Those two gifts and a pair of PJ’s and he’s done.

    Pip - I hope you enjoy your new camper.

    Machka - that sounds like HE🏒🏒! I am just starting the whole menopause thing I think. It’s already monotonous and I just hope I don’t suffer long. I don’t know about the history in my family with it as it’s not something my Mom or Grandmother ever discussed.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Machka - that sounds like HE🏒🏒! I am just starting the whole menopause thing I think. It’s already monotonous and I just hope I don’t suffer long. I don’t know about the history in my family with it as it’s not something my Mom or Grandmother ever discussed.


    My mother had a hysterectomy when she was in her 30s ... it was the done thing then, but not so much now.

    My grandmother's comment about it was simply ... "one day I realised I had not had a period in a long time" ... and it was done for her.

    She was always slim and active. She had a huge garden and ate a fairly well-balanced diet of home made food. She had a loving family and good social life and didn't seem to be overly stressed about things.

    Maybe there's something to be said for that kind of lifestyle!

    M in Oz

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Oh Rebecca - that needs to be enlarged and on a wall! How beautiful!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    I have ordered a gift for my Grandson. he is an avid reader like his Mom so I always ask for list. The list of books I was provided had a series by Percy Jackson, when I looked on Amazon I was able to get him a boxed set that includes the 4 that were on the list and 1 that he already has. Since the price was only 26.40 I ordered it for him. I also ordered a LEGO set that you can make chain reactions with. Those two gifts and a pair of PJ’s and he’s done.

    Pip - I hope you enjoy your new camper.

    Machka - that sounds like HE🏒🏒! I am just starting the whole menopause thing I think. It’s already monotonous and I just hope I don’t suffer long. I don’t know about the history in my family with it as it’s not something my Mom or Grandmother ever discussed.


    Thx, it’s on order, we don’t have it yet
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2020
    Sue: So sorry the smoke was/is causing you to cough. I hope it is easing and you’re able to breathe more easily. :heart:

    Tracey: How old will your grandson be on his birthday? My secret to gift buying success is simple. I call my daughter and ask for a few suggestions. :wink: What does his mom say that he’d like? :huh:

    Machka: Curly hair is a surprising outcome from hot-flashes. :smiley: I hope you have an easy transition. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Do you have pictures of the model of trailer you’re planning on getting? I’d l love to see the layout. :star:

    My horse friends are getting ready to foster horses that have lost their homes in the fires here in Oregon. They are talking about using he stables at the county fairgrounds, as well as placement of some horses on their own personal properties. I don’t have any real details. They’re just beginning to organize. These people are doers, and I suspect things will get going quickly. I'll help if I can.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Machka: Curly hair is a surprising outcome from hot-flashes. :smiley: I hope you have an easy transition. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    As indicated within the spoiler, the transition has been anything but easy.

    After 10 years of doing battle with it I'm hoping I'm nearing the end.

    And hoping for no more cancer or precancer or anything related to cancer.

    M in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,417 Member
    Howdy folks. Just popped on post workout and pre breakfast to read your posts. Nothing strange or startling to say.

    Rebecca: Such a restful photo. Many thanks.
    Tracey: Books and Lego were always a standby for my grands. Both could be enjoyed together.

    Have a great day
    ☘️ Terri

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Hmmm - says I'll live a healthy life until 90 to 91 years of age, and then kick over the traces at about 96. I'd be ok with that, except for the 5-6 years of unhealthiness... https://apps.goldensoncenter.uconn.edu/HLEC/
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,417 Member
    edited September 2020
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Hmmm - says I'll live a healthy life until 90 to 91 years of age, and then kick over the traces at about 96. I'd be ok with that, except for the 5-6 years of unhealthiness... https://apps.goldensoncenter.uconn.edu/HLEC/

    Hmmm..... I did mine. Here is my result. Not entirely unexpected, but yours seem remarkably similar, apart from our current ages? I'm 74. I know you are younger. Could be coincidence? (.... healthy cynicism kicking in) 😂 I also did a comparison one for when I started on here in 2015. I've earned myself about 12 extra years. 😍

    On another note. Just noticed that the <Disagree> button is right under my <Save Post> button on my iPad. Who designs these things?????
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im up with Faith overnight and will get home tomorrow after 4 pm...hopefully all goes well..
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,417 Member
    Allie: 👍🏻
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited September 2020
    These are my results!

    I think I must have cheated! :D

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca -. Athena. <3o:)<3o:)<3

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I don’t think you’ve cheated at all. You work hard to stay as healthy as you can. WTG! :star:

    I have a dentist appointment in about an hour. This man has had all sorts of nasty health issues, and a battle with cancer a couple of years ago. It seemed to us hat he may have done some unneeded procedures on my teeth that cost our insurance company $$. I’ll keep this appointment today, but DH found another dentist that he thinks does a better job for less $$, and I’m strongly considering switching to her. Her office is much closer to home.

    Air quality here is worse today than yesterday morning. Rain would be a blessing but the forecast is for sunny and 93F. My horse friends are preparing to accept a large number of horses who come from areas that are on fire. My Oregon Equestrian Trail group is full of people who have the facilities and experience to take care of displaced horses. I’m not an expert, but I have two hands and hope to help.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Here is my results:
    Your predicted future healthy years is 30.4 Years
    Your Relative Healthy Life Expectancy is about 4.4% below Average
    Your predicted future unhealthy years is 6.6 Years
    Your predicted future total years of living is 37.1 Years i.e. Your predicted age at death is 52 + 37.1 (Current Age + Life Expectancy) = 89.1 Years
    Your predicted future unhealthy years, if disabled by a cognitive disease, is 10.6 Years
    How does my lifestyle affect my Healthy Life Expectancy?
    By exercising more you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 11.95% which is about 43.6 months
    By moving your BMI into a healthier range you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 4.64% which is about 16.9 months
    By sleeping more each night you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 5.68% which is about 20.7 months
    Your alcohol consumption has little effect on your healthy life expectancy
    Not smoking has a positive impact on your healthy life expectancy

    Katla - My Grandson will be 9 on Sunday, I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and the only thing he wants is an older video game. I can't find the video game, but I also don't like buying video games. He is our eldest Grand so when he was born I came up with an idea of what to do for Christmas and birthday's that I could carry to future Grands and keep it fair. I buy 1 outfit, 1 book, 1 toy and pyjamas for birthdays and then for Christmas I add an ornament and fill a stocking. This year, he is not getting the outfit as he was adamant that he didn't need any clothes and his Mother agreed. I bought him a boxed set of books and a Lego set.

    I hope all of the horses are kept safe and that you get to help.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello lovely ladies.

    Work has been crazy busy this week. It seems we have a holiday here and then we have to produce 5 days of work in to a 4-day work week.

    It looks like everyone has been busy here too. There are over 150 posts since I sat down and caught up.

    Rori – I am so incredibly happy DH likes the new aide. Praying this take some pressure off of you!

    Fires – Praying for all of those dealing with the fires, smoke, evacuations, and stressing over family members and friends.

    Dental Health – Extremely important and poor dental health can cause strokes, heart attacks and serious infections. TG I learned this in my younger days and make sure I see a dentist twice a year.

    Pumpkin Frenzy – It cracks me up. 95% of the Pumpkin Spice products do not contain any pumpkin. All that is added is Pumpkin Pie spice. 😊

    Terri – Love the container pics. Beautiful.

    Pip – Love the smaller camper. I imagine once things get back to some type of normal there will be a ton of campers available.

    Vicki – It’s so typical of not taking the users in to consideration when IT projects are planned. Yesterday we had our “town hall” which is typically just divisional VPs providing updates. The company’s president was on yesterday and basically stated oh, all of the issues were due to the project being so big…..hm, if they only listened 3 years ago. But, greater minds than ours are at work here. LOL!

    Michelle – I have always found nagging not to be a good game plan. Charlie and I would set times up for household discussions and would sit down with bills, household projects, vacation planning, etc. We would both agree to timelines, to do items, and budgets. If neither had the time or ability we would make a plan, call a contractor, and get it done. Why not hire a neighborhood teenager to dig and lay out stones?

    Faye – Sorry to say but at this point in my not so young years I am very fortunate not to have any major health issues. All that are forming are part of the natural aging process and can be easily researched online. If I have a major issue I would ask for opinions and how others dealt with things that creep up. I made a promise to myself many years ago, I would not be one who has daily health discussions like many of my elders did.

    Machka – YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only one more to go.

    Karen – I will say it again. Your mom was filled with wisdom. I will remember those words as I continue to downsize my life.

    Beth – I am glad the investigation is going further than the choking incident. It’s about time. Your pushing the issue will probably result in the saving of many lives. Sending prayers to your friend.

    Rita – You’re a doll helping out with the kitty.

    Tracey – Like you when my mom and dad were together it was very traditional. When she left him for the last time she did not have a dollar in her pocket. Like you I swore no one would ever have that type of control over me. I think that’s why men are afraid of approaching me – I am just a little too independent for them. Only the bravest will approach which is fine by me.

    Terri – I love the saying in the spoiler. My mantra! LOL….

    Katla – Good idea changing dentists. My periodontist who is the smartest person I know and my most trusted health care provider asked me to run any dentist through him first. Many dentists are part of groups, even if they appear to be independent. The big thing is to bill, bill, bill regardless if the patient needs the procedure or not. He has seen many mouths that have been worsened or destroyed.

    I will sign off with the latest picture of the garden orchid. We had some heavy rains the past few days and I had to re-stake it.


    Hugs to all.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    that orchid…

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Did my life expectancy and came up with 96 years old. DH was 84!

    Cold again today and overcast/drizzling. Cool to see must coming off lake. Water is warmer than air right now! Back up to sun and 80’s tomorrow!

    Joined a holiday quilting club. Never did that before so new needlework for me. This kit had me embroidering and doing appliqué. I’ve embroidered before but not appliqué. I think I did ok. Pic in spoiler.

    On food/health side I did really bad yesterday but today is another day. Weather dictates my mood I think!

    RV Rita
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Trouble getting here with Chromebook past couple of days. this is through windows ten. anyone else have problems with Chrome book and how did you fix it.