

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    I love the smiles on the rocks in Pip's picture - Of course DH and Pup are the stars!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    I love the smiles on the rocks in Pip's picture - Of course DH and Pup are the stars!


    I had to go back and 👀 😂

    Off to bed now. Almost midnight.

    ☘️ Terri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,812 Member
    Beth - so happy to read the update on your friend.

    Pip - I have a friend that goes camping by herself in extremely remote areas. I shared the link of your camper to her. She asked if it was bear proof. 😂 Currently she sleeps in a tent on the back of her truck so I’m not sure why she is concerned.

    Allie - I hope Jean finds 24/7 care for Faith now that she has quit her job. I dare say she won’t be home more.

    Suzi - I feel the same this week, short weeks almost seem not worth it sometimes.

    Well it’s Thursday and I’m beat. I have to run to the drugstore but then I think I’ll come home have a bath and then find a show to watch. I would go to sleep but I know that wouldn’t help me sleep all night.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    Beth - so happy to read the update on your friend.

    Pip - I have a friend that goes camping by herself in extremely remote areas. I shared the link of your camper to her. She asked if it was bear proof. 😂 Currently she sleeps in a tent on the back of her truck so I’m not sure why she is concerned.

    Allie - I hope Jean finds 24/7 care for Faith now that she has quit her job. I dare say she won’t be home more.

    Suzi - I feel the same this week, short weeks almost seem not worth it sometimes.

    Well it’s Thursday and I’m beat. I have to run to the drugstore but then I think I’ll come home have a bath and then find a show to watch. I would go to sleep but I know that wouldn’t help me sleep all night.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Show her the video, of course it’s not bear proof
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Allie-. Hard to believe it’s been 3 years. I think of her often and wonder how the boys are. And her little dog.

    Karen in Virginia
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did Jari Love’s Get Ripped and Chiseled DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 10MS Carb Burner DVD.

    I didn’t realize it, but I was scheduled to work today. A guy from Food Lion called me. What happened is that we get an email saying that the schedule had been posted. I didn’t get the email until today. Evidently, the schedule is posted on their site on Wednesday but the email doesn’t come out until Thursday. Why, I have no idea. So now I know that I should check for the schedule every Wed. night.

    Afterwards, I went to Aldi then WalMart. Soup kitchen tomorrow! Hopefully, Vince will hold to his promise that we can dig out around the drain in the front yard in preparation for putting down rocks to aid with drainage. I have been saying for months that we need to get that done before the guy puts in the front lawn

    Tracey – Vince did get all the pictures hung up (finally!) If he hadn’t done it, I would have. Actually, one of the plaques I would have liked lower, but I’m not going to say anything. Happy early birthday! How I wish we could teleport, too

    Rebecca – lovely picture.

    My sourdough starter FINALLY came. Vince said to me last night “it’s out for delivery” so it should be here tomorrow. My response was “I’ll believe it when I see it” When I got home from work, it was here! Speaking of the starter – katla, how big is your crock?

    I’ll live to be 98 with about 5-6 unhealthy years

    – I agree that nagging doesn’t produce results. I just get so frustrated and tell you gals. I try not to let Vince know my frustration. Why not hire a neighborhood teen? That would be great EXCEPT that I know that Vince’s OCD would kick in. He likes to do things himself, only on his time which isn’t the greatest. Sorry that you don’t have any major health issues??? I’d be thrilled.

    AnneDE – how wonderful that you got to ride!

    Terri – thanks for the update about Faye

    Beth – that’s wonderful news about your friend

    Just finished the zoom board meeting for the condo. All I can say is…”some people”.

    Michele NC
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,359 Member
    Beth-good news about your friend. And I think you telling her it was not goodbye was just right.

    Pip-different looking rv. I've never been much on camping, etc., but have friends who love it. I think it is great you and Kirby are pursuing the things you enjoy in retirement.

    I am also finding the short work week to be painful. Had been thinking of taking tomorrow off but realized I have a statewide Director's meeting in the morning (via Zoom) and a 1 pm meeting on state and federal budget out look. Will leave for the gym after that. It was closed on Monday and Wednesday I had an afternoon meeting.

    Oh-and husbands procrastinating-my husband excelled in this. He has been gone 5 years and I have almost finished his list!

    Those in the fire areas-stay vigilant!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    Stat for the day-
    Walk w/family Apple Watch only-- 2hrs 53sec, 3.5ap, 7.07mi= 673c
    Wahoo chest strap broke again
    Calories per Strava app= 856c

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi all!
    My results in the spoiler, seems I need to lose some weight in order to increase my life expectancy, like I didn't already know that.... And life marches on! lol
    Your predicted future healthy years is 24.3 Years
    Your Relative Healthy Life Expectancy is about 10.3% above Average
    Your predicted future unhealthy years is 6.2 Years
    Your predicted future total years of living is 30.4 Years i.e. Your predicted age at death is 62 + 30.4 (Current Age + Life Expectancy) = 92.4 Years
    Your predicted future unhealthy years, if disabled by a cognitive disease, is 9.5 Years
    How does my lifestyle affect my Healthy Life Expectancy?
    By exercising more you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 14.78% which is about 43.0 months
    By moving your BMI into a healthier range you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 5.68% which is about 16.5 months
    By sleeping more each night you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 6.96% which is about 20.3 months
    Your alcohol consumption has little effect on your healthy life expectancy
    Not smoking has a positive impact on your healthy life expectancy
    Pip, selling the airstream now does make sense, and that little camper looks quite nifty!
    SuziQ, that orchid! There are no words!
    Beth, I'm so glad that the home where your son was is being looked at closely and I sincerely hope that things will change for the better. How is your son doing? Is he more accepting of "normal" food yet?
    Rebecca, Athena..... no words there either! She's adorable!
    Katla, sounds like your horse group will do great things for many, so very selfless and rewarding!
    Just trying to get caught up, my computer at work was giving me grief today and not connecting with the community pages. My tablet has been giving me grief in that all I end up with is a black screen.... I can only access community with my desktop (on it now) or my phone, which is next to impossible for me to actually post anything. Tried posting the photos of my grands from my phone the other day, got frustrated and ended up emailing them to myself and then posting them from the desktop. Have I ever mentioned how much I love technology? (not so much....) Actually, I do love it when it does what I want it to, it's only when I need something more or can't figure it out that I get annoyed! Just finished p 30, so must post this and finish reading later!
    Evelyn, on warm but smoke free Vancouver Island
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Beth, so glad to hear that you gave your friend whatfor for her goodbye call! Also so glad to hear that she has a diagnosis and won't be dying today!
    Ginny, Oh-and husbands procrastinating-my husband excelled in this. He has been gone 5 years and I have almost finished his list! LOL!
    Tracey, the b-day gifts for your grandson sound perfect! I like to get the kids books also, but don't know what they like, so this year for their b-days I got a toy and some clothing. I then gave my son a gift card to a local book shop so that they could pick out some books for the kids.
    I got caught up! Didn't take as long as I thought it would!
    My hubby is also a great procrastinator. I find that I have to actually start some projects, he sees me doing it and doesn't like what I'm doing so he will take over. Sometimes I get annoyed by that, because I would have already finished a couple of things, and he's still "waiting for the paint to dry...." sigh. This is in regards to one project. My part will be small, but there is a carved flower pattern on the top rail of a cupboard that I want hung in the powder room and I want to paint it in flower and leaf colors, it looks great in my mind, we'll see how it turns out, eventually. I have to wait until he's satisfied with the painting of the rest of it. I would have been done by now, just sayin'..... Oh well, life could be worse.
    I have always been independent, but to a point. I do ask for hubby's opinion on a number of things, but in the end I will do what I want. I don't have too many wild and crazy ideas, so I'm fairly comfortable with my level of independence!
    Hope everyone has a lovely day/evening/night. I need to start my nighttime routine. Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to any newbies
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2020
    Pip: Camp 365 is interesting. I wonder whether you’ll like one when you see it in person. :flowerforyou:

    Annie in DE: Oregon is currently on fire and the horse group I belong to is gearing up to provide safe refuge for horses that need to be rescued from places facing fire danger. I think they’ll be ready to take in horses in a short time. Things are terrible for all animals that live outdoors at this time. :cry:

    Michele: I am delighted your sourdough starter finally came!! Be sure to double it several times so that you have enough to make a meal and enough starter remaining to double for the next time. I hope you will enjoy it as much as DH & I enjoy ours. :heart: I have a King Arthur Crock that I bought through Ace Hardware. I bought one like it for my daughter, too. I estimate it would hold about a half-gallon of starter. I never actually measured how much it would hold. When you make something, be sure you have enough starter left over to double for the next time. :heart:

    Oregon and Washington are both experiencing serious fires. Forests are burning out of control and homes are also burning. People are leaving their homes to get to safety. Air quality is poor because of smoke. Watch the news for more accurate details than I can provide. DH and I are not currently near any of the fires. Air quality here is not great but it is better than many places. If you are inclined to pray, please pray for the West Coast, its people and both wild and domestic animals. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    Beth Glad that your friend has had a reprieve.

    Procrastinating husbands: DH is slow to get started at times, as he likes to cover all the possibilities before he starts. But his analytical mind is very useful as he can spot things that may not occur to me. However, he's prone to not quite finish projects, but after 54 years of marriage, I have learnt to go with the flow. It's just details, and none of them are that crucial in the grand scheme of life.
    Michele: Your sourdough starter arrived 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻for it's success.
    Kayla: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 For all those affected by the wildfires and resultant smoky air.

    Working on finetuning my plans for the new storage for my art/craft/textile materials. The room is a mishmash of bits and pieces of mismatched shelving and desk/table, and lots of boxes piled on the floor. I want to incorporate a drop-down sewing table, and a drop-down crafting/cutting table.

    Laugh! 😂 Learn! 🤓 Love! 😍 Live! 🎈🎉🎊

    Time to move and have my breakfast. Nothing really urgent to attend to, just life!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited September 2020
    Everything going well.
    Of course I was awake before dawn, but that's par for the course!
    Three burly guys arrived on time. One of them clearly in charge. I did have to go out into the garden to cover up my dining table with plastic, but it only rained a couple of spots.
    Terrific racket, but virtually dust free. Great big hoover bags on the back. We have chosen a natural, silk finish. It's 10. 30 and most of the sanding is finished and they are eating lunch. When they put the sofas back they will put felt underneath. We will have to buy a few more castor cups as we seem to have lost some.

    My watch stopped in the night. New battery needed. I need to go to the huge Sainsbury as I have a life time battery card from there. Right now I am wearing my GPS watch. It will be the first time I have been in the car since December 31st. :o We can combine it with the trip to get castor cups.

    I will be taking a photo for you when it's done

    I texted the decorator last night. He is on an outside job that will take another three and a half weeks. So early/mid October for the start if the living room. He is in huge demand because he is very good and CHEAP! My son uses him.
    The only trouble is, I am now looking at our old rug, side tables and lamps and thinking ............hmm. DH is on board for a new rug.

    Yesterday he said he would buy us a new fridge. Ours belonged to the previous owners and is falling to bits. It's driving us nuts.To get a decent sized one we will have to remove the wall cabinets above it. Almost every single model is too tall. The only one that fits the space is a Smeg, vintage style, which is what we have inherited. He is happy to fork out the outrageous price of a new one if we can get pink or pastel blue. I would be happy to have that for a birthday present. For a more mundane fridge/freezer I would not have it for a present.
    I'm thinking a better option is to take out the wall cupboards and get a taller black, frost free, fridge freezer. 70/30. We have two other freezers.
    John Lewis collect your old fridge for a reasonable fee when they bring the new one.
    Lots to think about. It makes my brain hurt!

    All going well so far!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    Heather: That’s always the way with renos. They make what’s not done look shabby. We had the same problem when we had our mock Georgian windows replaced with large, double-glazed, picture windows. All the extra light showed up the decor and we spent the next few months redecorating.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Can’t get to community from laptop tonight. Reading from phone. Will post when I can.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    Morning ladies
    I slept fairly well and got up at 6:15 and got Alfie out..
    Waiting for Faith to wake up.. will check on her in a few minutes
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Beth -
    So happy your friend's prognosis is good!

    Rebecca -
    Your son is a terrific photographer, and Athena is the perfect subject.

    Heather -

    Sounds like lots of change in store. Don't forget to breathe (outside, where there's no dust!)

    Terri -

    Sounds like a lovely crafting area to come. I always hand my husband a design, and he changes it so it will work in the real world, and then builds it for me. Like your husband, though, he doesn't like to finish things, so that's where I step in again. It works out great in the end, but it's definitely a process!


    How's Joe? and how are you doing with all this?

    Slowly, slowly feel like I'm turning my digestive system around... took myself off the low-dose antibiotics for a while, and added a banana into my diet. Then added strawberries and almond milk to the banana and along with a drop or two of vanilla made myself a smoothie for lunch each day (frozen strawberries and peeled and froze the slightly green bananas as well). Trying to tiptoe along the FODMAP diet while I'm at it, which is working so far. I feel less like a percolator these days, as you could seriously hear my stomach burbling from across the room last week. Now, it's closer to its old gentle rumbly-tumbly. Also sleeping better and not up every hour on the hour to scramble for the bathroom, which is helpful.

    I'm not a patient person, but I really need to fix this, and it's just going to have to be done slowly. Still haven't heard from the VA - their machinery moves slowly at the best of times. Getting really tired of my own self-absorption as well, need to get something accomplished today.

    Later y'all,