

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Katla The say the AQI here is 405.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    An AQI of 405 sounds very bad. How are you taking care of yourself? DH just checked and the AQI here is 235, which is bad enough. We are inside, doors & windows closed except when I let the dog off the deck to do his business. We’re filtering our air with the HVAC. Inside is good enough. Outside, not okay for anyone who breathes oxygen. I suspect the fish in the river are doing okay. There hasn’t been a fisherman out there that I’ve seen today.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    Ladies, Carol also has been having problems getting onto this site. Now that Faye is able to log in, hopefully she can too. I know she misses us! <3

    Heather - love those floors. When did you say the house was built?

    We are getting the smoke coming up from Oregon, air quality is around 160. We have the house sealed up but some smoke is creeping in, I know, similar to Faye's. I wrap a wet bandanna around my nose & mouth when I go out with the dogs which helps.

    Good friends from our former sheep life have a farm down by Eugene, Oregon, and are getting ready to evacuate. They've already moved their 70 head of sheep to another farm in a safe area, and are now trying to figure out/load household possessions as mandatory evacuation could be imminent. We haven't heard from them since this morning and I see another fire has popped up about 4 miles from their place overnight. :(

    I can't imagine losing the house, barn full of hay, other outbuildings. Knowing them, they are likely at other neighbors helping load livestock and equipment. Their air quality was 596 = hazardous when I checked a few minutes ago.

    The good news is they have a large family, very loving and helpful, and whatever happens, they will be OK.

    Heavy fog this morning, and actually not very smoky - I think the smoke was attaching to water vapor. Around noon, the smoke proper socked us in.

    AND the latest long-range weather forecast for Washington State is we are heading into a La Nina - wetter and colder, windier winter. The last one I recall with major impact was December 2007 when we were hit with a 500 year flood. Not ready for anything that dramatic but after all we've been though in 2020, it wouldn't surprise me.

    On another note, I signed up for PBS/Masterpiece on Amazon Prime, and am watching a Belgian crime drama called "Professor T". It's quite good, thank goodness for subtitles.

    Tired so closing for now. Stay safe and healthy, ladies! <3

    Lanette B)
    Smoggy SW WA State

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Lanette - It was built in the 1920s. The living room floor is original. The dining room pitch pine floor was put in around 2004 when they extended.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    If it is any encouragement, the fire areas on the west coast of the US should start getting some rain on Tuesday ...


    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    For those of you who get colonoscopies ... :smiley:


    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    I was shut off the site too, but able to get on now--could get here on my phone, but not my computer.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: Rain will be welcome here- We’ve been dry for a long time. I hope for moderate rain, though. Flooding would not be welcome just now. 😳
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: vacuumed and cleaned for an hour, typed up ABN update form and addendum, board meeting, pooches down drive in am Thursday, minutes.
    Bonus: another load laundry, mat raked Tumble while listening to TV.
    Get to do: mail ABN amendment, recycling, get outside chores before it gets hot, take pics of car, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, Pilot tech support 5034447924 to link subscription and fix login, measure potential greenhouse space and distance to outlet, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, Tuesday: call Progressive adjuster,
    Self Care September
    8: notice what you do well today, no matter how small: laundry, I separate laundry well, and wash dishes, and feed the dogs ;} oh and paperwork, I’m GOOD at typing and paperwork :lol:
    9: avoid the “I shoulds”: hard to do when I so overindulged
    10: grant yourself the permission to say “no” to others: fluffed this one. Instead gave the gift of listening to a fellow board member for an hour. Glad I did, hopeful some fences mended.
    11: aim to be good enough, not perfect: good advice for today, nudge CI<CO back in the right direction.

    Fine particles of ash doing their danse macabre in the orange light. Angry sky turning our paradise into Hades. Plague of gnats. Hazardous air quality. TV meteorologist commenting on the Coast’s webcam view, called it “apocalyptic.”

    Surgeon’s facility is under a level 3 “go now” evacuation order as are towns (Gasquet CA and O’Brien OR) along our route. Highway 199 closed. Joe’s follow up appointment shifted to his original eye doctor’s facility in Crescent City for pressure check, but as Dr. E is out of town, Surgeon will be teleconferencing with an associate new to us. You don’t want to hear about the back and forth telephone calls. Really. The good news is that the 500 mg extended release pills prescribed for last Friday have come in. Oh and Surgeon’s facility has been reduced to level 2 “Be set (to go).” The really good news is that his pressure is down to 23 from 56 two weeks ago. Thankful!

    Some relief, Thursday was 30 degrees cooler than Wednesday, but still smoky and ashy. As we have no A/C, our air filter is a damp washcloth. ;)

    Lanette, better the ghost pirate ship than “earthquake weather” ;)
    Welcome @RedSheSaid Red in IL! I make YouTube playlists too, unfortunately I spend more time making them than actually dancing to them :astonished:
    Kay, “Holy kitten” is right. Joe’s surgeon thinks the micro stent didn’t work due to scar tissue from 3 previous laser treatments. So far he’s been able to manage the pressure pain with Advil, and some days aspirin. The smoky, ashy air is not helping. He’s spending most of the day on the couch, with his face covered by a damp washcloth. 13K steps after surgery! Tell your DH “Well Done” from us!
    Beth likewise I’ve taken for granted all Joe does for us, especially the heavy lifting. Now that he’s forbidden to lift more than 5 lbs, what an eye opener! Praying for your friend. Later edit “…gave her hell…. not dying today.” Brava for giving her that blast on your angel trumpet. Bravissima!
    Barbie “…beloved possession” :laugh: :blush::laugh:
    Rita that is one lucky cat, to survive snake bite and to have you to care for it. Spray showering the cat 3 times/day? You are truly an angel! If anyone can make salt cedar look good, it’s you!
    Lisa what you said about expectations. If I want to spare myself the poison of angry frustration, it helps me to shift my expectations away from others. ;) Joe is able to manage his pressure pain with aspirin or an occasional Advil. He’ll call me after today’s pressure check with the number, he is positively thinking that pressure will be down and he won’t have to go back to Medford for awhile. I’m smiling and saying “Wouldn’t that be great” while inside I’m preparing for an emergency trip to Medford Monday or Tuesday. Brava for tiptoeing towards improvement. Please don’t ignore or downplay your internal signals in trying to be less “self-absorbed”.
    Karen in VA “the hearse doesn’t stop at the bank”. Thud. Thanks!
    Katla your horse fostering friends are angels indeed. Some of the most heartbreaking pictures on the news are the barns and stables burnt-to-the-ground. :cry:
    SuziQ what you said about 5 days of work in a 4 days. Takes some of the joy out of 3 day weekends.
    Allie “Jean… left Faith alone” from 3:30 am til when you got there at 7:30? :noway: I’m sorry allie, but that sounds like elder abuse to me. Does Faith have any other blood relatives besides Jean who could advocate for her?
    Rebecca, I think your eyes are more beautiful than Myrna’s, but maybe it’s the “come hither look” you were wishing for?
    Yvonne “…blame my lost motivation on the Large Hadron Collector…” :lol: me too!
    Evelyn, Terri and Faye likewise I could not connect to the community page from my laptop, using Waterfox, Firefox or even [shudder] Microsoft Edge, so read from my phone. Had to wait til my Windows 10 laptop could connect to post this ;)
    Machka ONE assignment to go? You’ve worked so hard. May you thoroughly enjoy your success and following respite. Bravissima!
    Heather Lovely floor! Thanks for sharing your DDIL’s wisdom.
    Barbie I’m sitting here alone in the house laughing out loud til the tears squeeze out. “…pick it up…” indeed!
    Debbie I’m really laughing at the phone or video appointment options. :lol:
    Ginny saying a prayer for your SIL and her dog.
    Michele so happy to hear your starter started! Hoorayy!!!
    Faye, like you, we’re choking on smoke but somewhat safe from the fires. And at last able to post to community thread from my laptop. Halelujah!

    Just had a surprise FaceTime call from dear friends in Boise. Really lifted my spirits. That and the "check-ins" from friends and cousins via FB and email. Thank Goodness for technology.

    Our AQI is a dangerous 451, “Any exposure to the air, even for a few minutes, can lead to serious health effects on everybody. Avoid outdoor activities. “ No wonder the dogs are unenthusiastic about going outside, my throat is scratchy and my head pounding. Retreating with aspirin and damp washcloth to bed.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: better than July.
    daily: sit with Joe: 11, weigh: 10, steps>5491=Tue: 4252, Wed:3841, Thur: 3228 vits=9.5 log=10 CI<CO=5 CI<250<CO=3 Tumble & Shadow 5=8 mfp=10 outside=6 up hill=7
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3= rx=1 dance= clean 30 mins=2.5
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= 20for20=
    bonus: AF=5 play= sew=

    Awe, you are kind. My come hither looks like I am a wee bit nutty!😂😂
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Flea - thank you.

    Kim in N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Sending heartfelt love to you gals suffering from the fires and smoke. <3:'(
    Just makes all the other stresses so much worse. I think of every one of you.

    Huge hugs :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @exermom Michèle, it sounds like one person in a couple doing things as quickly as the other would like is pretty par for the course, but that doesn't make it much more comfortable. yay that he's finally doing it. awesome!!

    @snowflake, “you just had 2.00 last week, what happened to it”? yeah back in the old days the guys really had the reins in most cases. I found quitting smoking hard. it took me about 5 years of countless tries and 1 week, (one time 1 year) of quitting and starting. between ages 15 and 20! I started smoking at 12: boredom, coolness, older siblings, suburban/rural idleness, not much to do in the afternoons after jr high school...about 10 cigarettes a day. the big difference is one can really STOP smoking and never smoke. one can't stop eating. I have not smoked for 30+ years, but a few years ago when vapes came out I took one puff of a friend's pineapple vape and, since it has nicotine, for a few days I was wanting a smoke, whereas I had/have found it totally repulsive for many years.

    I think it's possible to get vape with just vapour, so non-toxic, but I'm afraid the gesture would lure me back in and after having quit for a year between 15 and 16 and taking another 4 years to quit again after just one smoke, I'm not taking the risk. A ton of people in France smoke just occasionally, like three cigarettes a week, only with friends. I think that would be ok but I very much doubt I can do that.

    Me and a lot of my friends are pretty handy. I owned a very old stone farmhouse fixer-upper for 5 years so I'm very well stocked in tools. an ex once observed I was very happy doing handiwork.

    Teleportaion would be great. I like long haul flights less and less (tiring and time-consuming) and I have family and loved ones so far away!

    Menopause and pre-menopause I had a relatively easy transition. My period in my 20s and 30s at least was long and heavy at the beginning, and could last 8 days! Very regular from early 30s to early 40s. Then it became 5 days but still heavy and often with cramps. In 40s it became lighter and the periods grew closer together (21-26 days) little by little. I didn't mind the lightening. Stopped pretty much all at once at about 53. Very little light hot flashes, to the point I wasn't sure if I had them. no profuse sweating just a bit of temperature variation probably about 10 noticeable times max. The worst is that about 2 years after stopping period weight started to increase and be much harder to lose. partly because I can't jog any more and at times I was advised not to walk to much (foot and knee issues). Jogging was great for stabilising or losing weight!. Just run out the door and a bit later 200-300 calories down. I don't miss the cramps! I don't miss worrying bout having feminine protection.

    My sister lives in the country, with massive veggie garden etc, but she had horrible hot flashes for quite a while, and she had her period heavily for like a month! Much more dramatic and difficult than for me and her lifestyle is overall healthier I think though she was quite overweight.

    My hair has more body. a hairdresser told me some people get curlier hair with menopause/age and others get straighter hair. I used to have super straight hair and now it's got more wave. That's a plus. much easier to get and keep a good cut.

    @TerriRichardson112 I did the life expectancy test. in looking at yours it seems losing weight really adds on years to life. that makes me concerned about my lovely older sister 8 years older and considerably overweight.
    here's mine. It looks like weight and exercise are two big defining factors! When I was in early 40s my life expectancy was 84 years and 4 months. The longer we live the more our average life expectancy goes up.

    Your predicted future healthy years is 29.4 Years
    Your Relative Healthy Life Expectancy is about 8.9% above Average
    Your predicted future unhealthy years is 5.9 Years
    Your predicted future total years of living is 35.3 Years i.e. Your predicted age at death is 57 + 35.3 (Current Age + Life Expectancy) = 92.3 Years
    Your predicted future unhealthy years, if disabled by a cognitive disease, is 9.4 Years
    How does my lifestyle affect my Healthy Life Expectancy?

    By exercising more you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 5.82% which is about 20.5 months
    At the moment your BMI is looking good, but make sure you keep an eye on it
    By sleeping more each night you can increase your healthy life expectancy by 5.82% which is about 20.5 months
    Your alcohol consumption has little effect on your healthy life expectancy
    Not smoking has a positive impact on your healthy life expectancy

    @Katla49 I would definitely check out a new dentist if you suspect yours of having done unnecessary procedures. I'm so sorry for the air quality there.

    @ydaily your Morton's syndrome just disappeared on it's own with Birkenstocks! ? I didn't know it could get better.
    ha ha for the hadron collider!

    @cityjaneLondon Heather awesome for a decorator who is very good and cheap. a find! is removing the cabinets less expensive than the extra price for the special sized fridge ? here we have various heights, for small apartments. I'm surprised there are no reasonably priced slightly shorted ones. mine has to be a bit smaller than usual too due to shelving. the choices were slim but I found one and it's just great, (not particularly expensive, mundane, right size, works fine) relatively speaking. Lovely floor! really? no dust? that is amazing!!! it was a big mess here when I sanded. yikes!

    @ Debbie you can get a Pap smear by phone. that would be less painful!

    @Faye, Debbie, Barbara, Flea and others concerned, I'm so sorry for the smoke and air quality.

    @Flea teaching is already rough with hybrid approach.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    not in greatest of spirits. surviving. Today: coffee, walk, library, tidy a bit.
    yesterday was a pretty good day. a rare day of face to face work.
    8% of students in France have covid (mostly asymptomatic). surely more in Paris. one school already closed due to 23 students positive in a population of 1300. (which is only 1.7%!) at that rate all schools will close down within days.
    some people prefer distance teaching rather than teaching in presence with mask and 1-2 meters distance.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Greetings to all.

    We currently have a tropical depression moving over us. A lot of rain and a little wind. Nothing to be concerned about. I wish I could send this rain to the west coast of the US.

    Rebecca – The black and white photo of Athena is a keeper. I would have that one on a wall.

    Katla – Your friends are very generous providing shelter and fostering the horses. My “neighbors” love to visit after the lawns are cut because it’s easier pickings for them. As soon as the lawn people pack up and leave they come by. It’s very interesting how nature adapts to us.

    Vicki/Michelle – Costco will also convert VHS tapes on to a DVD or memory stick.

    Annie – Glad to hear you were able to get a ride in.

    Beth – Such wonderful news about your friend!

    Pip – Love the picture of Kirby and Yogi. Such smiles!

    Terri – A one-spot for all craft room/area is a great idea. You’re so fortunate to have a carpenter in the house! 😊 Cannot wait to see the results.

    Tracey – I was chuckling over your friend’s question of the camper being bear proof. I know of nothing, short of a war type vehicle, that is bear proof.

    Michelle – It seems you have not yet found a way to work with Vince’s OCD. It helped with Charlie and me that we both had a “touch” of it. The only thing I can think of is having a weekly family meeting where exact plans are sketched out along with a list of things needing to get done. It seems Vince feels more comfortable when things are planned out step-by-step so saying a picture has to go up is not really a comfort spot for him and a plan may be easier for him. I am thrilled not to have any major health issues. It’s a true blessing, worth more than money.

    Lisa – Sorry the VA is on its own schedule. It seems like nothing has been “fixed” after all of the VA issues came to light a few years ago. But, once again, we humans love fixing symptoms and not the cause. Sending positive thoughts your FODMAP is a success and you are able to pinpoint some triggers.

    Debbie – Wow, that picture is something. These fires are so destructive.

    Barbara – So happy to hear about Joe’s decrease in eye pressure!

    Flea – Oh, my goodness. Sorry you’re stressed. I cannot imagine those types of fires.

    Carol – I love your hair in your old profile pic. 😊

    I am planning a somewhat lazy day today. I will get some exercise in. We are under flood watch until tomorrow so no outdoor plans today.

    Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ – SFL