

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Ok I am changing! I ate one of my chocolate chip cookies and it was so sweet it hurt my teeth. It was a Betty Crocker mix I have used before, so nothing I did. I had one of my fig bars instead. I have packed the cookies up 6 in freezer, 12 wrapped in parchment paper and plastic wrap, and boxed for middle son, and 12 in a tin for son and husband. I truly have no desire to scarf one down. I would rather have savory than sweet.
    Who Am I?😁
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Terri - happy birthday to your husband

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,344 Member
    We seem to be having dramatic times at the moment.
    Heather: Impressive job. It’s so difficult to find workmen as good as those nowadays.

    Glad to see our technological afflicted members finally getting back on thread. When I had last had diffs I felt bereft without my support team! Makes you realise how important friends are to us, virtual or otherwise.

    Machka: Praying that your rain predictions for the fire hit area come to pass. I have found windy.com to be spot on . An invaluable tool, since you suggested it.

    Flea: (((Hugs))) Fingers crossed for our school populations.

    ☘️ Terri
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Back in to add comments on chrome book. For some reason I was getting google play without using it. I think someone else had a very similar e-mail. When I unsubscribed from google play I got back to being able to comment. I was able to read what others wrote by searching for the forum.

    Prayers for those affected by fires.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: Rain would be wonderful for clearing our smoky air. DH says he has seen signs of rain coming our way on Monday and Tuesday, as well as Thursday and Friday. It would be wonderful to have clean air. There could be possible thunder & lightning Thursday & Friday from what he read. I’d love to have the air washed, but am less enthusiastic about thunder and lightning. This whole mess seems to have been started by lightning strikes. :ohwell:

    Rori: I am delighted that your helper is working out. Good wishes for easing your foot pain. I hope it feels better. :smiley:

    My new riding helmet finally arrived!!! I like the color and the fit. One of these days I’ll try it out while riding. Air quality now is not good for people or horses. I won’t take Arrow out for a ride until air quality improves.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) Bad air quality limited my outside time, but I still had to walk the dogs not just the regular walks I do, but also the walks that Jake does since he won't go out at all. Danced for awhile this morning and rode the exercise for many hours during the rest of the day. Thus the blanket I'm knitting is approaching completion.

    :)Rori, I'm glad to hear that you are having a good experience with the new helper. You deserve a break.

    <3 Barbie in smoky NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    I’ve read and caught up, didn’t take notes today but wanted all of you affected by the smoke and fires to know I’m thinking about you.

    Today we have a very small birthday party for our Grandson and as always my daughter bought a cake for my birthday as well.
    The only guests were our other daughter and our son in law’s parents.
    We had a salad, chips and burgers on the BBQ.

    My grandson hugged the Percy Jackson boxed set we got for him. He also got a harmonica with a book to teach yourself how to play from his other grandparents and after 5 minutes was playing Jingle Bells. Tomorrow our actual birthday, I am keeping our Granddaughter while his parents take him to buy a skateboard which is what he asked his parents for.

    My youngest daughter bought me a ring holder. It is something I asked for. She told me she needed to get me something else as she bought it at an Antique store and the lady only charged her 2.00.

    Stay safe everyone.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Thoughts of rain and fresh air going out to all of you impacted by smoke. Take care, and keep us posted.

    Week #2 with Mary S. our caregiver/cook went very well. She and I have a tremendous rapport and I think that DH is riding on the coattails of my trust and confidence in Mary. She comes M-F for 2 hours, and I have been letting him get comfy with whatever activity they are going to do, and then I make a quiet exit for about an hour. He doesn't seem to notice I'm gone, which is a very good outcome. She is also an avid gardener and has brought us kale, tomatoes and beets she just harvested before the snows came. Their conversations are very funny, because DH's dementia has caused him to lose his command of words. But she is kind and patient, so everyone makes the best of it. I know this is still the honeymoon, but I am feeling tremendously heartened.

    That's wonderful! I hope it continues to go well. And I understand about the words ... my husband has aphasia so our conversations are often a guessing game!

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Add me to the list of those with Morton's neuroma. It is on the same foot that has a fracture, and a case of turf toe. Just a totally bad wheel. I'm still nursing the fracture with the ortho boot and limited activity. Hate it, hate it, hate it!!! May have to investigate Birkenstocks...

    Colorado Foothills
    Smiling and staying in the Now

    Can you see a podiatrist?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    My wonderful nephew came and took it back over to home depot and then i stuck around and ordered just a frontnload washer and pedestal.. putting a dryer in a closet without an outdoor dryer vent i didnt want to chance it,will just take wet stuff down to the laundry room..not aloud a dryer rack outside.. almost time to go pick my son up..

    I use a drying rack inside most of the time.

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: The fire map was amazing. I lived in Eugene many years ago and hope they ultimately do okay. I loved it there, but we had to move to the Portland area for DH’s work. We moved to our current home about the time he retired. :star:

    Rori: I’m so glad to hear that things are working out with the addition of the new helper. Less stress is the best outcome for both of you. I agree with Barbie that you deserve a break. :heart:

    In early July I ordered a new riding helmet. The seller never sent the helmet I ordered, so I ordered a second helmet from another seller. It came today and I like it!!! :bigsmile: I contacted Amazon today to get their help to get our money back for the helmet I ordered that was never sent. They were very helpful. I have hope for a refund.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    SuziQ – I’ve tried giving Vince a list of things that needed to be done. Didn’t help so I gave up on that. He’s also more the pessimist whereas I am the (as he puts it) eternal optimist. For example – about this digging, he’s the one who likes to go by accuweather if we should do something. To me, I’ll believe the weather when I see it. Like yesterday, they were calling for rain early in the day. It didn’t rain until around 7.

    Michele NC
    Who is beaming from ear to ear. Takes small things to make me happy  :)

    What about a list for both of you on a magnetic whiteboard on the fridge? A list of things that need doing around the house and when one or both of you finish it, you erase it off the whiteboard?

    That way, it's for both of you, not just a list of things for him to do.

    We have a calendar whiteboard something like this one and I write in all the appointments and important things to do.

    Then I use Google calendar for both of us for more detail.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Regarding foot issues ...

    I have arthritis in the joints of my big toes where they attach to my foot.

    I developed arthritis in the right foot first. Podiatrists assume that is because it did a lot of the work for a long time when I burnt the left foot to the bone in 2001. But the left foot has developed arthritis now too.

    Last year I finally started seeing a podiatrist who gave me exercises to do and advice about shoes.

    The advice about shoes, for me, is this ...

    I need shoes with very stiff soles. Nothing soft and cushioning. Nothing flexible In fact, she strongly suggested, and then I purchased, stiff carbon-fibre insoles so that I didn't need to purchase all new shoes. The stiff carbon-fibre insoles make my shoes stiffer with less flexibility.

    I also got orthotics made up. They are stiff too and sometimes I'll wear both the carbon-fibre insoles and the orthotics.

    Fortunately, I guess, some of the shoes I bought in the past were in slightly larger sizes to give my arthritic joints room. Now they fit quite well, filled with orthotics and insoles.

    Going forward, when I purchase shoes, I am to go with shoes that have no flexibility in the soles and also with the front of the soles curved up slightly.

    So .... Birkenstocks could fit the bill! :) I might actually have to look at them too when I need another pair of shoes.

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Katla – it’s about time your helmet arrived!! Glad you finally got something good

    Pip – oh no!!!

    – lists do not work, tried that. Regardless of where it is and who writes it, it won’t work, of that I know. It may work for me but not for Vince! Tried that. We do have google calendar, but only for appointments. I LOVE my birkenstocks. The unfortunate thing is that not very many of their styles are very fashionable, but they are so so comfortable so fashion takes a back seat.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    – lists do not work, tried that. Regardless of where it is and who writes it, it won’t work, of that I know. It may work for me but not for Vince! Tried that. We do have google calendar, but only for appointments. I LOVE my birkenstocks. The unfortunate thing is that not very many of their styles are very fashionable, but they are so so comfortable so fashion takes a back seat.

    Michele NC

    What I've learned with my husband is this ... if it is something he deems important, he'll do it. He might have come up with the idea and added it to his list (he makes lists) or it might be something we've talked about and have agreed that it is important.

    But if it is something I think would be nice to get done or "busy work", that is less likely to happen ... and more likely that I'll end up doing it.

    If I would really prefer he do it, I have to figure out how to move it from "nice to get done" to "important to him".

    I have much more success with outdoor work, minor home repairs, something to do with the vehicles ... and significantly less success with things like, "Wouldn't it be nice to display our cycling medals somehow".

    Although I may try again with that last one now that my course is wrapping up. I may approach it along the lines of ... "I'm thinking of creating a display of my cycling medals, how would you display your cycling medals?" and see if he's interested in tackling that.

    Machka in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    M - yes, if I somehow make it important for Vince, it'll get done. However, that's not the easiest thing in the world to do. Actually, I don't know if I've EVER been able to convince him that something was his idea. Well, what can I say?

    Michele NC