

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Smokey here but we are North of Seattle and out in the country so AQI is 161 much better than places around us. We are not near any fires. My DB is in Angels Camp near Yosmite. They are not threatened by fire but have lots of smoke and ash falling like snow. I have a cousin in Yukaipa where the El Dorado fire was stopped 3 blocks from his house. Another cousin has evacuated to his daughter's house in Fresno. He hopes he will have a house to go back to.

    Rori - so glad the the new helper is working out. I think the idea of seeing a podiatrist is a good one.

    Rebecca - that black and white photo of Athena is gorgeous.

    Heather - the floor looks wonderful. Enjoy the new fridge.

    Everyone take care Sue in WA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,515 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: pooches down drive in am, almost an hour clipping/pulling salal, called Carolyn.
    Bonus: mat raked Tumble for another hour, she brought in the whole forest!
    Get to do: livestream church, pick up vegs from T, mail ABN amendment, Freddie’s, recycling, get outside chores before it gets hot, take pics of car, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, Pilot tech support 5034447924 to link subscription and fix login, measure potential greenhouse space and distance to outlet, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishbes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, Tuesday: call Progressive adjuster,
    Self Care September
    12: take a break: hot tub then lovely nap

    Terri I followed your lead and ran the healthy life calculator for now, and for when I joined MFP 8 years ago. Earned myself 4.9 years and shaved 1.3 off the unhealthy ones.
    Thanks Lisa for the healthy life expectancy link!
    Flea thanks for checking in, you were missed. Be safe!
    SuziQ what neighbors would those be? Herons I hope and not ‘gators :}
    Rori thankful you’re getting some help. May the honeymoon continue indefinitely.
    Lisa and Okie and Carol what you said. Curious to know what caught the moderator's eye.
    Ginny in OH Ancient Aliens is one of the few programs Joe and I watch together.
    Lanette thanks for that link. Bad as it is along I5 in southern Oregon, it’s so much worse further north. Worried about god daughter in Sutherlin near Archie Creek fire and pastor’s children and grands at level 1 “be ready” in Brownsville.
    Terri, “bereft” is exactly how I felt, til I figured out I could read the thread from my phone. You all are so very important to me.
    Katla “I’d love to have the air washed, but am less enthusiastic about thunder and lightning.” Amen, sister AMEN!
    Pip seems like the universe is saying it’s time to say good bye to the airstream. :cry:
    Michele bet your rustic artisan sourdough loaves are delish!

    Time to zzzz,

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: better than July.
    daily: sit with Joe: 12, weigh: 11, steps>5491=Fri:1922. Sat: 2805 vits=10.5 log=11 CI<CO=7 CI<250<CO=3 Tumble & Shadow 5=10 mfp=11 outside=9 up hill=10
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3= rx=1 dance= clean 30 mins=2.5
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= 20for20=
    bonus: AF=6 play= sew=
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2020
    Sue in WA: I am so happy to hear that there are no wildfires near you. I hope it stays that way! :star:

    Lisa: I have lots of information on the FODMAP diet if you are interested. Look at www.healthline.com. It has been very good for my husband. He got started on the FODMAP diet because of advice from his doctor. It has helped make his life better. :flowerforyou:

    Faye: I am sympathetic regarding air quality. We currently have an Air Quality advisory until noon Monday PDT. Inside my house the air good, thanks to a good filter system. Outside is not a nice place to be today and this evening. I let the dog out & wait inside for him to finish his business. Then I hurry to get him inside. :ohwell: I looked at your AQI. It looks better for us than it seems at the moment. I hope things improve ASAP.

    I am ready to rest so that I can face whatever tomorrow has in store for us. I wish for clean air without smoke particles.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Very little light hot flashes, to the point I wasn't sure if I had them. no profuse sweating just a bit of temperature variation probably about 10 noticeable times max.

    Per day?

    I have my first on the bus in the morning.
    Then about 1 per hour during the day at work.
    Then a couple on the bus on the way home from work.
    Then about 1 per half hour in the evenings until I go to bed.

    I have a fan beside my desk at work and a fan beside my desk at home.

    For the bus, I used to wear a fairly heavy jacket to and from work, now I don't. I bring a light rain jacket in my backpack but even if it is <10C, I'll be standing by the side of the road waiting for the bus in a lightweight long-sleeved top and maybe a very light cardigan because I know that when I get on the bus I'll feel about 150 degrees.

    It's tiring.

    M in Oz

    I will add that when I'm at home on the weekends or when I was home for 4 months during the shutdown the number of hot flashes is greatly reduced!

    I don't have the bus hot flashes.

    I might get one every couple hours during the day, and then maybe once an hour during the evenings, half the number I get on a work day.

    Mine are both hormone and stress triggered. The act of going to work in the city stresses me. Being on the bus stresses me. Being in the city stresses me. Working with people stresses me. When I had to attend university in person, that really stressed me ... I'd be dripping all the way through my classes.

    I took my second 3-day weekend in a row this weekend and it's amazing what a difference it makes.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    edited September 2020
    Michele - Bread looks YUM! They charge a fortune for bread like that round here. :laugh: Do you do a "spring" steam? (Look it up ) I also used to spray with a cosmetic bottle spray. Getting that initial spring is quite the art.
    As our local artisan sourdough bread is so fabulous, (I buy the wholegrain seeded and the brown chewy), I haven't made bread since I moved here, but I did occasionally at my old house. I kept the starter in the fridge and scraped the black mould off the top when I wanted to bring it back to life. :D

    I might just be emptying the overhead cabinet today. :bigsmile: I think I've got places for the contents. We have a huge number of cabinets and far too much kitchen stuff and crockery. I might be going to the charity shop on Monday! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Barbara - it is SOO good. Just wish it was lighter. I need to get the "stretch and fold" technique down better. But the flavor is good

    Heather - the only thing I could find about "spring steam" was some sort of game. Could that be where you spray a mist of water into the oven? This is probably the first time ever that I've made bread except for in the breadmaker.

    Michele NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited September 2020
    We celebrated DH’s birthday rather too well yesterday, with predictable results. Mostly water weight (water up over 5% on scale) , so i should shift fairly quickly.
    My daughter has been trying to get a Covid test slot for 16 yo grandson. He has been back at school barely a week and has developed a cough over the last 2 days. One of the other pupils tested positive a week ago, but the school said it was before school started. Apparently, there are no slots or home kits available. Doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence about the current situation. He’s probably okay, but it would be better if we knew for sure. We haven’t been to see them since early August, so worried about them, not us.

    Katla: 👍🏻 For helmet. Hope you get that refund for the other one.
    Pip: Arghh! That’s awful. A sign from the universe to let it go, maybe.

    The golden carpet on the lawn this morning says it’s definitely autumn here.

    Giving my stomach a rest after yesterday’s indulgences.

    Hope you have a restful day.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited September 2020
    AQI Still highly hazardous. Reports vary every few miles ranging from 328 to 755. No predictions when this will lift. The air is still in stagnation much further east in Pendleton and nothing lifting out. Reports from the lookout area on Dead Mans Pass say it is like looking out on a field of dirty snow as far as the eye can see in Oregon and Washington. Very serious situation and nothing anyone can do.

    Workout Very minimal. Just not feeling up to it.

    Walking Even during the baseline shut down, I was out walking at least one mile a day. The indoors walking just doesn't replace either the physical or mental benefits from outdoor walking. I miss it.

    Skunk The neighborhood skunk is apparently offended that everyone has put their pet food inside so she/he has decided to add to the air quality by spraying everywhere. It has taken a bit of the astringent quality out of the smoke.

    PIP Glad you could still sell the Airstream and insurance will cover the damage.

    Katla I see one of my neighbors puts a mask on his lab when he lets it out. I see your area also has lots of pockets of heavier stagnation.

    M in Oz Feet problems can really put a damper on activities. I use the stiff Super Feet insoles in my D Lite Sketchers. I went to Teva sandals a few years ago and they have been the only sandals I can wear all day every day.
    I never thought about it before, but the stiff soles might make a difference for long-distance biking.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    I hear ya Debby! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Thinking of all you still that are threatened by fire and smoke.

    Love those pots with the "ear" handles. Clearing out presents is always hard--I still had wedding presents that I took with me when I left my ex-husband, after 28 years!

    The fatigue really took hold yesterday--I slept more than 20 of the last 24 hours. Will reach out to the VA tomorrow and see if they can do blood testing for iron and thyroid. When either of those go south is usually when the fatigue becomes just overwhelming.

    Quiet day ahead, I think. Weight's still going down, which I appreciate, but most likely because I'm sleeping so much I haven't had time to eat.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Faetta wrote: »
    M in Oz Feet problems can really put a damper on activities. I use the stiff Super Feet insoles in my D Lite Sketchers. I went to Teva sandals a few years ago and they have been the only sandals I can wear all day every day.
    I never thought about it before, but the stiff soles might make a difference for long-distance biking.

    You don't want anything but stiff-soled shoes for cycling!

    I've been wearing stiff soled shoes for cycling since 1990 and went to clipless pedals and proper cycling shoes in about 2000.

    And my cycling shoes are some of my most comfortable shoes. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    So sorry about all the Ash and air quality. :'(

    I've put these small serving dishes on Freecycle. They were presents and I have used a couple of them once. I think they are delightful and I hope someone really wants them.


    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Serving dishes?

    They look like cooking pots.

    What are they serving dishes for?

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hey all! I am just now able to get onto this page! I think it was Thursday, I tried to hop on here and everything I clicked on the "community" page of mfp, it logged me out and then I would get a pop up explaining the tech issues! I have tried every day and today is the first day I have had success. 243 posts to catch up on! I skimmed a bit and just want to shout out to Faye, Kim, Katla, and the others in the firelines! Be safe! Sending prayers, thoughts, vibes for safety, fresh air, and extinguished fires/smoke! Reading as fast as I can! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    PS- Daughter got Miguel's hair cut! The curls are gone! :'( He is still wonderful and a happy little bean; but those curls! I will miss them!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im having my tea and hanging out with Alfie, he slept well and is a little rascal this morning...
    Enjoyed time with my son yesterday he had 1 minute to say hi to his online buddies..as they had alot of people to say hi to.
    I am sitting at the dining table having tea,cloudy today but the temperature is lovely,fallish and my favorite time of year.
    Lisa ,im supposed to be going to see the endocrinologist sometime this month.. will call to find out when..i remember when my mom had thr kidney disease she slept alot...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    KellyMine started too. I would have to search and then could read only this site. I read this from Chrome. I was also having problems with google play. Last night I deleted it because because I don't order music or anything from google play. I guess apps can get hacked too. Oh Bother!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    edited September 2020

    Was planning to get some exercise, but just didn't have the energy today. When I finish an assignment, I often deflate for a couple days.

    Plus it has been rather windy (gusting up to 100 km/h) with some rain so it wasn't nice for a ride outside.


    Instead, I've tidied the dressing room, made a healthy advance on a small personal project for the end of October (almost done), and have been plugging away at the work for my cycling club.

    I am the president of our cycling club AND the communications officer.

    In the Audax/Randonneuring world, our year is November 1 to October 31 for reasons hardly anyone remembers. So we've got to submit our rides to our National Bodies by very early in September, they need to approve them, and then certain ones get sent to the International organisers in France by the end of September who give the final approval by the end of October so that we can start the new year in November.

    My Calendar Coordinator has done a great job of getting our rides submitted so now I, in my role of Communications Officer, am "advertising" the events on our Facebook page and the National webpage and in a newsletter. It's coming along, but it is a little time consuming. However, once I get it done, there isn't too much to do for the rest of the year.

    And I'm watching the Tour de France while I'm creating events, etc. :)

    Machka in Oz