
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Busy Day
    Zoom seminar while walking and on bus.
    Bicycle ride.
    Quick dinner out.
    Bunnings - hardware store.

    Walked 3.8 km and cycled 7.8 km.

    Machka in Oz

    Further to this ...

    The bicycle ride was our first evening (after work) bicycle ride in ages!! We're hoping to do that once or twice a week over the summer.

    But the best part for me was that we didn’t have to rush back so I could get to work on a homework project! I started to get a glimpse of what life must be like for other people who don’t have pressing commitments 18 hours a day. I could get to like this!

    I had a talk to someone today about my stress level. She thinks that I've been so stressed for so long that I've adapted to it (although it is not good for my health) and will likely find it difficult to relax, which is true. I do find it very difficult (on many levels) to relax. So she and I talked over some strategies which I'll gradually employ.

    But she and I both found it amusing that when I emailed her a couple weeks ago, I told her I was trying to do relaxing things and I listed them off all tightly scheduled into my day. While all those things were fine, I was approaching them like I was preparing for an exam on relaxation techniques!

    Anyway, a gradual approach is probably a good one for me ... and little things like casually wandering around the garden centre at Bunnings, in no rush to get home is probably a good first step. :)

    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Vicki "On the subject of Covid testing. Here you have to have a doctors order and the test is around $150, most insurance pays for it, but without insurance you have to pay." Wow! here it can be 1h-2h line but testing has been free since around and one can be tested repeatedly. sometimes it's hard to find a place that tests and gives results rather quickly but if one is able to wait in line and free up an early morning it's possible.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @KJ I love the spaceship! wow!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) I have another blanket finished and ready to deliver to Project Linus. That should give you an idea of how much time I spend riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) Yesterday's rain and wind didn't interfere with walking Sasha but it encouraged me to stay indoors and dance for an hour in the morning.

    :) My fun and relaxation tend to have a "usefulness" component to them. Walking, dancing, and riding my exercise bike all burn calories and knitting allows me to create something to give to someone in need. Half the reading I do is audio books while walking.

    :) I have been fortunate. The only reaction I've ever had to a flu shot has been an ache at the injection site.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    feeling grouchy. at the one school where we were told that the classes would be face to face, they sent and obscure mail to some of us very low on the university-level teaching hierarchy this week to say
    some of may have face to face classes
    some of us may have semi-presential classes
    some of us may have 100% distant classes,
    and they will tell us some time this week

    and they will send us a code for a new software to learn to use by Monday.
    (whereas I'm totally booked till Monday and starting Monday evening after a day of classes elsewhere).

    they had just previously sent a mail saying we would be trained on the semi-presential classes software and material during the first 20 minutes of class.

    it looks like they expect us to download and prepare in advance (on the weekend ? at night?) and we don't even have the info.

    what is sad is that my colleagues in the same field and situation will all just go along and say, ok fine, rather than saying no that is not unreasonable.
    the school is very spacious.

    there is NO reason for this secret till now.
    they wrote that this decision was made before the summer.
    but they sent us a schedule with our usual classrooms a few weeks ago.

    we had a big group meeting about 2 weeks ago.

    it's just usual duplicitousness, and disrespect for those lower down in hierarchy.
    of course NONE of the teachers higher up in the hierarchy will be giving distance classes (3X more work per hour and poor teaching conditions, and all sorts of problems with students, from those who are playing on video games during class, to those who have real connection problems to those who lack motivation.

    I'm angry and tired.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited October 2020
    Kelly Wonderful photos and that spaceship is amazing.

    Allie Hope your bloodwork results are normal. My arm is always sore for 2 days after any injection and was really sore after the Shingrex.

    Heather While I was responding to your SOS, it appears many others were posting and get inserted in the back messages. I don't how this forum works as someone makes a reply several minutes after the last one but it appears back a page. I go back in an hour and see a lot of posts that weren't there earlier.

    M in Oz You seem to be a driven and efficient person and keeping that asset while lowering stress isn't easy. After visiting a doctor that also practiced clinical hypnosis many years ago, I learned self-hypnosis and I credit it as the main reason I am alive today. Also doing Tai Chi or similar disciplines with deep breathing first thing after rising in the morning, has been great therapy for me. Meditation is great but for driven people, it is difficult because it seems like wasted time. I still make myself do a 20-minute meditation at least once a month. Learning or playing a musical instrument is great. Improvising on an American Indian style flute can really unwrap layers of hard clad stress. There are no rules or right and wrong in Native style flute. I always found bike riding in the mountains to be great. As the old saying goes, "Just stop and smell the roses."
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    KELLY: The space ship is magnif! And the grands are so cute. The younger one has the most gleeful smile!

    KAREN Va: Love the humming bird photos.

    Carol in GA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Rebecca - Aren't genetics funny that way, depending on the day I can see my SIL in my eldest or myself. I am continuously told almost equally that I look like my Father, my Mother and an Aunt.

    Evelyn - I'm so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and your grandson is free with hugs now. I remember when it was a trouble for you to even see them. I haven't heard the term fugly in quite a while, but we have that here this morning too, it is trying very hard to snow.

    Heather - Phones are a marvel and a pain all at the same time. My Grandson had put mine on night mode without me knowing it a few years ago. My daughter a few weeks later looked at my phone and said Mom, that's what this moon means.

    Kelly - What an awesome spaceship! So much fun for the littles. I never used latches with my kids or grandkids either. I had a bookshelf that displayed all of my pinwheel crystal when my girls and nieces and nephews were very small. After diverting them a few times they left it alone.
    I am so happy you had a wonderful visit and I understand what you mean. My Dad used to be upset when I visited others, but as the daughter in the situation I can understand that side too. It sure is a balancing act.

    Lisa - Glad you popped in and happy your daughter has been so helpful. Hope you continue to improve fast.

    Machka - When I was done at my previous employer I had been working under high stress for 2 years straight, when I was done I slept the better part of a month. I couldn't believe how it had affected me. Unfortunately, some of your stress is still going to be present, but I hope you do find some peace just getting University off your list.

    Covid Testing - Here you have to do an online assessment or call our Health Line, they walk you through whether you need the test or not. Doctors are not seeing you if you have any Covid symptoms. If you do, they schedule an appointment for you. They have stopped asymptomatic testing now that school is back in in an effort to free up spaces needed. All tests are free.

    Julie - That sounds so frustrating.

    Fae - I think as you are responding others can be responding too and you don't see their posts until after you look again and go back to see if you missed something. It's not the best platform, but it's what we have.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
    Well, dropped off Wicket for her tooth extraction today. Agreed to having her chipped and pre-op blood testing. By the time I got back home, allergies kicked in full force- stuffed up eyes scratchy and blurry, asthma starting up..... downed Claritin-D as soon as I walked in the door! Only thing that works on me. An hour later and beginning to work, thank goodness!

    Now, have to go back outside and do campground tasks. Here’s hopping allergies stay under control. Counts are high today for dust and ragweed. My two nemesis's!

    RV Rita
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Tracey I think that is the case as I see all posts are in order by time. I have experimented and after posting which can take me a long time, I won't see a new post until I refresh the browser. I don't notice it on other forums because threads I participate in are super slow-moving. I think the platform is good as any, it is just me learning how to keep up with such a fast-moving thread.

    Fae slowly learning the ropes
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited October 2020
    Example In the time it took me to type that last post, Rita made a post I didn't see until I hit refresh.

    Rita Allergies are real high here this fall. I just blew off my patio from the wind last evening and I have never seen so much dust and pollen come off of it from such a short time.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Evie: Thank you for your kind words. I still have a headache this morning and it feels like a cold coming on. I was not offended by your weather report. :noway: We visited Oak Bay once upon a time. Do you live near there? :huh:

    Heather: I hope your blood test results are favorable. :heart: You’re wise to skip French Circle when you are tired. Exhaustion is a signal to get needed rest. :flowerforyou:

    KJ: Your egg carton space ship is amazing! :bigsmile: Congrats on quality time with your grandchildren. You are a lucky woman.

    Karen in VA: I love the hummingbird photo. Our local hummingbirds are Annas Hummingbirds. The boys have beautiful pink heads & necks. The girls have a pink spot on their throats. They live here year around. :heart:

    Fae: Back in college days I was not a sorority girl. Too costly. My friends looked like hippies. Paying for college didn’t go well with having enough money for nicer clothes. :noway:

    Lisa: It is so good to see you posting!!!!!! :heart:

    Rita: I hope your allergies stay under control. Do Covid Masks help with polien problems? :flowerforyou:

    Our granddaughter wants to play a band instrument and the rental on the one she wants seems crazy high. They want $50 per month rental. We don’t really have experience with this. Advice is welcome.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Enjoying listening to Carol Kings Tapestry album on Pandora.. that was one i wore out when i was younger..
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Progressing, but slowly, and I am not a patient patient. My daughter leaves Saturday, and her presence has been a godsend, as well as a joy... Reading, but responses just beyond me still. Love y'all...

    Love you, Lisa. Take care.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Our granddaughter wants to play a band instrument and the rental on the one she wants seems crazy high. They want $50 per month rental. We don’t really have experience with this. Advice is welcome.


    Yep. Sounds right. I think my son's cello was $60/month. But with that, we got size upgrades and bow replacements. We paid the rental for three years, and now we own it. That makes it much easier to justify. To buy outright is a big investment for something she might not want to do long term. As it turns out, our son really loves the cello and is getting quite good at it -- and that with only Zoom lessons once a week since March! I don't know how we would have handled this pandemic without Zoom (and other video conferencing software.)

    Willamette Valley, OR