
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Welcome! I am also a Georgia girl. Grew up near Macon and have lived in Marietta for the last 50 yrs.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited December 2020
    Welcome Thyme! :D Sounds like a difficult year,but it WILL get better.

    Absolutely horrible day, pouring rain, blowing a gale! :# I had a check up appointment at the dentist, so had to go out. Picked up a tiny bit of shopping on the way home and treated myself to some flowers. Nice to see the shops open again, they've been closed for three weeks.
    The dentist couldn't combine a clean with the check up as they have different cleaning regimes afterwards for the surgeries, so I've got to go back next week. Teeth were fine.

    Barbara - By my estimation, the 9 lessons and carols will be on at 11 pm your time. You are 8 hours behind us. You can always listen to it afterwards as a podcast. If it's live it's Radio 4.

    Goat and sweetcorn curry tonight.

    Zoom very good yesterday with my old school friends. I am at the point in my memoir when I am writing about our friendship in the 'sixth form' - the top two years of secondary school. <3 I would say they were golden years for me, because of that friendship.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Beautiful Light Display! <3

    Carol in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2020
    Allie: Thinking about you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way. :heart:

    Rebecca: Your jewelry tree is a beauty. :star:

    Machka: Congrats on your improved vision! :flowerforyou:

    Rebecca & Kim: Gloria was a wonderful woman who was raising two grandsons. I had the misfortune of seeing the live news footage of the accident scene where she died. My heart still aches for her loss. :heart: :broken_heart:

    Lisa: Manheim Steamroller was a favorite of mine, too. :heart:

    KJ: I like your list of things you love about Christmas. Music movies and lights are high on my love list, too. They work wonders on fighting the dark days of winter. :bigsmile:

    Annie in DE: I dislike the dark days of winter, and the exuberant decorations and Christmas lights are a huge help to my happiness level. We’ve been busily decorating at our place and the decorations lift my spirits. We have several tiny artificial trees that are already lighted and inside the house. We also have two living trees growing in pots. Both are Alberta Spruce trees, purchased several years apart. One of them is now in the garden area where I grow my beans in summer and is already lighted for the holidays & on a timer. The other will be coming into the garage soon so that it can acclimatize to house temperatures before we bring it inside. That tree doesn’t come in for another week or two. This species of trees is very slow growing and we’ll be able to bring ours in and take it out for quite a few years. :star:

    Margaret: I’d forgotten about cookie exchanges! Thanks for the good memory. :star:

    Barbie: I look forward to the day when an effective vaccine against Covid Virus will be available to the public. I think first responders and hospital workers should get the first doses, and the rest of us will get vaccinated as the vaccines are available. :flowerforyou:

    I shop for groceries during “senior hours” that are early in the morning. We could order groceries at both stores in town and pick them up at curbside, but I like to shop in person, early in the day. Everyone from customers to store personnel wear masks. No one is allowed in the stores without one. Two of my neighbors choose to order their groceries and pick them up at curbside. Both of them have a person in their home who is medically fragile or challenged.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Margaret, If you lived in my neighborhood, I would love walking past your house on my evening walks.

    :)Katla, My husband has a complicated heart, breathing issues, and cancer. He is very high risk and I have to do all I can to protect him.

    :)Rebecca, I love how personal your decorations are.

    :)Thyme, Welcome. I hope you keep coming back.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good afternoon ladies
    Just got back from walking the dog, it was bracing to say the least, cold with a light drizzle. Think I'll have to get my thermals on soon. :) Mind you the forecast is for snow and frost next week! Not looking forward to that. :/

    The shops are open again as Heather has mentioned, I went to do a bit of Christmas shopping this morning. I'm trying to make Christmas a more simple affair this year (and get back to the true meaning of Christmas) so not going mad/overboard this time.

    Might put up the tree this weekend, I always used to wait until after hubby's birthday on 7th December before putting up the tree, but this year I could do with the 'sparkle' a little earlier. Miss him more around this time.

    Well, I'm going to have a cup of coffee, sit down and watch a movie (Christmas of course! :D ) then I'll have a quick tidy up etc and catch up on a few things.

    Feels almost like bedtime it's so dark and it's only 4:30 p.m. :o Early night for me tonight I think :)

    Love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Margaret I love your lights.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    Heather - I think you and I are long lost relatives. I feel the same about holidays and crafts as you. I like to watch people do crafts, but can't be bothered to do it myself. My mister likes Christmas more than I do, but we do go away as often as we can for the holidays. This year, we had planned to head to the central coast for a glamping Christmas, but with me in my condition, that won't happen.

    Tina in CA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Thanks for the nice comments about our lights. I like that our outside plug is synced to an indoor switch. I just flip the light switch and they all turn on. I have to admit it took me a few seasons to figure this out. It is so much easier than timers. I also like how they look in the daylight. They do help me get in the holiday spirit. Glad you like them.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited December 2020
    Margaret - Your lights are great. I love other people's lights. :D One Christmas tradition I loved with the grandchildren was a dusk tour of the lights in the village where we used to live. A three year old can get super excited about a few light bulbs. Max came back through the gate and said, "That was an ADVENTURE!" <3
    Now he is 9 he is more likely to say, "Why exactly are we doing this?" :laugh:
    You have tempted me to put my meagre decorations on my outside pine tree.
    Will I? ........ Watch this space. DH will have to prune the next bush first.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx Hoping to get a photo of the grandchildren 's decorated tree this weekend.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2020
    Barbie: I think we have caregiving/protecting in common. Our husbands are health challenged with different problems and need to avoid risk. I don’t know details about your area but early morning shopping hours for seniors & disabled here are very helpful. Sometimes DH wants to come along. Usually I’m on my own. :star:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    edited December 2020

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Rebecca - I miss Gloria ! I love that we are still remembering her, I think she is the only one of our group that we know has passed away.

    Kim <3

    Who? When how. What was her profile name
  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member
    I love seeing the Christmas lights although I usually spend holidays alone and talk to friends online or by phone. December has an energy of its own and is a special time of year. As a woman of faith I especially find it important in that respect. I enjoy reading people's posts here. My good news is that the scale shows I've lost a pound from not eating food last night before I went to bed but drank broth and lemonade instead, so it makes sense. I will keep this going and quit eating late at night. Woo hoo!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »


    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Lisa ... This is the only way my family will eat cranberry!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    Stat for the day

    Walk /family incl going to stores- 2hrs 37min 28sec, 76ahr, 101mhr, 2.76ap, 7.48mi= 751c
    Strava app = 907c
  • WThyme
    WThyme Posts: 78 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Welcome! I am also a Georgia girl. Grew up near Macon and have lived in Marietta for the last 50 yrs.


    Small world. :o I live in Marietta. (Northeast Cobb area) I've lived in the area for about 30 years.