2021....52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,858 Member
    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.
    A pound a week seems reasonable
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.
    42 weeks till 2022 🎉

    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    2019 Starting Weight: 245 (1/2/2019) BMI 43.4
    2020 Starting Weight: 235 (1/1/2020) BMI 41.6
    2021 Starting Weight: 212 (1/1/2021) BMI 37.6
    Goal for 2021: <200 BMI 35 (Dr set target before next physical)
    Stretch Goal for 2021: <170 (Overweight instead of obese)
    Current weight: 206.8 BMI 36.7 lowest this year 205.7
    2021 weight loss: 5.2 lost & regained 6 lbs this year ARGHHHHH Working to get back down
    Total weight lost: 38.2

    Past week's successes: Walk 22.9 miles targeting about 3 per day. But my afternoon snacks and wine habit need to be cleaned up.
    The week’s challenge: Stress as my DD’s one year anniversary party details need to be finalized and I’m running behind on the planning execution piece. Don’t eat through the stress!

    Challenge Tracking
    START Jan 1: 211.4
    WK01 Jan 4: 210.1 (-1.3)
    WK02 Jan 11: 210.0 (-.1)
    WK03 Jan 18: 208.6 (-1.4)
    WK04 Jan 25: 210.3 (+1.7)
    Jan Loss: 4.8

    WK05 Feb 1: 207.2 (-3.1)
    WK06 Feb 8: 206.3 (-.9)
    WK07 Feb 15: 209.3 (+3)
    WK08 Feb 22: 211.7 (+2.4)
    Feb Gain: .9

    WK09 Mar 1: 208.1 (-3.6)
    WK10 Mar 8: 206.8 (-1.3)
    WK11 Mar 15:
    WK12 Mar 22:
    WK13 Mar 29:
    Mar Loss:

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited March 2021
    Starting weight: 304 (1/1)
    Jan 298 (6 🔽)
    Feb 294 (4 🔽)

    Last week: 294

    Current weight: 295
    Weekly loss: 🔺1 lbs
    Total weight lost: 🔽9 lbs

    This week's successes:
    Nada, and I'm not clear on why I jumped up a pound.

    Next week's challenges:
    Make up for last week's gain!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,840 Member
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 668 Member
    Focusing on reducing carbs this month.

    Starting weight: 260.1
    Goal weight: 208
    Current weight:260.1

    1/9/21: 259.4
    1/12/21: 258.8
    1/16/21: 258.7
    2/22/21: 257.8
    2/26/21: 258.1
    3/ 1/21: 258.8
    3/9/21: 257.7

    Total weight lost: -2.4
    This week's successes: Getting in to the low carb groove
    This week's challenges: Trying to work through a couple of injuries. Working out has been a challenge.
  • donalowen
    donalowen Posts: 54 Member
    51 year old male
    Starting weight: 266 (at 21st Jan)
    Current Weight: 262
    Goal weight: 214
    Total weight lost: 4lb

    Jan 21: 266
    Jan 24: 265
    Jan 31: 264
    Feb 7: 264
    Feb 14: 264
    Feb 21: 263
    Feb 28: 264
    Mar 7: 262

    This week's successes: I lost 2lb, it feels like more, I’m toning up and gaining muscle, I can feel it in my clothes.
    This week's challenges: I normally allow myself a treat at the weekends, I think I’ll have to push it back to every 2nd weekend, I’m cutting out protein bars too.
  • gillexplores
    gillexplores Posts: 151 Member
    Oops, totally forgot to post yesterday.

    Highest Weight:192lbs
    Starting weight:174.7lbs (Jan. 13, 2021)
    Goal weight: ~135lbs (5'3", 23.9BMI)

    Jan. 13: 174.7
    Jan. 19: 168.8 (-5.9lbs)
    Jan. 26: 168.4 (-0.4lb)
    January loss: -6.3lbs(mostly water weight)

    Feb. 2: 167.5 (-0.9lbs)
    Feb. 9: 166.5 (-1lb)
    Feb. 16: 164.7 (-1.8lbs)
    Feb. 23: 162.6 (-2.1lbs)
    February loss: -4.9lbs

    Mar. 2: 162.6 (-0.0lbs)
    Mar. 9: 161.9 (-0.7lbs)

    CW: 160.5lbs
    Total weight lost: 14.2 lbs

    This week's successes: I technically? took a refeed week... I was eating an average of almost 2600 cals for the week, but I'm still down a decent amount... So I apparently still don't know what my TDEE is. Something to keep working to figure out, I guess.

    This week's challenges: I'm very stressed! I have a bunch due this week and a ton of work to do, and it feels like too little time.
  • LynsP79
    LynsP79 Posts: 76 Member
    edited March 2021
    I’m 168cm and started the year 1lb below my heaviest ever weight 😔.

    Starting weight: 195lbs 31/12/20. BMI 31.3 - obese.
    Goal weight: 150lb. 45lb loss BMI 24 - healthy. 🤞

    March 4th 177.4lbs
    March 11th 176.8lbs (-0.6lbs)

    Total weight lost: 18.2lbs

    This week's successes: BMI inching closer to green at 28.4. Eaten a lot of fruit and veg.

    This week's challenges: completely derailed by period: chocolate and mega carb cravings plus little exercise. Also have anxiety about returning to work next month.

    Will get back on it this week, got to keep going and hit that 20lb mark, it will be just over my 10% goal!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,840 Member
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Starting weight: 225.5
    Goal weight: 199.9
    Current weight: 225.0
    Total weight lost: 0.5

    03/04/21 - 225.5
    03/11/21 - 225.0

    Success--Tracking all of my food
    Challenges--Getting my water in
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    47 yr old female

    Starting weight: 122.2 kg
    Goal weight: 85kg

    This week's successes: Added more vegetables to my diet. My body is very grateful
    This week's challenges: chest pains are getting less, so I need to be picky with what I eat

    START Jan 1: 122.2kg
    WK01 Jan 3: 121.7 kg
    WK02 Jan 10: 119.9 kg
    WK03 Jan 17: 119.6 kg
    WK04 Jan 24: 119.5 kg
    WK05 Jan 31: 118.6 kg
    Jan Loss: 4kg

    WK 06 Feb 7: 117 kg
    WK 07 Feb 13: 116.5 kg
    WK 08 Feb 20: 117 kg
    WK 09 Feb 27: 116 kg
    Feb Loss: 2kg

    WK 10 Mar 6: 115.5 kg
    WK 11 Mar 12: 114.6 kg
  • Thanysss
    Thanysss Posts: 16 Member
    Just joined
    Starting weight: 139 lbs
    Start date: 12 March 2021
    Goal weight: 100 lbs
    Current weight: 139 lbs

    Total weight lost:

    This week's plan:good carbs, less carbs and sugar, more fibre and workout 6 times/week
  • lizziebtothec
    lizziebtothec Posts: 402 Member
    Starting weight: 231 lbs (12/2/19)
    2021 Starting weight: 199 lbs
    Goal weight: 160 lbs

    02/28: 198.6 lbs
    03/05: 199.8 lbs
    03/12: 200.2 lbs

    Mar 2021 gain: 1.6 lbs 🔼
    Feb 2021 gain: 2.0 lbs 🔼
    Jan 2021 loss: 2.4 lbs 🔽

    Total 2021 weight gain: 0.2 lbs
    Total weight loss: 30.8 lbs

    Past week Successes: I went for a 2 mile run yesterday.
    Past week Challenges: I think I need to recalculate my max calories but i really don't want to. :)
  • crunchymunchy123
    crunchymunchy123 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight: 186.2
    Goal weight: 135.0
    Current weight: 181.8
    Total weight lost: 4.4
    This week's successes: almost no food between meals
    This week's challenges: love my apples

    02/26/21 - 186.2
    03/05/21 - 183.4
    03/12/21 - 181.8
  • WeatherJane
    WeatherJane Posts: 1,492 Member
    I followed the 2020 challenge, and I'm looking forward to participating in this one.
    I'll do my official weigh in on Jan 1st.

    Lots of good luck to everyone!

    2021 weight loss goal is -40-45 lbs.

    Jan 2021
    1/1 180.8
    1/8 180.8 (I had some ups and downs with the scale this week. Need to keep watching my calories. Hopefully by next week I'll break out of the 180's.)
    1/15 179.6
    1/22 178.8
    1/29 178.0
    2/5 177.0
    2/12 175.8
    2/20 177.8
    2/26 176.6
    3/5 176.0
    3/13 175.4