
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    This am was interesting. Last night I looked at my email and there was a schedule update (schedule for Food Lion). Seems they had me working on Tuesday in addition to the Monday and Wednesday I had previously been scheduled for. OK. Then, around 12:30 I checked my email again and there was another schedule update so I checked my schedule. This time the Tuesday had been taken off and instead it said that I was to work Saturday (today) from 7-11:30. OK. So I get to Food Lion today, then after I’d been there for an hour the manager calls me into the office and tells me that I’m not on the schedule. On another note: if you are not on the schedule, their timeclock won’t let you clock in and I had no problem clocking in. No, I wasn’t on his list. So I pulled up the app on my phone and it said that I was scheduled for 7-11:30. He was talking to someone (I have no idea who but I have a suspicion) and told them that it was on my app. That person told him to tell me to go home. Thank goodness I’m not relying on those hours.

    But on the bright side I was able to go to WalMart and get some shopping done and a prescription picked up, then I came home and fried the salmon cakes for later in the week, made the pork tenderloin for later in the week, now I’m getting the milk ready for more yogurt. So it all worked out.

    Jess called to say that she’s on her way here. She’s not sure if she’ll drive all the way thru (I have a feeling she will) or she’ll spend the night somewhere. Since Vince had to go to WalMart to get cat food (I really don’t think we needed it), I went and got a loaf of bread that she’ll eat and a few other things.

    There’s going to be a virtual memorial service later today for a friend of ours who passed away a few weeks ago. Afterwards, I need to make some icing for the cupcakes I made yesterday

    Heather – when Jess was working at New Bolton Center, I didn’t know it but they had a canine unit which she worked in. I was so afraid that any dog they were going to put down, she’d want to bring home. Surprisingly, her feeling was “they helped mankind”. I am very proud of her for feeling that way.

    Just finished with a virtual memorial service for a friend of ours. How neat!

    Michele NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited January 2021
    Heather Greyhounds for whatever reason rarely bark. Because Drew is part Italian greyhound that is why barking is not an issue with her.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 45min 58sec, 3.20ap, 157elev, 86ahr, 109mhr, 9.08mi= 851c
    Strava app = 1100c
    Zwift bike trainer, slow easy ride- 52.21min, 17amph, 459elev, 117ahr, 139mhr, 15.08mi= 371c
    Strava app = 334c

    Total cal 1222

    No workout yesterday
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Long walk today -- 11,004 steps -- 6.44 miles, 90 minutes, 453 calories burned. (according to Google Fit). I could get used to that! Walked one side of the lake to the highway, then jumped onto the golf club cart path and walked the golf course, then back onto the road back to my mom's. Nearly dark by time I got back to the house, in the great wet north.

    I hope everyone else is also having a relaxing Saturday.

    Take care.

    Still on the Olympic Peninsula
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Julie-I hate making color choices! I understand your feelings of isolation on your own. I just keep telling myself I am doing things for myself. And I refuse to let myself get the Covid 15! (on that front, at least, I can fight the thing!)

    Tracey-I also have to admit I found humor in your mom’s friends raiding the refrigerators! I understand your brother’s frustration, but there are worse things that could happen!

    Machka-my stepson is working on beehives on his farm. He seems to enjoy it. Of course they are also raising egg and meat chickens. Presentation-major government public assistance programs; wide variety of topics on communication.

    Allie-sorry there is another surgery. Hope this fix takes.

    Spent the day putting away Christmas stuff, had a nice long chat with oldest son. Got bills paid. Made a premade meatloaf for dinner (Kroger). It’s ok but I prefer my own or the ones from the butcher shop I go to on occasion. Pleased with house being nice and tidy.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    edited January 2021
    In the UK you can contact the local authorities over persistently barking dogs. It is a noise nuisance. I would also report it to the RSPCA. They would visit and give advice. Other than that I would try poison. :*
    I don't think neighbours round here would tolerate noisy dogs for long! I consider it an assault on mental health.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Our council requires us to pay up front for them to investigate a barking dog. A couple years ago, the charge was $150 but now it's down to $65.

    You pay the money, and they give you a chart to fill in every time the dog barks over a period of a couple weeks or a month. Then you return the chart to them and they start their investigation.

    If they can confirm what you've claimed, you get the money back. If they can't confirm it, they keep the money and you are deemed a whiny neighbour.

    So a lot of dogs go on barking and about once a week the council posts that someone found a dog running around loose.

    This dog that goes on all night is left out on a balcony for extended periods of time. Big house, large balcony. I suspect the owners weren't home last night. We don't hear or see much from them except when they have a party on that balcony.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Heather Greyhounds for whatever reason rarely bark. Because Drew is part Italian greyhound that is why barking is not an issue with her.

    That may explain why the rescued greyhounds around here are great. I think the owners also take really good care of them.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Getting to know you question ...

    What was your first job?

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,690 Member
    My first job was at US Bank (of Oregon), Main Branch for a summer between my junior and senior year. I was a lobby assistant. I learned to say, " window open down here sir". I also filed, and probably got served coffee by my (unbeknownst to me) mother in law who worked in the break room.😁👍
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2021
    Machka: Your graduation photo is one that shows triumph! CONGRATULATIONS! :flowerforyou:

    (((Allie))): I am so sorry that your previous surgery needs to be redone. I hope your health improves and 2021 turns into a good year. :heart:

    Heather: Your mom was telling the truth about the down side of being a veterinarian, but I doubt it is worse than being a medical doctor for humans. The practice of medicine for critters requires someone with the fortitude to the necessary things from surgery to euthanasia as well as deliveries of cute baby animals. I love the baby animals & big animals too, provided they have legs, hair, fur, feathers, or fins. I do not have what it takes to be either a veternarian or a medical doctor. :noway:

    Sue in WA: I’m sorry that your California family members are grappling with Covid. I hope they do well and recover. :heart:

    Machka: My first job was picking strawberries. I was 11, and it was hot, dirty and unpleasant. The next year my family moved to another part of town. When I was old enough I worked in a local cannery. Swing shift was my favorite. I could sleep enough to have the energy to do volunteer work the next morning. I worked as a volunteer at project head start. I loved the experience of working with little kids. :star:

    I am healing from my fall the other day. The bruising on my forehead is a bit sore but is beginning to fade. My left wrist took the brunt of my fall and it is still sore but is doing a bit better today. :star:. I scratched up my glasses in the fall to the point they are not useable. I went to the eye doctor, had an exam, and an order was placed for new lenses. They’re supposed to be ready in a week or two. Meanwhile, I am doing my best. I can read if the type is moderate, but tiny type is hard to decipher without being able to use my glasses. :ohwell:

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,788 Member
    edited January 2021
    Voice activation: Those things don't do well with regional accents, although they do adapt over time. 😂 I get some weird results when I use the dictation mode on my devices.

    Allie: Be careful with the exercise. Hope all goes well. 💕💖💕

    Machka: My first job at about 10 years old was helping on our local allotments. I was paid in fresh veg and fruit. The growing cycle of plants was wondrous to me. It still is 😂

    Katla: Good to know that your injuries are healing.

    Dogs: I'm fond of DYD's dogs, and most animals, but owning animals has never appealed to me.

    I had to take it easy yesterday as my lower back was playing up. Will probably have to baby it today.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    A walk and a bicycle ride today ...

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    My first job is kind of blurry ...

    I helped a friend with a paper route ... did it with him sometimes and did it whenever he was away. I helped my father clean a school. I was between about 13 and 15. Then I helped my mother in a library for a few years and in the summers I picked raspberries. I was between about 15 and 18.

    And then I got a job in a bookstore.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    WHO prescriptions for a healthy and green recovery from COVID-19



    M in Oz