

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited February 2021
    Penny ... praying for your Grandson

    Margaret ... yes, you are right, there is some heat loss from the roof causing the icicles. We have insulated twice so far but are considering more this spring. We also have a very low sloped roof over a ranch style home ... this, coupled with multiple large snow amounts and not nearly enough thawing between the snow have created significantly thick ice on the roof. Fortunately, we have over 6 feet of ice guard under the shingles ... so no (keeping fingers crossed) roof leaks. I've heard of the "steaming" process and I understand the rates in my area run $250 to $450 per hour. A neighbor's much smaller roof than ours took 6 hours! Pricey!! Spring can't come soon enough.

    Just after I commented that we shouldn't see anymore heavy snow due to Lake Erie being frozen over, we're expecting a wallop tomorrow into Tuesday. Sigh.

    Carol ... your granddaughter did a lovely job with her paintings.

    Barbara ... puppy pics as requested.

    Beth near Buffalo

    I have no idea why they want you to download the second photo...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Beth wasn't able to see your picture. Do you have venting on your roof? Having your attic space the same temperature as the outside helps cut down on icicles too. Next to son's house is a single story that has numerous roof vents and they also have no icicles during the winter. You do more than likely get more snow than we do so that can add to your problem too. Here we have to have a layer added to six feet from the edge to help with ice damage. Any new roof it is code. I think this is what you are talking about.

    I am ready for this cold snap to end. We did set a record today.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- lol Your posts about the new term beginning and the fact that you aren't going, make me laugh. I bet it is a wonderfully load lifting feeling! About bees, I wonder if you will need to plant some bee loving plants around to help your bees in their nectar collecting? KJ

    We have heaps of plants in our yard but the bees really like the hebe in the summer and camellias in the winter. We just have to make sure we've got flowers year round and I think we're pretty close to that.

    My husband is thinking of adding a dandelion patch and striking another hebe but I think we might need something for autumn. Roses bloom all year long so they might cover it and I'll have to watch how soon the camellias come out.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    dandl1986 wrote: »
    Today was weigh in day. I lost 2.7 lbs this week. Amazing since I did not exercise. That brings my total to 6.1 lost since the beginning of January. My daughter and I are theorizing that the exercise may be creating inflammation that created the weight gain the previous two weeks. I read an article or two that have indicated that if you are exercising and scale is going in the wrong direction, and you are usually pretty sedentary, that inflammation may be the culprit. Since, I did not exercise this week and saw significant weight loss, I am thinking this is a possibility. Will see what happens in upcoming week as I try to exercise more again. Also, my sugar level number avg this week was a new low since January, so that was great news too. Happy about weigh in day this week.

    Dee in arctic Ohio

    We retain water when we exercise more than our body is used to.

    When I was cycling a lot, I wouldn't retain water unless I had done a 100 mile ride or more. I'd do the ride on the weekend, Monday and Tuesday my weight would be up, and on Wednesday I'd wear a path to the toilet ... Thursday my weight would be back down again.

    Now all it takes is a 20 km ride like we did on the weekend. :neutral:

    By Wednesday I expect my weight will be back down again.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    Regarding Driving ...

    I learned to drive fairly young and did a lot of driving until I was into my 20s when I started catching the bus and cycling everywhere and then in 1999, I went car free. :) After all, why have a car when you can get around by bus, cycling and walking. :)

    I moved in 2005 and needed a car for my new job and university, and I drove a lot. During my last couple years in Canada, I was driving near 1000 km/week back and forth to university and work.

    Got to Australia and learned to drive on the left side of the road and drove quite a bit during my first year here. Then we moved into the town where I worked and thankfully, my driving days slowed right down. I walked to work! :)

    When we moved to Tasmania I got around by bus and walking.

    So from 2010 to 2018, I think I drove maybe half a dozen times. My husband drove us places on the weekends, of course.

    In 2018, my husband has the accident and hasn't been able to drive since ... so I had to relearn how to drive. During the week, I still take the bus and walk. I prefer that. But on weekends I drive us wherever we need to go.

    One day, I would like to live in a place (again) where we can cycle right from our door (where we live now is too hilly for that) and where we can walk or cycle to do most of what we want to do. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,807 Member
    Machka - I used to nap on the bus when I took it, our girls were young and I knew when I got home it was supper, then homework and bedtime battle. I couldn’t have done it without that nap.
    Also, you have been running at a pretty high stress level for the last almost 3 years. When I was done at my extremely stressful job I slept so much in that first month I thought about seeing my doctor, but didn’t have the energy to call. It was honestly about 6 months before I started feeling like I had some energy. It was a tough go, maybe you just need some more time. You moved from University stress to organizing and getting your house back in order without giving yourself time to recover from the Uni stress.
    Have some patience with yourself and give yourself the time you need.

    We had a debrief at work since we are out of outbreak and the therapist told us the exhaustion we are all feeling is the stress leaving our bodies.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Other- vacuum, dust, more packing- 2hrs 1min 19sec= 556c
    Other- 1hr 1sec, more of the same= 274c
    Other- 33.49min, more stuff= 167c

    Total cal 997
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    Machka - I used to nap on the bus when I took it, our girls were young and I knew when I got home it was supper, then homework and bedtime battle. I couldn’t have done it without that nap.
    Also, you have been running at a pretty high stress level for the last almost 3 years. When I was done at my extremely stressful job I slept so much in that first month I thought about seeing my doctor, but didn’t have the energy to call. It was honestly about 6 months before I started feeling like I had some energy. It was a tough go, maybe you just need some more time. You moved from University stress to organizing and getting your house back in order without giving yourself time to recover from the Uni stress.
    Have some patience with yourself and give yourself the time you need.

    We had a debrief at work since we are out of outbreak and the therapist told us the exhaustion we are all feeling is the stress leaving our bodies.


    Thanks for that. :)

    I nap on the bus from time to time, but usually feel kind of yeck when I wake up. I don't think it is quite long enough or deep enough. Occasionally I lie down when I get home from work, but then I'm usually out much longer than I like. Naps are tricky things.

    And you're probably right ... I'm so used to being busy, filling my day, and going flat out that I don't know how to relax. These days I keep thinking that if I can just get my house in order, then I can relax ... but a little voice nags at me that perhaps I need to start including a relax day in my week. At this point, that voice is easily silenced because it has been silenced for so long.

    I talked to a neuropsychologist back in November about how to relax and told her that I was trying to do All The Things (dim lights and music in the evenings, walking at lunch, music at work, pretty desktop images to look at, heaps of exercise, etc. etc.). I gave her a list of things I was attempting in order to relax ... and she laughed. She told me I was going about it the same way I had gone about uni, work, being a carer, etc. ... like I was on a mission to relax.

    I will be going to my Dr today and asking for complete bloodwork just to check things.

    But maybe I need to focus on winding down a bit earlier in the evenings and getting a little more sleep. When I was in uni I usually got between 6 and 7 hours a night (in my first year - 2015 - I was getting about 5 hours a night but made a change which allowed me to get at least 6 after that). Now I'm getting just over 7 hours. Last night - Sunday night - I actually got 7.5 because I was determined to go to bed a bit earlier. Perhaps I need to aim for 8 hours a night to build up my strength again.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,807 Member
    I almost always get about 8 hours a night, but on weekends it’s closer to be 9 when I wake up on my own not from and alarm.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    I almost always get about 8 hours a night, but on weekends it’s closer to be 9 when I wake up on my own not from and alarm.

    When we were on shutdown for 4 months last year, I got about 8 hours a night and felt like I had a decent amount of energy most of the time.

    But then I started working in the office again, and having to be on a hot, stuffy bus for 35-45 minutes each way, and my 8 hours a night vanished. :(

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did the Cool It Off (stretching) DVD today.

    Vince said that he’s too tired to go up to Daytona today which is surprising since I had to convince him that after we got our second shots we would still have time to get down here. Plus…the tickets aren’t exactly cheap.

    Ran to WM this morning to get a mattress pad. Think I’ll take the comforters to the laundry to wash them and it looks like Brevard Charities is open so I may stop there while they’re drying (or washing) Update: they weren't open

    Tracey – (((HUG))) Liked the sink/whiskey trade. Maybe you should have gotten two bottles of whiskey, one for the sink and the other for you. Might help with the pain…lol

    Penney – how scary about your grandson.

    Barbara – yes, the hydro massage was warm. I’m thinking that I’ll probably go there tomorrow early in the am since TECHNICALLY I’m still a member and then use that chair for the last time. I remember when we had a power outage for something like 3 days and we had a water pump. No fun. I went to the Y to take a shower

    I wouldn’t want to live year-round by the sea. I could never understand someone who chooses to. With all the hurricanes, you’d be rebuilding your house every few years. Plus…the things you’d lose in the water damage like pictures etc

    Margaret – when we first got down here, we had to replace the battery in the thermostat. Funny you should mention it

    Anne DE – that Steven, what a guy!

    KJ – Jessica was at -11 yesterday. She can keep that!

    Unfortunately, Vince said that he felt bad and we didn’t go to Daytona. Part of me is thinking that he was concerned about the weather. It’s raining in Daytona right now and the race is on hold. I hate to say it, but in a way I hope it’s rained out and we can go tomorrow.

    Went to the race yesterday, tho. The race is weird. There are things that are usually there that aren’t there this year. But we were able to park better, it wasn’t nearly as crowded. Except for when we left. Social distancing just didn’t exist. There was only certain time we could enter.

    Donna – welcome back

    Michele ex-NC for now
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Trying this pooch pic again for Margaret
    And yes, we have both ridge vents the length of the house as well as multiple roof vents. Ice is a struggle!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    I wouldn’t want to live year-round by the sea. I could never understand someone who chooses to. With all the hurricanes, you’d be rebuilding your house every few years. Plus…the things you’d lose in the water damage like pictures etc

    Michele ex-NC for now

    Depends where you are. We don't get hurricanes down here ... it's not warm enough.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Thought I'd check in. I wrote a really nice post with lots of wisdom and encouragement about a week or so ago and it went poof. Since then I've been pouting. Not because of you guys, but because I don't have time to deal with temperamental MFP shenanigans. I've over-extended myself again so will be in and out - reading and not posting for the most part.

    Don't use your phone for typing long messages. If you shift the position of your phone, your message will go "poof".

    Don't move from one page to another within MFP while typing messages. That will also cause your message to go "poof".

    Those are the two main causes of "poof".

    If I'm typing a long message, I'll type it in an email, then copy and paste it here.

    I also got into the habit of typing my message, selecting it, copying it, then posting it. A number of years ago, another forum I used used to "poof" about 1/3 of the time when we hit submit.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    edited February 2021
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka - I used to nap on the bus when I took it, our girls were young and I knew when I got home it was supper, then homework and bedtime battle. I couldn’t have done it without that nap.
    Also, you have been running at a pretty high stress level for the last almost 3 years. When I was done at my extremely stressful job I slept so much in that first month I thought about seeing my doctor, but didn’t have the energy to call. It was honestly about 6 months before I started feeling like I had some energy. It was a tough go, maybe you just need some more time. You moved from University stress to organizing and getting your house back in order without giving yourself time to recover from the Uni stress.
    Have some patience with yourself and give yourself the time you need.

    We had a debrief at work since we are out of outbreak and the therapist told us the exhaustion we are all feeling is the stress leaving our bodies.


    Thanks for that. :)

    I nap on the bus from time to time, but usually feel kind of yeck when I wake up. I don't think it is quite long enough or deep enough. Occasionally I lie down when I get home from work, but then I'm usually out much longer than I like. Naps are tricky things.

    And you're probably right ... I'm so used to being busy, filling my day, and going flat out that I don't know how to relax. These days I keep thinking that if I can just get my house in order, then I can relax ... but a little voice nags at me that perhaps I need to start including a relax day in my week. At this point, that voice is easily silenced because it has been silenced for so long.

    I talked to a neuropsychologist back in November about how to relax and told her that I was trying to do All The Things (dim lights and music in the evenings, walking at lunch, music at work, pretty desktop images to look at, heaps of exercise, etc. etc.). I gave her a list of things I was attempting in order to relax ... and she laughed. She told me I was going about it the same way I had gone about uni, work, being a carer, etc. ... like I was on a mission to relax.

    I will be going to my Dr today and asking for complete bloodwork just to check things.

    But maybe I need to focus on winding down a bit earlier in the evenings and getting a little more sleep. When I was in uni I usually got between 6 and 7 hours a night (in my first year - 2015 - I was getting about 5 hours a night but made a change which allowed me to get at least 6 after that). Now I'm getting just over 7 hours. Last night - Sunday night - I actually got 7.5 because I was determined to go to bed a bit earlier. Perhaps I need to aim for 8 hours a night to build up my strength again.

    M in Oz

    I've been to my GP.

    She is sending me for bloodwork to see if it shows anything significant which may be causing my fatigue.

    She is also referring me to a neurosurgeon who I have seen for my brain cyst, but this time, my GP is referring me to him for my lower back. Hopefully I will get in soon and hopefully he will do a scan and find out what is going on. She did say that it is possible I may need to go for surgery, but we will wait and see.

    So far my physio and GP think my "hip" issue is actually a lower back issue.

    M in Oz