

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Lisa- I should go dark but this week I cant as I take care of our ancient dog during the day a f they are going away overnight which they never do and I will be keeping Homer overnight, things will be alot easier when dear Homer crosses the rainbow bridge i dont wish that for a long time but he is 15 and is mostly blind..
    They love Alfie and I trust that if i have to go away that he is safe and in good hands..
    So yes i should just stay away from everyone for awhile like you say and go dark for my own sanity, but easier said than done..
    I am going to hop in the shower and go get Homer,make a grocery list and try and get some of my place picked up it looks like a bomb went off in here
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Happy Birthday Kim :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather -- Your memories resonate with mine. I stayed with my grandmother a few times. She lived in a multistory apartment building in Salem, OR. The building was the Patterson Tower. Grandma had her apartment too hot for my comfort. She had a color TV that she bought at a local department store and called the store for service every time she dusted the TV and messed up the controls. :laugh:

    I spent hours watching TV and knitting the baby blanket yesterday evening. I am almost at the turn around point where each row will be a bit shorter than the one before. The blanket will be done long before we leave home to stay at our son and daughter in law’s house. We plan to stay with them a while before the birth of the new baby. We haven’t seen our grandson in more than a year, and he will need time with us while his mom and dad are both at home. We will be taking care of him while his parents are at the hospital and he will need time to feel comfortable and safe with us while his parents are not home.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Since I had over indulged on Saturday, yesterday was quiet! DH worked outside with his sister. I completed my YD and SIL anniversary present. xw1xz6tb23cf.jpg
    They eloped, then had so many issues, that I had never made them a wedding cross stitch. I couldn't find one that fit them. Well, I finally did! They love it! 19 years and stronger than ever.
    While at festival yesterday, I did support some local vendors (besides the resteraunt-lol)
    This one is for YD
    This one for oldest daughter
    This one for me.
    Like Tracey, I should have then done work work, but did laundry and watched Hallmark movies. Feeling much better today!

    Have a blessed day! Now to finish my training requirements before end of month- grumble.

    Kylia still in Ohio

    that butterfly is amazing!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Back from Portsmouth. It all went well. Train was a bit late, but nothing terrible. Lovely lunch of oysters and scallops. One glass of white wine. I think I helped my friend with some of her troubles, but I didn't say much about her huge problem with her daughter. You have to be ready to hear and I didn't want to sound preachy. I did say that the story she was telling herself might not be true. She did say I had given her a new perspective on some issues. However, I am a friend, not a guru. :p:laugh:
    I enjoyed the journey home, watching downloaded French TV from Netflix. Plus my 'improving ' books. :D
    Happy days.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Vicki-Believe me i wont let him know a thing,you are right it is none of bis business
    Every generation thinks the teenagers had a rough time but honestly I think the more the world gets crazier and with all the social media and internet it is tough on the kids today..but its not an excuse to be pissy..
    So the SSI was approved from September of 2020 so September of 2022 i will be eligible for Medicare which will help alot.i will speak with someone from AARP like Vicki said to figure out what i need to have set aside to monthly to be comfortable
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    edited August 2021
    stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 32min 26sec, 115elev, 3.25ap, 81ahr, 106mhr, 8.32mi= 786c
    Strava app = 1007c
    Walk to gym- 11.31min, .52mi= 46c
    Strava app = 64c
    Spin bike at gym- 1hr 12min, 11-15gear, 16.83amph, 126ahr, 159mhr, 20.2mi= 620c
    Walk gym to home- 10.05min, .52mi= 49c
    Strava app = 63c

    Total cal 1501
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Aliie when you settled withTom you were still working. The settlement was done legally. The burden of proof is on him. You are correct you do not have to say anything to him about your finances. DON"T I would be careful saying too much about it here because this board is not private and he could find what you say here.

    When you turn 62 you may be able to file for Social Securtiy as a ex spouse of Tom's because you were married over 10 years. This does nothing to his benefit. They would base your benefit on what his in at social security retirement age if he took it early they may base it on that. Not sure. They will not base it on what is would be if he takes it at 70. I would check with Social Security or financial planner.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Welcome. Valerie
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    So true about social security. My mom was able to draw off my father's( they divorced in 1979, he passed in 1996) early on, then switched to hers later when it became more than his. Could have been the other way around, but I do know she partook of both.

    Gotta go fix dinner . Lots of stuffs to do for work. The positive thing about being basically the only one there is i can only depend on myself. I expect help when sis in law is there, and my expectations are RARELY met. Then i just get angry. Oh well, busy and frustrating day, but will get through it.
    Kylia hungry in Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did a body pump DVD then went for my walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Denise Austin Get Fit Fast DVD

    kiz – how do you do a gallbladder cleanse?

    Barbara – When I mention that I go in the pool so much, you probably cringe. I didn’t know that you had had skin cancer. Have no doubt, in summer time I keep Coppertone in business. Actually, I know that using sunscreen doesn’t eliminate the possibility of skin cancer, but it can reduce it. We used to have a member here (remember DeeDee?) who had skin cancer and would always remind me to wear sunscreen.

    M – I really do believe that exercise helps stress. I remember one time we were going to go away and Denise gave us a REAL REAL hard time. I left, went to the Y, and REALLY exercised. When I came home Vince told me that he was physically sick. I just made sure I was close to the bathroom. But when I got home, I felt a lot better. I never did get physically sick. So I do believe exercise helps with stress.

    Kymari – how did you design that crossstitch? So many times I’ve wanted to do that, but I just don’t know how. Do you need a special program for the computer?

    Jess called last night. She’ll be out in Oregon again for two weeks. She wanted to ask Vince if she should drive or fly there. It would be a 27 hour drive from Iowa. I think Vince talked her out of it.

    Allie – I have our grocery list on my phone and each time when I find that I need something I ask Google (we have a Google assist) to add something to the grocery list. This way I never forget what I need.

    jlstevens – welcome! Happy birthday!

    Now to go work on the jigsaw puzzle before bowling. I find that only working on it for an hour at a time works for me. After that, I find that I wind up putting the same pieces in the same places. Coming at it with a new perspective, to me, is good.

    Valerie AZ – welcome! Chatty...you’ll fit right in!!!! If you have any questions at all about MFP, ask away! Someone will definitely help you

    Mahjongg tonight.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Margaret- think I spoke with Social Security already about this. I will be getting Disability and he wont be collecting his until his 70th birthday next August i can only get 1/2 his SS if I took it now which is about what ill be making on disability.. but if God Forbid he passes before me than I can change my Disability to his full benefit since we were married for more than 10 yrs at least I think that is how it was explained to me..
    I know this isnt private,but neither of them are into any of this stuff so I am not worried.
    He keeps sending emails that he is getting from social security about Disability lol..
    Not a word from not a word..
    Had a nice dinner with my ladies upstairs and am now down here with my furry pal snuggled in..
    Will have to rest up tomorrow is a ride to Costco
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member