

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
  • kizanne2
    kizanne2 Posts: 123 Member
    Ok so 1st day back in control on my eating for about 6 days. Mostly I've just ate too much not necessarily bad foods. I think if I continue to stress eat and can't get it under control I'm going to have to seriously think about quitting whether the job gets better or not. I'm at an age and state of health that my health has to be a priority.

    I do think though that I can do both. I'm going to work toward that.

    I also need to do another gallbladder cleanse soon.

    Had Kofta for dinner and it was yummy. It's a greek minced lamb dish. Paired it with roasted veggies and a yogurt sauce.

    Need figure out something to do with snapper tomorrow as I bought a lovely snapper at the store today.

    My niece and her daughter got to visit my grand nephew and got moved into an apartment. The next court hearing is Aug. 20th and they are going to see if they can regain custody. I don't see it happening that fast but I hope it does.

    I have baby seahorses and hope I can keep them alive for a few more days. I raise them but have been having trouble keeping up all the work for them lately.

    Got a small portion of my garden cleared, so maybe this week I can get some zucchini planted.
    My husband replaced the lawn mower engine so I spent an hour mowing the lawn. MFP says that's worth 228 calories. Doesn't seem like it since it's a rider but I'll take it.

    Olympic events: Gymnastics floor, high jump, ice skating (you didn't say it had to be summer sport). :)

    Tomorrow is a new day. It's a chance to be a new me.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Hmm I'm not used to thinking of myself as an athlete at all! But equestrian, ice skating, and weightlifting. Equestrian because I love horses and communicating with them, ice skating because it's beautiful, and weightlifting because it's such a primitive challenge. Or maybe kayaking, I love that too.

    In second grade, this kid Scott had a project to find out everyone's favorite teams in three sports. I couldn't even name three teams. He had to help me choose, and it was an eye opener for both of us.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    Tonight I fried up some thick bacon bits, some ham, then added 4 whipped eggs, cooked it all on the burner, then popped it in the oven for a wee bit. Added crumbled sharp cheddar cheese, melted that using the broiler. Then plopped on a tortilla, and let that get warm under the broiler. Took it out and flopped it over onto a plate. It was for son, so I added salsa on it and folded it over and cut it in three pieces. It was heavenly he said!
    Just playing the role of Chef!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    When we go out to dinner tomorrow I will be 25 hrs fasted!
    Excited but a we bit nervous!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited August 2021
    Off to meet my friend G for lunch in Portsmouth. It's blowy and miserable, but I have a train journey (tickets bought), lunch indoors, (Monday, usually not busy) and a covered shopping mall to wander in afterwards.
    I don't know if the gutter man will come as rain is forecast again. DH will have to stay in to greet the cleaner and explain that she can't hoover my study/bedroom/guest room because there are photographs all over the floor!

    I will get most of my exercise done before I leave. Usually I start to stress about time and leave out the floor work and weights in favour of getting my face on. :p I've prepared most of tonight's dinner, meatballs, so no stress when I get home. I only eat a very light seafood lunch,( two starters), and a glass of white wine. Espresso coffee. Hope to squeak in on calories, there is a bit of walking involved, but I won't have burnt as many as usual.

    Lovely walk Barbara. Mindfulness in action. <3 I love to notice things. The world is amazing! :D
    Yes, my mother’s mother. Their garden adjoined ours. It's all in my next book. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    edited August 2021
    Barbara Oregon Coastie- oh that sounds delightful... i so wish i could do that again and im hoping someday i can.
    Very hard at the beach im used to going to and me being out of shape i had to walk down stone steps very carefully and sat on a rock and and i still slipped off and had to crawl to get up again ,fell over a hassock at the cottage and bruised my arm...let me tell ya I was sore...
    I was telling Taliah the stories about when we drove up to the cottage and rolling down the windows to smell the sea air and drving down the road and ehen you come around the bend in the road how excited we were to see the cottage and i could hear her eyes rolling in her head.. but i still have those memories lol
    Thanks for the suggestion about talking to AARP tax preparer about disability taxes,and all,yes want no surprises
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Good Monday!
    Kim Happy belated birthday!

    Teenagers/children....When my oldest GD turned 14 her dad warmed me of the attitude. When she presented said attitude to me, I quickly put a stop to it. I told her......I was one once. I raised two. And I wouldn't put up with it. She has been great with me since. I was grumpy granny when they were little. There were rules and consequences. The grands quickly learned when the parents weren't around.

    Saturday was crazy busy at work. I was the reluctant teenager when we got home. I just wanted to sit for 15 minutes to decompress. DH wanted to leave for car show at a Blues festival near us. We took the tbird which was nice (we were only going to look) Met up with friends. I overindulged in beer and pizza, so we stuck around for awhile. Both were good until they weren't! Got the hiccups so bad. My belly got so bloated. Then the sky opened up, so got soaked. I believe that was just too much yeast in under an hour for my tummy to handle.

    Switching to computer so I can share pictures.

    Kylia in Ohio
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Happy Birthday Kim!!!
    Yes the weekend was a wash Taliah is a 13 yr old hormonal spoiled didnt want to be with grandma mess..best that I brought her home..
    And i did read the social security paperwork..
    I have been approved for social security disability backdated from September 2020 and will get my first check next month..and a lump sum check that i will sock in the bank .. tax free..
    At least there is that..
    And no I will not let Tom know as he is already to go to an attorney to lower the alimony..
    So shhhhhh.
    Im going to pick up Alfie in a bit and I think just relax, its been a busy couple of days of driving.

    Sorry about that. My niece came to visit me for a week when she was 13 and having major trouble w her mom. She wanted to stay up til 4am and wake at 3pm...we negotiated midday wake ups....at best we could go to 1 thing in afternoon and have dinner. Long ago but even back then it was walkman ezrphones and her book. We did manage to have a few nice moments but it was effortful!! Hopefully shell mature by the time shes 35....some say adolescence is very long these days...
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Julie- That reminded me of the time I took in a friend's daughter. We were military and they got re-stationed in CA for the last half of her senior year. We offered to let her stay with us under the condition that she followed house rules and did her school work to graduate. Well......she was failing two classes, we found her a tutor. She still didn't do the work necessary and could have graduated if she would take summer school for 6 weeks. She was 17y/o and wanted to sleep all day. My husband worked 3 jobs and I was doing family day care. Phone calls to her family resulted in no changes. I made up a paper that stated she needed to find a job since she wasn't in school. She had until her 18th birthday which was July 7th or I would throw her out. This was around the end of May. Plenty of time. Well, I am mean. On her birthday at 7 am, I woke her up said Happy 18th birthday! Welcome to being an adult! And I started packing up her things and putting them in the yard. FYI, I had mailed a copy of the letter to her parents. This would have been around 1990 and long distance calls were expensive. She was dumbstruck! Her boyfriend came and picked her and her things up. Later that evening, I got a phone call from his parents. They were mad that I threw her out without notice. I invited them over to see the paper. That changed their attitude towards me. It took them 3 phone calls to the parents and threatening to throw her out on the street, before her parents sent her bus money. Yep. She took a bus to CA. The last time I heard anything she got married within a year to a Mennonite man in CA, worked at McDonald's, and had two kids in quick succession. I hope she finally figured out that we were only looking out for her future, but I will never know.....SMH
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Hope everyone got what they needed from the weekend; whether it was catching up with friends, getting projects done, or simply resting! I went half and half this weekend and gave myself one day to relax and one day to get some things done around the house. My to do list, was actually a LOT longer; but it rained all day, yesterday, so the outdoor stuff had to wait.
    I had another "weird weather" moment, yesterday. Remember a couple of weeks ago, when DYS (Colin) and I were on our way home from our daytrip and we got caught in the tornado path? Well, yesterday morning, I was out doing my grocery shopping and was closely watching the sky as I approached the grocery store. Being Sunday morning, the store was nearly empty. Aside from a handful of employees; there was myself and six other people there. Then the tornado sirens went off. Ugh! We all went back into the storage area to shelter. We sat for about 20 minutes chatting and waiting. The store manager gave the okay to finish our shopping. We all went right to the front windows and looked outside. A few branches and things blown about, but no real damage. Listening to the weather, later, their were high winds and circular wind, but no tornado actually formed or touched down. At least not where I was. Moral of the story: Don't go anywhere with me, as the weather seems to be attracted to me. lol
    Well, the Coast Guard Festival ended with a bang (fireworks) on Saturday night. The carnival went on until 1am then packed up and left in the wee hours of the morning. I walked the boardwalk and pier on Sunday morning and it was cool and quiet and clean. No signs of the 1.5 million people who came to town! When I was returning, later that day, from my grocery shopping, there was a line of campers leaving the beach campground. Aaaand...we are back to being a town of 35,000 (50,000 if you count the township).
    Allie - teenagers can be a pill! lol I had to laugh, because the outfit you described, was very similar to the way I dressed as a teen. Plaid miniskirt, fishnet style knee highs, Doc Marten boots, off shoulder tees with tanks under, and safety pins in ears (one time I put a couple of kilt pins in my ears). The next time (if there is a next time) you have time alone with Taliah, bring up Iris Apfel. If Tal knows who she is (and I bet she does), suggest an Iris Apfel inspired makeover day for the both of you. Hit up your closet, dollar stores, salvation army/goodwill type stores. I bet Tal would love doing something like that. Maybe, make each other over in the most over the top fashions and accessories.
    Barbara- Your morning walk sounds wonderful!

    Well, kids arriving. I better get busy! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)