Less Alcohol ~ OCTOBER 2021 ~ One Day At A Time šŸ



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Oh gee, read yesterday but forgot to post.

    Welcome home @globalhiker. Your vacation description sounds beautiful.

    Gourgous pics @Lilylady3k.

    Smoked honey flavor? @ lmlmrn. That would be good in my LYRE'S dark kane spirit. Gotta love bitters!

    @LazyBlondeChef your profile pic cracks me up every time I see it. Is that your pondering what to whip up in the kitchen? Nice job on AF m-f.

    I too was AF Sunday-Friday this past week. I've picked Saturday's this month to be my allowed drink day with a limit of one or two only. Last night I picked to have two drinks while out during a four hour span. I could have gone for just one. THEN a person that never ever in the past nine years, offered to buy us each a drink. We looked at each other and of course nodded YES because we know that won't ever happen again. It was a pay it forward moment for this friend of ours. Wished he would have offered to buy our pizza(for the same amount of $$ as those drinks cost) instead.

    2A (3 drinks total)
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    edited October 2021
    Back on track yesterday and today. My ā€œcocktailā€ last night was club soda in a martini glass with a Luxardo cherry. Yum!

    My weight is falling off me. Iā€™ve been gaining and losing the same 6-7 pounds for two years. Nice to see it going down. Probably water weight but I donā€™t care! Just want my pants to fit (I have the middle aged mom pooch).

    The trick is going to be how can I incorporate alcohol and bread products when this is all over and not gain the seven pounds again? Thatā€™s where ā€œmaintenance ā€œ has fallen apart for me in the past. We shall see. I know itā€™s unrealistic to never eat bread or drink wine again. Any eating plan that prohibits certain foods for the rest of your life doesnā€™t work for many people. I can do anything for a few weeks, but the rest of my life? Ugh. Iā€™m sure the ā€œpost detoxā€ addresses this. But for now my sleep is fantastic with no alcohol, and my weight comes down when I get my carbs from veggies, so Iā€™m very motivated!!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    Here's some photos from Arches National Park - it was like being on another planet!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    This is Fisher Towers in the Castle Valley area outside of Moab - hard to believe this exists on earth.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    Canyonlands-Islands in the Sky district - better than the Grand Canyon we thought
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,636 Member
    I am continuing with my usual goals, 16-20 AF days per month.
    Diary style

    Saturday October 09 - 2 drinks in the afternoon and then went with AF options. Pumpkin Spice Bailey's concoctions. Very delicious and seasonal. Plan to be AF now until Wednesday or Thursday.

    Rolling total - 4AF day out of 10 days.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    @globalhiker the pictures are breathtaking! I have driven through the Grand Canyon area and you are right this area is much more majestic. We are looking for places to retire but it gets so hot there in the summer and DH does not tolerate the heat well.

    So my question is to all on this thread. DH and I are looking at retirement options. I am open to suggestions but we know what we don't want.
    The NO's are
    1. Scorching heat in the summer that lasts more than 30 days (we can do anything for 30 days maybe)
    2. Heavy snowfall in the winter. Some snow and ice is tolerated
    The YES's are
    1. Landscape has to have some green
    2. Need some hills or mountains...someplace with a higher elevation not in a valley. DH is a ham radio operator and in a valley does not get reception.
    3. Close to all the shopping conveyances but not in a city. Say drive times of 10-30 min to get to the things we enjoy.

    I know these are tough LOL. AND Places that serve AF beverages at the bar LOL

    is this list too much to ask for? @MissMay any more things you can think of?