December 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    "Keepin' it sleasy!"

    12-1 7k slow
    12-2 7k slow
    12-3 7k slow
    12-4 7k sleasy
    12-5 7k slow
    12-6 7k slow
    12-7 7k slow
    12-8 7k sleasy
    12-9 7k slow
    12-10 7k sleasy
    12-11 7k slow
    12-12 7k sleasy
    12-13 7k slow
    12-14 7k sleasy
    12-15 7k slow
    12-16 7k easy
    12-17 7k sleasy
    12-18 5k treadmill
    12-19 7k slow

    Don't Rest December Total: 131k
    Don't Rest December Goal: 180k

    Cloudy, low 30s F, with a light snow and a northwest wind to keep me company. Saw loads of squirrels, a flock of blackbirds, and a smaller flock of robins. Robins looked like they were fueling up for the trip south.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2021 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs (second attempt)

    2021 Races:

    6/26 Direction Up 5k, Solon, OH 31:48 chip; 31:59 Garmin; 53d overall; 2d male 65 and over
    7/17 Run of the Ox 5k, Mantua, OH 32:19 Garmin; 44th overall; 3d place male 60 and over
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,450 Member
    WTG @SummerSkier on getting your RTY miles! That's very impressive 😄
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    December 1 – 5.16 miles
    December 4 – 10.05 miles
    December 5 – 5.13 miles
    December 6 – 5.30 miles
    December 7 – 2 miles (treadmill)
    December 8 – 5.1 miles
    December 9 – 5.11 miles
    December 11 -10.13 miles
    December 12 – 5.01 miles
    December 13 – 4.16 miles
    December 15 – 5.14 miles
    December 18 – 6.30 miles
    December 19 – 3.51 miles

    72.11/100 miles completed

    It was 37F with NW winds blowing and a feel-like of 32F this morning. I had decided the most I would do was a couple of miles on my treadmill in the basement. However, after I did my cross-training workout, I was all sweaty and decided outside air would be more refreshing so I changed shoes and put on a sweatshirt over top of my short-sleeve shirt and I headed out for 3.5 miles. Didn’t get cold at all.

    Congratulations on all your accomplishments this year @SummerSkier!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Great job on RTY, @SummerSkier !!!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,139 Member
    @SummerSkier Congrats on RTY!

    @polskagirl01 Well done on your race! I love those small races. They are hard to come by here in a city of several million, but some of the trail races are pretty small and I love the friendliness and general vibe of those races.

    @shanaber I hope you are feeling better today.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,139 Member
    December Totals: 68.9/100 miles

    12/3: 3.1 miles
    12/4: 6 miles
    12/6: 4.6 miles
    12/7: 4.7 miles
    12/8: 3 miles
    12/9: 5.1 miles
    12/11: 9 miles
    12/12: 4.5 miles
    12/13: 5.1 miles
    12/15: 3.1 miles
    12/16: 5.6 miles
    12/19: 10 miles
    12/20: 5.1 miles

    The cold front blew in!! Both yesterday and today I got to run in 40’s and relatively low humidity (75% or so). It was glorious and it is nice to be able to wear tights for a change. I have a few items for cooler weather and I never get to wear them. It’s an exciting day to break out one of those outfits!
    It is time to change shoes for sure. I ran in newer house for both my long run and my 5 miles today and legs feel good. I have been getting some aching on shorter runs with my other shoes, not bad but noticeable. If I can do 15 miles and feel good or 4-5 miles and be sore, the shoes are the problem. So, YAY to new shoes. These will be super colorful so I’ll post a pic when I break them out of the box.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    edited December 2021
    Congratulations @kgirlhart on meeting both of your RTY goals!

    Hope you are feeling better @shanaber.

    Well done on your race @polskagirl01. I love that your son ran his race in the yard! The Christmas market sounds lovely – even with the fire!

    The moon was beautiful this morning @Tramboman!

    Glad your ankle felt better and you were able to get out for a long run @Scot6255

    Go run_sara_run Go! I know you can get those miles in before Wednesday! I also have a hard time with treadmill runs….

    @martaindale - I love your explanation for @quilteryoyo! Did you get to try out that new sofa this weekend?

    Sorry about the computer issues @katharmonic. Your lights run and dinner sounds fun!

    My running group skipped our run this morning so that we could meet for Christmas coffee. I’m meeting a couple of the ladies for an evening run after work in a neighborhood that always had lots of Christmas lights.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Great explanation of @quilteryoyo's diagnosis. You sound very knowledgeable. And YAY to new shoes!!
    @run_sara_run I hear you about the treadmill. I can only do that for a day or two before I get sick of it.
    @polskagirl01 you are a beast!
    @shanaber hope you are feeling better today!!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,139 Member
    @Teresa502 I tried out the couch at every available opportunity and it is awesome! The most comfortable one I have ever owned, and I'm not just saying that because I haven't had one in almost 5 months!
    You can tell that's a running group in your pic because even in regular clothes, about half of the people are in running shoes! I love that your group is tight enough to get together for a holiday coffee. I try to find a running group every now and then but so far, every one I have found meets at times that just don't work for me or are way too fast for me. Some of these groups are INTENSE! For now, I just continue to plug away mostly alone.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    Well done on your race @polskagirl01. I love that your son ran his race in the yard! The Christmas market sounds lovely – even with the fire!
    Thanks! Compared to what you'd expect from Christmas market, this one was really tiny. It's a small city, approximately 90,000 people.

    @martaindale Great explanation of @quilteryoyo 's diagnosis! Do you work in that field?

    @run_sara_run Remind me why you're doing so much treadmill time? Was it weather-related? I don't have much advice as I don't particularly enjoy the treadmill either, but having something to watch sometimes helps.

    Today I ran about 8k around the neighborhood and purposely chose a couple extra hills. I want to get to 25,000 ft of running [+speed-hiking] elevation for the year, using Strava's count. I'm getting close, but need to be intentional about it.

    I like this picture from Saturday's race. I'm in the middle with the blue hydration pack.