Sugar addiction....



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    True! With the big picture though- fruits are not at gas stations, CVS or any convient stores, but candy bars are. Thats what I meant by convenient.

    Sure, this is true of gas stations, but the gas stations tangent here is kind of beside the point in terms of the behavioral addiction of food.

    For most of us, we can buy good and bad foods at the grocery store. We aren't limited to gas stations. So the convenience factor is out the window. When I wanted to eat ice cream, I'd drive to whatever store had the ice cream I wanted. Convenience was not a factor - finding New York Super Fudge Chunk was the factor.
    I understand your point, but when somebody pulls into the gas station and are hungry....what are the options?.....convenience;)

    It is called Gas Station CONVIENCE stores so....I hope the answer is obvious. :laugh:

    if you are grocery shopping at a convenience store you are going to have a serious problem...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think people just use sugar as a boogeyman as to why they put on weight...its easier to say all the sugar made me fat, rather then owning up to personal responsibility of eating too much...IMO
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but in general, the fit people that have selfies with toned muscles and washboard abs think that sugar isn't addictive, while the heavier ones seem to think it is.
    It is good idea to know the story behind the "washboard abs". Maybe they were heavy once! Just a thought! This is a support site and everyone has their own story:)

    I used to be 220 and it was not sugars fault; now, I am 173 and still not sugars sugar intake know is probably about the same as it was back then..
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I think people just use sugar as a boogeyman as to why they put on weight...its easier to say all the sugar made me fat, rather then owning up to personal responsibility of eating too much...IMO


    As for anecdotal evidence, I gained my weight on steaks, fruit, fried food, and booze as I, until recently, have never had much of a sweet tooth. Even as a teenager, I preferred fatty and salty to sweet, hence my lifelong love of things like fried chicken. The more weight I've lost though the more I enjoy sweets.

    I just ate a Reese's Klondike bar and wow, that thing was good!

    ETA: 5 years ago, I was 240-250 or so (I didn't weigh back then), now I'm 176.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    You can't lose weight because you ate or didn't eat a certain type of food... either your activity increased or your food decreased. There is no way around that one. Sorry, it wasn't the sugar's fault.

    Eating a lot of sugar raises insulin levels in the blood, which deposits energy from foods into fat cells. Fructose causes resistance to leptin (regulates energy intake/expenditure) and leads to increased food intake and decreased fat burning. The type of food you eat does matter – blindly aggregating calories without regard to the composition of the calories is not exactly a reasonable nutritional regiment!

    Protein is also highly insulinogenic, herp derp

    Protein also increases glucagon, which counterbalances insulin.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Doing a Whole30
    I challenge you to complete TheWhole30 (google it).

    Are bots starting to spam now?
  • AprilMae1975
    I leave for a few hours and come back to a Gonna have to catch up!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    People are addicted to sex, why cant they be addicted to sugar? Or is sex addiction not real, and is an excuse for celebrities to commit infidelity?

    Brains love things that stimulates them
  • AprilMae1975
    I challenge you to complete TheWhole30 (google it).

    My doctor actually recommended it but said it is the most difficult program to follow.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    People are addicted to sex, why cant they be addicted to sugar? Or is sex addiction not real, and is an excuse for celebrities to commit infidelity?

    Brains love things that stimulates them

    The only people who purport to believe in sex addiction are the counselors who get paid, and the divorce lawyers who are protecting a client's assets.
  • AprilMae1975
    snorts coco powder at desk

    Can I have some?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You can't lose weight because you ate or didn't eat a certain type of food... either your activity increased or your food decreased. There is no way around that one. Sorry, it wasn't the sugar's fault.

    Eating a lot of sugar raises insulin levels in the blood, which deposits energy from foods into fat cells. Fructose causes resistance to leptin (regulates energy intake/expenditure) and leads to increased food intake and decreased fat burning. The type of food you eat does matter – blindly aggregating calories without regard to the composition of the calories is not exactly a reasonable nutritional regiment!

    Protein is also highly insulinogenic, herp derp

    Protein also increases glucagon, which counterbalances insulin.

    On blood glucose....
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    I assure you, if you were to put a plate of candy bars in front of me next to a plate of strawberries, it would not be convenience driving me to eat the candy bars.

    It is simply that the candy bars are much more pleasurable to eat.

    Maybe you're just weird.

    I love sweets, I love chocolate, I love candy bars! I eat cookies/ice cream damn near daily...and even I would pick the strawberries. A nice juicy ripe strawberry and the way it just bursts into your mouth when you sink your teeth in? That mouth feel?

    Snickers ain't got nothing on that.
  • AprilMae1975

    I assure you, if you were to put a plate of candy bars in front of me next to a plate of strawberries, it would not be convenience driving me to eat the candy bars.

    It is simply that the candy bars are much more pleasurable to eat.

    Maybe you're just weird.

    I love sweets, I love chocolate, I love candy bars! I eat cookies/ice cream damn near daily...and even I would pick the strawberries. A nice juicy ripe strawberry and the way it just bursts into your mouth when you sink your teeth in? That mouth feel?

    Snickers ain't got nothing on that.

    I'd actually choose the strawberries too.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I find chicken breast pleasurable to eat as well. That's why I eat 2 lbs a day.

    Me too. But it doesn't hold a candle to, say, ice cream. The OP is talking about a behavioral addiction to sweets. Yes, you can make due with less pleasurable foods, and as an addict, that is what you have to resign yourself to.
    What I said, exactly was deliciousness. Not Pleasurable. I think Oreo's are more delicious than dates.

    Yes, but deliciousness is pleasure from food.

    de·li·cious (d-lshs)
    1. Highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses, especially of taste or smell.
    2. Very pleasant; delightful: a delicious revenge.

    Our brains have reward circuitry for good-tasting food. You are calling this "deliciousness", but what is really happening is that our brains are receiving pleasure from the stimuli. And this stimulus can be addicting.

    As the American Society of Addiction Medicine says, "Food and sexual behaviors and gambling behaviors can be associated with the "pathological pursuit of rewards" described in this new definition of addiction."

    I eat a pint of ice cream a night as well. I was also a smoker of 2 packs a day for 17 years, quit. Mental fortitude is all that's needed.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    People are addicted to sex, why cant they be addicted to sugar? Or is sex addiction not real, and is an excuse for celebrities to commit infidelity?

    Brains love things that stimulates them

    The only people who purport to believe in sex addiction are the counselors who get paid, and the divorce lawyers who are protecting a client's assets.

    I love when people assume to know how every single person's brain functions. People can become addicted to anything. Addiction is nothing more than the repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    When did you finally realize you had a problem?

    When it started affecting your work, when you sold your TV for a sugar cube, or when you gave a bj for a sugar packet?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Has to be the single most funniest thing I have read all day! Thank you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    I assure you, if you were to put a plate of candy bars in front of me next to a plate of strawberries, it would not be convenience driving me to eat the candy bars.

    It is simply that the candy bars are much more pleasurable to eat.

    Maybe you're just weird.

    I love sweets, I love chocolate, I love candy bars! I eat cookies/ice cream damn near daily...and even I would pick the strawberries. A nice juicy ripe strawberry and the way it just bursts into your mouth when you sink your teeth in? That mouth feel?

    Snickers ain't got nothing on that.

    I'd actually choose the strawberries too.

    Well strawberries are delicious.

    Also if you'd lick the berries you probably aren't addicted to sugar or processed sweets.

    I meant pick...but I'm gonna leave it as lick.
  • AprilMae1975

    I assure you, if you were to put a plate of candy bars in front of me next to a plate of strawberries, it would not be convenience driving me to eat the candy bars.

    It is simply that the candy bars are much more pleasurable to eat.

    Maybe you're just weird.

    I love sweets, I love chocolate, I love candy bars! I eat cookies/ice cream damn near daily...and even I would pick the strawberries. A nice juicy ripe strawberry and the way it just bursts into your mouth when you sink your teeth in? That mouth feel?

    Snickers ain't got nothing on that.

    I'd actually choose the strawberries too.

    Well strawberries are delicious.

    Also if you'd lick the berries you probably aren't addicted to sugar or processed sweets.

    I meant pick...but I'm gonna leave it as lick.

    LOL.!! I'd pick AND lick the strawberries!!