

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,792 Member
    Morning ladies
    Alfie woke me up at 5 ,ugh.... oh well ,im up and dressed ,fed him and got him outside...the mattress topper did the trick ,slept wonderfully...
    Going to help Tracy shop with Miles this morning and then ,have to get Homer outside,and then get my 4 little pals outside. Then home..
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Terri, I'm sure you already know this, but if it isn't too humid, fans would help with evaporation/cooling. So sorry you are facing the UK heat wave with no a/c.

    Karen in Virginia
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,357 Member
  • Ineedtolose50lbs
    Ineedtolose50lbs Posts: 17 Member
    It’s hot and humid here but at least we we have AC. I know AC is not usually something needed in the UK. Stay safe out there!! We had 100% chance of rain yesterday when I went for my walk. Was sad it was only a light sprinkling that dried up as soon as the drops hit and roads never got wet. Oh well… drought continues. I think I’ll do indoor elliptical and yoga dvd this morning. Better get to it.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lived without A/C for many years. Tricks I have used to keep cooler. Close windows early in the day. We still open house first thing in morning. Today will close all windows by 10. Drapes are closed when sunny. East closed in morning west closed in afternoon. South side closed all day. Watering in the morning. Keeping some of our grass green if under a tree. Mixed bag on this one evaportion from lawn cooling but can add to humidity. Walks in morning and late evening after 7. Move slowly throughout the day. Not the time to do intense exercising. Drink more water. Place a cool cloth around your neck. For the first few days of a heat snap basement not a bad place to hang out. Running dehumidfier to get humidity under 50 helps. I would go to a movie, library, shopping in the heat of the day to get into a cool enviroment. Worst part of the day 4-6. So no cooking running the dishwasher at this time. Sleeping in the bassement or lowest floor can help. Yes and run fans if you are in the room. Turn off when not in there. Now that we have ductless A/C I will run fans to distribute air better. We tend to just run the ones we need when we are in that space. Almost always run it in the 4-6 time.

    Good for me to review we are going to have a two weeks of temps in the 90's. Heat advisory for two days of triple digit heat because of humidity. Time to go close the windows...
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,510 Member
    It was a nice weekend, all in all. Grocery run on Saturday, lunch out on Sunday with my DH, something we don't do very much. Took half of it home with us, and sufficed for Corey's lunch today and my dinner last night.

    I really have read everything here on the thread, but held on to nothing. Possibly because I realized toward the end of the week that the caffeine was affecting my sleep, so I'm back to decaf. Decaf hot tea in the morning, decaf iced tea the rest of the day. Never found a decaf coffee that I thought tasted good. I'm going to miss that fizzy feeling like my brain was working, but I need the sleep, and it worked last night. First good night's sleep in more than a week, but left me a little foggy.

    The dreams, though, they have been very vivid--possibly because I'm totally engrossed in a series called West World on HBO Max. Not for the faint of heart, the violence never stops, but provides some serious questions about AI that we will have to be answering soon. Speaking of AI, has anyone seen Machka?

    Later, y'all,
    Love, Lisa in AR
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,357 Member
    edited July 2022
    We have overhead fans in 5 rooms in our house! It sure helps with the AC bill and we are pretty cool most of the time. I grew up in a house that had no AC and only a floor furnace in the winter. I really appreciate having AC.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,336 Member
    edited July 2022
    The food delivery came at 7.15. Then we had breakfast. I then went out for a 5k walk by the sea, listening to a podcast on mental/physical health, based on nutrition. Nice breeze. :D Back by 9 am.
    When I got home I made tonight's dinner- a large feta and veg frittata. Yum! We will have it with a green salad. No cooking this evening. There will be enough left to fill a sandwich for tomorrow's lunch.
    Since then I have been resting in a darkened room. All curtains drawn. It's now 15.36 and it's not too bad here. I've probably dozed off a bit too much, but last night's sleep was terrible. I have my trusty fan on and barely any clothes. I hope DH will answer the door for the Amazon delivery!!!

    DH actually went out for a walk after lunch, but he is a lizard.

    Only one more day to go. Must get in touch with my son about Bea pick up tomorrow. I'm not doing it, but DH might if the kids are at school. We are a lot cooler here than some areas.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! <3

    I watched an interesting interview this morning with Dr. Robert Lustig. I've been a fan of his for years, he was a pioneer in the no-sugar realm (especially the dangers of fructose ... "high fructose corn syrup") he has several videos on YouTube and a book called "Fat Chance" which talks how fat was vilified for years when according to research, sugar was the culprit all along contributing to obesity, fatty liver, heart disease. Most fat in the diet was OK all along....;)

    Anyhow, here's the link if anyone is interested. I learned a lot. A little over an hour long. I really was glad to see this as I've been back into sugary snacks lately. :( I didn't realize this about the fructose found in fruit: When you eat a piece of fruit, the body doesn't recognize the fructose however because of the 2 types of fiber than normally accompany it. But fruit juice and fruit in smoothies doesn't have the fiber structure found in a whole apple for example. This video has lots of little gems like that.

    Thank you for the link! I'm really into this type of info. Turns out the sugar industry bought off the powers that be in the 60's to vilify fat instead of sugar . Smh - and then we had decades of inaccurate health advice based on that mis-information. How many lives could have been saved/improved, if we'd just gotten the correct info back then? Ah well.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,103 Member
    About the heat: when my kid was young we used to ride horseback every Saturday rain or shine or heat wave. I would pack a small cooler with ice and cold water bottles and washcloths. You could really bring your temp down with an iced washcloth!

    The other trick is to run cold water in the bathtub and soak your feet. This works really well for dogs because they lose heat through their footpads. Although Teddy was nervous about the whole bathtub idea, at least he avoided heat stroke.

    Delaware is about five degrees above usual, so it's hot but not unexpected. I won't leave the air conditioning for more than a moment. I did my yoga and marching in the basement this morning.

    My sister and I are struggling with the menu for her visit. Between my Dad's teeth and my mom's aversion to chicken, and my sister's avoiding fat, the only thing I can think of is ham. Maybe tilapia if I had the attention span to cook it. Hmm.

    Annie in Delaware

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    working on the court across from us- not sure what they are doing but the big equipment with the back up beep,beep, beep went on until midnight. They are starting back up again now- thought they would be going all night but glad when they stopped. Screwing up parking for all of us because the people down that court have to park on our part of the street if they want to get out. Lost my parking and had to park down the street for a while.
    Having my tea before going over to walk MIL's dog and possible help give her a shower. Was supposed to do that Thursday but she refused.
    Want to come home and do a little around the house(that I have procrastinated too long) and also a little in the garden.
    No daycare girl today- they changed her days this week.
    Zumba tonight.
    Yes, the one afternoon off has made a huge difference with dh-his mood was so good when he stopped back at the house and he said his mom was ok when he got back- not pissy which was surprising.
    He needs to do it more often, start leaving her by herself more.

    I wish my pictures were better of the wetlands- it is so amazing. I want to take everyone there now.
    Each time we see something different, even though we have walked the same exact trail every time.

    Have a wonderful Monday ladies


    Napa Valley, CA 63degrees now with a high of 80 today.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    About the heat: when my kid was young we used to ride horseback every Saturday rain or shine or heat wave. I would pack a small cooler with ice and cold water bottles and washcloths. You could really bring your temp down with an iced washcloth!

    The other trick is to run cold water in the bathtub and soak your feet. This works really well for dogs because they lose heat through their footpads. Although Teddy was nervous about the whole bathtub idea, at least he avoided heat stroke.

    Delaware is about five degrees above usual, so it's hot but not unexpected. I won't leave the air conditioning for more than a moment. I did my yoga and marching in the basement this morning.

    My sister and I are struggling with the menu for her visit. Between my Dad's teeth and my mom's aversion to chicken, and my sister's avoiding fat, the only thing I can think of is ham. Maybe tilapia if I had the attention span to cook it. Hmm.

    Annie in Delaware

    the tilapia can be baked in foil- sprinkle with garlic pepper and salt, maybe a little lemon. Wrap and bake- simple to cook and to clean up afterwards. That is how I cook my salmon. You can also put some pico degallo on before or after baking the tilapia.