October 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,170 Member
    Morning all.
    Got another 7 in
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @tarun_yadavA That's a great pace for a hangover run! Way to get out there and get it done.
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,170 Member
    @tarun_yadavA That's a great pace for a hangover run! Way to get out there and get it done.

    @quilteryoyo thank you!! 😊
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,170 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    Happy Sunday all! I’m in Utah for some hiking and camping in Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Escalante. I may not even be in town when all the Run the World peeps pass through!

    Congratulations @alphahowls! What an accomplishment! Thanks for the description of your town. We’ve been blessed with rains this summer so all is still green at my house. Not always the case this time of year but it should make for some beautiful leaves this Fall. The trees are already starting to change.

    @Teresa502 niiiice! Enjoy! Heard hiking "the narrows" is meant to be amazing 😊
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member
    edited October 2022
    @eleanorhawkins If I remember correctly, we have kids about the same age. Mine is hard-core into friends come first mode right now too. Sorry the family won’t be there for your big race. Mine is there less and less these days too. I have really grown to enjoy the selfishness of getting to do a race weekend exactly the way I want.

    @shanaber I love the idea of that kids run program! Such a neat way to introduce kids to the sport. If running with my own kid is any indication of other parents’ experience, it’s probably more fun for the kids to have other kids around.

    @noblsheep I rarely boulder anymore because I was too worried about getting hurt while falling. I stick to sport climbing almost exclusively but bouldering is such a good upper body workout. I like to do some easy climbs every now and then just to work those explosive power muscles that sport climbing doesn’t hit as much. Hope you feel better soon and glad your fall wasn’t more serious.

    @AlphaHowls Big high five for such a cool accomplishment!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    @Teresa502 I saw that you had been "walking" and not running. I was wondering if you were hiking somewhere. Enjoy your vacation. That is a really beautiful area of the country.

    @shanaber I was wondering if that running program was for disadvantaged youth. I'm glad they are keeping everything free for all the kids. Even if parents have money, they may not always want to pay it for their kid to train for and run a marathon. Do they do anything special for the kids at the finish line?

    Sounds like a nice Sunday recovery day for you @Scott6255 .
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,170 Member
    Morning all. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
    Struggled today after an unhealthy couple of days of drinking and eating crap. Got in 4. Reset!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,095 Member
    Congratulations again @kgirlhart ! That's an awesome accomplishment.

    Glad to see you back @ContraryMaryMary ! Glad to see that you have found the joy of running again. Good luck with your upcoming races.

    Excellent weekend recovery run @tarun_yadavA .
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,170 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    Hi @ContraryMaryMary! It's good to see you back.

    6.2 miles this morning. Felt really sick all last night and didn't feel better when I woke up this morning. Stomach felt very nauseous. But I always feel better when I run, so I thought I could go out and so just a very slow plod. First mile didn't feel too terrible, so I just kept going. Had to take a walk break about half way through, but then felt ok the rest of the way. Hate feeling sick, but I'm sure this will pass by the end of the day.


    @Scott6255 hope you get well soon buddy
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Welcome back!!

    @Scott6255 Here’s hoping you shake off the stomach weirdness.

    @kgirlhart Way to go on the distance PB. Sounds like you had a really nice run.

    @teresa502 enjoy the hiking. Can’t wait to see some pics. I have never been to that part of the country but really want to make it out there. Everyone I know who has gone just raved about it.