

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited December 2022
    Thank you Machka. :) Thank you to everyone who has been so kind about my watercolour efforts. The joy for DH and me is that it is something we enjoy doing together <3 and it is very 'mindful'. Takes us away from any small aggravations. An unexpected bonus is how much Bea enjoys doing it with us!
    The tree card has been sent to Vistaprint to make next year's Christmas cards. Just an experiment to see how it turns out. I am starting with 10.
    One thing I have hugely improved in lately is my ability to just experiment and give something a go. I used to be paralysed with perfectionism and would never have even tried. The example of the grandchildren has helped enormously, because they just plunge in and are not afraid to make a mess. Plus, I am just acquiring a different perspective on life. :p Writing my memoirs has laid to rest a lot of ghosts and I can laugh at the neuroses that remain. I don't take myself so seriously.

    On that subject, I went out for my run and really enjoyed it. I listened again to the 'What if you are the thing, the gift?' podcast. People were greeting each other as they passed other runners. Lovely!
    Then I stopped off at the butchers and the deli to top off a few supplies. Just to be sure - you know. :D
    Then I texted my son to tell him we were not feeling great about driving over in the dark with all the stuff. He texted back to say he could come over just before lunch to pick it up!!! Hooray! So, I've found a freezer bag and made a mad rush to make brandy butter for the Christmas pudding. I wasn't going to make it, because my son can't eat it, but I decided that it was the best bit of Christmas pudding and it wouldn't be the same without it. So he will just have to resist, >:) Other than that, our day with them will be AF. Champagne will be waiting for us when we get home in the evening.

    So, I can now relax, apart from wrapping DH'S stocking presents. <3 I'll do that when he goes out for his walk.

    Edit : Just seen your post Kylia. Good to see you. Sending hugs. XOXO

    Love to all. Your weather is at the top of our news. Stay safe. Love you.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    I really have missed you ladies! Somehow my psyche has been spiralling out of control this year. I spoke with my doctor and she gave me meds. I believe they are helping, but may need dosage adjusted. I will discuss that at next appointment in early January. I have just been overwhelmed and seemingly only getting bare minimum accomplished. I reckon my husband and I are still alive, the house is clean, and I still have a job, so I am more blessed than many.
    I wanted to pop on and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
    I will read/write more later. I really have missed you all!

    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio trying to survive the winter. I keep telling myself only 8 more weeks. ❤

    Nice to hear from you again. :)

    I'm glad you've seen the doctor and are taking steps to make things better for yourself and I hope 2023 will be a good year for you.

    Machka in Oz

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2022
    1 What is something that makes you laugh? Robin Williams movies.

    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for: Very grateful for the cool fall weather and the lovely rains.

    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? I am grateful for my hair. It's a pretty color and has body/wave. I never have to fuss with it.

    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? I am incredibly grateful for the assistant marketing manager Stephanie at our retirement community, who is skillfully navigating us through the portal into our retirement community. Among other things, she tactfully negotiated to return the larger storage space that originally came with our apartment (it had been commandeered, lol), assigned us a prime parking space near the elevator in the parking garage, gave us a grace period before we have to start daily "check ins", took charge of a delivery of large awkward boxes in our absence, delivering them into our apartment with care, spontaneously recruited us to join into a trivia game that was already underway, and numerous other little thoughtful gestures. Plus she is super responsive to emails.

    5 What is a book that changed your life? To Kill a Mockingbird

    6 Think about something you’re good at: I'm good at packing a box with random items (like a puzzle).

    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned? I am still learning this lesson. Do not talk at/overwhelm my younger brother with too much information or too many questions. He is vulnerable and becomes anxious and ultimately angry - because he feels inadequate, which makes him resentful.

    8 A basic need that has been met: Basic needs: food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter. All have been met with the possible exception of adequate sleep.

    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live? Oh my gosh, there are so many great things about this neck of the woods. However, picking just one: I have a terrific network of friends and access to limitless resources in and around Richmond, VA where I live. So I would have to say "the people who live here".

    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for? I am grateful for being rejected by my friend Liz in graduate school. We started out by ride-sharing to school and quickly became fast friends. Liz rejected my friendship when I betrayed a confidence involving another classmate Susan. I said something to Susan that tipped her off that Liz had revealed to me something personal about Susan that she had told Liz in confidence. Susan felt betrayed by Liz, and Liz felt betrayed by me. It was a life's lesson that I should have learned at a much younger age, but I learned it well and painfully this time, and paid dearly for it by losing Liz as a friend. It was excruciating. I apologized, but the damage had been done.

    11 Something you use every day: I use my hot water kettle every day and I am consciously grateful for it every time I use it. I think, what a great little hot water kettle this is! every day, lol

    12 Something you don’t need anymore.: I no longer need my beloved John Deere lawn tractor. Time to dispose of it.

    13 Refuge – space you love in your home: In my new home (apartment), I love my very own room. It has things I love in it and is a calm oasis.

    14 Item of clothing: I have a navy blue with white polka dots dress I love. Sometimes I wear red Danskins with it. And a string of fake pearls.

    15 Taste: Comice pears with brie and Riesling

    16 Touch: Casper the Cat's dense white fur (just a memory now)

    17 Smell: Lily of the Valley

    18 Sound: Snoring doggies

    19 Sight: Nebraska sunrises and sunsets.

    20 Texture: Silk

    21 Color: Coke Bottle Green Sea Glass
    22 A song that makes you happy: Scott Joplin Maple Leaf Rag

    23 Type of weather you love: Summer lighting storms in Nebraska

    24 Professional who helps you: Waiters, especially lately as we transition into our new community.
    25 Something you take for granted:

    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching:

    27 A movie you watch over and over:

    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had:

    29 A place you love to visit:

    30 A tool you find incredibly useful:

    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated:

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    If you're interested in the Action for Happiness Calendar ...
    Do Good December
    This month, we're encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness.

    Or we could post something we're thankful for, or happy about, related to the holiday season.

    December 1 - I love the Christmas music. :) Come December 1, that's almost all I play. Christmas music or classical music (when I have to think at work or when we're in the car).

    December 2 - Christmas decorations! We're lagging behind a bit because I usually like to decorate on December 1. But we got the decorations upstairs on Dec 2. Today I'll rearrange furniture and make a start.

    December 3 - Summer. My favourite season. And we are finally having a few days of decent weather after a very wild and woolly spring. That's not saying the good weather will last (thanks La Nina) but there should be more of it.

    December 4 - Memories. So many of the Christmas songs and traditions remind me of my parents and grandparents and happy Christmases with them.

    December 5 - Christmas Displays. I like how many of the shops have Christmas Displays, and some are quite detailed and intricate.

    December 6 - Greetings. People smiling and wishing each other Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    December 7 - Shortbread. So much delicious shortbread!

    December 8 - Family. Christmas seems to bring us together a bit more.

    December 8 - Trees. All over the world, millions of people are putting up trees in their houses and work places and decorating them. :)

    December 9 - Sparkly Things. I love how everything becomes sparkly at this time of year.

    December 10 - Yummy Things. Mince tarts and cookies. Fudge. Special Chocolates. All sorts of nibbles that only come out at this time of year.

    December 11 - Colours. Reds and greens and a few other combinations out everywhere.

    December 12 - Christmas Stories. Twas the Night Before Christmas. A Christmas Carol. Jesus Birth.

    December 13 - Wrapping things up, and I don't just mean presents.

    December 14 - The Christmas songs I know by heart. I sang them to myself during my surgery to help keep me calm and focusing on something else.

    December 15 - Rest. Except for one Christmas, I think I have had a holiday time over every other Christmas. Today I'm on enforced rest.

    December 16 - Comfort. Christmas is usually a comfortable time of year for me. In Canada it was about going out in the cold to shop or ski and then coming home and curling up in warm, cozy clothes. Here it's about spending time in the warm sunshine, at the beach, in the garden or right now, looking at the lovely outside from inside.

    December 17 - Joy. Christmas has usually been a joyful time for me ... probably mainly to do with being able to take a break.

    December 18 - Pretty. It's such a pretty time of year and people seem to go to lengths to make everything pretty.

    December 19 - Movies. Last night we watched 2 Christmas movies. I get a kick out of them and can just relax and enjoy them. I've got 3 of the ones on the Bingo card below. :)

    December 20 - Home ... or away. Either way, Christmas is a time to be somewhere I feel comfortable.

    December 21 - Fun. I usually relax a bit more around Christmas and make a point of doing things for fun!

    December 22 - Exercise. Christmas has usually been a time when I get extra exercise! In Canada, I was out skiing and snowshoeing. Here I'm usually out cycling, running and walking.

    Unfortunately, I'm not as active this Christmas. But I'm pushing for a bicycle ride this weekend. :)

    December 23 - Health. Christmas is usually a time to regroup and regain my health through sleep, exercise, and eating better.

    December 23 - Love.


    Just saw your post, Barbara ...

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Aha, finally found a December daily gratitude calendar.
    “This time of year, there’s a lot of pressure to think about what we want instead of what we have. Every day for the month of December, celebrate what you’re grateful for corresponding to the theme of the day. Snap a photo or update your status on IG or FB with #spaceforgratitude”

    1 What is something that makes you laugh? Rhody! We're so very glad we got our little COVID Cat!

    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for. Rest. There will be a lot of rest over Christmas.

    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? I like my nose and want to keep it. But my official answer will be legs - for transport (walking) and recreation (cycling).

    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? I've said husband and parents last month, and that's true, but this month I'll say ... my manager. She has been supportive and encouraging regarding my input into my job.

    5 What is a book that changed your life? The Bible. :) With the Christmas season in mind, I'm reading the gospel of Luke now.

    6 Think about something you’re good at. I think I'm good at planning and organisation.

    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned? To speak up. To say my piece.

    When I was young, up till about 17-ish, I was quiet and shy. Then I went through a bolder phase from about 17 into my early 20s. Then the quiet shyness resumed for the most part until my husband's accident. And then the bold me reappeared!

    Where I once guessed what people might be thinking and thought my answers, now I'm vocal and even told I'm quite blunt. :smiley:

    8 A basic need that has been met. Shelter. I'm very thankful for our particular shelter.

    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live? The proximity to both mountains and beaches. :)

    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for? Oh that's an interesting question. Either there haven't been many or I don't remember them but I'm drawing a blank. Although ... about 18 months or so ago, I didn't get a job I was going for and thought I wanted. I think I prefer the one I have now. I think it is providing me with more opportunities for experience and learning.

    11 Something you use every day. A coffee cup to hold my morning coffee. :)

    12 Something you don’t need anymore. What don't I need anymore? Perhaps some of the time consuming traditions like writing the Christmas letter, doing Christmas cards, heaps of baking ...

    And outside of Christmas, I'm making choices that work for me. Picking and choosing what I want to do ... and don't want to do. I'm grateful I can make a few more of those choices.

    13 Refuge – space you love in your home - my chair. I bought a wing chair about a year or so ago and it's my spot.

    14 Item of clothing - rain jacket. Because it appears that it isn't going to stop raining! Also comfy pjs. :)

    15 Taste - I am grateful that I still have a sense of taste. That was one thing my husband lost with his brain injury.

    16 Touch - I'm glad for my smooth, comfortable bed where I've been spending a lot of time.

    17 Smell - Love the smell of our roses.

    18 Sound - Thoroughly enjoying the sound of the Christmas music I play all day long. :)

    19 Sight - I'm appreciating sight after spending the last 5 days without glasses!! I can wear my glasses for a little while now but have to take a break after even just a minute or so.

    20 Texture - the smooth creamy texture of chocolates, the melt in the mouth texture of shortbread. :)

    21 Color - All sorts of Christmas colours!!

    22 A song that makes you happy. Jesus Loves Me.

    23 Type of weather you love. Sunshine and warmth.

    24 Professional who helps you. That would be my surgeon!
    25 Something you take for granted.
    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching.
    27 A movie you watch over and over.
    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had.
    29 A place you love to visit.
    30 A tool you find incredibly useful.
    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated.

    Machka in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning ladies
    And Merry Christmas Eve to all that celebrate, well I finally turned the heat on in the bedroom to 62 as it is 7 degrees outside..
    Going to Tracy and Kyles in a few hrs
    And then will be back here for the duration.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) It was 14 degrees here on Thursday morning, 26 yesterday and 34 today. The snow started to melt yesterday and the temps will stay above freezing for at least the next two weeks. It was delightful and I'm grateful for my YakTrax that allowed me to walk every day.

    :) We pick up our groceries today since the stores are closed tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,111 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Teddy has stopped fussing with his jacket. He goes out for two minutes and comes trotting back. Can't say as I blame him; it's six degrees out. At least he has a fair amount of fur, and the jacket helps the fur hold the warm air and keeps the wind off him. I'm sure a lot of animals and people have it worse.

    My heart goes out to those with depression this time of year, whether it's grief from loss of a loved one, or the darkness, or some unknown imbalance. Medical advances to treat depression are getting closer every day. Keep holding on, and things will get better, even if you can't see how from here.

    May you all be happy, healthy, peaceful and safe, and find loving kindness.

    Annie in Delaware

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve to all.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH and I are in Illinois, and have not seen a hummingbird since we came here. I miss them. My friends in Oregon are filling the hummingbird feeders we have attached to our windows. They’re caring for our hummingbirds for us. I miss the hummingbirds and our good friends. ❤️
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Allie, that fireplace is gorgeous!
    Love the lights along the sidewalk, Pip! My Caddiemom used to put out Luminaria every Christmas... with real candles!
    OH RORI!!! What a good friend!
    Karen, that's beautiful. The Nutcracker is one of my favorite ballets, of course. Giselle IS my favorite. (in case your interested, lol) But I collect nutcrackers too. Your brother is so talented.

    Everything that's "here" is wrapped and ready to go. There's a buncha stuff that didn't make it here in time, so we'll have to extend Christmas into next week. Alas, the kids will like that. Vikings play again today. Go Purple! We're headed to Lacy and Nick's for Christmas today and then nothing but lazy tomorrow... ahhhh... The "weather" has let up so we're not worried about the driving.

    Happy Christmas Eve!

    24 Professional who helps you: can my amazon driver be my professional bc he/they sure do an amazing job!!!
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Out of the shower and dressed,im dressing for comfort and to play with Miles not fancy.. we aren't that kind of people..its up to 11 degrees but I did put out some freeze dried meal worms for the the birds and they are gobbling them up.. that gives me joy.. but it is very expensive..
    Tracy texted me saying her dad won't be coming.. which i kinda thought would happen.. he wasn't feeling good the other day.. and if he is sick with the flu we dont need it .. even though his brother and sister in law and nephew will be there,my son and Tracys crew and me.. so it will be nice.. i haven't seen them in quite a few years and Ben its been eons since I saw him..he has been overseas
    I did talk to my brother this morning and I will probably stop up there tomorrow with Alfie.. but will give him a jingle before i go.. I still have nightmares of staying there after surgery lol