

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Nice to see my son who is still surviving. He collected Bea, got her changed and then forgot her coat. They came back after her swimming session to collect it. She is soooo full of energy and light. DH does such a great job listening to her and responding. I am always in awe of the gift he is giving her and the others. To be truly listened to and understood. <3
    Now DH is in a snit about the gutter man coming on Friday. I mentioned that my main concern was the torrent in front of the bedroom window, he was concentrating on the torrent in the front. Don't understand what he is upset about.
    My son says we will be invited over at the
    weekend! Can't wait to see the apartment!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx 75vphm0scvp0.jpg
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,224 Member
    Hello, my dears,

    Hope it's a good Tuesday for all... Mine's starting out much better, slept straight through the night.

    Machka - I can't imagine being that hot all the time, and honestly wouldn't trade for the chills. They're no fun, but heat makes me extremely ill extremely fast, so your travails would have pushed me off the edge long ago. Something is happening now along those lines, but it's only when I'm asleep. I wake because my pajamas and my hair are soaking wet, and the cool air in the bedroom chills me. Not every night, no idea why, but I need to remember to tell the doc when I see her. My full hysterectomy was more than 20 years ago, so it's not menopausal.

    Tracey - If I went into the grocery store in order to get ideas for meals, I'd go broke. A lot of my ideas for meals come from the internet. There's an app (and its a browser extension, if you want to install it on your computer) called Copy Me That which will snag any recipe off any site that has them, and I use it a lot. I need to go in and organize mine.

    About meal planning - went on longer than I planned:
    Regarding meal planning, we don't, exactly, but because we are meat eaters, I will often figure out a list of meats like baked chicken, pork/seafood (pork for Corey, seafood for me), hamburger, sausages, oven chicken, and pizza. The seventh one is leftovers.

    Before I put an order together, I check the freezer to see if the meat I want to use is already there and if I need to put anything on the order list. Our dry pantry is double-stocked with everything that we eat often as side dishes, like rice, pasta, beans etc. We both love stove-top stuffing and cream of chicken soup for baked chicken, so I buy two of the stuffing each time. Oven chicken is frozen chicken tenders, Corey's favorite, and it always goes on top of a big salad. That's something where I'll pop up to the local grocery store and get a head of lettuce on the day, so the salad is fresh.

    On the weekdays, he calls me every day at lunch, and that's when we decide what's for dinner, which is usually plenty of time to thaw out things like chicken. Or for me to precook something (like bacon for burgers, for instance) if necessary.

    The upright freezer we bought when the pandemic put the world in lockdown has helped us keep prices down a lot for what we buy, as we can buy any kind of meat in bulk and/or on sale and freeze in meal-sized portions. Over the last three years, I would say it's paid for itself, and the vacuum bag machine has paid for itself many, many times over. I can order a fresh 20-pack of boneless skinless chicken thighs, and then split the package into seven meals and freeze them in individual bags. All I have to do is take one frozen package out to thaw for the night's dinner. That means my protein for that meal is only $1, and that's the goal.

    You might have noticed that the list above wasn't tied to a given day. Just keeps things less stressful. Corey would be happy to eat hamburger every single day, but both of us need more and different proteins than just beef, so I make him pick from the list. We also don't go to restaurants anymore, all meals are home-cooked, also saving a boatload of money. He splurged and bought three beautiful T-bones this week for about $18 - and one T-bone is enough for both of us, along with a baked potato. The total price ended up being about $7 for one meal. The same meal in a restaurant here is easy $40, so even my budget-minded soul was satisfied. I very seldom eat steak, but it was really good. Unfortunately, my taste buds kicked in about halfway through my portion, and it started tasting like liver, so Corey got half of mine as well. He was not complaining! >:)

    Sorry - that was utterly boring. It's part of the reason I just say "Stick to the budget" in my goals, so I don't make myself completely doolally. I can be really detail-oriented when I let it off the leash.

    I have to vacuum today, particularly my office, because the floor is beginning to look like the bottom of a birdcage. Other than that - it's chilly outside now, but supposed to get all the way up to 70 F this afternoon! (21 C). I might just go outside and do something. Don't know what, haven't been out there in a long time. :p Ah, and there starts the flood - fix the broken fence slat, blow the carport clean of leaves... Details...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Re: heat. Right now I am on the shady side of the bus in a sleeveless dress and feeling hot.

    On the sunny side of the bus are 2 guys in fleece jackets. So I presume it isn't actually hot in here.

    And yes, I often feel nauseated and dizzy and all prickly from the heat.

    However exercising outside on a warm day is OK. Go figure.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/kids- 1hr 57min 40sec, 2.91ap, 40elev, 2.91ap, 103ahr, 125mhr, 6.21mi= 640c
    Strava app = 751c
    Other- wash/clean up back patio, 37.43min, = 173c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 18.47min, 141elev, 93aw, 16.1amph, 120ahr, 152mhr, 5.03mi= 161c
    Strava app = 100c
    Zwift stats- 18.51min, 141elev, 92aw, 58arpm, 16.04amph, 5.04mi= 101c

    Total cal 974
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,444 Member
    Tax docs delivered to DYD, who is a chartered accountant. Car service booked.

    Craft group this morning. My wee friend M brought me a gift. Her daughter had bought her 3 embroidery tote bag kits, and she gave one to me. We worked on them together. Helped one of the others with her crochet project.

    Appetite is much improved, but weight has settled lower than my previous maintenance level. Result!

    Tracey: I always meal planned when I was teaching and the children were small. My shopping list is based on my meal plans. I no longer have a written plan, and it is adaptable, but it’s basically unchanged 😝. I’m a creature of habit. It removes all the uncertainty of ‘what on earth am I going to eat’.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Really feel tired today, not sure why. My eyes are burning, allergy stuff around. It’s been warm here, low 70’s last couple of days. Even the bees are out!

    Food shopping, like many of you, I don’t like it when DH comes with me. Spends way too much. We only get paid once a month and DH feels he HAS to buy food for the month. So meats are bought in bulk when on sale and portioned out. We have a small chest freezer available to us from the park so we use that. Fresh foods, veggies and such, I try to get from Misfits but find they are getting expensive now. We only get once a month delivery from them. I like them, but think I can do better buying fresh on my own. This once a month shopping makes it hard by the end of the month, there isn’t much money left, if any to buy needed things. Which just reminded me I forgot to buy yogurt today. I have that for breakfast most every day. I’ll find something else, I’m sure. PB and apples in a tortilla sounds like a plan!

    RVRita in warm but overcast NM.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,549 Member
    Today was soup. Big butter beans, chicken, wild rice made with sun dried tomatoes, chicken stock, and a splash of half & half. It was yummy!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    I guess I am one of the few that don't like line dried clothes. I remember as a kid having all the clothes drying on the line- I HATED the feel of them, so much I was in tears with some of them. I have always been VERY picky about my clothes, they HAVE to be super soft and no tags in them. If I wore a sweater, I had to wear a long sleeve soft cotton shirt under it. My favorite clothes are fleece/cotton/sherpa/etc. I feel clothes first before anything else. I rarely buy clothes online because of that. They look like they will be soft but get them and they feel terrible.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Anne DE – HUG

    SueBdew – “Solar and Wind”…..ROTFLMAO

    Maryann – welcome!

    Eyes still not 100%. Think I’ll lay down a bit

    Eyes somewhat normal now

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) Today was Bessie's annual checkup at the vet. She doesn't like riding in the car. Our dog walking friend drove us because her car is lower to the ground than our SUV and easier to get Bessie in the back seat. Jake rode in the back seat with her. The report was good. She is healthy and has lost a few pounds so my concern that she was gaining weight from all the treats was not necessary. She didn't like the immunization shot or the blood draw but now she is home and happily asleep in her bed and her life is back to normal.

    :) Jake goes next week to have the battery changed in his pacemaker/defibrillator. It's short stay surgery about 90 minutes away. I'll go with him so I can drive him home after the procedure. When he talked to the nurse about some preparation, he made a comment about me as his driver after the procedure and said that I'd be there all day waiting for him and needed some place to be. She suggested various nearby stores and he said "Oh no, all she needs is to be indoors in a chair near a restroom".

    :) I have lived most of my adult life in climates that are not suited to putting clothes on the line so I am comfortable with using a clothes dryer. I am grateful for my washer and dryer whenever I use them.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,816 Member
    Carla - what a cute card
    I used to send cards to every family member for birthdays, anniversaries and “just because”. I got very discouraged because no one ever even let me know they received it let alone give a thank you.

    Machka - thanks! I didn’t know that you could browse online grocery shopping. I thought I had to know what I wanted.

    Terri - I love the smell of air dried clothes too. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to though.

    Kelly - thank you for the meal plan. I should try it again, I have in the past and always failed at it.

    There are a few of us at work suffering from headaches and sinus issues this winter.

    Lisa - I thought that even with a hysterectomy that there are still some menopause symptoms later in life. I’m only going by what women I know have told me, I have no experience.
    I am getting the night sweats though and it’s driving me insane. I have been sleeping with the window open in January!

    I am a very fussy eater and would be happy to just snack my way through the day. I feel I should feed DH though. 😂
    I have been stopping at the grocery store on the way home a lot. We don’t have a stand alone freezer and I’ve found that a big shop is a waste of money. We throw so much away that goes bad. I have stopped that by not buying a lot at once.
    I truly am so tired of cooking and meals. Like Barbie says it’s probably the decision fatigue.

    Rosemarie - I don’t know why it is so easy to gain and so hard to lose.

    Beth - I have learned how important a comfortable wheelchair is for the seniors. It’s a shame that only “cheap” ones are provided.

    Optometrists here won’t dilate unless you have a driver. I’m surprised that isn’t a general rule everywhere.

    Annie - I’m sorry. You are part way through a journey with rough roads ahead. My Mom was upset with my brother when he had to start making decisions for her. She would call me to complain about him and I would just remind her that he was trying to make sure she was well taken care of. I would calm her down until the next time. I hope your sister is able to be a back up for you.

    Debbie - I love the smell of clothes on the line, but I’m with you on the feel! I remember my Mom bringing jeans in that would stand on their own because they were frozen.

    10 - What is your favorite lyric from a song? - “we were poor but we had love, that’s the one thing Daddy made sure of”

    Kylia - your husband’s ability with his vision is very impressive. I am close to legally blind in my left eye. I keep waiting for them to tell me I’ve crossed the line. Last year though I had no progression so I was happy.

    We had pancakes and bacon for supper tonight. We do that about once a week.

    I listened to an album on my record player tonight for the first time. The Best of Charley Pride. It’s the first album I remember playing of my Dad’s. I found one at a yard sale this summer.

    Annie - I did the 15 Minute Beginner Leslie Sansone tonight. Thanks for the reminder about her. It’s sad that I was up to the 3 mile one at one time.

    Tracey in Edmonton