

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I guess I am one of the few that don't like line dried clothes. I remember as a kid having all the clothes drying on the line- I HATED the feel of them, so much I was in tears with some of them. I have always been VERY picky about my clothes, they HAVE to be super soft and no tags in them. If I wore a sweater, I had to wear a long sleeve soft cotton shirt under it. My favorite clothes are fleece/cotton/sherpa/etc. I feel clothes first before anything else. I rarely buy clothes online because of that. They look like they will be soft but get them and they feel terrible.

    Mine have to be smooth cotton or jersey knit.

    Fortunately line drying those is all right.

    I used to be able to wear anything but not since 2016. Fleece is OK as a jacket over a long sleeve cotton top in the middle of winter but it's too prickly against my skin.

    It's related to how hot I get.

    Even at night I sleep with a very smooth cotton sheet and that's it ... unless it is really cold.

    M in Oz

    My favorite "fabric" now is Sherpa!!! Love the feel. I have quite a few sherpa blankets and then dh got me one of the big jacket/robes that is Sherpa inside and fleece that is super soft. BUT, after a while, when the Sherpa isn't super soft anymore, those blankets become cat blankets
    My newest blanket I ordered and opened after my surgery, so comfy. Used it the whole time I was on the couch and now it is on my side of the bed. I have another just like it that I used when I had Covid. That was the one thing I couldn't wait to open and use when I was finally able to drive home from mom's after being too weak to drive home. Two weeks on the couch with that.



    Kohl's has these on sale every Black Friday. $19.99 for the Sherpa and $9 for the fleece. I buy extra every year. This year I bought two of the Sherpa ones and had them sent to my former inlaws.


    I had a look and they would be too textured and fuzzy for me. Would set off all sorts of itchiness and prickliness.

    Regarding thyroid. I keep having it checked and it keeps coming back good.

    M in Oz
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Afternoon and evening ladies
    Well today has been a day..
    Tracy ran late ,but i has an appointment at the Triple A office ans I booked my flight and hotel for the wedding..
    I didn't book the rental car,i came home to look for cheaper prices. Sheesh when did they triple the prices? Anyway let my cousin know I was coming and ahe is happy and I can use my aunts car,she no longer drives..
    So that saves me.. yipee..
    Since being there last time there are 3 new babies.. I can't even keep count.
    Tracy was going to come get some chicken noodle soup and then ,said never mind as Kyle must have barked at her for something.. He has been home with the flu. Still wearing my mask when im down there and when im in places.
    On the Carmine issue,sitting down and trying to talk to an almost 15 yr old that has a humongous chip on his shoulder and puts headphones on and ignores me until he wants something. Is not the converasationalist.. believe me I have tried. Told him he can call me ,text me whatever he would like to do. But I am to blame for outing him to his parents so he says.
    Ugh oh well..
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    9 Create something today- hmm missed that

    Belated welcome to @WindyCityGal60 Bitta in Chicago
    Kylia that apple didn’t fall far from your tree! Could be sisters indeed!
    Heather didn’t see Marmite or fish paste:sick: on that British Foods meme? Black pudding and fried apples :sick::sick::sick:
    Tracey “amazing to me. . .that the trailblazing and fighting they did for women and how they were treated happened in my lifetime.” Here’s one for you. When my Mama was born (1913), women weren’t allowed to vote. I’m still in awe of what a fighter/survivor she was.
    Lisa what wonderful news, about Bella and about your letter. SMH Lowe’s would send delivery folk that were not empowered/trained to hook up the new propane stove.

    Karen in VA Oh what a pic!
    Katla Joe enjoys Gunsmoke too and has several of the TV movies as well as the episodes on DVD. So glad you can peek in on your DH. ((hugs))
    Annie PT did wonders for my knee.

    01/09: Move: line dance class, dogs to power line active mins:248 steps:7272
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far=11+4: almond, apple, beans-kidney, broccoli stalk, carrots, cucumber, Kashi, olive oil, peanuts, pecans, popcorn, radish, romaine, tangerines, tomato sauce. CI<CO=849
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, bank, post office, massage, Freddie’s. Wt: 136.7

    Thru pg 23, time to fix dinner and go to board meeting. Back tomorrow.
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer.
    January: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    DH is enjoying Matt Dillon & others on TV. Dale Robertson was today’s hero. I enjoyed it with him. 😊
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Welcome Kathy! Like any program, this one works if you work it. You have joined in with a group of strong, intelligent, and committed women. Keep coming back!

    I love all the advice shared.
    Congratulations to those who have lost!
    Proud of all who keep picking themselves up!

    Kylia sleepy in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member