

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka— As a young child my mom took me to Woolworth’s in Salem, OR. We sometimes had lunch at the counter. As time went on it was one of the stores that disappeared. Kresses was another, and JC Penney’s—

    Different Woolworths. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Machka - thanks for the link. It won’t let me open it in Canada though. I’ll have to look at the local stores here.

    Looks like this:


    I love the feel of Sherpa, my eldest daughter cannot handle it at all. Machka - she is the one that was diagnosed with ADHD, apparently the aversion to feel certain things is one of the symptoms.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Sensory Processing Disorder is possibly part of ADHD

    SPD can complicate everything from getting dressed to eating to grooming — and that’s just the before leaving for work. The following are common triggers for discomfort:

    Hair brushing ... putting my hair up can be an issue. It's got to be just right or it drives me nuts.
    Tight clothes or coarse fabric ... Yep! Big discomfort!
    Loud noises such as fireworks or thunder ... Sometimes.
    Bright lights like camera flashes, sunshine, or strobes ... Sometimes.
    Strong odors including perfume or scented detergent ... Often.
    Swimming in lakes ... if I can float, I'm OK. But I do not like setting my foot down on a lake bottom!
    Sticky fingers ... I do not like sticky fingers!! I love having hand sanitiser everywhere so I can get the sticky off
    Tags on clothes ... Yep! Big discomfort!
    Being touched or hugged ... Yep! Big discomfort!
    Wearing shoes ... Often. I prefer being barefoot.
    Tart or bitter foods ... it's actually tart or umami (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umami) food I don't like.

    I also eat based on texture ... food has to be the right texture. I've never had oysters because they are entirely the wrong texture.


    Machka in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    It’s bright again but showers are forecast for later. I have to sort out my foliage for the Flower arranging after lunch.

    I am planning to go to an art demo after dinner, and I have to do my Latin translation at some time for the class tomorrow morning. So no time for comments this morning.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    1 Sit in silence for three minutes... it's harder than you think. Does silently working in the garden count? Done! I sat silently for 7 minutes and prayed.

    2 List 5 things using each of your senses. Right now? I can see my Christmas decorations, I can hear Christmas songs, I can taste my coffee, I can smell my coffee, and I can feel a comfortable temperature in the room.

    3 Let go of at least 5 items in your house. I'm not in a downsizing or reducing mode so I've taken some lunch things to work, I will take an item to be mailed and another to be given to the people at work.

    4 What was your favorite Christmas gift? (this year or ever). I can't tell you what my favourite Christmas gift this year is yet. It's a secret.
    5 Move for at least 30 minutes today. Absolutely. It's a very rare day that I don't.

    6 Share a goal you achieved last year. We completed the longest bicycle ride since my husband's accident and the fastest.

    7 Slow down and savor one meal today. Mmmm ... pizza!

    8 Who was your favorite teacher. My father. :):) But I've had quite a few good teachers, in addition to him, over the years.

    9 Create something today. I finished creating my first work-related project plan today.

    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song. Difficult one given that I like so much music. But let's go with: "A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices"

    11 Send a card/note to someone today. Do emails count?

    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023? Can't tell you that! It's a secret ... same secret as my favourite Christmas gift. :)
    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today
    14 Tell us three amazing things that happened recently (you decide what "recently" means...lol)
    15 Call or text someone you haven't talked to in at least a week
    16 What made you smile today
    17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for
    18 What material comforts are you most thankful for? You can make your list as long as you like...
    19 Write a positive review for a company for goods or services you've received recently
    20 Write down five things you like about yourself
    21 Pay it forward in some way
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?
    23 Go an entire day without complaining
    24 What about you makes you special?
    25 Spend time with a loved one
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend
    28 What fear have you overcome?
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...

    Weird days. Still.
    One day I'll tell you all about them.

    Machka in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Good Thursday!
    Nothing exciting happening in Ohio other than rain and fog in January. I got my hair cut and colored last night. Today I drive to Columbus for an engine training class. Maybe I will learn something!
    Been checking my blood pressures as told to do and it is fine. I have printed my results to give to dr tomorrow. I think my only real concern is the pain when exercising in my neck and shoulder, we will see what she says tomorrow. My cholesterol ratio is good regardless of those pesky numbers. BP average for the week is 119/73. So those two things are not a concern.

    Machka My youngest grandson is like you. ALWAYS HOT, NO sticky, no scratchy, very texture aware in both food and clothes. Even as a baby he fussed if you put him in blue jeans type things. At 14, he finally bought his first actual pair of jeans. Most of the time he is in compression stuffs under shorts. I thought he was strange, then realized that it is more common than I realized.

    Gotta get this day going. Really don't want to go, but it is required and I get to see a friend that I haven't seen since Covid.

    Still need to send note to friend/family
    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023? Better health and more time with family/friends!

    Stay safe in all this weird weather wherever you may be!

    Make the best decision you can at the moment and move forward!

    Kylia in Ohio

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im here with Miles
    Got here early,so Tracy could get Carmine to bus stop,but Carmine still not feeling great so he is staying home. Kyle still home also..
    Miles has his 1 yr check up this afternoon I'll go with Tracy and ,Im going to put off my PT for week which is tomorrow afternoon
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,372 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Thunder, lightening, still dark, and foggy made for an interesting drive and a LONG one! I actually had to drive speed limit or below 😉
    The drive started with my water cup falling out of its holder. 20oz of water all over the passenger carpet. Guess it is a good thing it was water and not coffee! I packed berries, cheese and crackers. My DH asked why I was packing lunch. They are suppose to feed us, but often I dont like what they serve, so came prepared.👍

    I really am not looking forward to sitting for 5 hours.

    Much love,
    Kylia currently in Columbus, Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,372 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    edited January 2023
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Tracey--I send cards for birthdays, Anniversaries and different holidays. For the kids under 19 they get a $2 bill. It is funny, but the niece and nephew will send a quick text, but grandkids nothing. But I do it until they are out of high school and then if they do not answer I stop. I also send birthday and anniversaries for church. They have the cards I just address and sign them from our church family.

    Debbie--We bought a record player for our granddaughter and one from us last summer from Khols. Was less than $100. Our also have a radio and looks like the old fashion radio's. I enjoy listening to some of our old records and use the radio a lot.

    DH decided last evening we needed a bigger TV. We just bought this one around christmas. It is a 42 inch. I told him to do whatever so out to Best Buy he went and came home with a 55 inch. Got it all set up and he is happy. Told him I need to tilt my chair back so I don't feel like I am in the middle of the set. Put the other one in the family room in the basement. He is happy so that is what counts. Now I told him I want to get a cordless stick vacum as tried of pulling the big one out just for a small area.

    Well I am caught up again. Just love all you ladies and the sharing. I am really sore and my knees hurt. Know it is because I need to keep at working out. I made it to the gym 4 days last week and yesterday so far this week. Trying to keep better track of what I am eating.
    Have a luncheon meeting today for employees that have been here 30 years and longer. I am in the 35 going on 36 year group.

    Cold and windy here again. So glad I am inside most the time.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3

    I just looked on Amazon- they have a simple record player 1/2 price- just $40. I will have dh look at it and see what he thinks. Her birthday isn't until end of June so I have time to find one and also, make sure she still has the records and make sure she doesn't still have a record player.

    My dh is talking about getting a bigger tv too- His was acting up a little so he was going to go get one but it seems to be ok. He has a tv in almost every room. Even a big one in the garage. I used to use that when I was using my treadmill but now he has one of his 3D printers that blocks too much of the screen from the angle of the treadmill(plus treadmill got buried again- need to clear it off again)
    He has a line up of cordless vacuums- Three line the hall way right now. Only have one that is in the closet that has a cord. He is always looking to upgrade. One chore I very rarely have to do. He vacuums at least 2-3 times a day. Now that he is cutting WAY back on work (from 100 hrs a month to at most 32 hrs or maybe 0) I think he will be doing it even more.

    Today is our only dry day so heading up to make the rounds at Lucky's and Grocery Outlets(two of each). Need to be selective as the freezer is totally full and fridge is almost full. Will see what we get and plan meals around that. Planning on picking up a ham beings we didn't get one at Christmas. If not this week, maybe next week. Hoping for something a little different this trip but I will just wait and see.
    Need to pick up cashews I think- want to make cashew chicken- one thing everyone eats.

    Napa Valley,Ca

    a friend from my home town(an hour away) posted that in the last week, they got 13 1/2 inches of rain with another week or rain to come.
    Mom doesn't have a rain gauge anymore. Dad always had one and checked it all the time
    I used to have one but forgot about it.
    May pick one up today, just to see.

    edit- I just remembered. We have a record player/cassette player in storage- at least I think it is there. I will check when we take the Christmas stuff up in a couple weeks(after the rain).If it is there, I will take it up the next time I go to mom's and not wait until her birthday.